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Posts posted by TankM1A2





    Ruler: H.I.M. Emperor Adrian II

    Government: Imperial Constitutional Monarchy

    Population: ~ 9,810,135

    Allies: Galaharian League, Kingdom of Fyr-Darrick

    Trade Partners: Galaharian League, Kingdom of Fyr-Darrick, Kingdom of Helmedhi, Passans



    Captain Archibald of Gaverra lay flat upon his cot, staring blankly upwards towards the white canvas which shielded him from the elements. He rolled to his side, only to find himself wincing in pain as his arm had become so singed in the battle. A mess of charred flesh; skin near indiscernible. He could only hope that he would not develop gangrene. Should the Great Sun will it, he will make it out of the battle with an arm in tact. Otherwise, he would be out of his profession.


    I shall survive, I shall perservere, he thought to himself. The Great Sun shall be my guardian. And indeed it was. For some time, the Sun’s faithful had begun to worry that their faith had gone unnoticed. As if a disappointed father had turned his cheek. Yet this day, the Sun’s faithful had been rewarded and selected. The Heavens watched in awe as a battle of before unseen proportions unfolded in the fields between Karel and Hakkan. Nearly ninety thousand souls lined up in battle, with the Gods as their witness. Hopelessly outnumbered, the Coalition forces bled, were torn to pieces, and fled the field. Yet, it was not before a number had been inflicted upon the Swinemen and the Karellians. Yes, nearly half of the invading army had been slain or incinerated in the carnage. The great magi of Hakkan had shown truly what boons the Great Sun had in store, only waiting to be harnessed.


    Though, what struck the man was the last stand of Crown Prince Adrian. Though, he had been slain in battle and was indeed a tremendous loss for the Empire, he had went out in a blaze of glory, a way that every Bourdelaic man could hope to pass in. An embodiment of purity, engulfed in flame, and wielding a blazing sword, the Great Sun had recognized his heroic sacrifice. He stood, among twenty good men, cut off from friendly lines. They fought to the last, claiming many a Karel lives in the process. At last, our Great God has taken notice. At last, we know our prayers fall not upon deaf ears. All doubt had been erased in the minds present. For the Crown Prince’s heart of fire had been witnessed all around the battlefield. In time, the news would travel - of his sacrifice and his fall, eventually reaching the ears of the Emperor.



    And as the news reached the ears of the Emperor, he was struck in grief, nearly collapsed. Tears welling in his eyes, he slammed a clenched fish upon his dresser, sending many contents onto the ground. His son, his flesh in and blood, slain in foreign lands. He gritted his teeth, and was warmed by the embrace of his wife, who attempted to comfort him as well as she read the letter. “The price we pay.” He said, “He died as a hero, chosen by God and selected as his mortal embodiment.” He gritted his teeth as he spoke, “Your death will not be in vain.” He vowed.



    Farmlands - 40


    Souvois - Merchant’s Guild, Place of Worship, Church

    Omignon - Merchant’s Guild

    Vascogne - Merchant’s Guild

    Towns: Too many to count

    Manufactories - N/A




    Income: 86,500g (Base - 3k, 6 Economy Pts - 6k, Pop - 28.5k, Resources - 3k, Merchant Guilds - 9k, Trade - 6k, Cities/Towns - 30k, Incoming Caravels - 1k)

    Upkeep: 6,000g (Army), 5,000 (Veterancy) = 11,000g.

    +700 from tourney winnings

    +5,000 from Galaharian gift


    [0g] Settlement upgraded to town.

    [23,000g] Loan payment to Galaharian League

    [15,000g] Constructing 3 Farms

    [5,000g] Constructing 1 Settlement

    [12,500g] Recruiting 1 Unit of Knights of Ogrun

    [18,000g] Recruiting 3 Units of T4 Medium Infantry

    7 ,700 gold


    Username: Tank

    Discord: You have it!

    Ideas and Suggestions?: Creature Codex!


    Nation Name: Skellar Kingdom

    Race: Skellar

    History: In recent years, the Skellar have only known peace. An enlightened monarchy; under the stable leadership and guidance of the Iskescellior Dynasty, the Skellar have been able to unite their planet through shrewd diplomacy and underhanded treatises. Proving to be great craftsmen, they have created sprawling cities, and hulking warships. However, their home-world could not forever sustain the machine that was their boundless tinkering, crafting, and forging. As per the recent Royal Decree, all Skellar focus had been directed to the discovery of new frontiers, reaping resources so that they may continue their arts.

    Map location: (Remember, fill the square(s) and send it to me privately.)

    Starting Sectors: 1-4 (every sector not taken permits you to request a boon) 1






    Ruler: H.I.M. Emperor Adrian II

    Government: Imperial Constitutional Monarchy

    Population: ~ 9,168,350

    Allies: N/A

    Trade Partners: Galaharian League, Kingdom of Fyr-Darrick, Kingdom of Helmedhi, Passans



    The days surged forward with minimal progress. The Sun beat down upon the Bourdelaic camp. The men had to become quite creative in keeping themselves entertained. Some of the sang, others practiced art, while continued to hone their abilities with the blade. Some despaired, though were quickly silenced by their brethren. The rhythmic windup and shot of the trebuchets had been ingrained in the heads of all the soldiers present. Many now knew the layout of the camp better than their own home town or village. The Camp had become their life, in which many had forged new bonds of friendship in loyalty. This conflict would change the soldiers forever, those who lived. It was estimated that the final assault would claim immense life on either side. However, they had come so far and could not give up yet. For three years had the siege endured. Surely, the Carrows stores were nearing lows.


    Foraging parties were sent out regularly, plucking the surrounding countryside free of anything of value. Berries, grain, livestock, were all appropriated for the war effort. And from those who owned the farmsteads from which the soldiers’ reaped, they were compensated fairly for their generous donation.


    As the men of A and B Company, 1st Infantry Regiment entered a nearby village, one would forget that there was even a war going on. The village was quiet and peaceful, though teeming with activity. Farmers tended to their crops, while smiths worked their forges, and so on. The black-suited men entered the village in two columns, both parallel on opposite sides of a wagon train, towed by horses and guided by men of the logistics company. Leading up to the isolated village was a mere dirt path, now being trodden by well over three hundred souls simultaneously. Like a small, invading army did these elements of 1st Regiment confidently saunter in. However, that was nearly three years ago when the first Bourdelaic troops crossed the border. Now, for the most part, the average citizen of the Carrow Lords seemed indifferent to the new order. Much autonomy was retained, with Temak Kan acting as the governor of this newly incorporated province.


