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Posts posted by JEEGK

  1. tenor.gif


    MC Name: 


    Character's Name: 

    Ibar Chirrlon

    Character's Age:


    Character's Race:

    High Elf

    Link to your accepted MA:


    What magic(s) will you be teaching?


    Paladinism (Champions of Xan)

    Summarise the Lore of this magic(s):

    Xan is the Aengul of Order and Guardianship, the Patron of The Brotherhood of the Golden Lion. After establishing a connection to the Aengul, the initiate is bestowed a pinch of Xan’s power, in which they must learn to control and use to their advantage to achieve the mission that is placed upon them when joining the Brotherhood: that being to uphold order and guardianship throughout the Seven Skies. As an initiate, they will be weak with their connection with Xan, they will be able to close only very minor cuts, even then, they will be GREATLY fatigued by the usage. After a longer amount of practice, and when they become more experienced with their power, they will be able to form stuff such as shields, armor, and even a wall for protection in the heat of battle. They’ve also been granted the ability to, not only mend wounds together, but to enchant their own weaponry, summon arrow-like creations of light, manipulate the mist in a minor way (I.E. creating marbles, etc.), create an aura of pure motivation and inspiration, create a trap to snare their enemies for a period of time,  create a divine spear to pierce their air-borne opponents, purge unholy creatures, create enchanted weaponry for the mundane within a forge, and create lost limbs made of Xan’s offerings.

    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:


    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:


    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.





    All denied due to the rewrites.


  2. 4 hours ago, Medvekoma said:

    Have a good time, see you in a few months.

    **** you


    also this is technically your second leaving post

  3. MC Name: JakeFSF

    Character's Name: Hauxir

    Character's Age: Old


    Character's Race:

    High Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Summarise the Lore of this magic(s):

    Golemancy is the art of constructing golems, which is usually broken up into two categories: soulbound and thanhic. The golem operates using various different magical runes placed upon the stone by the Golemancer. More specifically there is the optic rune for eyes, motion runes at the joints of the appendages to allow the golem to move, the operational runes which cover the core, and finally the sealing rune that activates the golem. Golemancy works with soul blueprints, meaning all golems must be in humanoid shapes - no animals or living furniture. The core of the golem acts like a brain which allows the golem to develop personality and memories. Additional modifications for golems include swift and multi-core golems. Golems can only be as big as their core can power, most often the limit is seven feet. If a core is damaged the golem can still operate if the core is not destroyed beyond belief, but it could potentially “go red” meaning the golem becomes crazed and deranged.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  4. MC Name: Soulilein

    Character's Name: Gino

    Character's Age: 18


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:

             Volkantir of the Abyss


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Gravens are created from mysticism or are reformed to complete a task of their own volition. While gravens have comparable things to other apparitions,  they are different all the while. A graven’s appearance either has rotting flesh or a mingling of ethereal ember. Gravens can come to life from things such as a death during a raid or genocide, as well any other gruesome and/or uncanny. Once they have fully developed, they will gain a want to claw after their so desired life goal, of course, this will be different for each creation. Unlike most creatures, gravens can usually touch and interact with the people that surround it, but of course this will take it’s toll on the graven due to the weakness towards sunlight. A graven is able to be given sustenance as well from a mystic user, granting them increased strength and agility. Due to their phantom-like state, they have the same weaknesses as any other phantom. (Holy magic, Aurum, Fi, etc) They are unable to be exorcised due to the fact they haunt the location of their anchor, but if it’s broken, the graven will be able to move freely. 



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?:



    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  5. 30 minutes ago, Yen said:

    this is honestly terrible and just fucks the dark shaman community,

    what community LOL


    in all seriousness, you need to chill out, if you’re not willing to PK you can drop the magic if this gets accepted, but if you’re seriously upset about having to PK on death, you should really rethink your rp.

  6. Hiya, I’m coming back with my actual two cents on luv and what others have to say about them.

    24 minutes ago, Slayy said:

    the fact that you are well aware of Luv’s pronouns yet have chosen to refer to them with the opposing ones out of spite. 

    As much as I don’t like to say it, slay has a point here. 


    You dislike luv, fair enough, but have enough respect towards them to not sit there and call them something they don’t want to be called. I, personally, don’t agree with it but I at least give them the respect to mention luv as “them” or “they”. I mean it’s honestly just the better option other than trying to get people riled up by calling luv a him. Unfortunately, it also breaks a lot of credibility off of your statement in the end. Your ‘criticism’ is taken with a grain of salt at that point.


    32 minutes ago, Slayy said:

    why don’t you take your disagreements or quarrels to Luv’s PMs and have a civilized conversation

    Now for this, let me say i love luv, they are a great friend that I’ve loved since the beginning, even with their choices that are completely against my morals. I can’t say anything about me cause luv and i have never gotten into a fight where we had to settle it out in those terms, but it can really be hard to approach luv when it comes to criticism about them. Again, since I’m their friend, it’s a lot easier for me, but for people outside her friend group, it tends to be a bit more difficult. 


    BUT... as of recently, I do see most people initiate it with them before she begins to have their passive aggressive ways. That’s seriously something they’ve grown from. I’ve known luv since I joined the server and yes, they had a bad start and a bad reputation, but trust me, it really isn’t as bad as it used to be.


    That’s really all I have to say. My two cents tossed out. I probably won’t respond to this anymore. If you disagree with me, I’m more than willing to discuss about it in my PMs on discord – Jake#6111

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