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Status Updates posted by Venomoo

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lunar


      Alright, makes me more at ease knowing it was a glitch, feel bad for everyone who died in the video though. Pretty ****.

    3. DrakeHaze.


      You're the kinda guy that gets beat at home for showing up to class late.

    4. ooooowee
  1. Finally got dat 1.9 l33t peeveepee down bois.

  2. Happy Birthday Cook!! And have a sweet Christmas Eve~ <3

  3. I couldn't have phrased your explanation on 6x's BR any better, I have constantly tried to make people on both sides of Dreadlands/Norland/Orcs as well as Oren to understand that 'halting' is never sufficient rp and especially not sufficient to run away from and initiate pvp, however /both/ sides continued to do it one after the other. Something I would like to be put out there is that players seeking to assassinate/pk a character should seek ooc confirmation and doing thorough rp to lead up to the final event.. Too many players attempt the usual stop on the road, capture, and behead in the middle of a city or 'sneaking' up behind and doing a one-emote kill.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Geo


      I'm not simply dismissing it and forgetting about it, I promise you.

    3. Venomoo


      I could care less for the specific BR on 6x, it was good to dismiss it as both members were in the wrong.

    4. 𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖌𝖚𝖘𝖍


      I'm not really one for Ban Reports, if anything I think GM's should try to keep away from BR's unless they are absolutely necessary. But, from the way I see it even when that general group doesn't slip by the rules and actually gets in trouble for once, they are let off with only a warning EVERY time. I'm actually glad that Venom posted this status, so that I can also state that i've tried to bring this to the attention of GM's but everytime I asked to speak about it they were either too busy or pass it off to another GM. Some of them told me to message Pandann about it and so I did, no response. aerialkebab was the only one who I was able to show things too, but when we were finally going to get in TS he became too busy.

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