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Posts posted by Chorale__

  1. Just now, sullincollivan said:

    Well then that brings up the possibility that you're not ready for a position on the staff team.  If you cant take constructive criticism and blatantly disregard my advice, you've definately got some maturing to do before you can serve LotC efficiently.  You're app is ridled with spelling and grammar mistakes and a general lack in effort is apparent throughout the entirety of it.

    As far as this scenario, I'm disgusted by you're sterotypical human view of orcs and this application further proves the human race on LotC's ignorance to everyone else on the server.  

    Oh, Boy! Let's talk about grammar, shall we? First off - You put "You're app is ridled with spelling and grammar mistakes" - What's wrong with this? Hmm, You used "You're" which simply means "You are," therefore, you'd be saying "You are app is ridled with spelling and grammar mistakes," in which you spelled riddled, 'ridled'. You've also spelled definitely wrong.Now then, I'd like for you to know that I have kept straight A's in all of my classes althroughout my schooling lifetime. Please check your mistakes next time before you put someone down for them. Also, I ask that you not reply to this response. If you do respond, Then that shows an evident lack of maturity on your side. As for my side, You may not think that my maturity is grand, and I respect your opinion. Thank you, and have a nice rest of the day! 

  2. Just now, sullincollivan said:

    If I was you I'd read through this and improve it a bit before sending it in.  It sounds like you're not happy with the result either and to become a part of the LotC staff, in my opinion, requires a lot more effort than just typing up the app in an hour. 

    Sorry? I put a lot of time and effort in this application. Sorry if you see otherwise, Thanks for commenting!

  3. +1 


    I love this guy! But I have to disagree with you about the modreq quota. I've done /check in-game and some modreq's have been waiting for an hour! The player has already logged off by that time. I feel like you would help out tremendously with the modreq's. Good luck and remembers #OmarGrimmerForRex2015.

    To not accept this man onto the team would be a tragedy.

  4. NOTE: For anyone that i've had a run in, within the past few months whom caught me at the wrong moment - I've been going through a very tought time with some recent events due to deaths in the family. Please do not hold that against me!


    Minecraft Name: (If you have multiple, put which you want the pex to be added to.) Chorale_

    Skype ID: (Can be put to private, however if you get an interview be sure to contact me.) codytench, It doesn't work for a lot of people - The reason, I'm not sure of. But I can give you my email to add me with - In private.

    Time-zone: EST

    Do you, or have you held, any other staff positions: (Other servers included.) Mhm, I held a moderator position on KoonKraft, an old server that I believe went down a few months ago due to the owners inactivty. 

    Where do you grab inspiration from: (Games, books, etc.) I grab inspiration from pretty much everything. I love books, I love video games, of course. I also really enjoy watching plays and television shows. (All of my Supernatural peeps hmu)

    What are your current list of characters, and are you willing to sacrifice anyAt this moment, My characters are  - Fitonor Elmpool, Human - Faere Blackwood, Highlander - Marc-Pierre Delatour, Human. ; It would be very hard to sacrifice on of my characters for the event team, but, I could if that is what is needed to be done. I've played most of these characters for a little bit over a year, Therefore ; I've grown a very strong bond with them, and a fully developed personality with them.

    What race, or group, do your events best cater to:   I feel like I could cater to mostly the human race, as well as human subraces such as highlander, or heartlander. If needed, I could also cater to the Elven race, as I played a wood elf for quite some time before PK'ing that character. I feel like some kind of Orcish comedy scene would be hilarious, Like - I love Orc RP ; Especially when they're good orcs! Such as when one walks into a bar and is like "Mi wun't dw'ank" and isn't like "gib me ***'in dwank', pinkeh." - No offense, all you orcish fellows!

