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Posts posted by Gallic

  1. I guess I'm biased, since I hang around on the september side when it comes to conflict RP, but I've had a lot of fun in this event line. I can't really say anything from the perspective of the victims here, but from the persepctive of a little fairy guy doing bad guy stuff it's been entertaining. Granted, I'm beginning to feel fatigue from how long it's been going on, but it'll be pretty good memories and a decent baseline for a character to be built from.


    57 minutes ago, Jaeden said:

    - Offer actual rewards for people investing characters into the opposing side, like strength enhancers or boons for the duration of the event.


    if you mean the september side, I'm pretty alright with the gifts we get: if you do a really good job, you get nice RP-- the boons aren't really why I'm in it, though


    if you mean the other side, I think it'd be pretty neat to have an opposing faction to give out rewards-- like the how the water elementals gave out quests relating to ragnaros and his associated raids back in WoW's early days

  2. 4 hours ago, Blago said:

    false Daeland Gallics’

    "Ye WOT?" Yells Gwion, his jimmies rustled. "I spent the prime years 'o my life tryin te keep Daeland alive an' ye abandoned us the fek you TALKIN' ABOUT ALISTAIR? FALSE DAELAND GALLICS?"


    The dude, now old, wheezes.


    "By tha time we left, we were th'only ones there. We stuck around te try to make Daeland work. You didn't. Keep our names out yer mouth."

  3. "Oi last time the Orcs renamed themselves ta the Iron Uzg didn't they unleash the spirit o' disease onto the mortal plane?" Asks Gwion to anybody as he witnesses posters on one of his visits to his old ( probably inactive or dead honestly ) orc pals.

  4. Wait, an hour in advance? For just normal raids? I'm not even a raid guy but that sounds like hot trash for people who like to go screw with settlements. I like the idea of raids needing a base to start from, but I'd think the time to get from that base to the place you're going should be all the advance needed.


    I also like the idea of raiders needing IC allegiance, I think it's a decent compromise for people who feel as though a lot of pvp-ish factions are OOC groups.


    The head thing, though, is not cool. Heads or npcs being taken have been used extensively in the past as IC justification to harrass people a group OOC'ly dislikes, and it's something I've seen happen to multiple friends of mine. They were coerced into giving their heads to people, and the idea that you can just skip the whole consent part wholesale would make this problem even worse.


    This change also proposes that chests can be, without a roll, broken into and looted by goon guys. Settlements can potentially be raided every TWO DAYS with INFINITE GOONS with this change. This will probably culminate in people routinely stuffing their valuables into high-security vaults deep underground. Also, what's the point of heists if raids allow you to loot chests without even rolling?


    Another change I like is allowing villains to come in groups of at most three without counting as a raid. That's nice.


    I wrote that all as I was reading through it, so to put the points I care about down more legibly:


    + IC allegiance required,

    + Villains allowed to cause trouble,


    - Non-consensual head taking,

    - Free-reign chest looting,

    - Raiders need to wait an hour before they can actually raid,

  5. 1 hour ago, Nathan_Barnett36 said:

    What? Of course it is. The comments on the application are there for people to voice their opinions on whether he would be a good member of the team, according to the players opinion. I didn't make a report because I couldn't be bothered with all the hassle. I am just showing screenshots where I have had bad encounters with Wulffery and I don't believe he'd be a good part of the ET.


    You already wrote more than a player report and apparently collected evidence too, which is the hardest part.

  6. 50 minutes ago, FlamboyantRage said:

    Mani summoning shouldn't be a thing, even if the section wasn't written as vague as certain dark souls pieces that we have

    if mani exist and they've been summoned in the past why wouldn't they be summoned now


    magic demigod animals bestowing wisdom upon desperate worshipers is an amazing fantasy trope


    also I think the phrasing of "summoning" might be confusing some people, from what I understand they aren't like, conjuring big demigods; they're inviting them to arrive, and if their efforts are noticed and the mani feels like it, they make an appearance

  7. 2 hours ago, HolyTortoise said:

    Why not have et play them, if they are mainly for events? I can see this becoming yet another druid specific creature because 'MUH ASPECTS'


    2 hours ago, Jentos said:

    Problem is 95% of the druid playerbase are actual anime characters that just point and cast, with little depth, i truly doubt to see any real good from this, as it seems to only give more ways to empower druids, as well as being a carbon copy of orcish spirits. 

    Druids have enough stuff thank you very much.




    hi it's me, gallic, the non-druid human who leads a culture that holds mani in a status of worship and occasionally holds rituals for them

  8. 1 hour ago, WuHanXianShi14 said:

    groups of nomadic humans on the southern Atlasian steppe,


    hey y'know who's a group of nomadic humans who worship mani and live in southern atlas


    Anyway, I dig this. I was afraid it'd change the image of the Mani, but instead it just added more clarity to the image that already exists. +1

  9. Wow okay so, I know this probably isn't the intent, but I don't want PvP goons getting the right to grief my builds IC, based on my past experience being around such crews. Yeah, I get that it's realistic and all, but in reality people weren't raided every five days by people who hate them on a metaphysical out-of-body level.

  10. In the autumn, the Prince ascends from his dream. His light as vibrant fires, stretched over the sky. A beauty, seen only by those who grow from the Aspects' true footsteps. A calling.

    I awoke to his song.


    In the winter, the world of steel came to cut him down. His vibrance, sullied by their smog. Their fires scorch the trees. Deniers of the season's turning; They fear rebirth.

    I saw the draoii work to undo him.


    In the spring, he came to cut them down. With one touch, their world of steel and stone crumbled, rusted. The Aspects' children retake the land. Life flourishes. It is made whole.

    His purpose, it's intoxicating.


    In the summer, he returned to sleep. Like rodents, they crawled out, humbled. But they still hadn't learned: Lost, from the day they made iron from stone...

    September will make Atlas whole. Again.

  11. 5 hours ago, The Templar said:

    Nobody can talk to them except druids or other fae, at that. Might as well just hardshelve them and move on if they're only capable of having meaningful RP with the druids or other fae,

    hi I RP an orange sprite and deliberately avoid roleplaying in the dominion, with Druids, and with other fae and the RP I have is more meaningful because of it


    you are wrong

  12. Name: Gwion Gallic

    Allegiance: The Gallic Clan

    Profession/Skills: Ex-Merchant

    What do you hope to gain from joining the Merchants Guild?: Nothing, I'd just like to sell my massive backlog of merchandise to others who can turn a profit easier than this old man.

    ((MC Name)): Gallic

    ((Discord)): Gallic#9894

  13. On 8/5/2018 at 12:16 PM, Quavinir_Twiceborn said:

    Wait... Arnt- Satyrs and BRyophytes BOTH hard shelved?


    On 8/5/2018 at 6:59 PM, Katherine1 said:

    Yes, and Cervitaurs. I believe Sprites and Spriggans are also soft shelved at the moment, so that's most of the item list right there.


    As far as I know, Satyr, Cervitaur, Sprites and Spriggans are all soft shelved, so players who have apps for them can still play them.

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