    The Black Army soldiers quickly dispersed throughout the village, asking graciously whatever they could spare. “This’ll do, yeah?” they would ask, presenting a small pouch of golden coinage to each toiling villager, moments before descending upon their food and goods like a swarm of locust.



    The All-Saints Cathedral at the top of Souvois


    The Emperor and his sons raced back to the capital with haste, all quickly becoming aware of the disapproval of their God. It was a problem that ought quickly be remedied, unless they quickly spiral into chaos and lose his guidance. For centuries had the Great One been the pinnacle of Bourdelaic belief and morals. They had seen themselves as the Father’s chosen people. To see now the Great Sun turn his back upon his children would be detrimental down to the very fabrics of Bourdelaic society. The Emperor fell prostrate before the Altar of the Eternal Fire, almost never before seen.

    Why has the Lord forsaken us? He pleaded.


    What would you have us do?


    Your humble servants mean no offense in our transgressions.


    We will redeem ourselves to be seen worthy in your eyes.


    Never again shall we stray from Your Divine Light.


    A sign; a clue. Set us upon the righteous path.


    Deliver us from evil.


    The eternal fire lapped at his brows, heat engulfing the Emperor where he knelt. Always in times of doubt, he referred to the Eternal Flame’s Brazier, which would often set him upon the correct course. Through this, the Emperor is said to commune with the Sun God himself. He calmed himself, slowing his heart rate as he forgot about all the world pains that troubled him. Having bled in his name and arm almost broken, he sat rhythmically breathing in and out. He stared blankly ahead but seemed to gaze upon emptiness.




    For you, I shall bring about resolution.


    The world is rife corruption in darkness.


    By my hand, which shall be expunged.


    Cast the sinners into your raging flames.


    And shield your followers, in your ever warm embrace.


    By my sword, I’ll end this war.


    Even if I should fall in the process.


    Perhaps then, you shall hear of our triumph.


    Adrian pressed his hands together in prayer, quickly lowering and splaying his hands flat upon the cold floor surface before rising. He repeated this gesture several times, and would spend several hours in the Cathedral for the slightest hint. He tread a gauntlet of burning coals, said to purify men of all their sins. He sought the wisdom of the Archbishop of Souvois. He made several sacrifices before the altars. And he vowed to spread the Solar Faith to all reaches of his Empire. There was no expense in terms of pleasing the Lord.



    Farmlands - 38


    Souvois - Merchant’s Guild, Place of Worship, Church

    Omignon - Merchant’s Guild

    Vascogne - Merchant’s Guild


    Manufactories - N/A




    Income: 82,000g (Base - 3k, 6 Economy Pts - 6k, Pop - 27k, Resources - 3k, Merchant Guilds - 9k, Trade - 6k, Cities/Towns - 27k, Incoming Caravels - 1k)

    Upkeep: 7,000g (Army), 2,000 (Veterancy) = 9,000g

    +1,000g from treasury


    [23,000g] Loan payment to Galaharian League

    [10,000g] Construction of 2 Farmlands


    [5,000g] Construction of Settlement

    [10,000g] Recruitment of 1 Unit of T4 Elite Heavy Infantry

    [9,000g] Recruitment of 1 Unit of T4 Veteran Heavy Infantry

    [16,000g] Recruitment of 2 Unit of T4 Heavy Infantry

  4. Spoiler






    Ruler: H.I.M. Emperor Adrian II

    Government: Imperial Constitutional Monarchy

    Population: ~ 8,568,551

    Allies: N/A

    Trade Partners: Galaharian League, Kingdom of Fyr-Darrick, Kingdom of Helmedhi, Passans





    Black Army siege camp, stationed just outside the reaches of the Carrow Citadel, c. 1511


    It had been nearly a year since the siege had began. Progress came slow, though as was expected. The Black Army faced perhaps the single most fortified structure on the face of Naros. A few leagues uphill from the Bourdelaic camp sat the imposing Citadel of Carrow. An ancient structure, guarding the vital mountain paths in southwest Naros. Constructed purely of black stone with durability and sheen before unknown, it appeared nearly insurmountable as it jutted into the early morning sky. Now, it stood as the last bastion of resistance to be rooted out by the men of Bourdeleaux. Occupied by the mad Lord Tarkanet, it was suspected that any peaceful abdication of the stronghold was unlikely. As Terakan fell in the melee, only Temak Kan remained to challenge the mad Lord’s reign. It remained a point of contention for many of soldiers in the camp, arguing whether or not it was even worth trading one Carrow Lord for another.


    “...If it were me, I’d have taken reprisals against the populace. As they’ve made us bleed, I would kindly return the favor.” said one soldier, clad in loose-fitting trousers and wrapped in a worn and lacerated black gambeson. Several cuts and slashes decorated his underarmor, and a large scar streaked vertically along the length of his right eye, masked by a black eyepatch - notably sporting a golden white sun upon it.


    Another soldier, huddled around the same hearth as he, called out from across the smoldering embers of last night’s fire, “Good thing you’re not in charge then, ‘innit, Jonas.” he scoffed.


    “They ought to pay, and you know it.” spat the grizzled soldier.


    “No, I don’t. Unlike you, I have empathy for fellow man, you cold bastard.” replied the second man, stripped of his plate and merely clad in his roughspun tunic, save for the sabatons fastened against his legs. Gawain was his name, a regular footman as many others.


    “You see…” chimed in a third, sat rear-end first on the dirt, “They say a good leader must inspire fear and love. Both must be present, ‘lest his reign be tumultuous and in turmoil.” he said, tossing an idle twig into the ashes.


    “Quite the philosopher, aren’t you, Alucard?” said Jonas, rolling his eyes. Indifferent, he turned his attention away from the assembled men towards one of the pitched tents. “Would’che look at tha’?”


    “Wha’?” questioned Gawain, craning his neck to gawk at whatever had caught Jonas’s attention.


    “It’s Verlaine.” said Jonas, pointing across the dirt path which separated A Company’s quarters from B Company’s.


    Gawain squinted across muddied and hoof-trodden road, eyeing Verlaine. Verlaine, an enormous, muscular man, stood just outside of his tent. He thrust his black helm atop his head, sliding his sallet down. From head to toe he was clad in his ebony plate. The distant man cracked his neck, dropping to a knee as he performed extensions of the leg. And as he felt that was sufficient, he sprung up and performed a series of jumping jacks and arm stretches. “Unusual. His unit’s not due for any action today.” Gawain commented.


    “Bastard likes to stay in tip-top shape, it seems. I’ve seen him sprint around the perimeter of the camp in full kit a hundred times, carrying his longsword wit’ ‘im. That madman. He makes it look like it’s nothing.”