    What do you believe are some key factors leading up to an event? : I feel like really putting yourself in, and describing your emotes very thouroughly would lead to a successful event. For example ; "The man bends down, and reaches to grab his quill. As he picks it up, he smirks immensely as he opens a book, and tears a parchment out. He then begins to write a few words on the parchment, and whistles for his bird. When his bird arrives, he rolls the parchement up and places it in the birds clasps, sending it off to the holder of the note." - That would come from a scene, where the persona is by himself, and sends a bird off to a dear friend, inviting him over for tea. 

    What strengths would you bring to the team: (Knowledgeable in lore, great organizer, etc.) Well - Some of the strengths I could bring to the team would be ; I am very knowledgeable in lore, I am very organized, I can be kind when kindess is applied to me. Regarding my previous statement : I can also be very hateful when hatefulness is applied to me as well. I'm also not a firm believe in cursing, swearing - whatever you want to call it. Therefore, I would NEVER use a potty mouth with any players at any moment in time. One more thing ; I see Minecraft as "just PIXELS!" - This meaning that, Whenever something goes wrong, You NEVER try to fix it yourself, Just call in a GM and he/she/they will fix it.

    Why do you want to be part of the team: I want to be a part of the ET, as an actor mostly because of the experience. I have a friend in the ET department as both a builder and actor, and he says it is an amazing experience. I also think it would be neat to perform in big events, and have my username spread around, in a good way. For example, "Hey, did you hear of that Chorale_ person? Yeah he's a great actor! He was one of the actors in the christmas event." 

    Create three distinct event scenarios based on the servers lore that you would organize: (Keep in mind that these pitches are to the managers and the lead, no the community.)   

    Scenario 1 : A group of hunters, from the County of Ayr walk into the forest with about 8 people with them. The hunters spend hours in the cold, harsh winter weathers. At last, they spy a artic fox. As they approach the fox, one of the men lunges his spear into the stomach area of the fox. A successful hunt for the time being, and delicious food for the hunters have been acheived.


    Scenario 2: I think that it'd be neat to organize a server-wide kind of "flashback" day, to where we'd go back to one of the older maps, such as Vailor, or Aegis, As new players didn't get to experience these maps. It would enact just like the change from Vailor to Axios. They'd get on a ship and sail to said island, After that would've been done, After a day, or two-three days, Another event would take place, sending them sailing back to Axios. Or, To spruce things up a bit, We could start at the first map, and sail to all the other maps - Over about a weeks time. However, That'd be very hard on the admnistrative and development team. With as many creative people the ET has, they could come up with a better way to change between maps besides like the change from Vailor to Axios.


    Scenario 3: Another bland idea ^^, It's late aaah sorry for my lack of creativity - I think it'd be neat if we could have a server-wide event, sort of like when we have the map change. I'm thinking of a huge event, christmas - of course, with it coming up. Everything would be decorated, and we would all get together on Tahn to conduct some sort of scene, Possibly about an orc crashing christmas, Like the classic "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" story - It'd be a neat contribution, and a comedious one as-well, In my opinion.

    How long do you plan to be able to work on the team: Pretty much until the director throws me out. 

    Tell me a joke: (Like jaeden’s building abilities.) Me, Myself, and I. Also, My chances of ever becoming successful enough to get a scholarship to college.


    EDIT: Take a look at my old application, with the older format!



  5. (( Edit: I feel like event ideas would be more towards the lead and managers of the team. My event ideas are quite weak, and I might have some better ideas on down the road.))

    Actor Application:

    Minecraft name(s): Chorale_

    Skype ID: codytench

    Timezone: EST 

    Do you hold / have you held any other staff positions? Nope, Never held a staff position, on LotC, that is. I was a moderator on KoonKraft back in the day though, Before its' owner went off for college.

    What MMORPG/video games have you/do you play (past and present)? War Thunder, present - Lord of the Rings, past - Dark Eden, present.

    What are your characters? Are you willing to sacrifice any to become a event team member? At this moment, My characters are  - Fitonor Elmpool, Human - Faere Blackwood, Highlander - Marc-Pierre Delatour, Human. ; It would be very hard to sacrifice on of my characters for the event team, but, I could if that is what is needed to be done. I've played most of these characters for a little bit over a year, Therefore ; I've grown a very strong bond with them, and a fully developed personality with them.

