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Posts posted by Gallic

  1. 4 hours ago, HedgeHug said:

    I confirm to have cursed this rose. Though I wish to add that cultivating was never part of its design. It was a single seed, which will make a single rose bush.

    I figured the cultivating bit was just a logical step, and added red lines so that people can't just grow gardens full of cursed roses. If more straight-up can't be grown, I can remove it. I made the MArt while you were on hiatus, yo.

  2. 8 minutes ago, LaffenOutLoud said:

    Quoted the wrong sentence you put. I made it customizable for each player. Read what I wrote -- Now players can oocly choose how their Sprites are given Energy.


    I aknowledge that, and I did fix it. They can vaguely communicate now.

    Even though the Sprite community think they should commonly speak - That was one of the main problems with Sprites.


    ooh, sorry my dude-- Didn't mean to jump the gun on you there.


    Thank you for taking the time to acknowledge my rant-y complaints-- And for the record, I like your idea more than just being able to speak common.


    Anyway; Remember to re-read your work a couple times to make sure it's perfect before the LT comes in to lock it. I think your rewrite has a pretty good shot at getting accepted, especially compared to some of the other rewrites we've seen during this whole fiasco.


    I'm sorry if I came off as harsh or combative. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or anything, I just get passionate about niche lores I care about.


    edit: got rid of that dumb face, please remove that feature of the forums devteam I don't want to make stupid emojis when I deliberately write out smileys

  3. Quote

    This is what I did. Thank you for the suggestion.

    I'd quote you properly but my internet won't allow that right now for some reason.


    What do you have against sprites being able to eat if their players want them to?


    Also, why aren't you acknowledging that there was a whole group full of sprite players who unanimously agree'd that not being able to communicate with anyone but druids wasn't working?

  4. Name of Artifact:





    Is this a combat related Artifact?


    MC Name of person currently in possession of Artifact:


    RP Name of person currently in possession of Artifact:

    Gwion Gallic / The Gallic Clan

    MC Name of creators of Artifact:

    ( Murlocs ( currently signed by finalhazard after he accidentally destroyed every item frame on the map and had to recreate it ) )

    RP Name of creators of Artifact:

    Fairie Magics?

    Screenshots showcasing the creation of the Artifact:

    N/A - old artifact

    MC item description:


    Seemingly crafted from deceased beasts of impressive stature, the pendant gives off a fearsome aura to animals around you. Not even the greatest of bears would dare to near.

    Effect of Artifact:

    The simply named 'Bonecharm' is an amulet-sized totem crafted from the bones of an unknown beast of prehistory, of frightening stature indeed. This aura seems to persist to this day, enchanted by some ancient power, Druidic in origin, to cause the wearer to take on a commanding, fearsome and dominant visage to any beast that should look their way, causing even the mightiest bears to turn aside in respect and fear.

    Red Lines of Artifact:

    - Only works on beasts ( and maybe ferals, if they ever return? ), obviously.

    - Cannot be used to issue an animal commands, as it only imparts a fearsome aura, not the ability to communicate.

    - Can be destroyed as easily as any other bone.

    Explanation of effect:

    Many years ago, upon the isle of Vailor, a force of darkness had stolen the tree of an ancient, seemingly native Dryad, who grew maddened by her loss, and began to wither. To the worthy hunters who returned her beloved companion to her, she granted this gift; An old charm that had kept her safe for many years, blessed by the powerful forces of the wilds, though before she could explain herself or the meaning of her gift, she vanished.

    Number of duplicates of this Artifact:

    0 ( though I believe there is one more somewhere out there, it can't really be accounted for )

    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the whereabouts and ownership of this Artifact by using the Magic List Errors?:

    I'll try!

    Have you applied for this Artifact before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:

    The opposite, in fact.

  5. Name of Artifact:

    Drelthok's Rose




    Is this a combat related artifact?


    I'm unsure if falling into a magic slumber with or without consent explicitly counts as combat. Can nightsap be used in combat?

