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Everything posted by MangoArt

  1. Been a while. Any advice on talking myself out of being nostalgic for this place? Literally had a terrible effect on my childhood and 1 in 10 people is a pedo, racist or 10 year old but for some reason it’s 2 AM and I can’t get it out of my head 

    1. rukio


      Ask urself what you're trying to escape from irl and then work on solving that issue, you'll have less desire to come back here.

    2. Unwillingly


      find something else to occupy your time that you get more enjoyment from. can be a game or an irl hobby, etc

  2. Wrote this status during a manic episode, disregard 

    Edited by MangoArt
    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Telanir


      Can confirm, he does hair very nicely. My luscious locks have never been so well kept!

    3. Kvasir
    4. Telanir


      Damn, didn’t know you cut your own hair too Jasper.


      also, that monke looks very relaxed 🙂

  3. You ever realize that since you spent a significant amount of your formative years on a server filled with nonces that you failed to pick up on near ******* constant grooming behavior and now have a crisis looking back at how ******* sus a fair portion of the people you knew from age 13 to age 17 you actually were?


    Hm wonder what server I’m talking about 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nug


      realizing all the banned pdo ppl u had talked to a bunch and were friends with :XXX

    3. Remyy


      lmao, i feel that

    4. saint swag

      saint swag

      nah i got phreeke sense

  4. A younger Uruk, green in skin and experience, grins with excitement at the prospect of his very first battle. The gravity of the situation has not reached the young man as he marks a page in his journal for his first war poem.
  5. Freelite

    1. Elite Snipes

      Elite Snipes

      I appreciate the support gamer

  6. Pelegren sighed deeply, ”Oi told ‘em- don’’ shoot t’e Eel! Harold said t’ere was something following it! Bu’ t’ey did nay listen. Now wha’ever t’ing could kill an eel t’at soize t’inks our shore is a feckin buffet. Dumb bastards.”
  7. Gnome it up Big wheels keep on turning Carry me gnome to see his kin Singing songs about the gnome-land I miss 'ole' 'brandy once again And I think it's a sin, yes Well I heard Mister Gnome sing about her Well I heard old Neil put her down Well, I hope Neil Gnome will remember A Gnomely man don't need him around anyhow Sweet GNOME Alabama Where the skies are so blue Sweet GNOME Alabama Lord, I'm gnoming all o’ you In Brandybrook they love the Thain, boo hoo ooo Now we all did what we could do Now Watergate does not bother me Does your conscience bother you? Tell the truth Sweet GNOME Alabama Where the skies are so blue Sweet GNOME Alabama Lord, I'm Gnomin’ all o’ you, (here I come Alabama) Now Muscle Shoals has got the Swampers And they've been known to pick a gnome or two Lord they get me off so much They pick me up when I'm done gnomin’ you Now how bout you? Sweet GNOME Alabama Where the skies are so blue Sweet GNOME Alabama Lord, I'm gnomin’ all of you Sweet GNOME Alabama, oh sweet gnome... Where the skies are so blue and the Thain's true Sweet GNOME Alabama Lord, I'm gnomin’ all of you, yeah yeh -Ancient Gnome Shanty
  8. So, first the tab system, then the chat system, now /sit?! Are they just trying to give the devs busywork at this point or something? B/c noone asked for these changes.

    Edited by MangoArt
    1. NotEvilAtAll


      Whew. The server really is being gutted bare of all the old things people enjoyed. I just hope that this actually decreases lag.

