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Posts posted by JEEGK





    “Be mindful, your sight will only carry so far…”



    … in the cadence of these whispers, echoes of cognition reverberate from two archetypes: those ensnared by the shroud of apprehension toward the enigmatic abyss, and those who, having plumbed the unfathomable depths, now stand illuminated by the arcane truths whispered by the cosmos. Such dichotomous murmurs weave through the tapestry of societal consciousness, embodying the eternal dance between the veil of uncertainty and the unveiling of esoteric enlightenment.


    “Be advised of the repercussions, do not venture deep.”


    In the labyrinth of academia, self-proclaimed "scholars" shroud themselves in the comfort of the known, timidly averting their gaze from the vast expanse of the uncharted. They forfeit the noble quest for enlightenment at the altar of self-preservation. Such reluctance to embrace the mysteries of existence is a lamentable spectacle. Cowards.


    "̵̺̞̓̊͘F̴̩̗͎̳̙̐̀ĭ̴͔̱̣̆͐n̶̯̠̫͈̯͎̄̐́̆͘͠d̴͉͖͉̣̈̓̀͒͂ ̸̲͉͕͍͕̆͌m̷͉̳̾̊̃͠e̵̝̰̍̈́"̵͈̙̱͕̆̈


    In the spectral symphony where unseen voices echo, your resolute refusal to lend ear evokes a lamentable portrait. How, amidst the grand tapestry of cosmic inquiry, do you, in your stasis, forsake the dance of enlightenment? The silence you uphold amidst the chorus of beckoning spirits renders a pitiful tableau of missed opportunity.




    Amid the shifting sands of the subconscious, where dreams interlace with visions and hallucinations, a disquieting image unfolds—a veiled duet, chanting forth the mysteries of the Void. Their invocation, a discordant melody, whispers of unseen perils to those who dare ignore.


    Beyond mortal bounds, a sovereign entity stirs, roused from the hibernation of timeless slumber by a name unuttered for epochs untold. In this juncture of cosmic urgency, supplicants beseech her return, unwilling to linger in anticipation.


    This murky apparition serves as a cryptic harbinger, its shadowy contours urging introspection. The weight of impending catastrophe bears down, demanding recognition beyond the veil of mere happenstance.



    “Two hath become blessings from God.”





    This is a fun vision that happens to Veilwatchers!

    This is the first of a group that a few of us have been building upon for quite awhile now and so we figured now would be a better time than ever to start working towards our goal!


    Feel free to search it out! 


    This will be the first of many so good luck out there :D 


    Creds to @Gamma for building!



  2. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:

             old probably like 400


    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  3. Inside the dimly lit brewery, a man wrestled with a storm of indecision. Donnie stood in the shadows, eyes scanning the missive, his fingers threading through his hair in a gesture of deep contemplation. "Oh, Galahad," he murmured, voice tinged with both admiration and melancholy. "You have the strength to forge ahead and dream without limits. I can only wish you the greatest fortune in your future endeavors. Perhaps fate will allow our paths to cross once more."


    With a sigh, he rose to his feet, feeling the weight of the moment. He walked slowly to the door’s sturdy support beam, each step echoing with resolve. At the entrance, he carefully pinned the missive, ensuring it would be seen by all who entered the speakeasy, a silent testament to the bond and hopes he harbored for his once fellow brother-in-arms.

  4. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Transfiguration is a voidal discipline that enables its practitioners to comprehend the mana composition of physical objects, allowing them to modify these objects' physical characteristics through the process known as 'Alteration.' This art also empowers mages to infuse objects with voidal spells via enchantment. Additionally, with a deep understanding of an object's structure, Transfiguration allows for the disassembling of spells through its singular combat application, Abjuration. Alteration can only be performed on materials whose structures the mage has thoroughly learned. This is achieved through a voidal technique called 'Feeling,' which involves incrementally chipping away at the material to uncover and understand its properties. Therefore, a mage must have detailed knowledge of a material's properties before they can use Alteration spells on it.



    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    Transfiguration is comprised of four main branches: Voidal Feeling, Transmutation, Enchanting, and Abjuration.


    Voidal Feeling 


    This technique involves a mage channeling their mana into a non-living object to discern its intrinsic properties, such as phase transitions (e.g., boiling and freezing points), durability, and flammability. Voidal Feeling serves as the foundational skill for all other transfiguration practices.



    This branch focuses on altering the physical attributes of an object. Mages can perform simple changes like adjusting temperature, location, shape, or color, and complex tasks like creating alloys or breaking them down into their basic elements.



