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Posts posted by Chorale__

  1. 1 hour ago, Liam Kneeson said:



    Not sure about this one, folks. Chorale has displayed some severely disturbing comments about his power hungry attitude, especially for the position of GM.




    Given the recent power grabs he's attempted, combined with the massive number of applications he's submitted in recent history, I'm very concerned that Chorale is striving for red, yellow, and green tags, as opposed to actually contributing to the community and our players.


    This screenshot, taken about a week ago, doesn't help either. 




    Chorale claimed that his OOC reputation is poor, but only because of his character's personalities. I could care less about the quality of Chorale's RP, or what personality traits his characters hold, but that isn't the reason I disapprove of him. He then proceeded to state that he, "liked yelling at people for breaking rules," which he very quickly deleted, but not before Ren had quoted him. I'm not so thrilled about the prospect of allowing any player on the staff team who claims that they take pleasure in the act of punishing players for breaking the rules.


    My only concern on this front, for the reasons stated prior, is that Chorale will intentionally nitpick applications, hoping to deny them. That could be speculation on my part, but the screenshot taken above is awfully concerning.


    In addition, I would heavily question Chorale's judgement. He holds very, deeply held religious beliefs, which I cannot and will not shame him for, because subscribing to a certain religious ideology within itself is no crime. However, it ought to concern many people when the individual in question advocates for some awfully grotesque policies, and admits that their religious ideologies could interfere with their staff duties.




    No matter how hard it may be, ignore the slavery aspect of that screenshot, that isn't nearly as important as the former bit. When you hold your deeply held religious beliefs, but openly admit that they could easily interfere with your abilities to proficiently evaluate applicants, that's a major issue, especially when you acknowledge it.


    To sum up my claims, I believe that Chorale is severely unfit for any staff position. I think he's a valuable player within the community, but I do not believe that he is suitable to be an AT, GM, LT, or participate in any other staff department. He is, more than likely, only applying so that he may receive the potential reputation as a staff member. His judgement is extremely clouded, and I believe that he has some maturing to do before being allowed a position within the staff team, in any manner. In regards to Chorale's ability to properly understand the lore, I don't doubt that he may have a sufficient understanding of the server's lore, but that's entirely speculation on my part. I'd just like anybody who's considering to support Chorale to read and digest my criticisms, first. 


    These screenshots were all taken about a week ago, by the way.

    Ah, Liam - Glad to see that you've commented.


    Let's start out with the first part. My "power hungry attitude" - *Clears throat* -


    Might I mention that this is a meme chat, first of all? http://imgur.com/a/q74mA


    Might I mention, That memes are a mockery of a certain person or behavior?


    Did I mention that this is a meme chat?

    Also, I'm not an evil person. I wouldn't deny someones application out of pure mischief. I may act an evil bible literalist in your opinion, But I can disagree on the other end.


    Now that I have that out of the way, and we've settled that my "power hungry" behavior is ridiculed, Along with my urge to yell at people to breaking rules. Let's move onto the second part.


    The tags, First off - The AT tag is pink. 

    My reputation -

    This is fun for me to tell, as it is for you to read. Let's start off when I first joined the server, about a year ago. I was around 12-13, and I had just gotten accepted. I was excited, and - Yes; I made big mistakes that stick with me today, such as - For one, I was a known powergamer. For two, I was a very irritable child, I was one that would oocly yell at you for making typos. I was the one that would yell at you oocly for using incorrect punctuation, and etc. I was just an all around, Horrible player to be around. I had stopped playing for a little bit, and I came back at one of the worst times, in my lifetime. This was the time where a very close relative passed away unexpectedly. You might ask why i'm sitting here, typing this out right now. Is it because I want pity? No, It's not. I'm telling you about this event because it was one of the most horrible things to ever happen to me. LotC cheered me up, and when I returned, I was mourning the loss of said relative. I was agitated easily, and I broke easily. This lead to me not having the best reputation, because I would call GM's up to do stupid things, that were highly against the rules. You can read my apology here, About a month ago; I posted this. This loss took place about two months before this post. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/152316-im-sorry-chorales-apology/#comment-1438794

    Anyhow, My reputation gained slightly over the weeks, until I started to regularly start talking with the people in this meme chat. I told them about my ooc self. I told them about my religion, I spoke to them openly about my beliefs. Yes, We did have a very weird few conversations about topics on things, such as my religion, and beliefs in swear words. Yesterday, Oh boy. Yesterday, An anonymous extra pulled some quotes from a long time ago, and it showed an older version of me that I didn't like. What did I do about it? I contacted a moderator because this anonymous person wouldn't remove the quotes before others saw them, Like I had asked. I got really mad, and I think I might've contacted three or so moderators. Anyways, What I'm trying to say out of this, is that - Everyone can say they've made mistakes, Everyone can say that they've screwed up. Nobody's perfect, and - A few staff members that we have right now, are nearly the same way. To sum this up, I believe that I have had many mistakes to learn by, and I will continue to learn by them. 