    “God bless Verlaine!” cried Alucard, finishing the last of his ale.


    “Eh, what do you make of this, Captain Rimbault?” asked Jonas, turning to address a fourth man among the group.


    Jonas met the gaze of weary, tired man who sat upright upon a sawn log, one leg crossed over the other and a pipe in his mouth. He appeared to be reading a book, with covered by dirty leather and scrawled in black ink across yellow parchment. He lowered his book, and sighed, “Well, Decanus Jonas, I think Verlaine is a model soldier. You should all strive to be like him. Perhaps, if there were more of him this siege would be at an ends.” he replied, resuming his reading shortly after.


    “Oh look, there he goes!” chuckled Alucard.


    As the group of men looked over, Verlaine was in the midst of performing knee-raises, before taking off in a quick jog. “Careful not to stab anyone with that, Verlaine!” Gawain shouted after the man, cheering him off.


    Verlaine turned, offering Gawain a head nod as he flipped down his visor and began his daily routine, legs kicking into motion.


    “That man lives and breathes Bourdeleaux. Bourdeleaux flows through his veins!” said Gawain with pride.


    “Bloodileaux.” said Alucard.


    Jonas shook his head, “Alright, enough of that.” he coughed.


    A brief moment of silence ensured. Gawain merely prodded at the embers with a stick, until he uttered, “Eh, did you hear Marcela died?”


    “Tragic.” commented the Captain, consumed in his reading.


    “Who the bloody hell is Marcela? That your wench or somethin’?” asked Alucard.


    “Nae. It’s that minstrel singer that’s been taking Souvois by storm for the past few years.” replied Gawain, matter-of-factly.




    “Capitaine Rimbault.” interceded an unfamiliar voice, sharp and down to business.


    Rimbault set down his book, recognizing the voice. He immediately rose, standing to attention. “Yes, Colonel.”


    The other men looked over and naturally rose, standing to.


    “Your unit and B Company are going out on patrol today. Strap up. You leave in thirty minutes.” the man said, nodding as he departed to presumably attend his numerous ‘duties’.


    “Damn it.” the Captain muttered, sighing aloud, “Well, you heard the man, get ready. Get suited and meet me in the parade ground, you have twenty.”  he said, closing his book and making for his own tent.


    “Aye, sir.”


    “Somebody better tell Verlaine before B Company leave without him.” chuckled Alucard.


    “With luck, he’ll still be doin’ laps by the time we return!” said Gawain.



    Black Army soldiers of J Company, 1st Regiment, on patrol the night prior in the woods surrounding Carrow, c. 1511


    Elsewhere, at the center of camp, a detachment of Phoenix Guardsmen stood watch over the largest and ornate tent in the entirety of the camp; the Emperor’s. For some time, he remained secluded in his quarters, presumably recovering from his wounds. On either side of the entrance, they stood parallel, halberds held perpendicular to themselves.


    The left guardsman’s gaze began to wander. Over the camp’s horizon, he could make out the silhouette and frame of the enormous trebuchet, the one that had been bombarding the Citadel for the past few weeks. Though a true feat of engineering, even that wasn’t enough to collapse the seemingly indestructible walls. The guardsman, who had been on watch for some time now, took pleasure in seeing the weapon reload and fire. Though it did not happen often, it was a sight to behold -- one that was met with resounding cheers from men throughout the camp as the helpless Carrow defenders received their beating.


    “Impressive, ‘innit, Odo.” said the second Phoenix Guard, motioning his chin towards the trebuchet.


    “Aye.” said the first man, now turning to stare down the tent aisle, where he could faintly make our and hear an infantry company drilling. They fine tuned their formation fighting, assuming different postures and sword guards in unison as the officer barked and the men obeyed. He admired the ethic of the Bourdelaic peoples, always aiming to improve themselves.


    “Look sharp.” said the second.


    Odo set his gaze straight once more, staring down two individuals who approached, backs to the Sun.


    “Sir Richard!” exclaimed the second guardsman.


    “Lothaire.” the Knight replied, smiling as the pair approached.


    “Who is it that you bring?” Lothaire questioned, furrowing his brows towards the stranger.


    “Perhaps the finest physician in the Empire, that’s who.” boasted Sir Richard, a decorated knight in his own right and personal advisor to the Emperor. He had a bear pelt wrapped around his shoulders, and various purity seals and gallantry awards were pinned upon his chest. He was to be trusted.


    “Ah, excellent! The Emperor would be joyed to see him.”


    The doctor bowed, “Pierre de Troyes. At your service.” he said, approaching the tent.


    Lothaire lowered his halberd to block the man’s path, and Odo followed suit, scolding the the doctor.


    “Not so fast. You’ll be subject to thorough search before entry.”  stated Lothaire, stepping forward as the plates and various ends of his black armor clinked.


    “Of course. Of course.” the Doctor said, raising his arms and allowing himself to be searched.


    Nearby Phoenix Guardsmen looked on, amused at the sight of Lothaire giving Pierre a thorough pat down and asking him to strip various pieces of clothing. Odo, turned back to the tent entrance, peeling back the canvas flap and quietly telling a guard who held watch inside the Emperor’s quarters, “Tell the Emperor his physician his here to see him.” The interior guard nodded, and Odo let the flap loose, staring at the doctor once more, chuckling.


    “Is this necessary?”


    “Is that even a question?” Lothaire shook his head, turning out the man’s pockets. “Hm. No weapons. You’re good to go.”


    “No expense is spared to ensure the Emperor’s safety.” stated Sir Richard.


    “Right.” the doctor, bowed politely, finally being allowed inside the tent, held up for some ten-odd minutes.


    Odo seized the man by the arm, looking him deadset in the eye, “Make His Imperial Majesty well, God be with us.”



    At all times, the Emperor is protected by an Elite retinue of Phoenix Guard, known as the Noviquen Guard, and are senior members of the order. Many of the Noviquen Guard have the privilege of having the Emperor’s ear and are considered invaluable allies and even friends.



    Farmlands - 33 Farmlands


    Souvois - Merchant’s Guild, Place of Worship, Church

    Omignon - Merchant’s Guild

    Vascogne - Merchant’s Guild


    Manufactories - N/A




    Income: 74,500g (Base - 3k, 6 Economy Pts - 6k, Pop - 25.5k, Resources - 3k, Merchant Guilds - 9k, Trade - 6k, Cities/Towns - 21k, Incoming Caravels - 1k)

    Upkeep: 6,000g (Army), 5,000g (Veterancy) = 11,000g.




