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Posts posted by MangoArt

  1. 31 minutes ago, Legoboy7984 said:

    "Weren't you the ones sieging , cause last I remember you men are trying to kill us, and all we did was just simple tactics which was to defend the our home that is being sieged." A Norlandic Peasant would say


    "Wub doez dat haf tu do wit' anything. Norland iz aktin like dey won when all dey did waz wait out our powehful unzlaught by burnin a bridge. Da ziege camp iz ztill dere." The Ork replied, grumbling.



    Wargoth Of Clan Lur

    Nicknames: Chek


    Race: Uruk


    Gender: Male


    Occupation: Hunter, Trader, Warrior, Wargoth




    Parents: Gruma'Lur and Yarh'Braduk (Not Roleplayed...)


    Siblings: Many Half Siblings, no immediate siblings.





    Height: 8 Feet


    Weight: 260 pounds. Muscular and tall but missing lower legs tends to make you lighter


    Skin Tone: Dark Green


    Body Type: Muscular, Missing Lower Legs


    Hair Color: Black


    Eye Color: One Red eye and the other is a dead grey.


    Hair Style: Messy Mohawk


    Typical Clothing: Either Standard Ang-Raakh armor, his own personal armor, or a tribal garb with various pieces of armor and trophies attached


    Scars: Many all over his body, but a big ugly one over his grey eye.


    Piercings: Tribal Earrings


    Jewelry: Tribal Earrings


    Other Features: Stands on dual peg legs.


    Reference Picture?: .eJwNyMsNwyAMANBdGAAwP-NsQwCRSElA4J6i7t6-43vFZ15iEwfzWJtS5Vy5zyIX95lala33dtU0ziVzv1ViTvm468NLGYpBG0veeAJNNsK_CI03ZBCdphAJFaRCNhCEHesOuWJ0GYODgjaDpSTH08T3B5lCKIY.1_XBU-rRuhDDOxra8yY-Zx5pdls?width=269&height=375



    Strengths and Weaknesses



    Positive Traits: Honest, Loyal, Hardworking, Experienced


    Neutral Traits: Curious, Ambitious, Devout Worshipper


    Negative Traits: Stubborn, Emotional, Bitter.


    Likes: War, Hunting, His Family, Smoking Green, Worshipping the Spirits.


    Dislikes: Dishonor, Humans, and Elves.




    Sword Skill: 8/10. Exceptional combat skill with a sword, but is not perfect.


    Bow Skill: 8/10. Good shot but can't always fire in time.


    Axe Skill:7/10. Fairly good with an axe, but prefers other weapons.


    Misc. Combat Skills?: Great with a spear, 10/10


    Brute Force: 7/10. A massive Uruk is typically good with brute force...


    Stealth: 4/10. Rather clumsy but understands enough about the behavior of people and animals to set up good ambushes and manage to stay undetected.



    Skilled in Combat in almost every form, however is much better as sneaking up on people than animals.

    Can negotiate a good price when selling items.

    One of the best hunters around.

    Fantastic with a spear.

    Makes and sells great cactus green and other drugs.

    Knows more first aid than most.

    Learning Shamanism.


    His Only fear is the fall of Krugmar, the fall of his Clan, or the Death of his family. Oddly enough, although  he tries to hide it, terrified of spiders.




    Current: Raise his Kubs, bring his clan glory.


    Future: Make Lur the dominant clan.

    Lifelong: Die honorably as a respected Wargoth or Ex-Wargoth.

  3. Chek'Lur roared, climbing out of he and Shazgob's small outpost he had made- Krug's Outhouse. He had charged into battle, facing off against Lich, Dreadknight, and Ghoul alike. Caked in blood, he fought to his last breath but was eventually forced off the battlefield and into the quarry. Chek'Lur later on read of the victory, and a grin crossed his face.

