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Posts posted by Glocky18

  1. 10 hours ago, Crymson said:



    Name: Ruaraidh Faisehn


    Race: Adunian


    Nation: Curon


    Any skills?: Trained with a sword, an axe, and a mace.



    Discord: You have it.


    Timezone: Central


    [!] An eagle would deliver a letter to Ruaraidh.

    "You are welcome to join our company, friend."

    5 hours ago, ChonGojDragonski said:



    Name: Lurcano'Gorkil


    Race: Half-Orc


    Nation: War Nation of Krugmar


    Any skills?: Diplomacy, stone carving, farming, tying knots and various other sailing related things, most types of weaponry, and can cook a passable meal.



    Discord: ItsChon#9925


    Timezone: PST


    [!] An eagle delivers a letter to Lurcano.

    "You are most welcome to join us."

  2. 2 minutes ago, LoLzboi said:



    Name: Yurii


    Race: Highlander


    Nation: The Church of Canon


    Any skills?: Trained with a Sword



    Discord: LoLzboi#4696


    Timezone: EST


    [!] An eagle send a letter to Father Yurii.


    "Father, you are welcome to join my expedition."

  3. 9 hours ago, TorkoalTom said:

    ((Written on phone bear with me*


    [!] An owl of white feathers and piercing golden orbs settles within your halls. A elegant parchment would settle within the artic owls beak, a blue orchid seal keeping it together. The following letter reads. 


    “Dear Stephanos, you may recall my name lingering in the air of Santegia and my old history with the people. Both sides wronged one another but I swore an oath to you late brother. One I plan to uphold, should you require my audience to prepare then simply bird me. 


    - Quillian Caerme’onn





    Name: Quillian Caerme’onn


    Race: Wood Elf


    Nation: Dominion


    Any skills?: Martial combat, handy with a blade and Druidism. 



    Discord: Torky#3015


    Timezone: GMT


    [!] A large black eagle would deliver a letter to Quillian,

       "I know your name, and what you've done to my father and brother, what my father has done to you as well. But I am not them, we ought to leave that in the past, you are welcome to join my expedition."

    Ser Stephanos.







    9 hours ago, _SuitAndTie_ said:



    Name: Nelrim Glitterbottom


    Race: Hobbit


    Nation: Dunshire


    Any skills?: Sorcery, lore knowledge, how to make a mean meal for the group



    Discord: You have it


    Timezone: EST




    [!] An eagle would deliver a message to Nelrim.

    "My friend, you are welcome in my company."






    9 hours ago, SandergamerNL said:




    Kardryn Oranor




    Dominion of Malin

    Any skills?:

    Archery, swordfighting (Don't know what other skills you could need)




    GMT+1, best timezone there is ofc


    [!] An eagle would deliver a letter to Kardyn


    "My friend, you are welcome in my company."







    9 hours ago, Licorish said:



    Name: Amdrees Vyllen'dor


    Race: Dark Elf


    Nation: Warhawkes


    Any skills?: Flexibility, Positivity, Tanking, and Fighting!



    Discord: Licorish#6408


    Timezone: Est


    [!] An eagle would deliver a letter to Amdrees.


    "My friend, you are most welcome to join us."







    8 hours ago, DarkElfs said:

    "so many of my own going already guess I'm stuck to it really" Bolon sigh before writting and sending a application over through a letter.




    Name: Bolon Stormtaker 


    Race: ker (dark elf)


    Nation: warhawks/Dominion (I go back and forth a lot)


    Any skills?: Hand to hand combat mainly. Stronger than than most descendants when comes to my nose and ears. With only certain others being close.



    Discord: DarkElfs#1259


    Timezone: cst


    ((Copy'd from my phone so not pretty))


    [!] An eagle would deliver a letter to Bolon.


    "My friend, you are welcome to join my company."








    4 hours ago, Ajax said:




    Ser Magnus 'The Red Devil'





    Any skills?:

    A Skilled knight of Arbor, has seen many battles in his time, a natural born leader and a great encouragement to everyone he wants to help. 



    You Have it




    [!] An eagle would deliver a letter to Ser Magnus.


    "My most trusted friend, you are not only welcome to join my company, but I also name you my Captain for this expedition."