    MC Name of person currently in possession of Artifact:


    RP Name of person currently in possession of Artifact:

    Gwion Gallic / The Gallic Clan

      MC Names of creators of Artifact:

    Gallic / HedgeHug ( ages ago, before MArts even existed )

    RP Names of creators of Artifact:

    The Druid of Solace / Shagarath

    Screenshots showcasing attempted creation of the artifact:

    N/A - old artifact

    MC item description:

    Drelthok's Seedling:

    A tiny seedling that will grow into a beautiful red rose. To shamans it feels odd and even moreso to druids. (( PM Hedgehug for details.

    Effects of Artifact:

    Drelthok's Rose is a rare herb; A beautiful red flower with the blessing of Drelthok, the spirit of sleep, cast upon it. When struck with a single prick of the rose's thorns, a person falls into a brief and abrupt slumber some moments after.

    Red Lines of Artifact:

    - Cannot be used to flat-out coup de grace someone, as harm done unto them would wake them from their slumber.

    - Cannot be cultivated correctly without performing a ritual to appease Drelthok prior to planting.

    - Only a single rose from any one bush. No carrying around entire uprooted bushes of magic roses; Once you move a rose from the bush, the rest lose their magic.

    - Only one use per rose; Cannot be used to repeatedly K.O. someone, or to sleep multiple people.

    - To use the rose, three emotes are required; One of somebody being pricked, one of the person feeling an intense, sudden drowsiness, and one of them succumbing to sleep.

    Explanation of effects:

    Once, long ago, through the combined power of two elders of differing, often opposed sects of magic, a pact was formed, and the wilds accepted shifts of spirit without growing withered and corrupted. Between the elder shaman, casting hexes of Drelthok, and elder druid, channeling the art of herbalism, a powerful gift was coaxed into a rose before them. A pristine, but odd flower, blessed by the spirit of slumber.

    Number of duplicates of this Artifact:

    N/A, cultivatable with LT permission?

    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the whereabouts and ownership of this Artifact by using the Magic List Errors?:

    To the best of my ability!

    Have you applied for this Artifact before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:

    No, but it got stuck on pending right before the MArt system was revamped.


  6. The telepathy thing seems to be an interesting solution to the sprite community's desire to stop roleplaying in gibberish but also have the ability to interact with non-druids, so I'll give you props there. It has my seal of approval-- But there are other things that weren't acknowledged. I'd quote myself, but it'd seem like the last rewrite attempt was removed.


    ( this isn't in order of priority, it's in the order I noticed them in )


    - 1. sprites not eating -


    On 7/10/2018 at 6:20 PM, LaffenOutLoud said:

    Sprites do not eat - They are plants and cannot digest food as Descendants and Animals do. Their energy and nutrients come from the sun - They photosynthesize as plants do.

    Plants do not get all of their nutrients from sun and water. Plants that can't get it from the soil DO digest food just like descendants and animals do. Just because some fae are plant-like doesn't mean they ARE plants-- And even if they were, they'd still need more than sun and water to support their active lifestyle. Like I said in the old comments; It'd be a better idea to either give them the ability to eat if they want to RP hunting bugs or whatever, or just say they're supported by natural energies, which would have a similar and more feasible result.




    I think the optimal solution to this one would be to keep the whole eating thing up to the one playing the sprite, with no 'official' stance. I know some old sprites liked their sprite sitting in puddles and eating sugar, some went for the whole "sunlight and druidic energy" thing, and I personally liked eating bugs.


    - 2. no orange sprites -


    I'm also seeing that you removed orange sprites. Is this an oversight or a deliberate change? The sprite I play is orange. Please give orange. :c


    - 3. literally the opposite of popular demand still -



    Sprites cannot understand Common.


    While I said that the telepathy was an alright solution to communication, this again brings us back to it being literally the opposite of what the sprite community wanted. This essentially removes their ability to roleplay with anyone who isn't a druid even if they can telepathically communicate, because they can only communicate with people they are touching, and seemingly can only do so one way.