  4. 1 minute ago, Grubgoth Wud said:

    Drawing (7).pngA4qt7Y_32nqMaBCcLJR8UQq6cL69qzFIGeeUBAKUImLARIJalhpCJNVsHUJ0xvb_QPBjJlZ3rLps7OC6p0UKVuwZKRRWDN0w4J194J79uegVkugrN7U-uKShmlNd2XB4cQ9MdEEV



    The Wargoth Kuntklobbera, and his kinsman Gahnaak, withdrew from the battlefield, battled, bloodied and bruised, slathered in a toxic ooze and solemn from the loss. Bastion had fallen under the strain of the undead army- it was a dire time for the Westerlands.

    “Gather the men..  and be prepared.. I’m gonna ram my hammer so far up this Mordring bloke’s arsehole its gonna tickle his tonsils.”

    "Count me in, Brother." Remarks Chek'Lur.

  5. OOC: This is much like the old post with some edits and added tidbits, intended to give Lur a different theme that stays true to the original clan.





    “We are the hunters. Our enemy is the prey”



    The Lurs are not footmen, they are hunters. The Only thing important to a Lur is the hunt and the clan. They spend most of their time in the wilds, almost exclusively spending time among the animals and hunting in the great jungles and deserts of the orcish territories.


    Lurs are typically of green complexion, but can be other colors. They are of shorter stature, but are also slimmer and stealthier. Some, if they are of mixed blood, will be taller or look different from this.


    A Lur’s best friend is his Clan’s Mount, the Lur Wolf. A Lur is bonded with a Lur Wolf his entire life and almost never leaves it or betrays it. A Lur and his Wolf’s bond is stronger than bloodsteel.


    Government: The Lur clan is ruled by a Wargoth as most clans are, chosen through combat or through a vote between the elders. The Wargoth is the most powerful position, but his advisor also known as the Clanfather is consulted for almost every position. The Clanfather is the wisest, oldest, and most experienced Uruk of the clan.



    Current Wargoth: Chek’Lur (Micbox2)


    Current Clanfather: Eath'Lur {Sandk1ng}


    Current Packmaster (Person who takes care of Lur wolf pups and Lur wolves in general, normally being the Wargoth):


    Elders, an elder of the Lur clan represent the bloodline of one of the heroes of the age of heroes. The current elders are:


    Eath'Lur {Sandk1ng} [Axe]






    History of Clan Lur


    History of Clan Lur


    Lore and myths:


    Lur and the Wolf


    Story of Lur


    The Trickster of Lur




    The Great Hunt, Origin of the Lur clan. (TBA)


    The Clan Wars (TBA)


    Buubztik, Birth of the Bronze (TBA)




    Bloodlines: Each of the Heroes from the ages formed their own bloodline, they act as a family and as political group in the Lur clan. Bloodlines are many times mixed with each other and with the bloodline of Lur himself. That is why all Lurs usually refer themselves as cousins. The leader of a Bloodline is an elder of the Lur clan and can fight for Wargoth of the Lur clan. The bloodlines and its leaders are:




    • The Fist Bloodline: The descendants of Tor are calm and calculating, preferring to use brute force rather than weapons. They are perhaps the strongest and most intelligent (not clever, mind you, intelligent). Their minds are powerful and their fists are more powerful.


    • The Trickster Bloodline: The trickster descend from the Trickster of Lur. They are the talkers, the diplomats, the emissaries, and the ones who work with machines. They are clever, cunning, and prefer to talk their way out of situations. They are most commonly goblins, but not exclusively.


    • The Wolf Bloodline: The most savage and wild of bloodlines but also the most loyal and trustworthy. The wolves descend from Kurak the wolf of Lur. They are big, brutish, and rash. They are violent and have quite savage and wild battle tactics.


    • The Axe Bloodline. Primarily known as the most stubborn and rash of all Lurs, they are strong and powerful and put honour above all other things. They think of themselves as an always improving warrior. They descend from Bralkor the Axe of Lur. The bloodline is lead by Eath'Lur.