    [23,000g] Loan Payment to Galaharian League

    [25,000g] Construction of 5 Farm lands



    [10,000g] Construction of 2 Settlement

    [4,500g] Constructing 6 Basllistae

    1000 gold to treasury


    [Non-Expenditure] Significant measures are undertaken to ensure the Emperor’s safety, constantly under watch of the Phoenix Guard, with all visitors being screened, searched, and interrogated.





    Ruler: H.I.M. Emperor Adrian II

    Government: Imperial Constitutional Monarchy

    Population: ~ 8,007,992

    Allies: Galaharian League, Kingdom of Fyr-Darrick

    Trade Partners: Galaharian League, Kingdom of Fyr-Darrick, Kingdom of Helmedhi, Passans




    The Bourdelaic host marches into the lands of Carrow, c. 1510


    Though the Carrow Wars were not yet over, the Emperor knew he ought to return the Capital and recover. He had appointed Count Theobold of Onofrio, trusted friend and Magister Militum, to oversee the siege in his stead. For now, the Emperor retired to the Imperial City. During the battle, his life had flashed before his eyes and he swore he had seen white as Terakan cut his way through flesh and steel in bloodlust. He had much to contemplate about. Should he consider himself lucky, graced by the protection of the Great Sun that he did not fall that day. Or should he mourn for the souls that fought in his name, especially the young Phoenix Guard soldier who took the killing blow for him, Alphonse. Though, he knew him not, he was an aspirant in the ranks of the Phoenix Guard and showed great promise. No, the Emperor could sulk no longer. He would spit upon his grave, had he continued to lock himself away and let his death be in vain. As all Bourdelaise are, they are the first to lay down their lives for a greater cause.



    Black Army soldiers moments after the Battle of Carrow


    And so he trudged from his bed, adorning himself in his Imperial regalia and battle armor. In his standing mirror, he stared at his own image. His cold, ice-blue eyes, met those of his reflection, as curly blonde locks protruded from beneath his gold, jewel-embedded circlet. Whatever semblance of youth he once possessed was stripped from him. Bags sat just below his eyes, and creases lined his forehead from end to end. He hadn’t shaved in months, the dedication from campaign directing all attention away from self to state. He was a statesman -- not a debaucherer or a drunk, like some of those preceded him. Though not concerned with his own legacy, he aimed to cement that of Bourdeleaux’s as a whole. With the Solar Church, the peoples of Bourdeleaux had been united behind one faith, and now were burdened to carry the torch. Now was the time to capitalize on this peace and stability at home, and turn the Bourdelaic spirit outwards.



    Sunset over the Imperial Palace, c. 1511


    The Emperor now found himself in the open air that was one of the several palace gardens in Souvois. His boots tapped gently upon marbled stone at his feet. Flanking the numerous pathways were low lying hedges which tucked away various flowers and flora from all corners of the Empire. Towards the center of this courtyard wasa five-pointed fountain which rose to the height of two men, and was ornamented with the solar burst. Water trickled slowly from the center of this stone monument, and ran the lengths of the pathways and circled the entire perimeter. The fountain itself stood as a reminder of the Sun’s tears and how He weeps for his children who suffer in his absence. Yet, as the Emperor approached the Solar fountain, it was not sorrow that he felt. He knelt, as luminous rays shone through the interior of the Solar icon, projecting onto him. He was beholden before the might of the Great Sun, muttering his prayers with zealous conviction, before concluding, “What next will you have of me, Lord of Light?”




    Farmlands - 18 Farmlands


    Souvois - Merchant’s Guild, Place of Worship, Church

    Omignon - Merchant’s Guild

    Vascogne - Merchant’s Guild








    Factories: N/A





    Income: 70,000g (Base - 3k, 6 Economy Pts - 6k, Pop - 24k, Resources - 3k, Merchant Guilds - 9k, Trade - 6k, Cities/Towns - 18k, Incoming Caravels - 1k)

    Upkeep: 6,000g (Army), 5,000g (Veterancy) = 11,000g.

    +60,000 loan from Galaharian League

    +1,000 gold stored

    Available: 113,000g



    [5,000g] Construction of Settlement

    [70,000] Construction of 15 Farmlands

    [27,000] Construction of 3 Trebuchets; 1 is Large

    [12,000] Construction of 6 Siege Towers

    [1,000g] An expedition is mounted to the mountains bordering the Aulem Peninsula. Exploring Point of Interest.

    [Non-expenditure] Elfred of Ulgar, governor of the Province of Ouestphal, is summoned to Imperial court. The Emperor seeks to know whatever information he can divulge regarding the Men of Aulem, appealing to their nature as raiders.

  6. V41scmkpx5R9KRes7ysDIYXyH2BZZZQPEuZV1iBcABuJ1p0PzhLLFusyG_QrCNEHBfEAbARyEqqVHzpTszYVzUqono3GVRTxcqijbD7Ll4v1Otp7by3DQjS_U4SrVqlutmm4G9Yz






    All across the country, workers rose to the cries of solidarity and revolution. During the aftermath of the Great Depression, many Americans had become disillusioned with the capitalist democracy and the failings of the Republicans and Democrats to deal with it. It was a system wrought with corruption and built upon the backs and toil of the worker. Through contact with German socialists and incorporating the ideologies of Lenin, Reed returned to America and championed the cause of the Unions, most notably the International Workers of the World, which he had already been a member of. Through this organization, the United Syndicates took form. Eventually he was propped up as the poster boy of the Socialist Party of America, promising the whole of America a bright path forward through comradery and cooperation. Reed was a hopeful on the presidential ballot. However, much of the political opposition claimed fraud and demanded a recount. Yet, no clear majority was had, and the decision was put to the House of Representatives, who were not so keen to elect an SPA candidate president. When Reed returned to Chicago, the seeds of sedition had been sowed. For the last time did the Federal government trounce upon the will of the people. All throughout the Iron Belt and the Northeast, Syndicalists took to the streets. Federal forces lost their grip throughout much of the area, with protests turning to shootouts on city streets.



    American workers take to the streets in defiance


    However, the realization that America had died only came when the District of Columbia had been stormed and seized by Syndicalist militias, putting Federal forces to rout. The petty skirmishes had devolved into all-out warfare, marking the beginning of the Second American Civil War. States wasted no time in declaring their allegiance, with the legislatures of the Midwest and Northeast declaring for the newfound provisional government. During this time, Reed took the reigns, though near unanimous selection by the Worker’s Congress. Now, the newfound state convened to restore order to the region and discuss social reforms with the freedom they now possessed.




