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Posts posted by Glocky18



     It was a cold day, like every other usual winter day. The aged man Romanos, who was very ill for the last decade, woke up on 23th of Umber Cold, 1637 knowing it’s his last day in this vile and cruel world. He took his walking stick which was resting next to his old wooden bed and began the long journey back to Riga, the former Capital of the Kingdom of Courland. A Kingdom he served with undying loyalty until the very end of Courland, which was dissolved a few years after Tobias Staunton’s death. The man could see the great walls of Riga, even though he had very few to little strength he continued walking towards the city until he stopped in front of the gate, where he turned his head upwards and noticed the old yet proud banners of former Courland.

       A tear came out of his eyes as old memories could be remembered. Romanos after a brief moment gathering his strength, he began walking again further into the city until he faced the broken town square. He dropped to his knees, almost instantly and closed his eyes as he remembered Erin Lockley, the woman he loved until his last day. Romanos could almost see her walking around the square with her horse, Snowflake. She was a remarkable woman. It was her kindness that enchanted him many many years ago when she gifted him a strong and loyal horse, even if they lived in different and rival Kingdoms. She was already engaged to a man from the North and he knew there was nothing he could do to change her mind, even after when he confessed his feelings. However, he remained by her side, in both happy and sad moments and eventually became close friends until her sad and unexpected death which crashed him and never could recover from her tragic death.

       Many minutes later, he stood up and walked all the way to the Palace, where he could remember the King and the other nobles cheering after the victory of Courland against Haense. He could remember his Amelia, the woman he finally married and gave birth to his children. A woman he didn’t truly love from the first time and he saw her as a mean to imrpove his prestige and legitimacy, however he grew to love her but not as much as he loved Erin. Romanos could hear the speeches of King Tobias within the palace and dropped another tear before he left to visit San Adrian, the Capital of Santegia. Another Kingdom his served with loyalty until he left for a voyage in order to recover from his illness without informing anyone. When he returned his found out he is no longer the Duke, nor he is within the Privy Council but his son. He didn’t blame anyone for he knew it was his own mistake.

       Upon reaching the town, memories of the successful Rebellion that dissolved the Principality of Evreux returned, smiling a bit because he kept his promise to King Tobias, moments after the King’s death. He promised him that no Orenian would set foot in Courland, and if they did, they’d find death and blood. The aged man asked for a priest in order to confess his sins and Father Solomon answered the call. A few hours later, he left his last breath in the tavern of San Adrian, surrounded by friends and family members such as his two sons, Marie & Demetrius and Stephanos.

       Romanos made many friends during his lifetime, and many more enemies due to his allegiances with Courland and Santegia. He lived a semi happy life because he never managed to be with his other half in the mortal world, something he hopes to change up in the seven skies.


  2. 6 hours ago, MissToni said:

    As her grace Marie Palaiologina saw the letter of independence she would start laughing hysterically. Her children that had been playing in the garden came to a halt to stare at their mother in surprise. The duchess continued to shake her head as she crumbled the letter. 


    "Now that is a fine joke. Seeing as they are no longer a barony due to their titles and land having just been taken back by the regent. The man coming back after having been publicly executed for cold blooded murder in the streets... And then he declares his so called barony as independent! All of it belongs to the king... That fool!" 


    Marie then went back to smile at her children, nodding at them. 


    A man would exit the main door of the Manor and looks to Marie, listening to her and fakes a wide smile to her, before giving a proper and real smile to his kin and begins to walk away. After he made sure he is away enough from Marie, he'd mumble to himself, "I wouldn't feel so safe if I were you," He turns around a little and smirks, before he'd begin walking away.

  3. ”The Past Returns, Pt1”


       It was a sunny and calm day. The birds were singing, the animals were making their own noises while the sea was singing a song of it’s own. The people were walking around, talking or doing their ordinary daily routine. The guardsmen of Hagios Lothar were patrolling around as they always do in order to keep bandits and other vile beings away from the town.


