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Posts posted by Johann

  1. Voidal Hollows






    Voidal hollows are the direct consequence of large-scale magical calamities upon the material plane, usually as the fallout of an explosion of massive proportions. Best described as the physical projection and manifestation of the Void upon the material plane, it is the incarnation of the Void’s quixotic, chaotic and unpredictable nature, leading to both the pervading presence of voidal taint and nonsensical transmutations, both detrimental to life in its on ways. The skies that hang above a hollow betray all preconceptions of normality: the firmament is replaced by repeating fractals, celestial cycles absent, and an inexplicable darkness pervading with the sky’s dysfunction, a wintry cold. 


    For all things within a hollow, they are subject to two fates - either outright destroyed or killed, or tainted and transmuted into entities far worse. Flora and fauna that do persist only do so as a cruel imitation of what once was, mutated amalgamations and aberrations, oftentimes warped and melded unrecognisably with material. Material itself is twisted into nonsensical and elaborately geometric constructs with a tendency to feature crystalline qualities, though some are spared with only expected signs of devastation and taint.  It is for this same reason that voidal taint lingers in the air in the form of minute particulates leading to coughs and prevalent itching on skin, and prolonged exposure to this taint entails all manners of medical complications such as respiratory diseases, muscle spasms, cognitive inhibition, and in more extreme cases crystalline growth. Death is certain given enough time, and all symptoms only continue to exacerbate with continued exposure. 




    As a region exposed to the whims of the Void, Hollows also feature Voidal phenomena such as its spawns, with beastial and aggressive terrors commonplace while Horrors are generally rarer, given their elusive and duplicitous natures. Voidal phenomena furthermore manifest here in heightened prominence: mana crystals of titanic scale, voidal reagents, transmutations, manite and so forth, though sparse accounts speak of more obscure materials like void gems in deeper recesses.


    Few accounts speak of the epicenter of a voidal hollow, the proverbial ground-zero for all things living given the unparalleled influence of the Void upon this area. Inhospitable and antithetical to the material and thus life, epicenters often tend to be barren yet their environments dynamic, the very laws of reality bent in the whims of chaos whenever it so chooses. Here, flesh is truly grass as all life perishes and succumbs to the throes of death and mutation within seconds. As no two hollows are the same, there exists no universal remedy to these maladies, its nature left to managerial discretion.


    Naturally occurring, metaphysical holes into the Void are classified as nodes, and possess qualities similar to hollows albeit much smaller in scale, though this does not necessarily mean they are any less potent. On the contrary, the destruction of a node either happens by itself through sheer chance, or can be triggered by being disrupted through a massive enough force.





    On Descendants

    A nonmundane and inexplicable event to the common man, the land bewitched by foul voidal taint which wrought such needless destruction- the average descendant would be subject to emotional distress by the calamity, aswell as voidal poisoning.


    Normal descendants would find themselves voidally poisoned, suffering from weakness and an easy exhaustion which would manifest upon entering the threshold of the Voidal Hollow- lingering for a narrative day afterward if leaving so. 


    On The Voidally Attuned and Enchantments

    Unequivocally tied to the very nature of a Hollow, the Voidally Attuned suffer little in comparison to other mortals- at least upon the mortal front. The Voidally Attuned would find their spellcasting extremely easy and powerful, yet, erratic and uncontrollably dangerous.


    While within a Voidal Hollow, voidal magi would find themselves unaffected further than standard voidal poisoning (Save for Voidstalkers). However, they would be forcibly connected to the void- impossible for their connection to break, should they not leave the Hollow’s environment for [3] emotes. Their manapools would be massively fortified and at a constant overflow- which would serve to mentally exhaust a mage somewhat easily if untrained, though they would find themselves endlessly able to cast.


    With Spellcasting, voidal magic would always be casted at its highest potency and effect (if not, further than beyond so)- never dampened or casted at a tier lower than a spell’s maximum. However, spellcasting is entirely unpredictable- a spell becoming so easily evoked it is far more powerful than a mage could ever hope to control. This may manifest in spells which are highly overdestructive, or even self-harming. Spells would, while limitlessly potent and effect, be highly dangerous and unpredictable to utilize with unintended consequence.


    When Voidal Magi use spells within a Hollow's area, they would fall under the following spellcasting table in CRP. (Events are still at ET discretion.)


    (1-5) - Entrapping the spell blueprint and quickly twisting out of control, the spell combusts, causing it's immediate effects to activate within (1-5m) of a voidal magi, nulling all anti-self-harm (e.x. focuses, focus crystals, etc.), save for Voidal Eminents which may narrowly evade the consequence.


    (6-15) - The spell fires successfully, but there are unintended consequences. See table below


    (16-20) - Spell is fired at maximum tier, without draining mana as one would expect normally.


    If the spell fires normally, the following are unintended consequences (Which may be done with a roll of 3.)

    (1) - The spell fires successfully, albeit 3 meters or more offtarget At mage discretion, this miss cannot hit another target nearby 'by accident'.


    (2) - The spell fires, although the mana exhaustion gained is twice that of what it normally would be with such a loose connection.


    (3) - The spell misfires, either harmlessly combusting, failing, or firing incompletely.


    Voidal constructs experience a sensation most closely described as an overwhelming satiation and animation wherein they may act uncontrollably and erratically in some occasions. Physically speaking they are relatively unaffected as constructs of the Void.