    About my beliefs:


    I am a bible literalist Catholic, yes. That part was not memed. I don't believe in slavery, That part was memed. However, I don't believe that just because of my beliefs, that I should be denied as a person. Come on, It sounds silly when you're like "This person shouldn't get this because he's a catholic." - Now then, My buddy Ren and I, We joke around with each other all the time. Shoutout to you Ren <.< - I do joke about Rens' sexuality a lot, and even though I might not believe in his sexuality, I am still like; best buds with him. This being said, If someone were to mention atheistism in their application, Of course it would be denied. Not because of my opinion on said religion, but because it's not apart of the lore. Do you get what I'm trying to incorporate into here? If not, Let me just summarize it, Using Ren as an example. Even though I might not agree with his looks, or his decisions on these things, We're still friends. I don't hate him for it, I don't look at him differently for it. We tease each other all the time about one-anothers beliefs. I'm not hurt by it, Because; Frankly, Everyone has an opinion, They're all different. No one opinion is just like anothers. I've come to learn that, Over a few years on the internet. 


    On my inability to be any staff member: 


    I don't think that i'd be a bad application team member. This is because, My opinion ties in with myself, Of course i'm going to agree with myself on everything, doesn't everyone?


    If an application team manager is reading this, and you most likely are: 

    A trial run would be great. That's one thing that I'd love to see. If my inability to do anything on the team fails, You can rub it in my face, or screen all you want. Although I know that a trial run is most likely never going to happen, It's always a possibility. I was just putting this idea out there, I'll more than likely make a post about it later, explaining it more indepth. 


    About my maturity:


    Now then, My maturity reflects in-and-out. I can be super mature at some times, and super - well, immature sometimes. Not immature like, making sexual jokes or something like that. Because of my disbelief in swearing, and lewdness, That'd be more than hipocritical. If I were "my age" immature, I would be yelling at Liam for his response, but instead - I'm just pouring my feelings into a response.


    That about sums it up, Thank you for commenting - Liam.


    I'm sorry for any typos, It's 1:00 AM



  2. MC Name: Chorale_

    Skype Name: You have it, I'd rather not put it on the forums.
    Timezone: EST

    Age: 13


    Do you have Discord? (you need to): Not at the moment, I will get it, however.

    Do you feel that you have a solid grasp on our lore and an understanding of the application standards?: I feel that I have somewhat of a grasp on the lore and a definite understanding of the application standards.

    Why do you want to be an AT member and do you have the ability to work and collaborate with others?: I want to be a member of the AT, Because I can look back to my application, and remember being so excited about a response. When I got the response, I was very happy, and I want to be that person... The one that makes others look forward to coming home, and logging onto the forums, to see that they were accepted into the server. However, If needed, I can also be the bearer of bad, unfortunate news. I do believe, in my opinion, that I have to ability to work and collaborate with others.

    Beyond reviewing whitelist applications, what ways do you think you would enjoy helping new applicants?: I think that I would enjoy showing them around, and helping them start their roleplay adventure on Lord of the Craft. Another way I would enjoy helping other contemporary applicants would be by giving them roleplay tips, and things of that such, that I used when I first was accepted.


    How do you think the server’s application process could be improved?: The server's application process is flawless, already, In my opinion. The response time has definitely improved from when I was accepted into the server, It took me about 3 days for implementation, followed by obtaining acceptation. I now see people whom are accepted and implemented within a day, if not less!

    Is there anything else you would like to add or that we should know about you?: -Shrug- I don't know... I am a helpful person, if that's worth adding on. I'm also not a firm believer in using swear words, so I wouldn't constantly say them to try and be funny, like some of the current staff.


    Tell me a joke: A neutron walks into a bar, and orders a drink. When the neutron gets her drink, she asks, "Bartender, How much do I owe you?" The bartender replies, "For you, Neutron, No charge"

  3. [!] A poster would be spread about Oren, and Lorraine, The poster would state -


    =- House de Savin -=

    “We are in need of loyal guards, to guard and protect the de Savin keep. We’re also in need of a few men to guard the youth of the House. House de Savin is being led by Grandmaster Allaudin with his two brothers Adil & Abdes.. You will be provided housing inside of the keep, as a barracks is being constructed. Contact Allaudin de Savin (MrPieMan1111), Adil de Savin (wolfkite1), Or Abdes de Savin (Kevinblabla7) to enlist."