    Though touting the cause of the working man, individuals within the United Syndicates devised their own solutions and ideologies on how to best do so. Though home to many former American socialist and syndicalist politicians, the United Syndicates hosts several minority parties championing causes such as totalism, anarchism, left-wing nationalism, Marxist-Leninism, mutualism, communism. However, the radicals held no meaningful presence in the Worker’s Congress as more moderate heads prevailed. A socialist democracy is enacted with American-modified Syndicalist aspects.



    During the turmoil, many shootouts broke out between radical militias or with police


    The Syndicates were fortunate, being able to wrestle control of the Northeast and New York City, and even the former American Capital with minimal struggle. However, they now were tasked with managing the home front, as well as fighting a two front war with Federalist and Southern forces.



    • Perhaps to the dismay of the radicals advocating for totalism or anarchism, a more moderate coalition takes hold of the Syndicates, who champion the cause of social democracy and syndicalism with American characteristics. Though some radicals cry for the abolition of ‘wage slavery’, the system remains in place with no intention of replacing the U.S. Dollar. (Mod)


    • A Central Command Structure is enacted for the Revolutionary Army with Maurice Rose as Chief of Staff. National Guards of seceding Syndicate states are the first integrated. They are armed with surplus Federal equipment and from plundered arsenals. (Mod)


    • The Syndicates attempt to contact the Unions and Resistance Organizations in West Virginia, notably from the coal industry. They urge the coal workers to rise as the Syndicates gear for an offensive against the Southern secessionists. (Mod)


    • Reed attempts to strike a deal with the founders and executives of the capitalist corporations and manufactories. They will be entitled to their private property and representation as long as they ensure the need of the working man are met; standard wage, 8-hour work days, safe working conditions, and recognition of the Unions. (Mod)


    • The M2 Cavalry Car project at Rock Island Arsenal continues, aiming to reinvigorate the Syndicates’s armored corps. The Army Chief of Staff puts in a personal inquiry into mounting cannons onto these vehicles, as opposed to solely machine guns. Some 50 vehicles are ordered. (Mod)


    • Arms Manufacturers are are dished out contracts to produce Browning Automatic Rifles and M1919s, to supplement the small arms arsenal of the Syndicates. Research and Development of the M1 Garand Project continues at Springfield Armory. (Mod)








    Ruler: H.I.M. Emperor Adrian II

    Government: Imperial Constitutional Monarchy

    Population: ~ 6,864,754

    Allies: Galaharian League, Kingdom of Fyr-Darrick

    Trade Partners: Galaharian League, Kingdom of Fyr-Darrick, Kingdom of Helmedhi, Passans



    Captain Sir Chilfroy Chauvet leading the Souvesian Skullcaps into battle during the Carrow Wars, c. 1510.


    The Emperor remembered it clearly, his life flashing before his eyes as the hulking Lord Terakan was bearing down upon him, cutting down any Bourdelaux man who stood in his way and casting them aside with ease. With a tremendous blow, he crushed the Emperor’s arm, leaving Adrian reeling in pain. In a bout of courage and loyalty, a member of the Imperial Guard, thrust himself in front of both Adrian and Terakan. Though, he was fatally wounded by Terakan and died where he stood, his lungs crushed through the sheer force of the man’s strike. However, his sacrifice, bought time for his Phoenix Guard comrades to respond. Much like a band of poachers hunting an elephant, it took many a men to bring him down. Though when he fell, it was sounded around the battlefield.



    Mounted Men-at-Arms of the 1st Cavalry Regiment wreak havoc in the Carrow left.


    All took notice, Bourdelaic, Carrow, and Galaharian alike. The man the Carrow thought invincible had been slain before their very eyes -- truly, what hope was there? At this event, many Carrow levy units turned tail and fled back to the Citadel. Meanwhile, the Black Army was left to lick their wounds. As the dust settled, the corpses and bodies of friend and foe alike were scattered across the plains. Indeed, it was a victory. However, Adrian had hoped that it would not have to come to this and the Carrow would submit at the sight of his army. He had to commend them for their bravery in the face of overwhelming odds. Though, was it instead stupidity and the command of some craven that sent the men of Carrow to the battlefield?



    A dramatization of the surrender of Lord Temak Kan at the outskirts of Carrow, c. 1510


    Terakan lay dead at Adrian’s feet. Tarkanet, arguably the most vocal, aggressive, and senile during his visit to the Citadel was not to be found. No confirmation of his death could be had among the Bourdelaic soldiers. However, a Carrow Lord had managed to been taken alive. The young Lord Temak Kan, who had so valiantly led his Knights of Ogrun against the Black Army forces for some years now, the terror that lay in the dark and preyed upon the unwary. The Emperor was brought before the Lord Temak Kan, who knelt beside his wolf-stead, stroking it’s fur as it had been wounded by the stand of the League’s Men. Either wise or opportunistic, he had struck a deal with the Emperor -- that he will serve and govern Carrow in his stead, and aid in Tarkanet’s disposal. To this they shook, both agreeing to rid of the tyrant and see the peaceful assimilation of Carrow into the Empire. Temak merely cared for his people, and resistance had become futile -- his only condition was the safety of his people.


    Emperor Adrian cast his gaze once more across the battlefield. However, now he had been surrounded by many of the men who had fought by his side. Both the captured Carrow and the standing Bourdeleaux had been witness to the deal struck by the two men. The Emperor was worried and weak. Though he needed to seek treatment for his arm, he knew had to speak with the Lord Temak Kan urgently. He grunted in pain, as he straightened, ignoring the wound temporarily. What better time than to speak with them?




    “AVE IMPERATOR.” cried a man, whose fire burned from within his heart. Not long after, one after another followed suit. A sea of men -- a black tide, joined in unison praising the efforts of their Emperor and God. To this, Adrian was relieved, long having doubted the morale of the men of his command. Though, as they shouted “Ave Imperator”, all doubt in his mind has subsided. One way or another, Carrow would fall.



    Farmlands - 14 Farmlands


    Souvois - Merchant’s Guild, Place of Worship, Church

    Omignon - Merchant’s Guild

    Vascogne - Merchant’s Guild






    Manufactories - N/A




    Income: 59,500g (Base - 3k, 6 Economy Pts - 6k, Pop - 19.5k, Resources - 3k, Merchant Guilds - 9k, Trade - 6k, Cities/Towns - 12k, Incoming Caravels - 1k)

    Upkeep: 5,000g (Army), 5,000g (Veterancy) = 10,000g.

    -3000g Wolf attack on northern frontier

    +2500 savings

    Available: 49,000g


    [9,000g] Loan payment to Galaharian League


    [5,000g] Construction of Settlement

    [20,000g] Construction of 4 Farmlands Stacks.

