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Posts posted by Glocky18


    “For too long we remained neutral, for too long our eyes were blind. We shall fight with honour and free ourselves like we did in the past,” -Romanos Palaiologos.




        House of Palaiolgos declares its support for House de Savin and House de Castro for their just cause. For too long House Halcourt has plagued Alexandria and Courland with it’s extremely poor administration.


        The once proud Capital of the greatest Kingdom of it’s time has fallen into darkness and poverty every since House of Halcourt took over, the streets of the proud city are empty, the markets are out of stock, the population is sick and dying due to the lack of medical supplies.


        Raiders, bandits and all kind of wicked and evil things have been raiding the jewel of Courland while the Regent Lord does nothing to improve the city defences, or train and equip a local militia in order to repel the invaders. Many witnesses have reported various of raids, even before the rebellion.


        Last but not least, House of Halcourt has not treated well the vassals of Courland, demanding back their lands, imprisoning their levymen, torturing and killing them in their dungeons. Demanding high and unfair taxes to the Lords who now lead the rebellion. House of Halcourt has also failed to keep their promises to the last remaining loyal Houses.


        The proud House of Palaiologos brings down the blue and white banners, raising the banners of the rebellion under the Twin Headed Eagle, the sigil of House Palaiologos while the levy slowly marches towards Savinia in order to reinforce the rebellious army.



    His Lordship, Romanos Palaiologos, Baron of Hagios Lothar.





  2. Romanos would read Erin's last letter, delivered to him. He'd sit on his chair, staring at the fireplace before he'd begin to read it. After a few minutes, he would drop the letter and shakes his head, "It can't be true... no..." He'd say whilst shaking his head "Erin c-can't be dead..." A few tears would fall on the ground, as he begins to remember the memories he shared with Erin, the good and the bad ones, how they met each other and many more memories. "Who is going to call me 'Sweet thing' now? Whom am I going to visit now in the mill? Who is going to cheer me up with cooking? Why Erin... if only you had told me you were that sick..." The man would pause for a moment, looking at the vial that Amelia had once gave him and begins to think "I... could have saved you... Oh Erin... why did you have to die... I... never even had the chance to say goodbye to you... I never had the chance to goodbye those I cared about and loved" Roman would then wipe off his tears and stands up, making his way towards his office where he'd sit and begins to look at all the gifts the woman had once gifted him. The scarf, the writing set, the necklace... everything. After a decent amount of time, the man would take out a couple pieces of papers and begins to write with the writing set, the one Erin gifted to him once. The first letter would be addressed to Erin, a final goodbye and give greetings to Amelia, and the second letter would be addressed to Willem van Loden. A letter that would invite the young boy to the Barony of Hagios Lothar, signed by Romanos himself. A few minutes after he was done with the letters, he'd exit the office and tosses the first letter into the fire, hoping for Erin to read it from the seven skies, and sends off his aged eagle with the second letter to Willem.

  3. 1 minute ago, Pacific said:

    Username: PacificWhale

    Skype (pm if you’d rather it be private): PM


    [RP Information]


    Name: Trajan Northbroek

    Race: Human/Highlander

    Age: 23

    Why do you wish to serve in the Evreuxian Guard?: Protect Courland and its people


    The Commandant smiles upon looking at the document being signed in front of him. Accepted.

  4. "Thats how you thank the Kingdom that gave you your duchy, one you did not deserve, yet Late Tobias and myself helped you to keep it. You disgrace the memory of Amelia. Your Emperor should not trust you anyways, first you betrayed Lorraine and now Courland. Weak men value no oaths to survive." An angered Romanos would bark from his keep upon hearing the news.