  4. 7 minutes ago, HB_ said:

    Considering you're going about trying to tell chats about how biased I am and so on, creating screenshots to back it up and trying to aggravate me, I'm going to leave it open for people to see.


    Very well then, I will get an FM to hide it.

    It's part of your job to tinker to players needs, and this is a need for me.



  5. 17 minutes ago, TheElvenMage said:

    The only reason you weren't banned back then is because you promised to pay me the horse. Now you're abusing Wrynn (The GM that handled the situation back then)'s innactivity to try and lie your way out. 

    Another thing, I'm sure that the GM's logs might be able to go back that far if they were willing. I'm not sure however.


  6. 13 minutes ago, TheElvenMage said:

    The only reason you weren't banned back then is because you promised to pay me the horse. Now you're abusing Wrynn (The GM that handled the situation back then)'s innactivity to try and lie your way out. 

    I'm sure we can find some way to get ahold of Wrynn, or someone else can. Until then, I'm asking for proper proof.

  7. 20 minutes ago, TheElvenMage said:

    "Recently" You have indeed not killed a horse recently, as you've been stalling paying me those 600 minas back for 3 months. Then, when a GM tries to force you to pay up, you, in an absolutely ridiculous manner, that you didn't do any of this. 

    Paying you back 600 minas for a horse that I supposedley killed 3 months ago... Hrm, Shouldn't I have been banned 3 months ago when I 'killed' the horse in the first place? 


    Seems like a very unwell thought out scam to me, However - If I killed a horse 3 months ago, Do you not agree that the moderator should've banned me right then, when he/she/they looked at the logs? I think so. This proves that your thesis is incorrect. And, As i've had about 3 horses killed in the last month, All 3 of those occurances happened with 1. The GM pulling the logs, 2. The GM telling me who killed it, 3. The GM banning the person right then, not 3 months after - But right then. 


    Now then, Do you see where I'm getting at?

  8. Alright, So I just returned to my computer from a quick breakfast, and I get a prompt, saying "No RPing a horse, lying about paying back for it and then lying to a moderator. 3 weeks with appeal. -HB"




    I'd like some solid evidence that I killed a horse, Please. Recently, I've not killed a horse, but had MANY of mine killed. Also, Tahmas - Or any other administrators, if you could please contact me in DM's - That'd be grand.



    I do plan on making an appeal, Depending on what the administrators have to say about HB's banning a player, with no solid evidence, Or providing the player ANY evidence, infact.

  9. “I swear to be true to our Lord, our Imperial Liege, and His realm, to not be silent in the face of true evil that conspires against our homeland. I swear to raise my blade against any foe, righteous or wrong, against our Lord and our Imperial Liege, to not stand idle in the face of danger.


    I swear to cast off any traitor be it friend or foe in honour of our Lord and our Imperial Liege. I swear this before God and men. I bid farewell to my former life and grace my newest with my shield and blade; stalwart and ever vigilant for our Imperial Liege.


    On this, I kiss the cross.”



    [I,Chorale_, hereby acknowledge and give my consent to the OOC rule that should my character be found guilty of High Treason within the Empire, the Emperor personally (and only the Emperor) has the right to execute permanently my character. I accept this condition and make it entirely upon my free will.]



    « OUT OF CHARACTER NAME »  Chorale_

    « IN CHARACTER NAME »  Fitonor 

    « SURNAME »  de Fontaine-Elmpool

    « CLASS »  B3

    « GENDER »  Male


    « DATE OF BIRTH » 6th of the Deep Cold, 1550

    « HEIGHT & WEIGHT »  6'2, 275 lbs.

    « EYE, SKIN & HAIR COLOR » Blue eyes, White skin, Grey-ish hair.
    « CULTURE »  Orenian
    « MARKINGS »  N/A
    « HOME ADDRESS »  19 & 20 Alba Street, 3 Garden Street
    « PROVINCE »  Crownlands
    « OCCUPATION »  I can level all my skills to adept.



    I, Fitonor de Fontaine-Elmpool, hereby swear my loyalty to the Emperor of the Holy Orenian Empire entirely by my free will. I swear to read and obey the laws of the Empire and understand the punishments and penalties that will be incurred should I violate the law.

    « CLASS A OR B » 

    I,Chorale_ hereby acknowledge and give my consent to the OOC rule that should my character be found guilty of High Treason within the Empire, the Emperor personally (and only the Emperor) has the right to execute permanently my character. I accept this condition and make it entirely upon my free will.