    1 hour ago, Privet said:





    Name: Radoslav


    Race: Raevir


    Nation: Renatus-Marna


    Any skills?: Horse riding, sword fighting, bar tending



    Discord: pm you


    Timezone: PST



    [!] An eagle would deliver a letter to Radoslav.


    "My friend, you are welcome to join my company."



  4. Several notes can be seen hung around Human-held Kingdoms.


      “If you are reading this, I humbly ask for your aid. For too long my family’s relics have been lost in time. Ever since we settled here, on Atlas, the heirloom sword of my father, that belonged to his fathers before him has been lost. It is my duty now to retrieve the sword, and my father’s bones. I humbly ask for your assistance and join my expedition, which I will personally dispatch as soon as I have any news from my scouts. I will give you a fair wage during our mission, the amount of it will be considered by the difficulties of our mission. I will also provide you with gear if needed, and of course with decent rations throughout our journey. I will not lie my friends, it could be a dangerous mission and it may even cost our lives. If you think you are brave enough, send me a letter, describing yourself and your skills. Help me, and I will reward you greatly.”



    Ser Stephanos Palaiologos of Mystra.













    Any skills?:







    ((I have already talked with an ET regarding this event, pretty much everyone is welcome and you are not obligated to stay with me after the event, I just wish to entertain as many players as I can, note that we may start this weekend!))


  5. "So it is true..." Steph mumbles to himself upon hearing the news, "Lady Auralia has died... I know about her past, how she slept with another man while she was married to Baron Thomas de Hartcold, all I can say is; The flesh is weak. She did not deserve such death, she was a caring mother, the wife of my good friend. If I ever have a daughter, she will be named after you, Auralia, she will be named after you." The man would visit the tomb of the Baroness and places a red rose by her tomb, "It is the least I can do for you."

  6.   “My fellow citizens, the time has began. The time to choose your Mayor, the man who lead our great city into greatness once again. My fellow opponents haven’t exactly listed what they want to change, or what they wish to create. I find it rather disturbing and worrying, especially when they wish to seize such a position with many responsibilities. They think it’s a simple and easy office job.” the man clears his throat, “Well it is not, they are not qualified for the office, they’ve failed to earn my trust, YOUR trust. I’ve been around Cyrilsburg for a long time, for at least ten years and I know exactly what our city needs! More guards to keep us safe, more offices in order to vanish poverty, more houses to live in, a better and fair taxation system. A vote for Stephanos and for Thomas, is a vote for prosperity and safety!” the man coughs, “My friends, my loved ones, you all give me strength to continue and make Cyrilsburg the great city it once was, a warm and welcoming city to everyone and together we will restore our city to it’s former glory! ‘My strength, the love of the people!” The man finally stops, but is surely ready to have a few more speeches!


  7. Second Mayoral Speech




      A man in full red can be seen in the city’s square. He uses a small box and stands on it in order to draw everyone’s attention. Stephanos raises both of his hands on the air and clears his throat before he began talking to the rather large crowd, “My brothers, I welcome you and thank you from the deepest of my heart for lending me your ears for a moment. As most of you know, this is my second Mayoral Speech, I have to admit I did not expect such success for my first speech.” The man chuckles, clearing his throat once again, “My brothers and sisters, as you have noticed yourselves the bandit attacks may have been reduced, but waves of undead and other vile creatures tend to enter our glorious city. Even after my speech, the mayor did not bother to create a Town Guard in order to guard the city and protect. I am aware that our army is busy enough with patrolling around the lands in order to keep the bandits out, but just that is not enough. Our Marshal is doing a great job, but still it is not enough. As I said before, Ser Sylvestre III instead of creating a Town Guard, he immediately  ran to ‘attack’ me. This is my response to him: Resign so the elections may commence at once so I and my Deputy, Baron Thomas de Hartcold can bring Cyrilsburg back to it’s former Glory. You, my fellow citizens, give me the required strength to continue this race and finish it. ‘My strength, the love of the people’” The man stops talking and lowers his hands, stepping down of the box and goes to shake hands with the gathering. “Let them strike now, it proves how much of a great threat we are to them” He chuckles and continues doing shaking hands with the citizens.