    • The Sword of Lur. This bloodline is the most agile of all Lurs and some of the quickest as well, they enjoy riding as fast as they can and they descend from Jarkan the Sword of Lur. Their leader is missing/gone.



    Cults of the Lur


    Cults are like sub clans, but a cult is still part of the Lur clan. They obey the same laws and traditions of the Lur clan. But Cults are different because they focus on one particular aspect of the Lur clan. To form a cult the leader must first be a direct descendent of one of the Heroes of the Lur clan, and they must have proven themselves as both a powerful Orc and one who others would follow. The current Cults are:


    • Khor cult:


    “We are the wild, the unbound”

    The Khor are the most wild and savage of Orcs, they descend directly from Kurak the Wolf of Lur.They believe that Lurs should not live in the cities for being in the cities makes them weak. The main Khor tradition is to leave their cubs to be raised in the wilds with Lur wolfs, thus making them more savage and wild.



    • Gob cult


    “We are the guardians”

    The Gob unlike others of the Axe family branch are focused on being calm calculative and they know when to use their rage. They created the Gob cult to become the guardians of San’Lur. When they need to protect their homeland they use the anger that their ancestors taught them as a weapon. The Gob went into a kamikaze rampage when they failed their task to protect San’Lur. They became depressed and lost interest in all things that didn't have the final goal of revenge.



    • Dash cult


    “Ours is the speed”

    The Dash focus on speed, they are the fastest Orcs in the whole desert and descend from the Sword of Lur.They are agile, quick and ruthless. They host yearly tournaments to see who is quickest of them. They breed their wolfs not to be warrior wolves but to be as fast as possible. The Dash are many times messengers of the Lur.






    • Birth and Young age. Lur cubs are taken to the lair of the wolves, where all Lur wolves have taken as their lair. If the wolves accept the cub then he is truly a Lur. If not the cub is not of Lur blood the wolves will destroy him.


    • Coming of age: When Lur cubs reach the age of 9 years they are introduced to a Lur wolf cub. The Lur and its wolf are sent to the wilds to survive while 2 Lur wolves hunt them down. This is to prove that the time of weakness is over, they are no longer prey, it is time to be strong, to be the hunter. The wolf cub and the Lur are bound together not only as rider and mount but as brothers, elder Lurs have grown so close to their wolves they can hear each other thoughts. A Lur will have one wolf in his entire life, if the wolf dies, it is common for the Lur to kill himself, their loss is so great.


    • The Hunt of the Betrayed: In honour of those who died during the Clan Wars the Lur go on a great hunt where the Lurs use black spears and arrows. The beast that are killed in the hunt are put in a great bonfire where they are sacrificed to the spirits ones who were murdered in the Clan wars.


    • The Festival of “Da Gajutars Dahamab”: A dead festival, the last one was done before the Clan Wars. In that festival was where 75% of the Lurs were killed. This festival is based on celebrating the beginning of the Great Hunt of Lur. Lurs from all parts of the Lur lands used to flock to the city of San’Lur. Chek’Lur, the current Wargoth of Lur, plans to bring back this tradition.


    • Death of a Lur or his wolf: When a Lur or his Wolf are killed in the hunt or in battle their bodies are brought to their ancestral lands and then burnt. Their ashes go to the wind and will always ride in the wind. The Lur believe that when they die they go to a great plains of the spirit realm where they will hunt with Lur for all eternity.


    • Oath to Lur: Lurs promise to always serve Lur, the clan and Krug. They make their oaths on the great Spear of Lur.They believe that their spirits are bound to the spear and the Lur that owns the spear can call upon all Lurs who have made the vow.


    • The Festival of The Rising Sun: A Festival invented by the current Wargoth, claiming it to be a family tradition of his, which he also claims to be a dead festival although reports are a little fuzzy. It celebrates the birth of Lur himself, and is celebrated as a great hunt followed by a glorious feast with drinks and games.