    What race / group do you think your events would best cater to? If none in particular, give an example of the type of group that your events would entertain. I feel like I could cater to mostly the human race, as well as human subraces such as highlander, or heartlander. If needed, I could also cater to the Elven race, as I played a wood elf for quite some time before PK'ing that character. I feel like some kind of Orcish comedy scene would be hilarious, Like - I love Orc RP ; Especially when they're good orcs! Such as when one walks into a bar and is like "Mi wun't dw'ank" and isn't like "gib me ***'in dwank', pinkeh." - No offense, all you orcish fellows!

    What do you believe are key factors for a successful event? I feel like really putting yourself in, and describing your emotes very thouroughly would lead to a successful event. For example ; "The man bends down, and reaches to grab his quill. As he picks it up, he smirks immensely as he opens a book, and tears a parchment out. He then begins to write a few words on the parchment, and whistles for his bird. When his bird arrives, he rolls the parchement up and places it in the birds clasps, sending it off to the holder of the note." - That would come from a scene, where the persona is by himself, and sends a bird off to a dear friend, inviting him over for tea. 

    What strengths could you contribute to the event department? Are you knowledgeable in lore or great at organizing? Some strengths that I could contribute to the ET, This is going to be a long response, prepare youself, You've been warned ; Some of my best strenghs are, The only time I really get mad, in-game, I just think "It's pixels, nothing to worry about," that is, unless a major rule is being broken. In that case, I somewhat keep my cool, and let the GM's take care of that. So, I would say, One of my biggest strenghts would be my lack to get mad easily, and/or having grave incompetence. As for the lore, The force is very strong with this one. I really enjoy reading up on pretty much any lore. Whenever i'm in school, When we're allowed to read, I pull my phone out, come to the forums, and read nothing but lore. This helps me strengthen my ability to understand other characters, that I don't play, or haven't ever played ; Orc, and Kha'pantera for example.

    Why do you want to be part of the ED? I want to be a part of the ET, as an actor mostly because of the experience. I have a friend in the ET department as both a builder and actor, and he says it is an amazing experience. I also think it would be neat to perform in big events, and have my username spread around, in a good way. For example, "Hey, did you hear of that Chorale_ person? Yeah he's a great actor! He was one of the actors in the christmas event." 

    Create three distinct RP scenarios/events based on LOTC lore that you would organize. These are pitches to the managers and the lead, not to the community. Note: not all of the group must be handled at once. Eg: 20+ people via 5 person increments in a dungeon. 

    Scenario 1 : A group of hunters, from the County of Ayr walk into the forest with about 8 people with them. The hunters spend hours in the cold, harsh winter weathers. At last, they spy a artic fox. As they approach the fox, one of the men lunges his spear into the stomach area of the fox. A successful hunt for the time being, and delicious food for the hunters have been acheived.

    Scenario 2: Eh, This one is a bit bland - But, For Christmas events, I would put up Christmas trees and decorations, such as in Oren - For example. (With the region owners consent, of course)

    Scenario 3: Another bland idea ^^, It's late aaah sorry for my lack of creativity - I think it'd be neat if we could have a server-wide event, sort of like when we have the map change. I'm thinking of a huge event, christmas - of course, with it coming up. Everything would be decorated, and we would all get together on Tahn to conduct some sort of scene, Possibly about an orc crashing christmas, Like the classic "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" story - It'd be a neat contribution, and a comedious one as-well, In my opinion.

    How long do you plan to stay on the ED? I would plan on staying on the event team until the director throws me out.

    Tell me a joke! Me, Myself, and I - Another one ; Me ever having a chance at any of the staff teams I've applied for. Give me poweeeeer. Nah man, I'm just kdding, I think it'd actually be a pretty good experience.