  9. Bring back Old tab!

  10. In the dawn of the era, the sea was silent. Painfully silent. An ancient titan sleeps undisturbed, and has done so for time immemorial. That time is to end. The coral encrusted body of the titan rose, scattering his loyal subjects of sea creatures that had tended to his resting body. His head rose above the sea and he gazed out at the vast expanse of ocean surrounding him. Displeased by the emptiness and his mind full of questions, he placed a hand on his scraggly and algae colored beard. He had a name, something given to him ages ago by a force he could not remember. He had a purpose, that he knew- to be the guardian of this ocean and see it prosper and grow, to assure its borders are ever-expanding. Even he could not achieve that alone, for a god is weak without worship. From the depths of the ocean, he raises a trio of mountains of monumental size. The craggy, mossy rocks sprout above the rocking waves. They shape themselves, moss becoming grass and grass becoming trees. Soon what was once a rocky outcropping was instead a set of fertile, beautiful islands. A lush, tropical atoll for his subjects. It began to rain on his islands, invigorating the divinely constructed ecosystem. Mhoric grew a race of men from these stormclouds, fair in hair and strong in body. They were to be his servants, and all would be right in time.
  11. I’m frankly not sure how practical bendy steel would be, as wouldn’t it be rendered useless upon contact with any kind of substantial armor? Also, the formatting is very poor on this one. Not to mention that, most of those elements would not great bendy steel regardless, and titanium is very difficult to obtain and process especially with the tech levels of LotC. I’m gonna have to give this a -1 from me, chief
  12. God App Name: Mhoric Symbol (Water, plants, fire, etc): The Sea Race (Default human): Muintiri Nation Name: City-States of Muintira Nation Symbol: The Bairsech, a mythological creature known to have the body of a dragon but the head of a wolf. Usually a symbol of strength Nation Terrain (Plains, desert, etc): A series of islands close to the mainland. Each one is covered in towering mountains covered in jungle. Race App Name: Muintiri Originating Race: Human Features (hair colors, etc): Their hair is of a colorful but natural variety, with colors like blonde, brown, and dark red. They are a short people (most hovering around 5 feet to 5’3), but resilient and optimistic despite their shorter lifespan of 60 years at most. They have an affinity for sailing and prefer high altitudes and humid climates. Skin Color: Their skin can range from pale to tan, depending on the wealthiness of the person in question. The rich live higher up and stay out of the sun, so are paler while the poor live at the base of the mountain and work in the sun all day, so they are tan.
  13. (It kind of isn’t, but I’ll put you in the discord or w/e just in case)
  14. Such good art. So little money. Sad.
  15. Can we get the Hou-Zi, Farfolk and Halflings to build the railways?
  16. “Lat’z ain’t a gobo! Get!” ((Denied ? ))
  17. Da Nazty Zkulkaz Throughout Krugmar, messengers covertly spread word of a new, budding group. Covertly would be an understatement, the snaga couriers specifically approaching Krugmar-affiliated goblins and them alone, the slaves not even being allowed to read what is on the paper. Should they read what is on the paper, they are executed. The bodies of such curious snagas clog the shores of Krugmar. : ((OOC: This is knowledge ONLY KRUGMAR GOBLINS HAVE. If your character knows this information, then you are metagaming. So please, hold your ‘The orcs are at it again, better stay off the road’ comments.)) General Information Da Nazty Zkulkaz is a private group of goblins unaffiliated with the official Krugmar Military. Instead, they are a company of covert ops/guerilla warfare specialists willing to work for the highest bidder, unless the current diplomatic situation of the War Nation would forbid them from doing so. They are known to utilize three primary tactics -Ranged Warfare -Stealth -Ambush tactics Let those honorable goblins among you not be dissuaded, for even among the Nazty Zkulkaz there is honor. Read further if you are interested. Tactics Although it is common knowledge that the Nazty Zkulkaz utilise stealth, ranged warfare, and ambush tactics, the specifics of these tactics are a well guarded secret. Those that are inducted are sworn to secrecy before being told the strategy of the band. Thus, only those who are members or those for whom it is far too late will ever know just how the Nazty Zkulkaz operate. Join, and you may discover. Ranks Unlike the majority of this nation, we do not bloat our ranks with pointless titles. Instead, there are simply 3 titles within our group. Boss- The leader of the group, currently held by Snikkit. Although they make the rules and decisions for the band, every decision they make can be overruled if the 2 Nobs can agree on it. These position can be klomped for, but only by Nobs. Nobs- As above, they are both those who rule in the Boss’s stead, but they also are able to overrule his decisions should they be able to agree. They are also there to keep order among the Skulkers. This position can also be klomped for, but there can only be 2 at maximum. This is subject to change. Skulkers- The rank and file of the band. That is all. Honor Code Despite the fact that we use tactics our larger brothers might call dishonorable, that does not mean that we are. Honor is a matter left up to an individual or a group, and thus we have drawn an Honor Code so that the falsehood that we lack honor utterly may be dispelled. -Do not abandon your brothers. Just because we use tactics revolving around stealth and speed of foot, does not mean we can abandon our allies. -Do not steal from your fellow Orc. Stealing from pink-skins is perfectly fine, as it furthers the cause of the nation. -Do not lie. Lying is dishonorable. Silence does not count, however. -Disputes among brothers that cannot be solved with logic should be solved via a physical or mental contest. Might makes right, but might is not just in the muscle and the bone. It may reside in the spirit or the brain. -Never go back on a pact. This falls under lying, but should be added for emphasis. A contract is sacred. Application to Join RP Name: Age:: Combat Experience: Useful Skills: OOC: Username: Discord:
  18. Should take one from each descendant race so we all have equal access
  19. So if the Vaeyl had like industrial revolution era tech considering they had railways and stuff, why didn’t they come at the descendants with guns and cannons?

    1. Xarkly


      they used all their skill points on a different tech tree

    2. Quavinir_Twiceborn


      Ran out of bullets.

    3. Elennanore
  20. Honestly this is just gonna get rejected immediately so it makes me sad for you that you put in this much work just for mods to see the title and copy paste that “Denied” template. F Addendum: It’d be neat to see advancing tech, just step by step. Maybe you should make it so this tech exists but we have to do some research RP to get our hands on it? Also if the Vaeyl have railways we should get guns. Also hold on if the Vaeyl had railways why did they come at us armed with swords and wearing armor? Wouldn’t they have some more advanced tech since railways are like an 1800s technology? Sorry that last part isn’t part of this I’m just stream of consciousnessing all over you guys.
  21. The server broke before the guard did

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