    In contrast to transmutation's physical focus, enchanting deals with imbuing objects with magical properties. Mages can create enchantments in three levels: Lesser, Potent, and Grand. Higher-level enchantments increase the voidal burden on the mage. While a mage can produce countless lesser enchantments in a day, a top-tier mage can only create one grand enchantment daily. Non-voidally attuned individuals using enchanted items, except those with lesser enchantments, may suffer from enchantment sickness due to voidal poisoning. Enchanting also includes creating mana ley lines to sustain enchantments like floating mage lights or arcane gates.



    This defensive branch utilizes a mage's deep understanding of spellcraft. Abjuration and Warding are used to protect against spells. The Ward Shield is a general defense, while Abjuration is a more demanding and specialized counter-spell. Mages can only ward against magic they are familiar with or have previously learned.




    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Lesser Enchantment



    Lawrintithius sat on a rock in the dimly lit cave, the flickering shadows playing against the rugged walls. He exhaled heavily, eyes fixed on the daunting pile of scrolls and parchments before him. His fingers curled around a focus crystal, smooth and perfectly round. As he squeezed it, a radiant aura began to envelop his hand. Bright amethyst energy flowed between his fingers, infusing the crystal with light. A soft hum filled the cave as the crystal began to pulse with a vibrant amethyst glow. After a moment, he lifted the orb to his lips, pausing momentarily before taking a deep breath. “Illuminate,” he whispered. The crystal responded with a brilliant burst of amethyst light. As he relaxed his grip, the orb floated from his hand, gently hovering around him, casting a warm, soothing light over the scrolls as he worked late into the night in the heart of the cave.




    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?



    Voidal Feeling



    Lawrintithius stood in the dim cave, his gaze fixed on the glowing crystal formations overhead. He turned to his student, who sat cross-legged on the cave floor, a rough stone placed in front of him. "Direct your mana into the stone," he instructed, his voice calm and steady. "Think of it as an extension of your own senses. Feel every facet and corner. Ask yourself, when does it melt? What is its density and temperature?"


    The student focused intently on the stone, his hand hovering just above it. A shimmering amethyst aura began to emanate from his fingers, wrapping around his hand in a delicate veil. A soft, rhythmic hum filled the air as tendrils of energy danced from his hand to the stone, probing its structure. "To melt it, master, the heat of a forge’s coals would be sufficient. That’s what I’ve discerned so far..."


    Lawrin shook his head slightly, a hint of of frustration playing on his lips. "Good thinking, genius. What else?"


    With renewed concentration, the student sent another wave of energy into the stone, his brow furrowing in deep thought. "It's as hard as glass according to the standard scale, but not as brittle—typical for a stone," he reported, his tone edged with frustration at the seemingly obvious observation.




    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    In my philosophy, I prioritize addressing errors promptly during sessions. I see these moments as valuable opportunities to clarify the boundaries of a student's abilities, whether limited by their tier or the inherent constraints of the skill itself. If a student falters, I gently guide them toward understanding, using both in-character (IC) and out-of-character (OOC) channels to foster a deeper appreciation for the game's mechanics and fair play.


    For students who repeatedly overstep boundaries despite previous guidance, I take a proactive approach. I aim to instill the importance of respecting rules and maintaining the game's integrity. Persistent disregard for instruction may lead to escalation, involving the Story Team (ST), to ensure a supportive yet assertive stance is maintained. It's crucial for all students to understand the significance of abiding by the rules and fostering a positive environment! 



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  5. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?

             Veil Watcher


    Teacher's MC Name:

             Unwittingly, kuebiko_


    Teacher's RP Name:

             Kimichi, Iolas


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  6. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Voidal Translocation is a prevalent technique within Voidal Magic, revolving around the concept of shifting the position of entities or objects in reality. This principle is universally acknowledged and taught by most instructors under the arcane mysteries of the veil. Central to this magic are Mana Anchors—these are rifts of mana that weaken the veil's structure, enabling voidal energy to permeate through. This is why Voidal Translocation is categorized as an arcane art in various tomes.

    To perform this magic, a practitioner of spatial manipulation strategically places these Mana Anchors at a specific point in reality and on the target intended for relocation. This sets the stage for the spell, preparing it for execution. The magic can affect a wide range of targets, including inanimate objects, living creatures, other people, or even the mage casting the spell. The mage commands the void to either transport the target to a new location in reality or to store it within a voidal pocket, effectively removing it from the material plane. The outcome depends entirely on the mage's intent and the instructions given to the Mana Anchors.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    Voidal Translocation can be divided into two primary branches: Shifting and Expatriation, each with its own specific set of spells and techniques.


