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Posts posted by Halsi

  1. MC name: Halseyy

    Character's name and age: Mabel Durette, twenty-six.


    Character’s Race: Fjarriauga, but previously human.

    What magic will you be learning?: Frost Witch magic.


    Who will be teaching you?: Lumia (Meguzara) and Amariel (Pj07)

  2. As the letter was presumably sent to the palace as well, Camile noticed the open envelope in the Great Hall. She took her time to fully read the letter, as her brows only lowered by each name she read. A sign of compassion for the nun was seen in that expression, yet a sign of disgust mixed itself between. Camile folded the letter in half, and brought it safely to her room.

  3. Camile was in Peremont when she received the news, due a temporary stay in the de Bar keep. She heard the Amyas men surrounding her with cheering and victory chants, as Camile was the only person to keep silent underneath all the shouting.


    Despite Hugues' wrath towards her brother, Camile felt a loss in the Duke's death. Mere conversations have occurred in the past with him, and she found him a pleasant company to be with. No hatred was sent to the Duke for his war claim on the throne, but only disappointment filled this blank space for her. The Princess continued to idly stare at the wooden flooring beneath her feet, presumably thinking about the Duke's death.

  4. As the raven arrived, Camile was just disgusted by the beast on her balcony, swiftly snatching the note out of its paws before shooing it off. The Princess scrolled through the Duke's words, frowning heavily when her family name was noted in the last few phrases. She held the note near her candle, letting the paper slowly burn while muttering a few words.

    "Dear Creator, I did not deserve this.."

  5. With a troublesome sigh leaving her lips, Camile sat herself down infront of her desk once more. She lit a candle, and dipped her quill in the ink pot. She penned a message to all the visitors whom were about to attend the Masquerade.


    With the upcoming civil war, the Ashford ladies have decided to cancel the event. The masquerade will be most likely postponed to another date. If swords are still drawn, and Oren is in danger, the ball will not proceed anytime near.A message will be sent once we have decided upon the new date, once the war has drawn to a close.


    We apologize for the inconvenience once again,


    Her Highness, Camile of House de Savoie in name of all the Ashford ladies


    A note would be received via messenger from Dour Watch, reading as follows:


    To the Ladies de Savoie and de Bar,

    It is my deepest displeasure to inform you that I and my House will not be able to attend your event. I personally was looking forward to it very much, but unfortunately the situation here at Dour Watch is too pressing for us to go. We send our deepest apologies and the best of luck for the success of the masquerade.


    Emelie de Sola, on behalf of Baron de Sola and his House


    Once noticing the note, Camile went to  briefly pen a reply.


    Dear Lady de Sola, and her kin,


    It's unfortunate that you'll be unable to attend the masquerade. A true pity, if I say so myself.

    Despiting the current tension between you and House Vladov, I intend to see you in the near future, however. Perhaps it'd be safe to let you be escorted to the palace, once you're not too occupied. It'll provide us both more safety.


    I hope to see you soon, Lady de Sola.


    Yours sincerely,

    Her Highness, Camile of House de Savoie

  7. Once Camile finished her second version of the invitation, servants came to deliver all the envelopes once again.


    A small note was added inside the envelope, together with the new invite.


    We apologize for the inconvenience, but due several complaints, we have decided to disinclude a variety of activities. Nonetheless, the ball will still continue whatsoever.


    -Her Highness, Camile de Savoie.

  8. Upon hearing news of the masquerade, Emelie de Sola smiles. "Finally! I will finally get to do something feminine for once rather than watching the men preparing for war. Being the only lady in Dour Watch is rather lonely."


    She quickly settles at her desk, writing out a few commissions for a gown to wear for the night.


    ((Will apply later for attendance stuff, if it's required.))


    If Camile happened to receive a letter, she'd hastily pen a response to the de Sola girl.

  9. Once receiving the new invitation, a small note was added to the sealed envelope.


    We apologize for the inconvenience, but due several complaints, we have decided to disinclude a variety of activities. Nonetheless, the ball will still continue whatsoever.


    -Her Highness, Camile de Savoie


    Another message was delivered..


    With the upcoming civil war, the Ashford ladies has decided to cancel the event. The masquerade will be most likely postponed to another date. If swords are still drawn, and Oren is in danger, the ball will not proceed anytime near. A message will be sent once we have decided upon the new date, once the war has drawn to a close.


