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Posts posted by Chorale__

  1. 1 hour ago, Taketheshot said:

    Rp is Rp the coalition is succeeding RPly and should be allowed to continue. What I would like however it some ******* consistency from staff in the future. Its over now but staff needs to take a good long look at the verdicts they've been giving over the past month. Flip flopping constantly. Changing rules to suit themselves. There needs to be some accountability.

    For once, I completely agree with you. Except for when you bypassed the swear word filter!!!!

  2. "I bid you good tidings, My humble home," Fitonor would say, as he'd rest in his manor, alongside his wife, Katherina, they'd both be mourning, "Johannesburg... Felsen, All of my memories of such will still arest, if I am not defeated fighting alongside my comrades in war," he'd then sharply inhale, followed by a dense exhale, then saying, "The Felsen Guard, The Johannesburg Capital Police, everything in which i've come to remember, you won't be forgotten, but deeply embedded somewhere in this old soul of mine..." he'd pause briefly, then continuing, with a slight downcast voice, "GOD, please tell me why his majesty doesn't call it even... Why doesn't he make piece with the peoples of Courland, Why doesn't he make peace with Urugaun? It'd be for the best, Oren would still live, He doesn't want to save House Horen, Our stubborn Emporer," he'd grunt, then treading on, "He won't do such a thing." Fitonor would end his statement, in laying his head down, as he shifts his eyes throughout the dark, cold room.

  3. 7 hours ago, Praetor said:

    nobody cares and if you really wanted to leave you wouldn't post this thread. People who post leaving threads almost always come back cuz they just want the attention.

    So, just go inactive without telling anyone, and get all the attention when you come back all of the sudden? Come on, where's all the fun in that??

  4. 4 minutes ago, Dohvi said:


    Your ability to only process information you want to hear continues to astound me. 

    Can you not fight me on this? 

    I'm trying to quietly (not express my opinion on the matter) sit this out, whether a permanent sit-out, or a 1-3 month sit-out.

    Please don't be the corrupt member of staff that is trying to tear someone down because you've different views on it.

    Thank you!

  5. I'm sure that the banter has been heard server-wide.


    Yes, It's true, I've been shot down.

    I've been banned for a month, with appeal after 2 weeks. 

    If I tell you the reason, I'll get off on my arguement, So it'd be best to not.

    Okay, I will. Basically - I've "excessively mod shopped", By messaging FM's, to do certain things, on competely different posts.

    Not once have I been turned down, and went to another one. But, I'm going to sit out this ban quietly.

    I've made the primary decision to not appeal to my ban, as I might not return after it's been lifted. EDIT: This decision has been vetoed, I'm going to appeal, because if I don't, then I will not get unbanned for if I do return.

    I usually spend around 36+ hours a week on LotC, and I'm not only going to leave because of the dense excuse for a month ban,

    But because I might actually leave my house and go do things with family for once, I'm slightly glad i've been banned, frankly. 

    I needed to be limited to my time on LotC, and It's been done for me. Anyhow, This is not a fully-advised decision just yet. Maybe, If I come back - Then I'll come back a changed man.

    Don't think that I've PK'd my characters or anything, Think of them as "taking a trip", in-roleplay. Any FM's that see this, Please don't allow criticism on the post. And don't ban me for another month if I'm still modshopping by saying that, in-case I do return. Please :)


    Cheers, It's been a good two years with you all.

  6. 3 hours ago, Hero_Prodigy said:

    Somehow my critique got deleted from this thread. 


    Case in point. Your snarky comments at the end show you cannot accept criticism which would make you a poor choice for any staff position. Also, diorite blocks are not battering rams, and you pretty much have given yourself a free PK for your main by committing treason. I would advise to learn to accept criticism and mature a bit if you want a staff position.

    Your 'critique' was deleted, because I had an FM go through and seperate the criticism and non criticism.

    Another thing, please stop commenting on my application, and PM me if you'd like to speak furthermore. This has gotten to the point of where you're just bothering me instead of criticising me. I'm trying to keep the application clean for the LT manager that will read it.



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