    The inability to understand anyone who isn't part of a specific group will kill sprites. It already did before.


    edit: the way them being able to understand common while being unable to speak it was explained before, just for reference, was along the lines of them being able to intrinsically understand what a being means when they speak through some magic communion blessing malarkey


    - 4. why aren't they made of acerfolia -



    akin to Byrophites these plants are random


    If we're going for the "100% definitely specifically plant" instead of the "plant-like / plant-matter" approach, why aren't they made of Acerfolia? That one's not a big one. Like I said, it's not in order of priority.




    edit: just to be clear, what I'm trying to say is as a sprite player and someone who was involved in the discussions the sprite community had about what direction they should take, I feel like these points need to be addressed before this is satisfactory


    otherwise it's pretty good

  7. 7 hours ago, ZachoSnacko said:

    I think you have to have someone rply create an ent or something idk



    16 minutes ago, Keefy said:

    Not only would this require someone else to create, Ents are currently unplayable. Sorry mate.


    Druids don't make ents, but also yes this is a shelved creature unfortunately.

    Sorry, dude. :c

  8. A spirit sleeps, awaiting the return of its wayward pawn. A father lay slumbering, seeking dreams of days he lost.


    Both rest beneath the same tree, within the same sheaves. Both are compelled by the same curse.

  9. (( TL;DR: irish peasant nomad gypsy guys who don't like war OR oppression and would rather move to a different country than deal with their problems repost ))






    = The Gallic Clan =

    A group of enigmatic human nomads owing most of their population to travelers and refugees, free-spirited to a fault. Their perceived nature shifts as often as they change homes; Some perceive them as pleasant and valuable neighbors, others as cowardly traitors-- All the way back to ancient history, as a footnote of the Daelish legacy. Cravens in the eyes of fiercer Highlander clans, cast out for their contentious ways. History sways to the notions of the one who wrote it, but can be traced back to a truth at its deepest roots.


    The Gallic Clan are peaceful, nomadic hunter-gatherers with a distaste for authority, secretive at their core yet by appearances gregarious. Preferring diplomacy over war, many mistake them for cowards or prey, yet many of them hold great respect for martial skill.


    Due to their reluctance to speak truthfully with outsiders, little of their deeper culture is known publicly, however some base facts about their way of life and history can be gleaned.


    ---= =---

    = History =

    ---= =---

    The saga of the Gallics, in its modern iteration, shows a restless people with too many known homes to count. In the past few decades alone, they have lived in a total of seven different territories. Their oldest recorded hold was within Mordring’s Forest, during the Westerlands conflict, while their oldest recorded history stretches back approximately two-hundred years.


    Little is known conclusively of the period before then, but it is known that their wandering began, as mentioned above, with their exile from the lands of the ancient Daelish, and subsequent vanishing into cowardly obscurity.


    Until recently, after the scattering that occured post-Mordring Hold, their people lived mostly in isolated family units at the outskirts of modern human society; Shepherds, hunters, laborers, and even some exotic sorts like whalers. Their nomadic nature left them unsure if others of their clan had even survived, or if they were the only remnants. During the upheaval of the past fifty years, a period of constant war, they were driven to reform in order to protect their people.


    After rallying again, they had seen acceptance back into the fold of the unified Daelish Clans, for as long as the iteration lasted.


    ---= =---

    = Hierarchy =

    ---= =---

    The traditional hierarchy of the Gallic Clan does not waver much from the others of Daelish blood; A chief who leads, and subordinates who they care for. However, over time, a preference toward females has been shaped by their extended isolation. Prestige in families and bloodlines are traced matrilineally, females are considered wiser and more temperate, and indeed men find it difficult to gain respect in traditionally ‘female’ persuits, such as as a  seer, administrator or healer.


    Modern Gallics have had their hierarchy whittled down to a loose system based around the wisest and most experienced of their tribe:


    + Grandmother +

    The “Grandmother” of the Gallic clan, a title generally holding little responsibility yet unquestionable power: Traditionally, the title of “Grandmother” is awarded the oldest woman amongst the Gallics, once over the age of 80 and ceremonially recognized: They are believed to hold immense wisdom, experience and spiritual power, and become somewhat of a figurehead for the rest of the clan. At the crudest, one may compare them to the tribe mascot-- At best, they might be compared to how a faithful Canonist views a bishop. In truth, the position is awarded by merit of simple old age, and so their relationship with the clan may vary.