  6. @SuperDuckyGamer @Xi'dius - It won't let me tag others but :


    Hey! Thank you guys so much for commenting - Yes, It was expected to get -1's, for the simpility of, I've never practiced magic in game. My search for a voidal magic teacher is still on, And I will shelf this application until i've learned some actual magic and have played around with it ingame. Once more, Thank you guys for commenting!

  7. I've honestly never ran into you in-roleplay, but you seem like a pretty nice person on the forums. I mean, we did have that instance where you -1'd my MT app! Shame shame shame ;-) - Anyhow, I'm going to give you a +1 for your effort you've put into this application. 


    I just hope you don't get AT before I do !!!!

  8. Yep, it's time for me to apply for another staff position! You guys knew this'd be coming, look forward to my GM application go up in about 6 months!


    What is your Minecraft Account Name?:
    How long have you played on LotC?:
     Lets see - I've played on LotC for about a year and about 15 months / a year and 3 months.
    How many hours per day/week are you available?:
     Well, If you look at my playtime per week ; It is usually at minimum 24 hours. 
    Have you read and do you thoroughly understand Magic Lore?:

    I have , Whenever i'm in school, and my teacher allows us to read, I pull out my phone and come to the forums. Then, as predicted - I do nothing but read up on lore, that includes magic lore aswell. If I need to, I will read up on it more thoroughly. 
    What Magic Lore do you hold the most experience with?:

    To start off, I've never applied for a magic application - I cannot find a teacher, If I could find one, I would be more than happy to apply, I just really enjoy how it works out IRP. Even though i've only ever seen it play out in roleplay and have read up on the lore, I feel like my most experiecial area in magic lore would be Air Evocation or Voidal shifting, which both fall under the "Voidal" section of the Lore I believe. Pretty much, voidal magic in general.


    Write about a magic-related topic that you find interesting (e.g. How mental barriers work):

    Mind Magic Alternation would be a topic that I fancy.  I can't really explain it in depth, and it's pretty self-explanatory.
    Give a Summary of any Staff/Lead positions you’ve held on any Minecraft Server in the past:

    I've held the position 'moderator' on an old minecraft server called KoonKraft back in the day. I held the posistion for about a year, and I resigned when I decided to take a slight break from minecraft. The server has been down since August of this year, I believe. You can still visit the website and contact the owner if you'd like. He remembers me :)
    Do you have a Skype account? (You may post it here, or choose to keep it private until you are asked for it. Note; Skype is required to communicate with the team and unless you have an account and the program it you will be incapable of joining the team): Yes, PM me for it please.
    Have you ever receive a Magical Blacklist, if so, please link it: Nope!

  9. Name (And Username): Ensign Fitonor Elmpool, Chorale_

    Position Applying For: Accountant, and/or in merchandise and marketing.

    Previous Experience: My char has been in the Orenian Military for 30 something years ic. He is a very smart fellow.

    Where do you see yourself in five years?: More-than-likely a gay strip club.

    (Skype Name): codytench


    « OUT OF CHARACTER NAME »  Chorale_

    « IN CHARACTER NAME »  Fitonor

    « SURNAME »  Elmpool

    « CLASS »  B3

    « GENDER »  Male


    « DATE OF BIRTH » 2nd of the Sun's Smile, 1541

     « HEIGHT & WEIGHT »  6'4, N/A Weight

    « EYE, SKIN & HAIR COLOR »  Dark-ish blue eyes, white skin, gray-ish hair
    « CULTURE »  Orenian
    « MARKINGS »  Urh, Nope.

    « HOME ADDRESS »  19 & 20 Alba Street, along with the manor outside of the city.
    « PROVINCE »  Crownlands
    « OCCUPATION »  Officer in the Legion (Ensign), Miner, Blacksmith, (I don't have one main proffesion, they're all unlocked)



    I, Fitonor Elmpool, hereby swear my loyalty to the Emperor of the Holy Orenian Empire entirely by my free will. I swear to read and obey the laws of the Empire and understand the punishments and penalties that will be incurred should I violate the law.

