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Posts posted by UnBaed

  1. There is too much dark souls in this server, plus this would kill some of the creativity for the players.  It's an interesting idea though, if this were added to the lore maybe have it so there are very few spells that maybe only higher tiers can use along with being able to be creative (I'd make this more detailed and better but I'm on mobile)

  2. Barnak


    (Uniform looks like that but with a helmet.  Art isn't mine)

    Barnak stands at the height of 5 feet and 11 inches. She looks rather thin yet fit.  They wear a crimson colored hood that ends at the back of their knees.  The end of the hood looks a little tattered and worn out.  Their face is covered  with a ferrum helmet with blue markings below the eyes. The red on her uniform stands for vigilance and heart, she is commonly confused as a cultist. On Barnak’s belt, there are several potions strapped to it along with two swords sheathed. A ferrum one and an aurum one.  Her armor is made of ferrum and looks well kept. If you are to have a great sense of smell or you're just really close to her, you can smell flowers.


    (Helmet looks something similar to those)


    (Card will be edited over time!)

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