    Shifting: This branch focuses on teleporting individuals or objects from one location to another using mana anchors placed by the mage. Shifting can involve moving oneself, others, or various materials as needed. Typically, these shifts cover short distances unless the mage employs greater teleportation techniques, which are akin to soulstoning and allow for longer-range translocations.


    Expatriation: This branch deals with the deconstruction and reconstruction of inorganic materials into what are known as void pockets. These pockets can store a range of items, such as weapons or other useful objects, that the mage prefers not to carry physically. Additionally, there is a technique called half expatriation, where the mage opens two separate anchors, creating a passage through which items can move. This method is often used defensively, allowing for quick access or transfer of objects. 


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Minor Teleportation:


    Lawrintithius stood still for a moment, focusing intently. The amethyst aura engulfing around him rather quickly. As he raised his hand, a dense, swirling mist began to gather, pooling in his palm and emitting a faint, otherworldly glow.


    In the distance, about 16 meters away, a misty circle formed, mirroring the color of his aura. The circle expanded slightly, its edges shimmering with the same purple energy.


    With a barely audible pop, Lawrintithius' form dissolved into the mist, vanishing from his original location. Almost instantly, he reappeared within the distant misty circle, the energy dissipating around him as he solidified back into existence. The whole process took mere seconds, leaving only a lingering trace of the purple mist where he had once stood.


    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    "In our art, the mana anchor reigns supreme," Law monotoned, his fingertips exuding tendrils of swirling purple mist. To his right, a geometric anomaly materialized, its form a two-dimensional manifestation of darkness tinged with hues of vivid purple, a stark contrast against the surroundings. "Void traversal hinges upon it. Woven from your own mana, it fastens you to our realm. It embodies your essence, your volition given shape. Mastery of this anchor is imperative. Only then can you venture into the realm of shifting."


    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    My philosophy revolves around addressing errors promptly during teaching sessions. When a student falters, it's an invaluable opportunity to clarify the boundaries of their abilities. Whether it's due to their tier or the inherent limitations of the skill itself, I make it a point to gently guide them toward understanding. In cases where a student has been previously reprimanded for overstepping boundaries, I take a proactive approach. Through both in-character (IC) and out-of-character (OOC) channels, I aim to instill a deeper appreciation for the game's mechanics and the importance of fair play.


    Persistent disregard for instruction warrants further action. If a student repeatedly ignores guidance and fails to rectify their behavior, I won't hesitate to escalate the matter to the Story Team (ST). It's essential to maintain a supportive yet assertive stance, ensuring that all students grasp the significance of respecting the rules and the integrity of the game.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  7. Alwyn la croix bent over and peered at the missive - his focus stuck to the rude comment, he began a rant to himself, "Ah, good sir or madam, dost thou not consider the weight of thine words when thou dost wield thy quill upon yon parchment? Verily, ink once spilled upon the page is as the die cast, forever marking the annals of time with thine unkind sentiments! Pray, dost thou not heed the permanence of thine actions? As the ink doth dry upon the page, so too doth it etch itself into the very fabric of history, a testament to thine folly for all eternity." He rose to the sky, fist thrown to the air, "But fret not, dear compatriot of the quill, for I bring tidings of solace! Should the sting of remorse beckon thee to action, let not the ink dictate thy penance. Nay, instead, let us embrace a more visceral approach! With resolve born of righteous fury, we shall grasp yon parchment with the strength of a tempest's fury. Tear it asunder, rending the very fabric of its existence, as a declaration of defiance against the unkindness it bears witness to."


    "Let us join forces, thou and I, in a quest to undo the transgressions of thine ink-stained past. Together, we shall cleanse the parchment of its textual sins, and in so doing, restore harmony to the annals of history! Oh Bless thy Godhunt! I shall bring forth thy RUIN!He grabbed the addition to the missive and  RIPPED it from the parchment - tearing it to shreds.

  8. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:

             old 400 or something


    What feat(s) will you be learning?

             Atronach Forging


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  9. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:

             old 400 or something


    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:

             No (I hid it but it is not tech denied yet, please help)


    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  10. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:

             old probably like 400


    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Air Evocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  11. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Alwyn/Donnie la Croix


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  12. Donnie la Croix paced in The Dragon's Den™ as he received the missive. His gaze ate the words and their meanings, "Another who renounces evil." he put out, quickly beginning to pack a sack, gathering another from the den, "Come along, Hero, there is someone I must meet, I cannot keep running this place all on my own."



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