    « CLASS A OR B » 

    I,Fitonor Elmpool (Chorale_), hereby acknowledge and give my consent to the OOC rule that should my character be found guilty of High Treason within the Empire, the Emperor personally (and only the Emperor) has the right to execute permanently my character. I accept this condition and make it entirely upon my free will.

  11. On 11/18/2016 at 3:51 PM, Mitchell said:

    A tightly scrolled parchment, stamped with a scarlet wax imprint of a lotus would make its way to the company, detailing in beautiful calligraphy 

    "I Sebastian Seregon would like to place an order of thirty two standard Orenian units of Gold; amounting to a total sum of two hundred and fifty six mina, if you are interested in providing such service. Please deliver such goods to 13 Alba street, at which I will forward your payment to whomever is handling your goods."

    Order Accepted, Undergoing initiation.

  12. 18 hours ago, Mitchell said:

    A tightly scrolled parchment, stamped with a scarlet wax imprint of a lotus would make its way to the company, detailing in beautiful calligraphy 

    "I Sebastian Seregon would like to place an order of sixty standard Orenian units of Gold and four carts worth of spruce logs if you are able to also potentially fill such a request; amounting to a total sum of six hundred and twelve coins, five hundred and twelve being for the gold shipment and one hundred for the logs if you are interested in providing such service. Please deliver such goods to 13 Alba street, at which I will forward your payment to whomever is handling your goods."

    Order Completed.

  13. Hello, So, I'm selling loads of Iron, and/or gold. I'm also selling blacksmithing goods, If you need anything blacksmithed, I can provide the materials to smith it, and smith it aswell, Unless it's diamond, because.. Those are kind of hard to find. The prices of gold and iron are listed below. Also, I do not care if you can get anything cheaper, anywhere else, If you don't like my prices, then go buy whatever, wherever else. Thank you!


    ( I can only make everything listed, my blacksmithing level is only Proficent) ( Do not comment unless you're interested in buying ) (If you can provide supplies, like diamonds, I can make whatever you need that's diamond )



    5 mina per bar.

    320 mina per stack.

    160 mina per half stack.

    ( I can mine to your needs, so if you need it in bulk, let me know in a PM, or in-game, Chorale_ )



    8 mina per bar.

    512 mina per stack.

    256 mina per half stack.

    ( I can mine to your needs, so if you need it in bulk, let me know in a PM, or in-game, Chorale_ )


    Iron Weapons-

    Steel Blade- 40 mina per blade.

    Iron Sword- 15 mina per sword.

    Ferrum Battleaxe- 65 mina per axe.

    Ferrum Warhammer- 50 mina per hammer.

    Steel Warhammer- 60 mina per hammer.

    Steel Waraxe- 45 mina per axe.


    Iron Tools/Goods-

    Iron Axe- 15 mina per axe.

    Iron Pickaxe- 15 mina per pickaxe.

    Iron Hoe- 10 mina per hoe.

    Iron Shovel- 10 mina per hoe.

    Iron Helmet- 50 mina per helmet.

    Iron Chestplate- 45 mina per chestplate.

    Iron Leggings- 40 mina per legging (s).

    Iron Boots- 40 mina per boot (s).

    Full Set of Iron Armour- 200 mina per set. (25 mina fee) (Takes 51 minutes to make)

    Iron Horse Armour- 325 mina per set. (25 mina fee) (Takes 20 minutes to make)



    Gold Weapons-

    Golden Sword- 15 mina per sword.

    Luminous Aurum Blade- 35 mina per blade.

    Aurum Battleaxe- 40 mina per battleaxe.

    Luminous Aurum Waraxe- 65 mina per waraxe.

    Aurum Warhammer- 30 mina per warhammer.

    Luminous Aurum Warhammer-  45 mina per warhammer.


