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Posts posted by JEEGK

  1. As someone who has been harassed by people now in the upper echelon of staff, I'm not sure adding another toxic person to it is a good idea.


    Your RP can be as good as it wants to be but if you're an ******* out of character, (based on the responses of criticism) I fear putting you in a position of power.


    Feel free to prove me wrong though, win-win situation!




    Name of the Artifact:

             Ritual of Grounding


    Is this a combat related Artifact? If marked as “no”, it will not be usable in combat situations:



    MC Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artifact:



     RP Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artifact:



    MC Name of the creator(s) of the Artifact (N/A if not applicable, e.g. for event items):



    RP Name of the creator(s) of the Artifact (N/A if not applicable):



    Screenshots showcasing the attempted creation of the artifact (use an imgur album or a spoiler please | if an event item just screenshot the item itself | If you're resubmitting an old MArt put N/A:



    The RP to find the correct way to go about the ritual.













    MC Item description (the exact description that will be used for the MC item if this MArt is accepted):



    A beautifully detailed scroll, glowing with radiant knowledge. It boasts two golden tassels and is crowned with a red bow, bearing a pressed emerald wax signature at the knot—a distinctive mark depicting a fist encircled by a dragon, a symbol of approval. This scroll unveils the secrets of the "Ritual of Grounding," a practice for a Nephilim to replenish [2] magic slots while reducing their Inner Flame count and allowing the use of a single Augmented Flame ability.




    Effect(s) of the Artifact:



    When the scroll is read, its essence reverberates through the nephilim’s very being. Similar to a gong being struck, the ripples created echo through their being, providing them the knowledge of taking hold of the soul and 'healing' it of sorts. During the first stage, the nephilim would receive an enhanced perception of their inner flame, as well as some grasp of the being that they lost. Using this mental state, they would attempt to sever a portion of their inner flame to fuel the restoration of a minor semblance of humanity. 


    This undertaking plunges the nephilim into said vegetative state for five (RP) days, during which their inner flame is siphoned away to return their shred of humanity. Once the ritual is complete, the Azdrazi’s soul undergoes a profound change, splitting in half. One of these chambers houses their inner flame, while the other houses the converted essence that enabled this new form. This small chamber can only house half of the inner flame the nephilim could previously, also limiting the number of spells they can cast per day.



    Yet, in this sacrifice lies a coveted reward; a dragon spawn, having paid the price in inner flame, reclaims two coveted magic slots in their arsenal. The delicate equilibrium between forbidden knowledge and the infernal dance of the nephilim's inner flame is thus recalibrated, opening the door to renewed possibilities for those daring enough to tread this perilous path. 




    Red Lines of the Artifact:



    -This ritual cannot be undone, once the Nephilim has split their inner flame in this manner, it cannot return.

    -This ritual is in no way a form of reverting the soul, simply a flavorful way of retrieving magic slots.

    -This is a roll based system and requires basic knowledge of the art of the Oscilit. You have five rolls and must succeed three if you are without guidance, if you are guided by a Master Oscilit, that success roll requirement is dropped to one. Below is the guidance to the rolling system required to obtain the Mart's effects. Should you not be able to get the three on your first try, your progression still remains as learning takes time.


    20-15 - Success. You have completed the ritual or have began the progress towards completion.

    14-2 - Failure. You have failed the ritual but are continue to try (Five tries total.)

    1 - Critical Failure. You have failed the ritual and in doing so, you have snuffed your flame too deep - you are unable to complete the ritual and must halt progress. You may try again in the next 2 OOC days (Should you have no guide, your progress will remain, you will only be required  to succeed the remaining rolls.)

    -This ritual does not allow the usage of deity, voidal, soul altering, or dark magic as these things are incompatible with the greater draconic soul.

    -The ritual itself is required to be in low climates due to the nature of the Inner flame, the temperature will quell its strength.

    -The ritual cannot be modified. Too much off the Nephilim’s Inner-flame will cause the Nephilim to return to stone, too little and the Inner-flame will rejuvenate. (That means to say cutting off less will not yield 1 magic slot and cutting off more will not yield 3+)

    -Due to the nature of the ritual, the Nephilim’s “Augmented Flame” count is reduced to one as a shred of humanity is restored.

    -This ritual removes the original count of Inner-Flame units from 16 to 10. In addition, the exhaustion table changes as follows;


    Exhaustion Table         


    5 unit(s): The Nephilim’s breathing is slightly more strained, though still hardly inhibits them.  


    7 unit(s): The Nephilim notice a slight lethargy, where their breathing becomes heavier. They will experience slightly slowed reflexes and will be prone to fatigue and a shortness of breath. 


    9 unit(s): The Nephilim’s movement slows by about half and becomes two-meters rather than the usual four, their breathing ragged and coarse. They will struggle to fight and may collapse from exhaustion. 


    10 unit(s): The Nephilim has completely exhausted themselves, quickly falling into paralysis shortly after exerting themselves.

    - Also due to the quelling of the flame, the Nephilim is rejuvenated with 5 units every OOC day instead of the original 12.

    - Once the ritual is performed and completed successfully, the Nephilim will suffer from an off-putting "stench" when they're unpolymorphed. This smell can only be caught by other Nephilim. The smell is to be described as charred flesh or burnt rubber. (It stinks)

    - For one to learn magic in this fashion, you must still require someone with a TA to teach you or have previously known the magic up to T5. 