  11.  The Winter Festival

    "Fun for everyone!"

    *A poster hangs all around Oren, On walls, Buildings, Homes - The poster states,*

    "Come one, Come all, Citizens of Johannesburg!" it'd say, then going on with "We will feast, We will play, Yes - You old folks are invited too. Bring your children, We will have plenty to eat. We will also have the following attractions," The poster would imply, then cutting off to a short list -

    • Slippery Ice Rinks, Bring your boots!
    • Bazaar, Be sure to have plenty of mina to spend, You won't want to resists buying what we have to offer!
    • Winter Pirouette, Spin ye'r partner 'round and 'round - The grandest dance of all time! 
    • Krugsmas Nativity, Come see how Canonism was formed!

    *The poster starts back off with the following,*

    "This Festival will fall next saints week, and we all hope to see you there!"

    [!] It'd then cut off to a neat signature -


    ~The Imperial Administration 

    -Signed by Fitonor de Fontaine-Elmpool, Secretary of Events.






                       ~The Elmpool Emporium

                            "All of your needs, all in one place, It's outstanding." -Fitonor Elmpool 

               In partnership with Nani Kaphiri, For supplying resources I cannot mine/obtain for these orders. (Perplexed_Aris, Send her a big hug and/or thank you!)

    (A note to an FM, Make what's in light blue (Except Nani), cursive letters, and delete this note that i've left please.)

    (This is still in progress!!)


    Tinkering Needs / Goods

    Redstone Torch- 0.1 mina per torch.

    Redstone Repeater- 15 mina per repeater.

    Redstone Comparator- 20 mina per comparator.

    Weighted Pressure Plate (Heavy)- 5 mina per plate.

    Weighted Pressure Plate (Light)- 10 mina per plate.

    Dispenser- 30 mina per dispenser.

    Dropper- 30 mina per dropper.

    Hopper-  30 mina per hopper.

    Trapped Chest- 10 mina per chest.

    Rail- 5 mina per rail. Only order in bulk.

    Powered Rail- 15 mina per rail.

    Detector Rail- 20 minas per rail.

    Activator Rail- 25 minas per rail.

    Daylight Sensor- 45 mina per sensor.

    Piston- 10 mina per piston.

    Sticky Piston- 35 mina per piston. (Slime Balls, Extremely hard to find, Must supply slime balls)

    Compass- 50 minas per compass.

    Clock- 50 minas per clock.

    Note Block- 40 minas per block.

    JukeBox- 100 minas per jukebox. (Takes diamonds)

    TripWire Hook- 20 minas per hook.

    Net- 5 minas per net. 

    Duct Tape- 10 minas per duct.

    Gunpowder- 50 minas per gunpowder. (takes 5 hours to make)

    Fire Charge- 175 minas per charge.

    Glass Pane- 1 minas per pane.

    Glass Bottle- 1 minas per bottle.

    Brewing Stand- 675 minas per stand. (VERY resoruce demanding +takes a total of 20-ish hours to make supplies + 51 minutes to make)

    Blaze Rod- 350 minas (VERY Hard to make, VERY resource demanding! + takes about 10 hours to make)

    Mining Goods/Tools/Etc.


    8 mina per bar.

    512 mina per stack.

    256 mina per half stack.

    ( I can mine to your needs, so if you need it in bulk, let me know in a PM, or in-game, Chorale_ )


    Iron Weapons-

    Steel Blade- 40 mina per blade.

    Iron Sword- 15 mina per sword.

    Ferrum Battleaxe- 65 mina per axe.

    Ferrum Warhammer- 50 mina per hammer.

    Steel Warhammer- 60 mina per hammer.

    Steel Waraxe- 45 mina per axe.


    Iron Tools/Goods-

    Iron Axe- 15 mina per axe.

    Iron Pickaxe- 15 mina per pickaxe.

    Iron Hoe- 10 mina per hoe.

    Iron Shovel- 10 mina per hoe.

    Iron Helmet- 50 mina per helmet.

    Iron Chestplate- 45 mina per chestplate.

    Iron Leggings- 40 mina per legging (s).

    Iron Boots- 40 mina per boot (s).

    Full Set of Iron Armour- 200 mina per set. (25 mina fee) (Takes 51 minutes to make)

    Iron Horse Armour- 325 mina per set. (25 mina fee) (Takes 20 minutes to make)



    Gold Weapons-

    Golden Sword- 15 mina per sword.

    Luminous Aurum Blade- 35 mina per blade.

    Aurum Battleaxe- 40 mina per battleaxe.

    Luminous Aurum Waraxe- 65 mina per waraxe.

