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Status Updates posted by Geoff

  1. my appeal has been accepted yet i still will not be unbanned. am i missing something here?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Geoff


      Right, that was what the ban length was when I was banned last Sunday. So my appeal being accepted means nothing? (Not firing back at you, I think I don't understand what it means here)

    3. AGiantPie


      It was a 1 week ban with appeal. What that means is you're banned for a week, and after that week is over you can make an appeal to get unbanned. You wouldn't get unbanned after the week if you didn't write your appeal.

    4. Geoff


      Ohhhhhhhhh okay, thank you guys

  2. I heard there was a way to make it so characters height is visible as in orcs looks taller than humans in game, is that possible and if so how?

  3. Why was the status with the gyazo that showed bird responded to moot saying he was the leader deleted?

    1. Hammer4_
    2. Geoff


      http://i.imgur.com/RjOd68b.png credits to epix, shows that as soon as we were asked to leave we went to the gates and asked for them to be opened so we could leave...
  4. 277/300 cant get in, pls

  5. ill give someone $10 amazon for vip

  6. is is possible to kick the afks

  7. Is there a detailed map anywhere that shows all the cities and stuff? I'm new here and trying to figure my way around.

    1. Cyndikate


      Which is why we need a live Dynmap.

    2. Ark
    3. BartOhYeah


      what's at the end of the map? anyone been there before?

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