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Posts posted by Johann

  1. Only after nearly a century of silence did the long-lived Gaelunduyn realize.


    "...You did well, my student."


    His voice harboured a hint of lamentation. Though his condolence was shut away from the world by his confining helm.. it was palpable, pristine.


    Somewhere within the cherry blossoms, Gael pours a cup of rice wine from right to left upon a makeshift memorial in her honour, a libation under the gaze of Zanu, and the Kami.

  2. Upon a fine morning a monastic knight poured over the contents of the fine poetry over a cup of warm Matcha tea and, feeling inspired, he decides to write a poem of his own to reflect on recent events:


    "Scourges of the world,


    Duty-bound we are to slay,


    A mirthless quandary,


    With sin comes a price to pay."

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