    [8,000g] Recruiting 1 T4 Heavy Infantry

    [6,000g] Recruiting 1 T4 Medium Infantry

    1,000 gold to treasury.





    Ruler: H.I.M. Emperor Adrian II

    Government: Imperial Constitutional Monarchy

    Population: ~ 6,528,337

    Allies: N/A

    Trade Partners: Galaharian League, Kingdom of Fyr-Darrick, Kingdom of Helmedhi, Passans



    Troublemakers rounded up following the initial gains during the Black Army’s invasion




    The Bourdelaic camp glowed brightly upon the grassen hilltop. Lights from hundreds of campfires illuminated the otherwise barren plains, tucked away behind hastily erected wooden palisades. Where otherwise activity in the valley was scarce, now the full weight of the Black Army host was bearing down upon the heart of the Carrow Lords, the citadel of Carrow itself. The hardy men of Bourdeleaux pushed forwards in a forced march, aiming to catch their foe off guard. Thus far, the gamble proved successful, the Army now firmly embedded into Carrow Lords territory like a tick upon a deer. They knew of the Black Army’s gains near the borderlands but opted not to engage. In fact, the men of Bourdeleaux were relieved, using this precious downtime to gain a night’s rest following their forced march.


    The moon had rose at its highest peak, and activity had largely died down within the camp. A handful of soldiers huddled around a fire for warmth. Some of the men wore their tunics while others remained clad in their armor, comfortable in it even. They formed a haphazard circle around flames, some laying back, others bent forwards upon logs, or others with their legs spread before them. They conversed with each other as the flame sizzled, embers dispersing into the night sky and plumes disappearing before their eyes against the stark black. Closest to the fire sat a man of horse, indicated by his scout armor he still bore. He shivered, staring deeply into the flames, still and silent.


    Another soldier slid towards the scout, arse dragging across the dirt. He tapped the scout upon the shoulder, and shot a curious look, “Ay, you. You alright, pal?”


    The shaken scout’s eyes widened, turning to face his fellow soldier, “Yes..” he managed, “There’s things out there… in the dark. The night is full of horrors.”


    “Eh?” the soldier questioned.


    “Do yourself a favor. Stray no farther than you must from the main host, and never lose sight of your fellow man… Something lurks beyond these wooden walls, stalking us now...”


    The soldier knew not what to make of what he had been told, nodding as he patted the poor soul upon the shoulder. Rising to his feet with a strained grunt, he told the man, “I’ll keep that in mind, but for now I ought to relieve the sentry. Get yourself some rest, we march again upon the ‘morn.” he said, slinging his shield over his shoulder, sword in tow. And like that, he disappeared into the night, leaving the scout to his devices.






    Income: 56,500g (Base - 3k, 6 Economy Pts - 6k, Pop - 19.5k, Resources - 3k, Merchant Guilds - 9k, Trade - 4k, Cities/Towns - 12k)

    Upkeep: 5,000g (Army), 5,000g (Veterancy) = 10,000g.

    1000 from treasury

    Available: 47,500g


    [8,500g] 8,500g is sent to the Galaharian League for the second loan payment

    [10,000g] Researching trebuchet construction.

    [24,000g] Recruitment of 3 Units of Bourdelaic Heavy Milites  (T4 Heavy Infantry)

    [2,500g] Recruitment of 5 Units of Voulge Militia (Light Infantry)








    Ruler: H.I.M. Emperor Adrian II

    Government: Imperial Constitutional Monarchy

    Population: ~ 6,217,464

    Allies: N/A

    Trade Partners: Galaharian League, Kingdom of Fyr-Darrick, Kingdom of Helmedhi, Passans



    The throne room was filled with the gossip and chat of the nobility and aristocrats. The Emperor’s summons were clear and they were heard. He had returned from his venture into the twin river valley and was prepared to issue a declaration to the peoples of Bourdeleaux. Some murmur rumors of the Emperor’s personal visit to the lands of the Carrow Lords. Other mention an impenetrable stronghold made purely out of black stone. Very few knew what the Emperor was to say. However, it was clear he was not pleased. He lay solemnly in his pristine throne, forged by his ancestors through the wealth and riches of Bourdeleaux’s conquered. His mood resonated with the entirety of the court, as few dared to speak boisterously. There was no pleasantry to be had, rather his brows furrowed and creased ran across his aging skin.


    As the last of courtiers entered the throne room, soldiers of the Phoenix Guard slammed shut the imposing, ceiling-high iron wrought doors, effectively sealing within all those inside. A few glances shot rearward to the sound of closing doors, while the others held their attention upon the Emperor. He met their gazes, scanning those present within his Great Hall. “My loyal subjects.” he cried aloud, echoing throughout the chamber, simultaneously rising from his throne.”We find ourselves on the cusp of war once more. It pains me to calls the sons and brothers and fathers of Bourdeleaux to arms once more – however, this is a just conflict, by all standards.” He declared, stepping off the dais and onto the floor of the assembly.


    The height he displayed was not fully captured as he rested upon his throne. Standing, though aged, he was certainly a well built figure ahead of the common man. As he paced down the length of the silk drawn aisle, he turned his head from either side, looking each man in the eye. Soldiers of his Phoenix Guard stood imposing in their black and gold armor, lining the approach to the Imperial throne. It was not them who budged, but rather the burghers and wealthy who anxious of his next move. Some craned their necks past the winged sallets of the Guard, desperately trying to catch a glimpse. Others who tried to get too much of a view were restrained by the ever vigilant Guard.


    An eerie silence followed, broken only by the sound of flames lapping in their torches and the flapping of the Bourdelaic standards, which were strung high across the chamber’s ceilings and brick walls. “Those fools who style themselves the Carrow Lords have transgressed upon Bourdelaic pride and honor. They title themselves the true heirs to my ancestor Moravec, who ruled over Selroc in the days of old. We will not stand for falsifications. We will show them we are truly the ones to uphold the mantle in this dark world.”


    “They liken us to cheats, lowlives, and barbarians. In doing so they spit upon everything we have constructed and achieved. They believe they are of high worth and noble birth, yet dare cower in their walls and spew insults upon us.They claim themselves to be the sons of House Tarkan… an ancient vassal of Symon, disillusioned by the deeds of their forefathers. Their arrogance shall serve as their undoing. My subjects, and soldiers of the Black Army, you will be my heralds in this awakening. The Sun will rise upon new horizons, even if it kills me doing so. No doubt, will I be avenged by my sons who I have taught to my utmost capacity to love Bourdeleaux. For none other than the Bourdelaise truly understand the concept of the greater good and sacrifice for God and Country.”