  5. Romanos would be the first to discover Amelia's body, after a hard and long day training the reformed army of Courland. Before opening the door, he would hear the cries of baby Tobias, raising an eyebrow and opens the door to his room. He would notice the cold body of Amelia on their bed, where they shared many moments together, good and bad. Romanos would quickly rush to her body with tears overwhelming his eyes while they drop on Amelia's body. He would remove the knife from her heart and quickly turns to hug her for a last time, as tight as he could and kisses her cheek before he'd begin to whisper in her ear. "My Amelia... why you... you promised me we would raise our children and grandchildren together... we were meant to die together due to old age. How am I supposed to bear this... what will I tell to the children who didn't have the chance to get to know you, especially poor Tobias who is only two years old... I have failed you, and I'm sorry for the times I hurt you, and for our stupid little fight... I would sacrifice everything I have in order to spend more time with you, please... forgive me for our fight, all I ever wanted in this life was you... even if you beat me once with a broomstick..." Romanos would slightly chuckle, although the tears would never stop coming out of his eyes. "I would do anything to bring you back, even if you'd beat me again with the broomstick, I would care not. Forgive me for the times I was not here to help you, I will never forgive myself for this. I want you to know you meant everything to me, you are the only woman I ever loved and ever will. Please, save a spot for me next to you, for I will meet you very soon, I cannot live without you. Our children is the only reason I'm not taking my life right here, right now." Romanos would then kiss her cheek for a last time and turns his head to small Tobias, who has stopped crying and fell asleep. He would be looking around whilst shaking his head as if he's having a nightmare, one he could never wake up from, until he noticed the letters and picks them up, opening the one with his name on it and begins to read carefully, although his newly spawned tears would fall on the paper now as he reaches the end of the letter. He'd close the letter and puts it in his pocket. Romanos would hug once again Amelia's dead body and whispers into her ear again. "I-I... made you make such decision because of... our stupid fight... I tried my best to make you forget about the death of our unborn child and the death of your brother, and I have... failed... but why did you have to take your own... life...? Did you think of... our children before you do that? Why..." Romanos would kiss her forehead and slowly stands up, walking towards the exit before he'd turn around and stare into Amelia's body and begins to talk. "Now I needed you the most... I never had the chance to tell you... but I will most likely devote my life to the robe, Amelia... I will miss you greatly..." He would wipe off his tears, but more and more would spawn as he couldn't hold them back. He would inform the Duchy of Savinia about the death of Amelia shortly after he left the room and delivers the letter addressed to his father-in-law to himself.

  6. Gloin Ireheart would sigh and falls to his knees before he'd begin to talk to himself. "T'e Grand King has fallen, a sad moment fer our kingdom... Back en Vailor he was like a brother to me... but ever since I left our grand mountain I never had the chance to catch up with me all these 'ears and I feel sorry for this. May Yemekar guide your soul my Grand King." Gloin would raise his cup on the air before drinking what it contains.

  7. An Old Believer would read the letter, shaking his head after finishing it, "Because of your stupidity the Rutherns claimed your County, without the approval of the crown, which is an act of treason nonetheless. I will proudly die and give my life for my King, God and Courland, but who will take care of my wife and children because of your own mistakes which brought us war." The True Believer would stop mumbling to himself and stands up from his chair, turning around slowly and forms a bright, warm and wide smile upon looking at the family he and Amelia created.


  8. An Old Believer would rub his hands together, "It is time, for the Viscounty of Chambery to be ruled by the last direct descendant of Ser Demetrius who carries his honourable last name, as it is rightfully his. Lorraine will also pay for the beheading of Constantine Palaiologos, the Baron of Pyrgos. My forefathers will have peace at last." The Old Believer would cross himself thrice shortly after.

  9. "All traitors will get what they deserve, it is God's will and no one can change the will of the Almighty Creator." An Old Believer would say, "He shall pay for this treachery, who dared to betray Courland, the Kingdom which gave his House the land he governs now. I will see you on the battlefield" The Old Believer would say and prepares himself for the skirmish.

  10. 5 hours ago, ManOfZhal said:

    Wolfgang, hearing the herald, pondered briefly, before the sharp rememberance struck his mind. He recalled the conflict of the Roswells, how he had aided, then swiftly leapt on the fence. Remembering his debt to Conrad, the Duke swiftly clambered upon his horse, before charging outside the walls of Aleksandria, the seat of King Joseph Alexander 'The Mad', and the home of the late, great Tobias Staunton. Reaching the wall of Metz, he swiftly scribbled a letter on cheap parchment, before handing it, and 20 mina, to a small boy - the town courier. As the child rushed off to each corners of the Duchy, the Duke headed to the barracks. 


     He spoke with the Commander, and explained the situation. "War is imminent."  He explained. As each vassal of the Duke received the letter and read it together, they prepared to join the Ruthernian side, repaying his debt to Conrad Roswell for sitting on the fence as his kin was slaughtered, in attempt to regain his name for forsaking his friend to the usurper. The letter sent read, 


    "Gather your men, arm them, prepare resources, and garner money. Do all that you can, for war is dawning on lands foreign to distance, but not foreign to our hearts. The friend of our friends, the Rutherns, need our help. Thus, we shall come with all that we have! Ave Ruthernia, Ave Vawdrey and Hail the North!



    Duke Wolfgang d'Vawdré, Duke of Vawdrey, "






    "You shall pay for your treachery, Wolfgang. This won't be an easy war, but I hope I will cross my axe with your sword, I will make sure I will be the last thing you'll see in this world" An Old Believer would say.

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