    Enchantments are similar to Voidal Magi in a Voidal Hollow, being entirely unpredictable in both scale, power, and use.


    Manifestations would rapidly destabilize, within [3] emotes of being within the Hollows' radius, being broken and the item considered Abjured. Any manifestation when presented with a Hollow, or the query of one, would be heavily repulsed.


    Arcanium within a Voidal Hollow would blaze with power, no matter what form prior, becoming Active Arcanium of whatever one would consider their "Primary" Voidal Magic. If one is not voidally attuned, the Arcanium would become the active form of "Arcanism" as defined per Arcanium lore. 


    On Undead

    A sight harrowing even for those unbearing of the flame of life, Undead would only be mildly afflicted by the land’s malady of a Hollow.


    While within a Voidal Hollow, Undead would feel a draining feeling tugging at them- as if sapping their strength and will, slipping back into true death. Though they would physically be no different- the feeling would persist that at any moment their strength and magical reconstitution may fail, and they die once again.


    On Paladins

    Akin to the greatest blasphemy, Paladins would find themselves cold and uncertain within a Voidal Hollow. Deeply anxiety inducing and fearful, a seasoned paladin would shiver at the mere thought of a Voidal Hollow- let alone being even near so.


    Gazing upon a Voidal Hollow would yield a coldening affect unto paladins, a supernatural chill which would overcome their body- despite whatever enchantment or effect they may have to prevent so.


    Being within a Voidal Hollow, Paladins would find themselves doubtful- of themselves, their powers, and perseverance. Paladins would be broken in spirit of their bravery, and would have instinct of self preservation come before all else. Whilst casting their magic, they would physically feel as if it were a weaker connection- though having no effect on their actual casting, a paladin would simply feel and perceive their connection as being weaker. 


    On Druids

    Anathema to a Druid’s mission, their very purpose and existence- Voidal Hollows serve an incurable, soulcrushing reminder of what may happen should they ever fail.


    Druids within a Voidal Hollow would find their connection absent, and the land incurable- Flora and fauna alike would outright refuse to enter the region of a Voidal Hollow, and interact with it in anything but self defense. The druid themselves would be deeply hopeless and crushed, a heartbreaking sight to see nature and the material twisted so violently.


    Soultrees within a Voidal Hollow would rapidly begin to rapidly taint, lasting at best [3] Emotes within a Voidal Hollow's radius before becoming fully tainted- feeling each part of the unsettling transformation moment after moment.


    On Shamans

    A land twisted and immaterial, Shamans would feel a deep and unsettling paranoia as no spirit would answer their call within such an accursed land.


    Shamans within a Voidal Hollow would find themselves highly paranoid and unsettled, the feeling of being utterly and absolutely alone swallowing them whole. No spirit would ever answer their call, nor could they make use of Hexes or Magic upon the land. 


    On Alchemists and Their Creatures

    An objection to the world’s binary, the void melded with the material to make a horrific construction of both, would bring a wroth to alchemists, along with pain to their constructs- their practice ineffective within a land unbound by the laws of the material.


    Unafflicted alchemists would find themselves experiencing an array of emotions depending on the character- impacting their decision making to be highly emotional in the face of a Voidal Hollow. 


    Afflicted alchemists and Alchemical Creations/Constructs would find themselves weakened, and if bearing a soul- withered akin to experiencing Voidal weakness. Purely soulless alchemic constructs would find themselves easily physically exhausted- even greatly pained.


    On Thanhium

    The very antithesis of Thanhium, a Voidal Hollow would quickly overwhelm and flood the material, even in great quantities, to violently heat it as mana is converted at a rate faster than it may keep itself together. 


    Thanhium, when within range of a Voidal Hollow, would immediately begin to steam and superheat- becoming impossible to wield or utilize without giving oneself severe burns unless they were fully, supernaturally, immune to heat. The Thanhium quickly would begin to melt, even with minute exposure. If staying longer than [3] emotes within it’s range, the Thanhium would melt into irrecoverable unusability. [1] emote afterward, the Thanhium would violently explode into a pure force-type shockwave, with the effects of so at ST discretion. This includes Brawn and Soulbound Golems, whos cores are constructed in some part of Thanhium. 




    Original Hollow Lore

    Combustionary's Hollow Expansion



    Johann (Co-Author)

    Squakhawk (Co-Author)




  2. An iron-clad magus fell to his knees 'afore the unravelling rift. A fleeting smile passed his visage before his own decimation.


    "Glorious Purpose."


    His plan had come to fruition, the deed done. What goes up must come down, and what is started must be finished, the Sword of Damocles fallen.

  3. [!] A letter is dispatched to the fervid Adreniel by way of a Silver Dove, bearing the crest of the Iyathir talonnii and a message tacked onto it:


    "Do not disappoint me, Elibar'acal."


    What is thy name? Arelyn Iyathir

    What is thy race? Mali'thill, what else?

    From which talonii do thou hail, if mali’thill? Iyathir

    Art thou pure? Undoubtedly, is this even a question?

    If not, do thou wish to be?

    What is thou age? Two hundred and thirty-seven.

    Dost thou pledge thy troth and loyalty to the Silver Mother, Larihei, and her state? Always.

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