    • Dream Totems: Another idea of Chek’Lur’s, taken from his own family and his own Village. It is said by many that  dreams are a method of the spirit’s speaking to you. A Dream Totem appears to be a ring with a net in it, and is said to catch the spirit’s messages and make them manifest in the waking world. ((PICTURE A NATIVE AMERICAN DREAM CATCHER)


    • Dance: A recently emerging custom, but yet again claimed to be ancient, is dance. Dances in Lur culture have certain meanings, and will often be used to praise spirits during sacrifice or before war.

    The Vow:

    I swear that I will ride like the wind, hunt like the wolf and kill like my ancestors before me. My weapon belongs to Lur, my body belongs to Lur, my life belongs to Lur. I am loyal above all to Lur, I will die for Lur. I forsake land, wealth and glory, all that is mine belongs to my clan.


    Code of the Hunt, Laws of Lur


    When time was still young and Lur still walked in this land, hunting with his sons and brothers, he created a set of rules for the hunters. It was called the Code of the Hunt.

    The Laws are as follows:


    • Only when in great need will a Lur hunt the weak. For there is no honour in hunting and killing something that presents no challenge to hunt and kill.


    • A Lur will always seek strong prey, as the prize is greater and he becomes stronger in doing so.


    • Never to hurt or kill another Lur outside of an honour duel.


    • Obey the leader of the hunt (Wargoth of the Lur clan) with no hesitation. He was chosen by the elders and by Lur himself.


    • Never try to take the position of another Lur for your own personal gain. The Clan always comes first.




    ((OOC and FAQ:))

    How to join?

    To join the Lur clan you must be either born into the clan or you must be a Lur whose parents or grandparents got lost in the clan wars and only now discovered that you are a Lur. Either way you would need to talk to an elder about joining. If you are an active Lur and not currently on the list please comment down below.

  6. “Glazug Votar.”



    An Uruk rests in his home, pondering the events of the recent feast. He felt dishonorable, for he had switched sides. He tried re-assuring himself, he fought for the right side in the end- the one he was bonded to. He was drunk, he told himself, he wasn’t in his right mind. He had claimed the seat of Wargoth of his clan, and he had to act as such. He had to convey himself with honor, honesty, strength, and willpower. He would re-unite the clan, and make it strong! FOR KRUG! FOR LUR!



    Lurs are called from every walk of life to help draft new clan records and documents  as well as to share the culture of Old. If any Lurs of high standing know of any ancient clan customs they can share, then they should do so.


    OOC: Basically this is so that Lurs can come up with unique ideas for clan culture and add them to the vast expanse of Lur customs


    Recruiting And Calling

    It is urged that all Lurs off on great hunts or pilgrimages return to Krugmar to restore the power of Lur. It is also urged that Lurs have kubbies, so that the numbers may be bolstered. Lurs should also seek out clanless uruks or those of Lur descent but no way to join the clan, and integrate them into our clan. Numbers are the quickest way to power. Alone, the Wolf is weak against a herd of prey. In its pack, the wolf is unstoppable.



    Clan Lur requires Blacksmiths, Miners, Breeders, Chefs, Woodworkers, and Lumberjacks. If you are a Lur, or seek to be a Lur, and are also of these professions please contact the Lurs and give a steady supply of Wagh items. If you are a Lur, you may collect snagahs to do this, or even employ the help of Non-Lurs. Supplies and Znagahz will help Lur greatly.



    Sadly, Lur hunts very little anymore. All Uruks of clan Lur should hunt beasts, wether they be magical or not. Wargoths and Elders shall arrange hunts, and see them through.


  7. "Honor? Da Pinkiez Blah uf HONOR? T'ey would nub gruk honor if it came agh ztruck 'em in da faze or clubbed dem tu death like mi do... Bezidez, da Norlanderz haf done countlezz dizhonorable tingz dat mi could nub even fathom. Hiding in derr fortz, runnin' ub into treez like liddul cowardz.Said Chek'Lur, "Blah to mi again when lat figure oud wub da zkah honor iz."

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