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Status Replies posted by HereticTakao

  1. Free my boy axeman

  2. Free my boy axeman

    1. HereticTakao


      I legit thought you were making a AHS Coven reference T-T 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  3. i lost both my parents in the tragedy in falador, please leave our community alone :(

    1. HereticTakao


      Thank god it was a funny one 8-) Or we would've had bigger problems 

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  4. i lost both my parents in the tragedy in falador, please leave our community alone :(

    1. HereticTakao


      Spongebob memes can fit in anywhere lol. 

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  5. i lost both my parents in the tragedy in falador, please leave our community alone :(

  6. i lost both my parents in the tragedy in falador, please leave our community alone :(

    1. HereticTakao


      Uhm Falador is a ficitonal place how can your parents die in there. 

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  7. i use hacks on a minecraft roleplay server :/

  8. You have a dig bick. You that read wrong. You read that wrong too.

  9. Unless I have the wrong person, are you harassing somebody on Skype >:I About race and sexuality. If I got the wrong person sorry <3

  10. Unless I have the wrong person, are you harassing somebody on Skype >:I About race and sexuality. If I got the wrong person sorry <3

  11. Unless I have the wrong person, are you harassing somebody on Skype >:I About race and sexuality. If I got the wrong person sorry <3

    1. HereticTakao


      @elk ❀ Okay then...

      Anyway I probably should've PM you this.. heh heh...

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  12. Does anybody do ghost skins? If so PM me please :> 

    1. HereticTakao


      :> A spectre ghost skin. If you like, I'll pm you some details. I don't have anything valueable i could trade for it, so I don't know what to settle for a price range ;^-^

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  13. You know what we need? You know what /really/ need?

    A shark in maid's costume


    Your welcome. 

  14. I now feel like I probably should've cut down a bit on the detail, to make a quicker read for the AT. Eh, sorry guys!

  15. I will be posting my application soon! Application Team, get ready <3 

    1. HereticTakao


      Thanks!  It was mostly the IC part that I had to get through, as I wanted to make my little honey bun just right. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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