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Drop Koala

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Posts posted by Drop Koala

  1. 30 minutes ago, | ZipZapMan | said:

    Lyemar nods his head at that, a small smile spread across his lips. "I wouldn't want a Torena to lead us. But we need some reforms in the leadership of the Sirame."

    Damai would be extremely hurt by these words "Slander is not needed between Sirame"

  2. Aerial, oh aerial. You persist to bully me, and insult the fake heritage on me that you yourself have installed. Each and every day I wake up and think 'is it really worth it, getting a verbal beating from Aerialkebab'.

    Sadly, I'm going to have to +1 you, and hope that you become a GM.

  3. Damai seemed to simply watch the Mali'Fenn emissary's rant, his arms folded and smirk plastered over his face, his mind filled with pride of their victory of the silent battles that went unnoticed by many, he then lifted his hand in a dismissive wave as the pale elf scurried off. "Another thing relating them to cockroaches, not that they keep returning, but they way they scurry off after they have overstayed their welcome"

  4. I believe sky would be great for this role, due how he has displayed his leadership qualities as ET lead. He's straight to the point, easy to get along with. He's been in a role above GM before, so why can he not do it again? Though, you might end up losing sleep due to your duties, becoming stressed out so don't word too hard. 

    Plus One

    You Tweed Scum

  5. Minecraft Name: KoalaWarrior14, now _DropKoala
    Skype ID: damai907
    Time-zoneAEST +10

    Do you, or have you held, any other staff positions: I was ET for a little bit, before being removed at the changing of the maps
    Where do you grab inspiration from: Fantasy games, googling certain things and movies,

    What type of building are you best with: Buildings in general, the shape  and outside decorations of them

    What are some of your most treasured builds: https://gyazo.com/0ab13201ca2c9952e984c58771251b0e 

    My boat, it was one of my first builds that I really cared about.

    Are you capable of handling all aspects of a buildI believe I am, yes.

    Pick three building styles and show us a build of yours that corresponds to each choice: 

    Medieval:  https://gyazo.com/260ca0aab9cbff154d91720f8557f3c4

    Organic: https://gyazo.com/b49e0e5a89956e700905fd7b7cf1b184

    Terra forming: https://gyazo.com/67392f67278008ee9701bf40e36bec26 built the hill in the Vailor Halfling village, added a bit of decoration to it. 
    How long does it take for you to complete a buildIt all depends on it's scale, If I put my mind to it and knuckle down then I can get many builds done in the span of 2 or 3 hours with planning, if on a small scale I'll usually just jump right it

    Additional details: I have half decent knowledge of world edit and a basic understanding of voxel

    Tell me a trick about building: If you spam tnt with world edit then light it up, it destroys the world edit plugin on small wood elf build servers

    Tell me a joke: The Tweed Breed


    Please give me feedback, but don't be malicious. 

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