    Gold Tools/Goods-

    Golden Axe- 15 mina per axe

    Golden Shovel- 15 mina per shovel.

    Golden Pickaxe- 10 mina per pickaxe.

    Golden Hoe- 10 mina per hoe.

    Golden Helmet- 45 mina per helmet.

    Golden Chestplate- 50 mina per chestplate.

    Golden Legging- 50 mina per legging (s).

    Golden Boots- 45 mina per boot (s).

    Full set of Golden Armour- 250 mina per set. (50 mina fee) (Takes 1 hour, 35 minutes to make)

    Golden Horse Armour- 425 mina per set. (25 mina fee) (Takes 40 minutes to make)


    Miscellaneous Iron Goods-

    Shears- 30 mina per shear (s).

    Alchemist Shears- 25 mina per shear (s).

    Bucket- 15 mina per bucket.

    Iron Door- 40 mina per door.

    Iron Trapdoor- 40 mina per door.

    Iron Bars- 5 mina per bar.

    Sickle- 125 mina per sickle (75 mina fee) (Takes 1 and a half our to make)

    Iron Stud- 1 mina per stud.

    Gold Stud- 2 mina per stud.

    Iron Wires- 5 mina per wire.

    Iron Beam- 10 mina per beam.

    Minecart- 35 mina per cart.


    Miscellaneous Weapons-

    Ferrum-Tipped Pike- 30 mina per pike.

    Heavy Ferrum Spade- 25 mina per spade.

    Ferrum Lance- 35 mina per lance.

    Heavy Aurum Spade- 30 mina per spade.

    Aurum-Tipped Pike- 25 mina per pike.

    Aurum Lance- 35 mina per lance.



    Chainmail Rings- 5 mina per ring.

    Chainmail Helmet- 45 mina per helmet.

    Chainmail Chestplate- 50 mina per chestplate.

    Chainmail Leggings- 50 mina per leggings.

    Chainmail Boots- 25 mina per boot. (s)

    WitchHunter Coif- (You must have Thanhic Treated Leather, and must give it to me) 50 mina per coif.

    WitchHunter Shirt- (You must have Thanhic Treated Leather, and must give it to me) 50 mina per shirt

    WitchHunter Leggings- (You must have Thanhic Treated Leather, and must give it to me) 50 mina per legging.

    WitchHunter Boots- (You must have Thanhic Treated Leather, and must give it to me) 50 mina per boot (s).

    Full set of WitchHunter- 300 mina per set. (Takes an hour to make)

    Full set of Chainmail- 200 mina per set.


    Thank you all for reading this catalog, Please.. Only SERIOUS buyers comment on this post. 









  14. 16 minutes ago, Weabootrash said:

    Not what wikiteam does now, wikiteam moderates and fixes pages. We let the players edit pages, if someone was to right orcs are gay we'd give them a warning undo the change and possible temporarily disable his account. Lots of people are mature and smart enough to not abuse wiki powers. You can do next to nothing as everything you do can be undone by thomas or tythus. You honestly should be in the community longer I only know you from your mass app spam for staff

    I don't post very much on the forums, maybe that's why.

  15. Just now, KBR said:

    You have four staff apps up, it seems like a desperate attempt at power to me.

    Nay, I just feel that I could be used for them all. I applied only for the ones that I can help out in. Also, What would I have the power to do, as WT? Type in bold letters "orcs are [Enter swear word] " on the Wiki? No, 1. Because that would not be allowed, for it is being biased.  2. I am mature and smart enough to not abuse powers. I love writing, and reading, That's why I applied for WT, Please don't hate, Thanks!

  16. MC name: Chorale_

    Forum name: Chorale_

    Skype Name: I'd rather not put it on the forums, PM me.

    What is your timezone? EST (Eastern Time Zone)

    How do you wish to work on the wiki? (Media, proof checking, writing, etc): Writing, and proof reading/checking.

    Have you worked on the, or any wiki before?: Yes, I've contributed to some of the Wiki already on LotC.