    - Due to the nature of Kani, Dark/Deity CAs are still ineligible for resonance, this Ritual is created for Nephilim (Magical CA) use only.

    - This scroll is in no way indestructible, it is knowledge held on a piece of paper, should it be destroyed, it is gone for good.




    Explanation of the effect(s) (i.e. how it does what it does - slight bending of magic lore is allowed):



    Immersed in a state of inner turmoil, Alwyn drew upon his foundational comprehension of Kani's principles, allowing him to keenly sense the world's pulsating vibrations around him. Seeking solace during this period of unrest, he dedicated himself to meditation, reaching out to the world for guidance in order to deepen his understanding of both body and soul.


    During these moments of introspection, a revelation unfolded before him—an enlightenment that unveiled a unique breathing technique. This profound method enabled him to delicately extinguish his inner-flame, deftly manipulating the surrounding space. Through the disciplined practice of this 'breath of life,' Alwyn learned to wash the flame aside, granting him the ability to revitalize his soul. This transformative process not only rejuvenated his inner being but also rendered him more receptive to external influences, expanding the boundaries of his spiritual journey. Specifically, this is helped with the assistance of Penetrative Inertia, allowing the Nephilim to flow through the Inner Flame without harming the soul.




    Number of duplicates of this Artifact: 



    Do you understand that there is a three-month cooldown between posting MArts per-player, and that cooldown begins upon acceptance? (Denial does not trigger a cooldown period.)



     Have you applied for this Artifact before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    The Reasoning


    The purpose behind the development of this ritual does not stem from a desire to attain seemingly unattainable powers such as voidal, divine, or dark magic, nor is it aimed at reverting my character back to a human form. Rather, the intent of this ritual is to address a specific limitation hindering Azdrazi from utilizing Kani effectively. Contrary to belief, neither Azdrazi nor Kani lore explicitly dictate that Kani is inherently unlearnable. The notion of Azdrazi lacking magical slots primarily serves as an out-of-character mechanism to regulate the acquisition of abilities, rather than a strict in-character limitation. 


    Through the creation of this ritual, the aim is to grant Azdrazi additional versatility in the use of Kani. Given that Kani operates beyond traditional notions of magic, requiring only the ability to breathe, which Azdrazi possess, it seems fitting to devise a means by which Azdrazi can access this resource more effectively. This ritual is intended to be inclusive, allowing any Azdrazi to participate, and is designed for repeatability, with the knowledge of its execution to be shared via a scroll. Though this of course will be maintained by its creator, as to not stir up trouble.) The scroll is also in no way invincible, should it need to be destroyed, it certainly can be, only its effects are permanent. 


    It is unfortunate that the magic was lost due to oversights in the current revisions, and my aim is to reintroduce it through a role-play endeavor.


  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:

             Self-teach Book


    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  4. What is your name?:

    Donnie la Croix


    What is your age?:
    Hard to remember

    What is your race?:

    Forged in Ashes 


    Where do you reside?:



    Do you have sorcery?:


    Are you currently in a political affiliation with any nation?:

    Sworn to secrecy.


    In a few words, please explain what ‘fun’ means:

    Something that provides mirth or amusement


    In a few words, tell us the most ‘evil’ thing you have done:
    I find evil in chaos, causing society trouble and towns to crumble beneath the pebble I place in their way (>:))

  5. On 7/5/2022 at 5:57 PM, EX. DERFEY said:

    I had numerous people approach me (the original Azdrazi creator, and a person with the Disconnection Ritual) out-of-characterly to disconnect you.


    When confronted, they cited:

    "This is not how Azdrazi should be."

    "He is doing [x, y, zed]."


    "This threatens the purity of our group."

    "He is an enemy of my faction [redacted]."


    For the sake of coherency, and to not throw other people under the bus, I will make it immensely clear I did not tolerate this charade, and openly told people one thing essentially: Who cares?

    You cannot disconnect somebody for being an annoying personality or doing something that may be interpreted as cringe. I made it clear to these people that if we were to disconnect, say Qizu, for being "cringe", "not in line with the lore of the creature", or what have you, all the present-day Azdrazi would be disconnected for the same thing. Nobody left, bar perhaps Jentos and Spoon, role-plays the creature according to the spirit of the old, original lore. It's a bunch of facetious cute boys with horns who grip handlebars and abuse fire-paladin spells to get ahead in Mineman Politik, with no regards to the original mission of the Azdrazi, and with no regards to the original intent of having a playable draconic species to begin with.


    I personally call upon @SquakHawk and @ScreamingDingo to shelve the creature. It has been seven-years of belligerence, misuse, and abuse.


    At this point it's absolutely futile to un-**** this creature race, and it ought to be removed.

    This is something I agree with.


    As someone who helped keep azdrazi on the server through lore games and the mess that created to getting new lore accepted twice, after I took my own personal break from the game for around a year, I came back to find out the entire azdrazi community became a toxic dysfunctional group of players, I was disappointed in what they had become after trying my hardest to keep them afloat, which I also feel partially at fault for.


    Qizu, we've not interacted once but I give you my deepest apologies for what happened to you, if I knew something like this would ever happen, I would've contacted the team I was working with on the rewrite and told them to scrap it, but as they say, hindsight is 20/20. You seem like a good person and I'm so sorry this awful thing has happened to you. Much love, enjoy life. <3

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