    “The Great Sun smiles on us. For I have heard his word myself. We are a part of a greater plan that lay in store. We will obey. Fight with me and you shall be absolved of all sin the eyes of God and be granted a key to warm embrace of the Great Sun. We will prevail. Sol Invictus!” The Emperor cried at last, his face flushed red, and spittle sprayed outwards from his mouth, standing at the epicenter of the Imperial court. A brief lull followed, accompanied by varying shouts:


                           “SOL INVICTUS!”

                                                                                                “GLORY TO THE GREAT SUN.”

                                        “LONG LIVE BOURDELEAUX!”

                                                                                                                                                                             “THEY WILL KNEEL!”

                                                                       “BY GOD’S WILL!”


    What followed were several patriotic and zealous cries of triumph and praise. While some applauded, others cheered. Soldiers of the Phoenix Guard clamored the butts of their polearms against the throne room floor in unison. Other knights and influentials drew their swords and thrust them into the air. As the sword was drawn, blood would be spilled.


    Bourdeleaux had rolled its dice. The stakes were high.






    Income: 52,000g (Base - 3k, 6 Economy Pts - 6k, Pop - 18k, Resources - 3k, Merchant Guilds - 9k, Trade - 4k, Cities/Towns - 9k)

    Upkeep: 5,000g (Army), 5,000g (Veterancy) = 9,000g.

    Available: 45,000g


    [8,500g] 8,500 gold is sent to the Galaharian League for the first loan payment, as per arrangement.

    [2,000g] Training Phoenix Guard Unit to Elite

    [4,000g] Upgrading 1 Unit of Light Infantry to T4

    [10,000g] Recruiting 2 Units of T3 Crossbowmen.

    [20,000g] Recruiting 4 Units of T4 Light Infantry


    [500G] A last personal offering is made before the Great Sun. At the Church of the Holy Disciples of the Brazier and Moravec the Saviour in Souvois, the Emperor and his most trusted companions kneel before the brazier of the eternal flame. There, they seek guidance and the aid of God in their coming endeavor, carried out in his name.


    [Non-expenditure] Envoys are sent to the Kingdom of Fyr-Darrick and the Galaharian League, informing them of Bourdeleaux’s intentions.


    [Non-expenditure] Bourdelaic raiders are unleashed, ordered to start pillaging the countryside of the Carrow Lords and raid their unprotected villages. Whatever intel they can gather is to be relayed to the main force, whose advance they screen. The Bourdelaic host marches towards the Carrow Lords. An official declaration of war is sent in tandem with their advance.


    1,000 to treasury.





    Ruler: H.I.M. Emperor Adrian II

    Government: Imperial Constitutional Monarchy

    Population: ~ 5,921,394

    Allies: N/A

    Trade Partners: Galaharian League, Kingdom of Fyr-Darrick, Kingdom of Helmedhi,




    The outskirts of the Bourdelic war camp at noon; c. 1507


    “Pray that my daughter be in good health and that she and her escort safely traversed the Barrier to Galahar. God watch over her and let her suffer not injustice. Pray that she finds a loving and dutiful husband and bear him many sons…”



    “Sir Chilfroy, show me to the camp chaplain’s, would you?” Adrian addressed the knight, though fidgeting with the clasp that secured his cloak. The Emperor always made sure he appeared somewhat presentable.


    “My liege, right away.”  the man tapped his heels together, bending in a curt bow. On a rhythmic pivot, he turned and pulled apart the canvas that shielded the inside of the Emperor’s tents from the elements.


    The Emperor nodded in return, stepping outside and facing the world once more. Two sentries guarded the Emperor’s quarters, their expressions emotionless though attentive, arms wrapped around their halberds which jutted out to the skies with steel gleaming in the Sun’s light. The light blinded the Emperor temporarily, shielding his eyes with his gauntleted hand. “Another day where the Sun beats down upon our flesh,” the Emperor smiled, the knight now accompanying him, “A good day.”


    “As always, Your Majesty.” the knight responded, beginning his way through the camp. “Truly, we are favored.” The knight was well-built, especially in the shoulders. Upon the tabard draped over his chestplate, he donned a peculiar set of arms, what seemed to be gules, a rooster or. Certainly this befit him the title of C*ck Knight. To the knightley circles such a title was amusing, though perhaps not to his foes, as Chilfroy had become quite adept with the greatsword.


    As always, prior to campaign, the camp bustled with activity. As the boots of the two men treaded down paths of dirt and mud, men on either side awaited eagerly the order to sally out. Men who told tales around fires or those drilling with their regimental officers rose and snapped to attention at the Emperor’s approach. Others dropped to a knee in respect. Either/or was accepted as proper. As they fell out of his eyesight, returning to their duties. One group trained in various sword fighting stances, transitioning from holding guards low, mid, and high, before eventually repeating this tedious process. The officer barked commands, meanwhile the men shouted in unison.


    The black armor in which they were clad seemed almost unearthly, eerie to a point. While there was a psychological aspect, there was also a spiritual design to the armor. The sole Sun on the black field represented the bastion of light, the Sun and the people of Bourdeleaux, those upholding the Great Sun’s divine mandate. The Sun was emblazoned upon the breastplate of every man, serving as a constant reminder to all of their duty.


    The Cult of the Great Sun, otherwise known as the Solar Church, preaches that the people of Bourdeleaux, are the elect - the chosen. Thus, it is their responsibility to bring salvation and civilization to the surrounding heathenous and barbaric nations. For selfish reasons or righteous ones, every single man enlisted within the ranks of Black Army, ready to shed blood in the name of God, Emperor, and Country. Though, of course, if peaceful assimilation was possible, it was prefered.





    Soldiers of the 1st Rideaux Independent Light Infantry Battalion, C Company, undergoing variable terrain training in the eastern mountains of Bourdeleaux


    The brave C*ck Knight stopped, gesturing towards a tent on his right, “Your Majesty, the chaplain’s.” Beside him, pitched, was an immaculate white and gold embroidered tent anchored into five points. Inscribed were several phrases and incantations of the Old Tongue, followed by the usual solar regalia. It was temporary, though a large structured. Inside the tent could be heard, the soft murmurs of many a soldiers making their peace with God, or receiving blessings from the clergy.