    Which lore are you most familiar with? I'm most familiar with the Human, and Orenian lore, although, I've read up on Orcish and Elven lore.

    Please showcase your abilities with either: 

    A: paragraph on the subject of your choosing.

    (( For all of you Orenians, A paragraph on Johannesburgs' history ))


    Johannesburg was meant to replace Felsen, When the map changed from Vailor to Axios. The citizens of former Felsen, Arrived in Axios on the in-game date of 1571. Before the change exerted to Axios,  The Orenian Military was then called the 'Felsen Watch'. Post-Axios, the Orenain Military was called the JCP (Johannesburg Capital Police), and they continued to change the name, and uniforms, of course. They finally settled on a 'Legion', Where the guards would then be called 'Legionaires'. The new Legion would be called Legio I Ioannes. Johannesburg is ruled by Orenian Emporer John Owyn, Of the house Horen. John, in-fact lives in the capital city, with the rest of his family.


    (( That was a very short paragraph, But... It works, I believe ))



  17. 5 hours ago, Malgonious said:

    Please stop yourself right there, 



    5 hours ago, SuperDuckyGamer said:

    I simply stated that the profession system should be entirely removed for all three sections. Now, I know it's not much of a useful advice, as it's not very viable; but, the system needs a massive tweaking. It needs to revolve around roleplaying, not constant grinding and percentages. Make the system more interactive, with options to, perhaps, let others be involved when large objects are being crafted, or make the system have to be emote-based with keywords being taken from the emote to make the item. This is an rp server, after all.

    I think that they should add that, but... Give people an option on whether or not to use it.

  18. I enjoy professions, and the system. However, I think that humans should get some kind of racial profession. I am thinking, a blacksmith, leatherworker, fisher, stonemason, or alchemist, possible even an alchemist. Another change that I think should take place would be — I think that if you do not choose a profession, and have them all available, that you should be able to level up a little bit past adept.

  19. Dear moderators, staff members, and players of Lord of the Craft,


    So, You may have noticed that my attitude and annoyancy lately, is off of the charts. Take this as a sign of my maturity, that many of you have already said, does not exist. I have a reasoning for my nusicanity, Out of game... And I tried to take a break to cool down. I then realized that Lord of the Craft cheers me up, However, my tolerance has not been very high as it has been before these out of game occurances, well.. Occured. I am posting about this to let you all know, who've encountered me in my monstrosety of a mood, I am usually not like this, and I will try as hard as I can to not be as irritable. I have argued with you Game Team members, when I thought that you were wrong.. And I slightly uphold myself to that opinion, But realise that you guys (well, most of you) are trying to do your role on LotC, and that I need to respect you all, and not argue. One last thing, I am not just doing this for reputation, nor good comments on my staff applications. You can all curse at me in a reply, if you'd like. I honor you all deeply for your opinions, and I am upheld to mine.


    Thank you,


  20. Minecraft Account Name(s): Chorale_


    Skype: codytench


    How long have you played on LotC?: Last month marks a year that i've played LotC.


    Time zone and availability: I am on the Eastern Time Zone (EST), And my playtime per week usually ranges from 12-24 hours, sometimes maybe 48. I would contribute a good amount of time to surveil the lore. 


    What subgenre (refer to LM specifications list) are you versed in most?: Human Lore, Wood Elven Lore, Orenian Lore, and a little bit of Orcan lore.


    Give a summary of any staff positions you have held on LoTC: N/A (Applied for AT, ET, and contribute for the WT)


    Have you ever written lore for LoTC? (this will not augment your chances at obtaining the position of LM.): No, However, When we are alloted to read in class, I read over the lore. Usually Human lore, and things like that. It's like a big book that needs to be read, in my eyes.


    Have you ever received a blacklist or ban?: No

    Who do you not get along with on the Lore Team?: I get along with everybody on the LT, and have never really even ran into one, to bicker with.

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