       Suddenly everything went quiet. The birds stopped singing their beautiful sings, the animals went back to their pens, the sea started sending endless of waves towards the port, striking with all it’s might. The population was ordered to hide in the Keep while the soldiers were told to gather at the square and prepare themselves. First, they heard and felt a rather last noise coming from the ground, as if an earthquake had just struck the town but only moments later they heard the bells of the Church ringing. Everything went silent again, the soldiers stopped mumbling to each other, until the bells rang again and broke the silence. A fog appeared around the town and a noise as if many skeletons were marching upon the men. It was then, when Demetrius Palaiologos and His Grace, Romanos Palaiologos who ordered the men to form a circle around the square. Both of the men, fearing no death went to the front lines and inspired their men whose morale was wavering due to the fearsome noises.




       Seconds later, screams of undead could be heard while they were approaching closer and closer. After ordering his son to lead the left flank, and Lady Quil lead the right flank, Romanos gave orders for a more tight circle. Right after the order, his men obeyed him and formed a rather right circle, defending every possible flanks. The bells rang again, all the men could hear was the noises the undead were doing while they were getting closer and closer towards the human ranks. A last scream was heard, the undead were unleashed, they broke all formations and charged and the much more fewer men who held their position despite the huge number disadvantage. Spears broke, shields shattered, men were starting to lay dead on the ground but they would not break, instead the war cries coming from the officials rallied them once again and closed the gaps before it was too late.




       Many hours after the battle, one of the men from the back lines saw a single bird flying around the square and quickly whistled for it to come closer, and the bird did so upon hearing the whistle. The soldier, knowing they wouldn’t be able to hold them back alone he had to send a letter to His Highness, Leo de Savin. It took him several minutes to find a white piece of cloth but in the end he found it and began to write on it with the blood of his fallen comrades. After he wrote the letter, he tied it on the bird’s leg and let it fly away, hopping it would reach it’s destination.


       Romanos Palaiologos began to struggle in the front lines after watching his soldiers dying slowly and painful. Other were being eaten alive, others were on the ground, missing a foot or a hand until they were finally squeezed to death by their comrades who were forced to close in the circle due to the losses. The battle stopped after the sound of a familiar horn blowing from the North and hundreds of horses could be heard. His Highness, Leo de Savin received the letter and gathered as many horsemen as he could and quickly rode to Hagios Lothar. Leo led the cavalry towards the enemy’s exposed flank, delivering death to the undead with their aurum lances.




       The undead army quickly tried to fight back the horsemen by biting their exposed parts that were not covered by their horse armour, but it was too late. The exposed undead flank began to crumble and were unable to fight on two fronts. What’s left of the Nicean Order made a push, and they successfully cut the undead army into two, butchering the remaining unholy creatures. Victory was certain for men, but there we no celebration for too many good soldiers lost their lives.


       It is still unknown why the undead attacked the Duchy of Mystra, but news of the attack have been spread all around Axios.



    ((Again, thanks to ClergyManDan for this awesome event, and I apologise to everyone who participated in the event and I was unable to mention them on this post but I was really tired whilst writing it, so do not worry! Tomorrow I'll work on Part two where everyone will be mentioned!))


  4. “An Unexpected Journey”


       Everything began when His Grace, Romanos Palaiologos, wished for an informal sea journey with his family. While the sailors were packing up the requested items for the trip, such as food and water, the guards were arming themselves in order to accompany the Noble family. The small ship would be ready to set sail now, and everything seemed calm.


       However, only an hour after the ship set sail a rather big and unusual storm approached the crew. The skilled and experienced Captain noticed the dark clouds and suggested that they should return back home, before it was too late but the family didn’t want to go back so they ignored the Captain. While everyone was having fun and playing different kind of games, especially the kids, His Grace Romanos and Gaern Briar went to the main deck. It is then, when it started raining… Thunders were striking here and there around the small ship. It’s weak main mast was easily destroyed after the first couple waves. Wave after wave began to hit the ship, while it’s below deck was starting to crack letting the water in. Besides the heroism of the crew, they were unable to save the ship. A big and loud thunder struck right in the middle of the ship, breaking it into two pieces and taking by that many lives. The Captain, who had warned them to change course and go back to Hagios Lothar, told everyone to abandon ship and swim all the way to a small island which was not very far away. Without a second thought, every single one of the crew jumped off the ship while the Captain took a last sip of his rum and closed his eyes. A few seconds later, the ship finally sank, taking with her the Captain.