  8. "It is true you have not done anything for Cyrilsburg, lately at least. The city is in a bad shape, the guard are not doing their duties and if they do, they always let inside bandits who seek to kill and plunder our good citizens." Stephanos answers to Sylvester III since he was in the small gathering

  9. Stephanos, upon hearing the current Mayor, gathers as many citizens as possible and walks them around Cyrilsburg. He simply shows them the unused land which could provide more housing the population. He would also show them the old and broken houses as well.


















    "These are the houses you built Ser Sylvestre III Halcourt?"



  10. First Mayoral Speech





      A man can be seen in the tavern, slowly drinking his cup of tea and talking with the citizens who are sitting around him. With a soft and warm smile he stands up, raising his hands on the air and clears his throat before he began to talk. “My good and fellow citizens, I live here in Cyrilsburg for at least ten years. It seems as if it was only yesterday when the late Duke of Curon, Karl I found me wandering around the outskirts of the city. He took me in his court, gave me new clothing, fed me, recognized my origins and my House’s suppport to House Staunton. His kindness forgave my father’s crime, allowing me to work for the best of Curon. I still remember my first task, however I am not here to talk about it. Years have passed since then, however due to poor Mayoral administration the once Glorious city now shrinks into darkness.




    I) Bandits roaming around the city.

    II) Poor administration.

    III) Jobless people.

    IV) Migrants.

    V) Lack of offices.


      I listed some of the issues that downgrades our glorious Capital. During the last two to three years numerous groups of bandits usually step foot in our City. Two things are happening, a) Either the gates are open and no guard is around to do his duty and they simply come in, or b) the guards who are in duty let them in and only moments later they end up beaten. How am I going to change that? I wish to see a stronger Town Watch. A Town Watch able to protect our beloved citizens, able to guard the gates. In order to have an efficient Town Watch, we need a captain fit for service, a captain with experience who can train the recruits according to our new criteria which I will enforce as Mayor. For your safety is valuable and priceless, you will no longer fear to walk around the city or spend time in the tavern.


      The population is growing in rather fast rate. When I walk around I often see people searching for a house to live, but there are none. The current Mayor has not constructed any house lately, which troubles me because our youth is moving away. They seek for a better future, in cities which can provide housing and a job for them. Sadly, Cirylsburg has neither at the moment with only a few, small and outdated houses which are inhabitant for safety reasons. Jobs are also not provided, people tend to beg for a living which is rather sad, and does not fit in a great City. As Mayor, I can construct more and better quality houses for our fellow citizens, there is much landscape within the walls which is unused. Having a productive and effective communication with the stewards would lower the rates of unemployment, jobs in the farmlands will be recreated, loans will be given to merchants in order to start their own companies.


      After the war and the fall of Haense, huge waves of migrants arrived in our doorstep. The poor souls who have suffered a lot because of the war are stacked on our streets, waiting for mercy in order to start over their lives again. The current Mayor hasn’t done much about them, leaving them in poverty and with no medical care. These poor souls are waiting for their camp to be constructed so they can pretend they live a normal life. I say no, no camps are needed but a small self-functional village instead. Do not forhet, they were our close allies during the war and they deserve better.


      Last and not least, it has come to my knowledge that no offices have been created. Said offices are essential for Cyrilsburg.



    List of Offices:


    I) The Farmers’ Office.

    II) The Town Guard’s Office.

    III) The Stewards’ Office.


      Each Office will be responsible for the people assigned in. For example, the Farmers’ Office will be responsible for the proper growth of our farmers, having too many farmers, or too few it usually ends up with miscommunication and less food is provided to the citizens, the Office will also receive any kind of complaintments, if any occurs.


      The Town Guard’s Office will be responsible for our Guard’s payment, keeping our Guard fully equipped. It will also receive any kind of complaintments again, if any occurs.


      The Stewards’ Office will be responsible mostly for the taxes, infrastructure of our City and create enjoyable events, such as fairs or festivals. Once again, they will be taking any kind of complaintments, if any occurs.”


    The man pauses, breathing in and out. He lowers his right hand and continues talking, “Vote for Stephanos Palaiologos, for a safer and better Cyrilsburg!”


    ((Deputy Mayor to be announced soon, right after he posts his speech. Also I apologise for any errors, mind I'm a bit tired, will edit any mistakes I find. Thank you for reading!))



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