    The Grandmother’s only true responsibilities are an expectation of keeping the chief of the clan in check, to observe and advise, and to recant history to new generations. In the interest of these duties and the respect owed to their position, each person in the Clan is expected to follow her command, even if it means disregarding the wishes of the chief. All are meant to trust in the wisdom that living for at least two lifetimes grants.


    = Chief =

    The Chief is perhaps the most straightforward position of respect in the Gallics: They are responsible for leading and protecting their clan, as the name implies. They drive the caravans, they monitor morale, they plan for winter, and they settle quarrels. There is no particular expectation for the people they lead to follow their orders, as they are equals: Instead, the free-spirited clan follows a leader out of respect and trust, not obligation.


    There is no particular mandate for when or how often a chief is elected, only that they are selected by the clan, or by the Grandmother on two simple merits: Leadership experience, and trust.


    - Seer -

    Seers, being the most enigmatic position of power in the Clan, are seldom even spoken of to outsiders: They are those with an affinity for knowledge, teaching, healing, and surprisingly advanced alchemical study, all of which is often done through entirely archaic means. They are extensively tested from a young age to be determined suitable for the position, as while it holds little political power it is one of great consideration and respect. Seers are selected by the Seer that came before them and taught them, and have no other elector.



    Those without a special position are simply known for their profession, or as kinsmen. They are treated as equals; Simply those with a different path or preference. They are expected to contribute to the survival of their people and be strong enough to protect them if need arises, but little else.


    - Special Positions -

    Positions granted some special significance, but without more esteem than any other worker.


    Peddlars: A catch-all term for tradesmen who travel to foreign lands to represent their people and return home with trinkets and gold, akin to the Highlander raiders of old, but with entirely peaceful intentions. Due to their dubious acknowledgement of national borders, in the past the peddlars of the Gallic Clan have been used as middle-men for warring nations to peacefully communicate with eachother.


    Hunters: Hunters in Gallic culture take on an entirely different meaning-- While yes, they do hunt, they are also considered the closest thing to a “warrior” caste that the otherwise peace-minded clan has; In simple words, they are trained not just to hunt beasts, but monsters and men as well.


    ---= =---

    = Culture =

    ---= =---

    There are many intricacies to Gallic culture that are not openly spoken of for fear of misunderstanding, but three core values mark a system known as “clan law”: Family, spirituality, and humility. Within every aspect of their people, a thread can be traced back to these three ideologies. Acting against them violates “clan law”, an arbitrary system of justice with punishments ranging from ritual hypothermia to exile, but never intentional death.


    Family is synonymous with community, and is put above all else;

    Spirituality is to respect all that is gifted to you and show appreciation for your blessings, and;

    Humility is to live modestly and to take pride in being one’s self.


    Beyond such, there are many facets to Gallic-kind.


    - Art -

    A society's art portrays their people in the purest terms: Art and beauty is something highly respected in the Gallic Clan, yet found in different places from secular human culture: While one may look to a garden’s bed of flowers for a picture of beauty and grace, a Gallic might find the same joy in an unremarkable, unkempt field. Their idea of art reflects the same sentiment: They prefer simplicity, exceptional craft yet humble presentation. A work of art crafted by a Gallic might not seem like art at all upon a cursory glance, only revealing itself once one takes the time to look at the work and thought that went into the piece. Another idea of beauty they hold to are crafts that were created with a specific person in mind; Gifts. When a feeling or thought is inscribed into an object created for a person, it gains immeasurable value and beauty.


    - Music -

    An important, public aspect of Gallic spirituality is music: Not only is it for celebration and lifting morale, it also serves to connect one's soul with the world around them, or bridge gaps to entities that may not listen to the voice of a mere mortal. In keeping with this idea of “sacred music”, their preference toward archaic instruments such as lyres and simple flutes has been cemented by tradition, despite there being more more modern and convenient cousins readily available to use. Gallic music tends to take a humble approach, similar to their art: By itself, the Gallic Clan lacks sheet music or the notation necessary to create it completely, relying on ear, memory and improvisation to play their music, if it isn’t entirely improvised from the beginning.