       The island was quite small, with many trees on it, it seemed as the ideal place for them to rest and start working on new boats, but little did they know… First, they saw a shadow in the water, they were unable to hear anything strange. His Grace, Romanos Palaiologos ordered for a scouting party to investigate the shadow. Many hours have passed, and there was no sight of the scouts, thus forcing His Grace, his personal guards, Gaern Briar and his eldest son to and investigate the sight themselves, which they did. However, by the time they arrived there, the shadow was gone… it was replaced by a large beast, a twenty meters tall sea basilisk. With a single scream, it managed to paralyze the younger members of the party, making them unable to participate in the battle to come. For hours and hours, the heroic and brave men were fighting the beast, not only to kill it, but to survive. Many men were killed, and others got poisoned by its venom and without the antidote they all found quick but painful death. The archers managed to heavily injure the beast, taking away its sight which made it defeatable, making it easier for Gaern to give it the final blow, while everyone else was on the ground, tending to their wounds, and he is known as Gaern Briar “the Beastslayer” ever since.




       Minutes after the death of the beast, a shadow appeared from its body and thanked the men for liberating it’s spirit from the sea Basilisk, in return it put all of the survivors into sleep, and when they woke up they found themselves in the part of Hagios Lothar. Everyone thought it was a dream, until they counted their losses and took the wounded in the keep for further attendance. After the attack of the beast, his Grace, Romanos Palaiologos knew the waters are no longer safe as they used to be, thus giving the order for the construction of a large fleet, a fleet capable of killing sea monsters of any kind. He also sent word for inventors in order to invent for new weapons to help in the struggle against the sea monsters.




    ((It was an actual event and we had lots of fun, thanks to ArcticPenguin aka ClergyManDan, if you wish to participate in future events like this please send me a PM, it’s open for everyone!))


  5. Land charter (cart) or Sea charter (boat): Land charter


    Island: (Tahn- Oren/Dwarves/Elves, Ceru - Sutica, Asul - Haria) Asul


    Point A: (Name of city, settlement, capitall, etc.) Asul docks

    Exact co-ordinates of Point A: x=1555 z=1425


    Point B:  (Name of city, settlement, capitall, etc.) Town of Hagios Lothar

    Exact co-ordinates of Point B: x=1677 z=1731

  6. Town of Hagios Lothar



    Barony of Hagios Lothar Est. 1619


       Located on the island of Asul, south of the Duchy of Savinia, the Town of Hagios Lothar is the main settlement of the Duchy of Mystra. A barony next to sea and forest, it has the ideal location for economical transactions, due to it’s large amount of lumber, farmland, livestock and fishery. The town itself was expanded to accommodate a larger population, complete with different shops ready to be used and serve customers. For merchants, farmers, workers and countryfolk, the town of Hagios Lothar is an ideal place to stay.




       The Town of Hagios Lothar was founded in 1619 by Romanos Palaiologos, meant to serve as his Barony. It was built with the purpose of accommodating followers of the True Faith, as well as being the base of operations of the Holy Order with the same name. His Grace, Romanos Palaiologos however, decided to rebuild his village, upgrading it into a town in order to serve as a capital for his Duchy in 1619.





    A map showing the road to Hagios Lothar from the Asul Docks


       To get to the town from Cloud Temple, you must take the ship that makes the trip to the Island of Asul. Afterwards, take the road that goes south or the appropriate boat which is allowed inside the dock of Hagios Lothar.


    Popular Attractions


    The Hungry Olog


       The Hungry Olog is a restaurant located in the center of the town. It sells top quality meat, a place for the meat lovers to enjoy themselves to their heart’s content, as well as good ale to make it all go down. However, it also features carrots, potatoes and various wheat based products, for those who prefer something else.


    St. Lothar’s Church


       Named after the same Saint who bears the name of the Town, the Church of Saint Lothar is one of the biggest buildings in the town. It is a place of all those of the Faith to enter and pray to the Creator. We only ask that you show the Church the respect it deserves, even if your not a member of the True Faith.




       The town is organized and managed by the Baron, now Duke, Romanos Palaiologos. Potential citizens can either ask him or one of the future stewards, men and women who will do their best to make your stay at Hagios Lothar as smooth as possible. The town is also part of an Order, with trained warriors patrolling the streets daily and responding to any incident swiftly and effectively. Any problems, suggestions and desires will be addressed to the best of capabilities.


