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Posts posted by UnBaed

  1. Seems like an interesting idea, though I don't see how a potion can force someone to tell the truth I think that would be something to do with magic.  Also, no one can get I think two of these herbs on the list (Starved  Coyotes Tick and Desert Berry Bush).

  2. MC name: UnBaed


    Character's name and age: Name: Nemir Age: 50


    Character’s Race: High elf


    What magic/s did you learn?: Telekinesis 


    Who/how did you learn magic/s?: Via tomes in the Library of Dragur and OOC help from EclecticBoogaloo


    Offer an explanation of said magic/s you learned: Telekinesis is the direct lifting of objects.  It temporarily how gravity is on a certain object.  After levitating an object, this change fades rapidly meaning if you were lifting a pebble it would slowly float/fall to the ground unless the telekinetic removes the alteration making it just drop.  Now if the rock were bigger it would be more challenging to make the bigger rock float slowly down than the pebble because it's heavier.  

           You can't lift objects with telekinesis if they aren't solid.  Water would be too hard to focus on due to the amount of particles along with gases, you also can't lift dirt for it is too small to focus on.

    For a telekinetic to grab a single object they must focus on it.  This makes moving objects much harder to focus on, meaning you're gonna have to be a more skilled telekinetic before being able to shift or halt (Gonna need to be more advanced before halting the object) moving objects such as a ball being tossed at you.  The faster an object is moving the harder it'll be to focus on it, the heavier something is the more challenging it is to lift it along with the amount of things being lifted.  The higher the number of things being lifted the harder it'll be. 

           Objects with a changing surface such as living creatures are impossible to lift. 

    Edited version below here.



       Telekinesis is a form of Alteration magic.  Alteration magic impacts the world unlike other voidal magic does.  Telekinesis works by altering the force of gravity pushing down on an object.  All you need to do is focus on an object with the help of the void to alter its gravity, allowing it to float.  Once you're more skilled in the art you will have a better grasp on an object, allowing you to redirect, push, and stop different objects.  Objects moving would of course be more challenging to focus on than still objects.  The fast and object is the harder it'll be to focus on it to push or redirect it.  If someone were to be shooting an arrow at you you can just stop the arrow midair, turn it over, then shoot it back at someone.  An object moving at such a high speed as that could only be redirected slightly left, right, ect.  The heavier an object is the more challenging it'll be to lift it, you can have more than one voidal Mage focus on an object to be able lift it together.  The more skilled you are the easier it'll be to lift a heavier object.  Now let's say you're not lifting a single heavy object up several small ones.  It'll still be difficult due to weight of them all combined along with focusing on several objects, the same as the last thing, the more skilled you are the easier this'll be.

          It is impossible to alter the gravity of water and gases for they have no solid shape.  You can't use your magic on a living creature because of the constant change of the shape, you can try focusing on a piece of clothing on a creature to lift.  You also can't focus on something as small as dirt or dust because they are too small to be able to focus on.



    Provide evidence you’ve garnered to said subtype:  Read the Telekinesis Guide and spoke with EclecticBoogaloo.  If I have questions or need help OOCly I can and will go to EclecticBoogaloo.


  3. Name you wish to go by in the video (irl name, mcname, ect): UnBaed


    Artwork/link to art profile: http://imgur.com/a/nXswz


    Do you give LoTC permission to use your work? (Yes/No): Yes


    Is the work above completely your own? (Yes/No): Yes

    Is there anything you’d like us to know about your work? (Name of person, location, ect.): First image is of my character, Nemir. Second image is Croleo's dwarf character. Last image (head shot of a guy) isn't complete.

  4. Not sure if this is just me or not but ever since the warzone has been made I've been lagging like flipping crazy, yesterday I was kicked like 4 times after taking a fast travel saying flying isn't enabled on the server.  And also every time I take a fast travel or souls tone I have to deal with getting teleported back to where the ft took me for about one minute and if I move to much I'll get kicked for flying.  Is anyone else getting this lag?

  5. Name (Leave IG name as well): Nemir (UnBaed)

    Race: High Elf (For the 100th time I'm not a snelf)

    Gender: Female

    Skills: Lumberjack, landscaping, archery, interior decoration, medic, and sword combat.

