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Posts posted by Gallic

  1. I submitted a rewrite into the proper rewrite subforum along with several other rewrites, all of which got pushed through, except for mine. Almost a year ago. Now it’s gone. Just completely gone. A few months ago, I was told that it was straight-up FORGOTTEN and that they’d get it sorted soon. It didn’t happen. I no longer have the rough draft I had of that lore. I can’t just submit it again.

  2. 16 minutes ago, z3m0s said:

    I get why people are complaining about their emote colors being taken away as non-vip but also lmao, just fork out a fiver, gotteeem.

    Thank you for your work sporadic, you’re a good egg, sometimes.

    it costs $30 to get to iron vip due to how crowns are sold, that isn’t really considered a small amount of money to some people, especially when it’s to get a feature they once had access to before someone decided they shouldn’t


    also I’m a gold vip


    16 minutes ago, z3m0s said:

    I get why people are complaining about their emote colors being taken away as non-vip but also lmao, just fork out a fiver, gotteeem.

    Thank you for your work sporadic, you’re a good egg, sometimes.

    it costs $30 to get to iron vip due to how crowns are sold, that isn’t really considered a small amount of money to some people, especially when it’s to get a feature they once had access to before someone decided they shouldn’t


    also I’m a gold vip


  3. feedback:

    - emote colors are important for keeping track of RP when there’s more than a handfull of people in an area, taking it away from half the server’s population is going to be anarchy

    - ( bug probably ) you can no longer interject emotes when your line starts with a quote, example:


    - qooc wooc and sooc now have a hyphen in them, which is mildly confusing especially considering looc doesn’t

    - /m should exist for messaging, /fl should exist for friends list- or just change it back to buddy list ( not like the old system, just using buddylist as the name )

    - ( bug? ) you can no longer autocomplete names in /msg

  4. 5 hours ago, Ivoryyy_ said:

    The royal, noble and civilian ladyship of Ves


    Lady Lithren of Ves begins making plans to attend, but then recalls how the last time she went to a party in Curon she ended up in newspapers for looking weird.


    She frowns with disappointment and debates with her courage for a long while.

  5. 4 hours ago, Dardonas said:

    and it is nonheriditary for any children the cursed character may later sire.

    I actually kind of liked the idea of it being hereditary.


    That’s literally my only comment on this lore, since I don’t step far enough into the Naz community to have much say in it!

  6. 7 minutes ago, ⅢSliceⅢ said:

    Indentured servitude is to be limited to the age of twelve, unless the parents consent to which the age is now limited to eight. If a child is born to indentured servitude they will serve until the age of majority, being fourteen. A tithe of all underage indentured servants will go to the Diocese of Villavia to be educated and to assist with ecclesiastical duties.


    Esteemed Councilwoman Lithren notes that she tried to suspend indentured servitude again, but this is good too.


    12 hours ago, Pun said:

    Daemons were seen within Avalain


    A woman accused of being a ‘daemon’ writes a strongly-worded complaint to the edito-- Just kidding, it’s an advertisement:





    “Any publicity is good publicity.” Lithren, Tavern Lady of Ves, says to the kind Ursus man who was concerned enough to deliver the news to her.

  8. [!] In a few alleyways and sewers and on bathroom walls and-- Just, generally shady places of Arcas, papers are hung up. They are written with crude handwriting, as if scribed by something without actual hands. Like a sentient bird, or something.


    Old Crow I am, spirit of anger.

    Send bird message to me, the Crow.

    Bird will die, payment for help.

    The crow will remove ghosts.


    The light cannot help you,

    You cannot pray,

    Only crow will save the day.


    ( Crow accepts tips in holly. )


    (( Contact: Gallic#9894 or Gallic IGN ))

    (( edit: had to get rid of the wacky formatting and now it seems way edgier ))

  9. This seems like it’d be cooler as a swamp thing than a desert thing. We already have a ton of exotic desert mounts. I’d also consider reforming the non-combat redline to being defensive-only, as they have multiple defensive abilities ( blinding, slappy tail ) that could be used to flee from an attacker, but they’d qualify as combat for the sake of the encounter.


    Other than that, this seems really cool. I miss the creature index.


    edit: +1

  10. Ol’ Gwion, Chief of the Gallics, briefly squints at the anthropology presented to him, but in his old age does not gripe-- But instead calls for a message of peace to these freshly minted ideological brethren. Those with common interests need not war, for the road is long and has plenty space for two.


    Soon, a letter would arrive at whatever encampment the early Hartgardes call home.


    “Clan Hartgarde – -

    Hail from your brethren trapped in the south. I have heard of your people through the distant echoes of the road, and that we bear many similarities to eachother. Competition turns the wheels of progress, as they say, and I do hope that our rivalry is one of good spirits. Should your people ever need a hall to call home, ours will be open. May Widfarend bless and keep your people.


    - – Gwion, Son of Amber, Chief of the Gallics”

  11. “Sedition’s a pagan thing, right?” Gwion, a jaded pagan highlander, sarcastically ( and rhetorically ) inquires after he reads the entire missive. “Empire can’t exist without a few ‘o its pieces fighting, it’s its nature. Just hope them church-men can keep this fight to tha courts an’ don’t start resorting ta bloodshed.”

  12. An old man sits upon a snowy stump, pondering the events of the past decade with an expression most dour. He watches over Gorundyr and Gallic survivors alike as they work together to erect a new camp, yet even as they live to see another day some events refuse to leave him. Though the war is over, his heart still knows no rest. So, with much of the council missing, the old Elder prepares to make his first declaration alone. A decree that many may hate him for, one that some others will lift their mugs to.






    To all remaining men and women of the Ettindom,


         For as long as I may live and remain at the head of the Triclan in whatever form it may take, let it be known that Karyssmov Faroe, should indeed he still live, is to be stripped of his position as Elder and Councilman of our people and henceforth exiled from any holding we may have in the future. After thoroughly investigating rumors levied against the man, it has been revealed to me that he is indeed a practitioner of the dark arts, and for years has hidden this truth from our people. I have allowed myself to be blinded by my love for him as my Uncle, a man who helped raise me, but I can no longer stand by him knowing he is capable of such heinous acts. That we share the same blood means it is my duty to put an end to the shadow he has cast over us.


    The punishment of exile is a personal mercy afforded by his past service before succumbing to Maratsu’s influence, however should he return he will receive the full verdict of the Elder Council.


    In light of this development, let there be two new laws carved into place, in order to ensure the talons of the Fallen One never sink into the flesh of our backs again;


    1.  Any person or entity found to be in practice of dark magic, whether within the Ettindom’s land or beyond, is to be considered at a minimum exiled from the Ettindom of Aurvengr’s defined territory without question.
      1.  If a citizen of the Ettindom of Aurvengr is found to be a conspirator of the discovered darkmage, they will be subject to investigation and potentially face the same treatment.


    In the void that this edict creates upon the Elder Council, in lighter news I shall be elevating the Orvar Clan to elder status to fill the place the Faroes will leave, to be taken into effect as soon as their people choose a representative to send to us. It is my hope that these two decrees combined will help bring us back into the graces of our ancestors and help to stem the deluge of Maratsu’s corruption.




    Gwion, Chief of the Gallics, Grand Elder of the Ettindom of Aurvengr




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