    “Thank you, good Sir Chilfroy. I’ll be just a moment.” the Emperor expressed his gratitude, entering the sacred tent, serving as the house of God upon the field. The Emperor couldn’t help but think he’d been there before, but hadn’t. The room was dimly lit, save for small candles scattered throughout the room. The sharp smell of incense filled his nostrils, as he released a sigh of tranquility. No other place in the tent held such a gravity. In a group huddled near an altar was a small group of men, no more than ten. Their heads lowered, they uttered soft prayers. At the moment, a lone chaplain attended to their spiritual needs, offering counsel to each who sought it.


    The chaplain turned to source of the penetrating light from outdoors. As he realized the Emperor, he bowed graciously low, the flat of one rested upon his abdomen, with the other just above the nape of his back. He was clad in red, orange, and golden robes, with an over-sized and heavy solar medallion wrapped around his neck. “Your Imperial Majesty.” he said, maintaining his L-shaped stance and eyes locked upon the ground in which he stood.





    A depiction of Saint Magritte in prayer at a secluded altar, chaplain’s tent, c. 1507


    “Chaplain, you may rise.” the Emperor smiled at the courteous gesture, curiously glancing from one corner of the tent to another.


    Only then did the clergyman rise, stretching his back in the process, “Your Imperial Majesty, I have that from what you seek, the blessed Oriflamme of Saint-Villard.” The chaplain motioned an arm past his person, sleeves upon his robes draped low. Sprawled out behind him atop a silk-covered table, lay a red and golden pennon, emblazoned with the sunburst.


    The Emperor approached, running his hand across the surface of what seemed to be nothing but a mere flag. Velvet. Under his breath the Emperor whispered, “The Oriflamme of Saint-Villard.”


    “Yes.” the chaplain replied, “As once Saint Villard rode forth, so will we. And we too shall enjoy the victory in battle. Rally the men to the sacred banner, and their resolve may hold yet. Renewed vigor and courage they shall find, and the Sun’s flame burning within their hearts.”


    So it was true. the Emperor thought to himself. He expected stiff resistance from the Carrow Lords, and knew such a miracle may be needed to bring about their conquest. He had heard tales of the sacred banner, but had never thought to gaze upon it in person. He’d thought it locked away at the sacred abbey at Rennes. However, truly it must be and righteous a cause to disturb its resting place. At last, all doubt in his mind subsided and trepidation erased. There would be war.





    Income: 47,500g (Base - 3k, 6 Economy Pts - 6k, Pop - 16.5k, Resources - 3k, Merchant Guilds - 9k, Trade - 4k, Cities/Towns - 6k)

    Upkeep: 4,000g (Army), 3,000g (Veterancy) = 7,000g.

    20,000g loan from Galaharian League

    500 from Treasury

    Available: 61,000g


    [2,000g] Upgrading 1 Unit of Light Cavalry to T3.

    [20,000g] Recruiting 2 Units of  T4 Phoenix Guard

    [11,000g] Recruitment of 1 Unit of Veteran T4 Medium Cavalry

    [2,000g] Upgrading 1 Unit of Crossbowmen to T3

    [8,000g] Recruitment of 1 Unit of T4 Heavy Infantry



    [5,000g] Bourdelaic settlers are drawn to the riverlands in the southeast of the country. A fully fledged settlement begins construction between the dual rivers, named Suttre-upon-the-Twins.



    [10,000g] As, the Black Army is lacking in magic wielders, the Emperor calls for the recruitment of sorcerers and magic-wielders into their ranks. The time will come where the Sun’s gifts are harnessed for the greater good. Construction of T1 Temple.


    [Non-expenditure] An envoy is sent to the Passans, requesting trade between the two peoples.







    Ruler: H.I.M. Emperor Adrian II

    Government: Imperial Constitutional Monarchy

    Population: ~ 5,639,422

    Allies: N/A

    Trade Partners: Galaharian League, Kingdom of Fyr-Darrick, Kingdom of Helmedhi, Carrow Lords




    The Castle of Lassus at dusk, southern Bourdeleaux; c. 1506


    “My liege, come. Taste the vintage from the previous year’s spoils, would you?” came a voice from the opposing end of the room. A small group of men were gathered near a small table in a corner. They stood in a dark and cool cellar, numerous kegs holding wines of untold ages lining the stone cobbled walls. The only light that entered the room was through a narrow grated that opened outwards to ground level, shining the Sun’s light upon a glass bottle that glew magnificently. Wrapped around the circumference of the bottle was a thin label; indicating the fabled and desired Talousian Wine. The bottle itself stood as a testament to the perfection and pride that the Bourdelais had in their wineworks.


    Entering the room, was the Emperor, who often made it a happy to conduct his own census of his vassals. Talouse in particular was a favored destination. Comfortably warm in the summer, upon the Gulf, and devoid of the commoner riffraff, the area had become a favored vacation spot for the Imperial aristocracy. Many of which owning estates with vast swaths of farmlands and vineyards. The Emperor himself, being among those who lavished in the southern lifestyle. He smiled, coming to meet the men at the table, overjoyed to taste the fruits of their labor.


    Another man, a pot-bellied and thick-necked who was no doubt a local lord, gripped the bottle and poured the Emperor a glass of his own. The red liquid sloshed and filled the glass half-full; a modest amount.


    “This is from your own vines, Lord Lassus?” the Emperor inquired, reaching for the glass.


    “Of course, my Liege. Picked and personally pressed.” he boasted proudly, setting aside more and filling more cups for the other men.


    “Well, I do hope you wash then.” the Emperor chuckled, raising the glass to his chin.


    The men around chuckled as well, some more loudly than others. A mix of lesser lords and knights, they knew they ought to laugh at the Emperor’s jests, funny or not.


    “Everyone has a glass then, yes?” another man asked.


    “Seems so.” the Emperor said, exchanging glances with the other men, eager to taste.


    “Then we shall drink, to the Empire!” exclaimed Lassus, raising his glass in toast, followed by several other wishes of good health and stability as glasses clinked.


    Along with the other men, Emperor Adrian took a generous sip of his wine, smiling pleasantly as the taste danced upon his tongue, swishing the contents around. With a nod of approval, he said, “It’s good -- very good! Make me more of that, and ship it to the Imperial Palace!”




    Income: 47,500g (Base - 3k, 6 Economy Pts - 6k, Pop - 16.5k, Resources - 3k, Merchant Guilds - 9k, Trade - 4k, Cities/Towns - 6k)

    Upkeep: 4,000g (Army), 3,000g (Veterancy) = 7,000g.

    Available: 40,500g


    [40,000g] Even greater swaths of land are set aside for the yeomen. In addition communal farms exempt from a Lord’s tithes are also expanded so that the people may enjoy a greater surplus to retain. Construction of 8 stacks of Farmland.

    500 gold stored in treasury.

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