    Do you meet the criteria to join Hallowvale Contracting?: Yes.

    Leave an address for a return letter of accepted: Granslak

    Skype: Unabeed (Icon is squirtles being chill)

  6. Nemir


    Basic information:

    Race: High Elf

    Age: 25

    Gender: Female

    Status: Alive


    Smaller Details:

    Height: 5'11

    Eye Color: Cyan/Blue

    Hair Color: Silverish/Grey White

    On her back she has a terrible burn mark, only a few know how she got

    it.  Her left knee is weak, if she is to land on it wrong, bump it harshly, ect.  she walks

    with a slight limp for a while.



    Wears a dark colored outfit, the cloth is stuffed with wool to keep

    her warm.  She wears a small hood that drapes over her shoulders, it's not big enough to go over her head.  

    Her long hair is stuffed under it.

    Wears leather gloves.

    She sometimes carries a Hand-and-Half sword in a leather

    sheathed at her left side.



    Tries her best to be polite, is always interested in learning something new.

    ( especially about plants )

    Would put her life in danger to save a friends life.

    Loyal to her friends and is trustworthy.



    She is a highly skilled lumberjack, she has had some training and with experience a sword, bow, and

    hand-to-hand combat.  She hasn't trained in a while so she may be rusty.


    (( might update over time ))

  7. Out-Of-Character Information

    Please do your best to correct spelling and grammatical errors, this is an RP server and writing is the main form of communication!

    (third time doing this ;-; my window crashed before I could post it)

    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: UnBaed

    How old are you?: 15

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): yes

    Have you applied to this server before? (Please link all past applications): no

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: yes

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: MetaGaming and Powergaming

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules): no

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft? I was searching for good rpg minecraft servers and I think i found the best one.



    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person!


    What is roleplaying?: acting as a charcater and or acting a performance

    What is metagaming?: means your character doesnt know coords of a location.  If you know the coords of someones house it would be more logical to follow them there.

    What is powergaming?:means you want to have a fair situation and that you cant always win.  Dont force an action onto a player.


    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    Character’s name: Tomira Aldert 

    Character’s gender: Female

    Character’s race: Elf

    Character’s age: 55

    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add server lore, and events that happened to your character so that they don’t contradict history.):  My name is Tomira Aldert I am of the age of 55.  I have been traveling the land of Athera in search of a place to call home for around 5 years.  I grew up in the town of Dragon's Peak which is East of The Jewel of Humanity.  My parents traveled a lot before I was conceived but stopped their journey at the town as soon as I was conceived.  My parents say that they were blessed by our ancestors to have me since not many elves can conceive a child due to the curse.

    After I was born my mother grew weaker as the years went by.  My father said to me when I was 4 that she had an incurable disease and the best we could do was to make sure she was comfortable until her time came.  Since my mother was sick, she couldn't help around the house or help my father with hunting so when I was old enough my father taught me how to hunt with a bow.  When I was more experienced with hunting my father let me start hunting by my self as he took care of my mother.  She passed when I had turn 30.  She battled the disease for as long as she could and died in her sleep.  It took my father years to get over her death, he has taken up a new hobby to get past it, painting.

    When I became an adult I wanted to start my story.  So I left Dragon's Peak and I am in search for a place to call home.

    Personality Traits: Shy, cleaver, creative

    Ambitions: To find a place to call home and to open a shop where I can sell animal hides

    Strengths/Talents: Skilled with a bow

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Not so talented with a sword

    Appearance (List the extra details of your characters appearance, IE; height & weight): Height: 5 feet 11 inches weight:

    140 lbs


    last time I tried to post an image URL of my skin bbuutttt it crashed my browser and I had to rewrite this.... I dont want to risk it BUT you can find my skin on Minecraft Skin editor: Nova skin and search my minecraft username: UnBaed and you should find the skin hopefully (sorry about that my computer is horrible and im not smart with computers)


    my skin should be an elf with purpleish white hair wearing grey wolf hides. the model is a steve model

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