    Contact Information


    Romanos Palaiologos (InfamousGreek)

    Demetrios Palaiologos (ThunderTheTitan)





    The Order of Nicea


    The Order of Nicea is a military Order tasked with upholding the peace, promoting justice, safety and security, as well as defending the lives of those residing in the Duchy of Mystra. Activities of the Order include combat training in both land and sea, monster hunting, criminal hunting, the completion of various quests and preservation of peace and justice.


     “Castles are to be conquered, not to be surrendered” - Ser Demetrios Palaiologos II


    History of the Order



    Ser Demetrios Palaiologos and his men making their last stand at Kraken’s Watch, dated 1562


       Named after the Akritian word for ‘Victory’, as well as in honor of the fallen soldiers in the great fort of old, the Order of Nicea was created by Duke Romanos Palaiologos, inspired by the defensive system of the First Akritians. That system, the Themata as it was called, stopped putting emphasis into armoured and professionally trained heavy infantry, to provincial spearmen and swordsmen. While it was a rather unheard of system during its time, it proved to be rather effective. The soldiers, now fighting for a cause they believed it and for something they wished to protect, battled with great ferocity, courage and a drive to win, pushing back and defeating standard armies. It wasn't until the battle of Nicopolis that this system collapsed.


       Romanos Palaiologos, desiring to protect his lands, as well as returning his family to it's roots, decided to use the old system of the Themata, with certain alterations to improve it so that the mistakes of old do not repeat themselves. Thus, after various preparations, the Order of Nicea was born, rising like a phoenix from the ashes.


    The Order



    Romanos Palaiologos leading his men in the battle for Trier, dated 1619


       The Order signifies the fusion of the old system of the Themata with the current sophistication of the military. The entire Duchy itself is split into various sections called ‘Orders’, with each order being led by a distinguished officer. The rank of the officer is dependent on the size of his ‘Order’ as well as the number of men under his command. The officer has total control over his ‘Order’ and is responsible for the population he is protecting, the training and equipment of the men under his command, the betterment of his land and the preservation of tranquillity.


       In times of peace, it is up to the officer to make sure that his men continue training, not desiring war but being ready for it. It is also up to the officer to decide what kind of training his men need, whether they be infantry, cavalry or a mixture of both.In times of war, the officer rallies his men, joins the rest of the Orders and as one single force they march to battle, ready to defend their homeland.


    Chain of Command


    “Follow the Banner as we carve ourselves a path through the ranks of those who dare go against us”- Thoros Phokas


    High Command


       There are two ranks in the High Command, with each rank having almost the exact same privileges and obligations. Members of the High Command handle matters regarding the Order in it's entirety, as well as having a seat at the Ducal Council. Thus, it is mandatory that they have extensive knowledge of the inner workings of the Order, logistics,military experience, experience leading as well as commanding authority and respect. Only one man at a time can hold a position of High Command.



    Thoros Phokas battling during the Siege of Rhewengrad, date 1537




       The Marshal is the greatest position in the entire Order and it is a rank reserved only for the Duke. The Stratarches has total control over what happens in the Order and his word holds the final saying. However, it is not uncommon for him to stay out of most matters besides those of grave importance and give control to his right hand. When that happens, the military matters the Marshal handles is handing out land to officers, giving medals, titles and honors to distinguished soldiers, as well as leading the men into war.




       The General is the right hand of the Duke. It is the highest rank a man can possibly achieve within the Order if he is outside the Duke's family. The General has the exact same obligations as the Marshal, with the only exception being that he can't give out land.




        There are two ranks that signify a member as an officer, with the difference between each land is the amount of men and land at an officer's command, as well as some special positions and tasks they can carry out. An officer has control over the men in his Order and is responsible for them. However, he cannot command members of other Orders, no matter the difference in rank.




       The Major is the rank given to those who hold an Order of large size, with a large number of men under his command. A Major is usually a battle hardened warrior, with leading experience. He is capable of organizing raids and in the rare absence of both the General and the Duke, a Major can lead the army into battle.




        The rank of Sergeant is given to those warriors who have proven themselves capable of leading groups of men into battle. They hold a good sized piece of land and a number of soldiers. They are charged with completing missions and various tasks and with permission from the High Command, patrol the Duchy.




       There are three ranks in the Enlisted. Members of the Enlisted in their majority are soldiers with little to no military training and experience. They spend their days practicing the art of War, as well as preserving and improving the land they live in.



    The Akritian Cataphracts, famous for their battle prowess.