    We apologize for the inconvenience once again,


    Her Highness, Camile of House de Savoie in name of all the Ashford ladies



    The Seven Heavenly Virtues Masquerade


    You are hereby invited to attend the de Savoie Masquerade ball, hosted by;

    Her Majesty, Ceriwyn of House de Savoie

    Her Highness, Camile of House de Savoie

    Her Ladyship, Klara of House de Bar

    Her Ladyship, Lucienne of House de Bar


    To celebrate the newly and completed built palace in the city of Felsen and the realm of Oren, the de Savoie and de Bar women have decided to throw a masquerade ball for such an occasion.


    Your chosen attire for this occasion must be fitted with the given theme. It is your choice however, to choose the most fitted virtue that is the most related to your innerself. Of course masks will be expected to be worn throughout the entire night, and such will not be removed till the ball comes to an end. Rather than announce whom you truly are keep your true identity to yourself and await till someone can identify who you may be.


    To aid you in your decision, we have given you a list with the Seven Heavenly Virtues.

    Each Virtue has its own color, and it is expected to be worn at the ball.


    Heavenly Virtue   

    Chastity ~ Pink    

    Temperance ~ Grey     

    Charity ~  Whites

    Diligence ~ Light Blues 

    Forgiveness ~ Light Purples

    Kindness ~ Light Greens

    Humility ~ Yellow


    Activities For the Celebration


    The Gluttony Feast


    A proper feast room will of course need a proper feast, the feast comes free and first along with the jolly making. You may eat as much as you desire, or as little as you please.


    The Diligent Prancing of the Fairies


    A ball will of course need dancing, therefore everyone will be able to dance with anyone of choice.

    Camile de Savoie, the host, will dance with any eligible young man present.



    If you were to happen to know any ways to entertain, or aid the guests during the ball, feel free to contact either of the Ashford ladies. Special Free entries will be granted by specific nobles, and non-granted participation to the ball will be given at the end of the night.


    All noble houses are invited.


    Katiesc’s and Halsey’s OOC Information:


    The noble women of de Savoie often get bored, therefore why not choose a shallow subject like celebrating the new palace to throw parties? Yerps, its great.


    Its pretty basic, pick a sin, pick a skin accordingly with a mask.


    As of rules;

    No trolling or OOC banter.

    Lets not turn this into the Red Masquerade and start stabbing people for giggles k.

    No unessasary shouting

    We force you to have fun! <3


    Things you need to know:

    Location of Masquerade: Felsen de Savoie Palace, Oren

    Date: 8/1/2015


    4:00  PM EST,

    3:00 PM CST

    2:00 PM MST

    1:00 PM PST


    Participation Applications:


    Noble Families:

    Family House:

    Your Specific Character:

    List of Family Members That Will Attend:

    ROle-Play Response to Invitation:



    Character name:

    Business within the ball:

    What will you supply:

    Role-Play Request to Come:


    Special Attendance:

    (guards that do not have have to reply to this if planning on coming)

    (if not a guard, you must be granted by one of the four women)

    Character Name:

    If not, Which Noblewoman Will Grant Your Stay:

    Role-Play Response/Request to Invitation/to Come:

  10. Shader Request(Tahmas or Katiesc): If possible, Katie. Though ay, I wouldn't really mind if it was Thomas shading the skin.

    Character name(out of curiosity): Camile de Savoie

    Minecraft Name: Halseyy

    Race: Human

    Gender: Female

    Age: Twenty-eight

    Reference as of hairstyle / face / skin: *Beep* The low bun would be adorbs for Camile, and I feel that it would be glorious with the dress I had in mind. Perhaps have a few short hairs flowing down infront of her? The face/skin of my current skin will do just fine, and I presume that Katie-bae still has this somewhere deep down in her skinning folders. (If not, I can send it to any of you two via skype. <3)

    Specific hair color / eye color: Same as above.

    Reference as of clothing attire: *Boop* The huge ball sleeves aren't needed, of course. It's mainly the dress that's important. Oooh, and if the french hat looks reasonable on the skin, feel free to include that as well. c:

    Specific clothing colors: I like the colors that are used for the dress, perhaps use it in the skin as well then?

    Agreed price: 550 minas? Nono, let's do 600. c;

  11. Make it so that the person being stolen from has to be online. That way the thief actually has to wait for him to walk away from his home...and bare the risk of him returning, being caught, etc.


    Waiting till someone is offline to steal **** is basically metagaming.


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