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Everything posted by UnfortunatePuppy

  1. The trailer is kinda meh. I don't really understand the premise.

  2. I have sat in silence for far too long.


    why is there no lore detailing the origin of krugsmas.

    Edited by UnfortunatePuppy
    1. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      tbh i feel like staff would be better off having made reoccurring holiday weeks like Warcraft does. 

  3. (BearOwl ) (Picture reference including credit to artist) (pisture by TheKidIsGreen on deviantart. http://thekidisgreen.deviantart.com/art/Reverse-Owlbear-281093890) (http://jamesmakesgames.com/2014/08/17/fing-majestic/10592890_10101497702090408_7518521319174603725_n/) Habitat: They are most commonly found in forest but the bearowl appearing in the mountains and tundra are not unheard of Size: Quite small, averaging about a foot and a half in height Diet: Carnivorous, most typically feasting on smaller creatures and fish that it plucks from streams. However if desperate they will take on larger prey such as wolves, horses, or even men. Temperament: Typically docile unless hunting or provoked, However they are extremely territorial and will attack creatures on sight if they come near their nests. Brief summary of the creature The bear owl is an interesting creature with the feathered body of an owl, but strangely with a head that of a bear. Despite this awkward appearance its amalgam of bear and owl allow the Bearowl to be a ruthless killing machine when need be. It’s owl like body allows it the swift mobility and flight of the massive winged raptor, while its head has the powerful jaws and skull of the bear allowing it the strong biting power to quickly kill any prey unlucky enough to serve as the bearowls next meal. Characteristic: (Behaviour, Reproduction, Gathering food) When not hunting or aggressively defending its nest or territory the bear owl is a relatively docile creature provided you aren’t foolish enough to approach it. The reproduction of the Bearowl is in fact a simple process. The Bearowls have an interesting process of determining mates during breeding season, as females naturally flock to mates that provide large bounties of food, the males compete by catching larger and larger prey, which can be a danger to nearby animals or the occasional passing descendant. After finding a mate the bearowls lay eggs similar to a standard owl in which the newborns gestate for around 24 days before hatching. Origin: Nobody knows for sure the origin of the bearowl. However it is rumored to be the creation of a drunk wizard toying with the forces of life. Weaknesses: The relatively frail structure of the owl portion of the body can result in the body easily taking substantial damage to the bones and organs if struck hard enough. LM Approval Required: No If playable, what are redlines? Tragically the Bearowl should remain unplayable as the strength of these winged beast of doom is too powerful for the everyday RP’er
  4. I'm gonna slam my head against this keyboard and post a stolen joke.


    About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him-and I didn’t know how potent that part might be-that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.

    1. _Jandy_


      I'm not mad...

  5. (Username:) UnfortunatePuppy Name: Cyelle Absterben Age: 46 Branch of choice: (Marshal/Savant/Guildmaster/Undecided) Undecided Reason for joining: ic: to bring oren and the human race to its former greatness ooc: seems like fun rp Prior experience/relevant skills: Minor alchemy skills Do you swear your life in service to the Brotherhood? (PK Clause upon appropriate RP) I do.
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