       The rank of Men at Arms is given to the soldiers of the Order whose strength and loyalty have been tested time and time again. They hold considerable military experience, having spent years in the Order. While not officers, they are sometimes allowed to lead patrols and quests.




    Akritian Footman, circa 1619


       Footmen are members who have fully joined the Order. This rank is the rank most members have, as it is given to those who don't have a good amount of experience in warfare. They are tasked with doing lots of hard labor, practising hard to improve their skills. As a result, an experienced and dedicated Footman tends to be more skilled than someone with a similar rank.




       Recruit is the rank given to those who have just enlisted to the Order. They have no or little combat experience and their loyalty isn't tested. Thus, they are often treated rather harshly, giving them tough tasks to see if they can endure. Those who after a time limit have shown all the necessary qualities, stop being recruits and start being footmen.


    Special Ranks


       There are some ranks in the army which require certain skills to attain. Some of these ranks may be available to only specific standard ranks, others may require certain years of experience and others may be a matter of ability. A member can attain such a position if he has the ability to do so, but without any privileges within the army. Whatever the prerequisite, these special ranks

    mean that you have a talent in more than just warfare.




       A quartermaster is responsible with making or acquiring and distributing equipment to the members of the Order he is part of. He must be at least a Footman.



       A medic is responsible with saving lives just as much as he is responsible of ending them. He is tasked with healing the injuries of men both in training and in battle. Depending on the skill of the person, a Medic can be a footman or a Man at Arms.





    The Varangians, after the battle for Trier, 1619.


       The Varangian is the rank of the mercenaries who have decided to serve the Duke of Mystra for as long as he affords their service. They are the elite force of the Order.




    A lord who has sworn an Oath of Fealty under the Duke has permission to raise a levy force to guard his territory. Depending on the number of men under his command, that Lord will get the appropriate rank and will be responsible for his men. He cannot form an entirely new military organization but he is allowed to create his own uniform with the colours of his house. The General still has authority over his men.





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  8. QrXeogPZN4cA7tLjuhTNmsklk0y50y7wLiTtTqK0CpLbSLfW-WxCl4upNjCQvorhhbSj5cIZC5Llh8TAV0hNIFL4hmegk-q99L2BFe5Eh9zO2PQnY1zxXJDvPFts3KuLZtt6Smlc


    The Council of Mystra

    Issued and confirmed by order of his Grace, Romanos Palaiologos,

    11th, of Malin’s welcome, 1620




      In order for the proper function of a Duchy, a Council must be formed. Thus, His Grace Romanos Palaiologos has formed the first Council of Mystra. Each positions within the Council are to be held by Nobles, or lowborns that have proved themselves to the Duke himself. The Council is composed of the Duke, Lord Chancellor, Lord Steward, Lord Marshal.


    Duke: The Duke is the head of the Council, the head of the Duchy itself. He may create and enforce new laws within his Duchy. He may hold courts, or appoint a regent to do so in his stead.

    The Duke of Mystra is his Grace, Romanos Palaiologos.


    Lord Chancellor: The Lord Chancellor is the Duke’s most trusted man within the realm, his right hand. He may act as a regent if the Duke is absent. He may create and suggest new laws to the Duke. He may also ensure the stability of the Duchy through internal diplomacy.



    Lord Steward: The Steward is the overseer of land and legistation within the Duchy of Mystra. He may order the construction or even the deconstruction of buildings within the Duchy. He has the duty of organising events within the Duchy of Mystra, such as feasts or tournaments or other kind of events. He has the right to record special events and the history of the Duchy. He may also appoint scribes to help him with the recording.

    The Lord Steward is of Mystra is Gilondir Oronar.


    Lord Marshal: The Lord Marshal is in charge of the entire Ducal army. He is also in charge of the defence of every single peasant of the Duchy for every life counts. While at war, his duty is to lead the army of the Duchy into battle. Whilst at peace, his duty is to keep the army fully organised and ready for command. He may hold trainings whenever he wishes. May arrest criminals, bandits and raiders in order to bring them at court. May call for wargames in order to keep the military fit for service.

    The Lord Marshal of Mystra is Bennett Elwind.


         Signed by his Grace, Romanos Palaiologos, Duke of Mystra, Baron of Hagios Lothar, Grandmaster of the Order of Saint Lothar, Lord Justiciar of the Kingdom of Santegia.






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