    - Faith -

    Faith among the Gallics is something almost never spoken of to outsiders, though they have shown to have some almost religious distaste for both Druids and those who practice “corruptive” magics, such as the arcane or dark. Despite this, they have reportedly consorted with Druidic creatures, and have openly protected the Fae in the past. One of the only vaguely “religious” ceremonies the Gallics are openly known for is their tradition of “blooding”, an act of ritualistic adoption into the clan involving willing Gallics sharing their blood with a hopeful man or woman to encourage their ancestors to perceive them as true, full-blooded Gallics. Accounts of the ritual being truly religious in nature or simply a leftover tradition from their primitive days vary.


    ---= =---

    = Involvement in War =

    ---= =---

    Though a relatively unrefined clan of Highlanders, the Gallics have traditionally refused to take part in warfare, with the exception of defending their home or in great desperation: The idea of pinning the lives of honest men, children’s fathers, against eachother is repugnant to them. During the war across Atlas, they grew a reputation for their generosity toward men who were willing to lay down their arms and abandon the war, from both the North or the South.


    Yet despite what would seem to be a pacifistic nature, they have, in the past, shown to be quite militant in certain regards, and adept at guerilla tactics: During the Westerlands conflict, after the city of Bastion fell, a small hold of Gallics, driven into a vindictive frenzy by the dark magic at play over the land, singlehandedly defended the countryside from undead incursion. They stood until Orcish warbands came to finally push against the armies of the dead, and the Gallics were seemingly gone. While some know the tale of what befell the unfortunate tribesmen trapped in the woods there, the Gallics themselves appear to consider openly speaking of the era social taboo.


    By and large, the Gallics lack any formal military organization and, when forced into conflict, rely mostly on their institution of basic militia and hunting training for most able-bodied clansmen.


    ---= =---



  10. I came here for the Morghuul part since that's the only necromancy-related thing I've played.


    I like it, it doesn't really do anything to wildly change the way Morghuuls were before, which was something I was worried about. This, though:

    1 hour ago, Geo said:

    Sacrament of Rebirth can come together and perform the ritual upon the Morghuul in reverse, sending it back to the grave, permanently killing the character.

    I don't know if that was something before, but I don't know about the whole "permanently obliterating your character with only two guys on a whim" sort of thing. Like, there should be something to get rid of troublesome dudes, don't get me wrong, but there should be some kind of recourse for players that would rather not lose their shambling corpses for some reason.




    ( Oh and what does this mean for ghoulguys who were ordained before this change but never got around to completing their arbitrary "kill 7 guys" quest? Do they still get their special saturation even if they can't become a lich? )

  11. An anonymous human, faithful to Ghorza ( or, his culture's identity for the spirit; Widfarend ) as his patron, chances upon the book and recounts with a hint of wistful meloncholy they days of his youth dedicated to a similar trial, before he got married and could no longer follow it.


    Not that he regrets getting married. A cold sweat runs down his face as he feels his wife reading his thoughts.


    "U-Uh-- Just hopin' she comes our way, that's all, dear."


    Later that night, he sends a sacrifice of coin and grain to Widfarend, the wanderer's friend, down the river. Praise be.

  12. A secretive human Freygoth-praiser feels in his dreams a disturbance in the way of the wilds, his premonitions shifting abruptly toward a far bleaker outcome than he had desired. Awakening, he gasps;


    "Wait, no--! That's not how it's supposed to end..."

  13. 9 hours ago, HedgeHug said:

    It's evident that satyrs in earlier iterations didn't work and couldn't sustain a playerbase. Making them more like descendants will not help your case.

    you don't even play dude, they had a fine playerbase that was growing before they got shelved, and my community interacted with them a lot

  14. Gwion, raised a nomad and still a nomad, watches the flight of the elves without much concern. People move all the time--

    58 minutes ago, firegirl7894523 said:

    and the Goddess of Chaos

    Gwion squints.


    "Fekkin' Naelurir hogwash I'm outta here these elves will be fine."

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