    Aurum Warhammer- 30 mina per warhammer.

    Luminous Aurum Warhammer-  45 mina per warhammer.


    Gold Tools/Goods-

    Golden Axe- 15 mina per axe

    Golden Shovel- 15 mina per shovel.

    Golden Pickaxe- 10 mina per pickaxe.

    Golden Hoe- 10 mina per hoe.

    Golden Helmet- 45 mina per helmet.

    Golden Chestplate- 50 mina per chestplate.

    Golden Legging- 50 mina per legging (s).

    Golden Boots- 45 mina per boot (s).

    Full set of Golden Armour- 250 mina per set. (50 mina fee) (Takes 1 hour, 35 minutes to make)

    Golden Horse Armour- 425 mina per set. (25 mina fee) (Takes 40 minutes to make)


    Miscellaneous Iron Goods-

    Shears- 30 mina per shear (s).

    Alchemist Shears- 25 mina per shear (s).

    Bucket- 15 mina per bucket.

    Iron Door- 40 mina per door.

    Iron Trapdoor- 40 mina per door.

    Iron Bars- 5 mina per bar.

    Sickle- 125 mina per sickle (75 mina fee) (Takes 1 and a half our to make)

    Iron Stud- 1 mina per stud.

    Gold Stud- 2 mina per stud.

    Iron Wires- 5 mina per wire.

    Iron Beam- 10 mina per beam.

    Minecart- 35 mina per cart.


    Miscellaneous Weapons-

    Ferrum-Tipped Pike- 30 mina per pike.

    Heavy Ferrum Spade- 25 mina per spade.

    Ferrum Lance- 35 mina per lance.

    Heavy Aurum Spade- 30 mina per spade.

    Aurum-Tipped Pike- 25 mina per pike.

    Aurum Lance- 35 mina per lance.



    Chainmail Rings- 5 mina per ring.

    Chainmail Helmet- 45 mina per helmet.

    Chainmail Chestplate- 50 mina per chestplate.

    Chainmail Leggings- 50 mina per leggings.

    Chainmail Boots- 25 mina per boot. (s)

    WitchHunter Coif- (You must have Thanhic Treated Leather, and must give it to me) 50 mina per coif.

    WitchHunter Shirt- (You must have Thanhic Treated Leather, and must give it to me) 50 mina per shirt

    WitchHunter Leggings- (You must have Thanhic Treated Leather, and must give it to me) 50 mina per legging.

    WitchHunter Boots- (You must have Thanhic Treated Leather, and must give it to me) 50 mina per boot (s).

    Full set of WitchHunter- 300 mina per set. (Takes an hour to make)

    Full set of Chainmail- 200 mina per set.

  13. Just now, Jxnna_ said:

    ((I am slightly confused... It says its on the 8th... It's the 8th today, so I thought maybe this was posted yesterday.. it was posted 15 minutes ago. So would this make the wedding on the 9th? Also the server might be down because of the update but unsure of the exact time it will be down for. Hopefully not past the time of the wedding))

    Gahh kms I meant the 9th

  14.                              Fitonor Elmpool, and Katherina de Fontaine shall be wedded in a month from opening this                                  letter. (Scroll down for OOC times)


    "Katherina de Fontaine, and Fitonor Elmpool invite the following people to attend their wedding, At the church in Johannesburg, Those whom aren't invited shall not attend!"


    Best Men: (These men are expected to make a speech!)

    Ser Mattington Ironsword (( He will be there ICly but may not attend OOCly ))

    Reveran Jentos Blackwood

    Ser Bryant Allard


    Maid's of Honor: (These woman will be expected to possibly make a speech!)

    Nani Kaphiri 

    Katherine de Savoie


    Guests/Guests of Honor:

    Illion Everion / GOH

    Caius Sigismund Horen / GOH

    Mithius Dalma / GOH

    James Norrington II / GOH

    Ser Philip de Capua / GOH

    Ser Sylvestre Halcourt / GOH

    Edmond Manston / GOH

    Elizabeth Norrington

    Matthew Norrington

    Eleanora Helvets 

    Gotz Helvets

    Dankmar Eisenfaust

    *The entire Blackwood Family is also invited, as guests of honor as-well as all Imperial Administration members. All legionaires are invited, as guests unless told otherwise.*

    -Of course, The Royal Family is also invited.


    ((MSG me IG, Chorale_ if I forgot you! Hard to keep up with everybody))



    Tomorrow, December 9th, 2016  AT THE CHURCH!

    PST - 4:00 PM

    EST - 7:00 PM

    GMT - 12:00 PM

    Any other timezones, Get out! I'm just kidding, go to a time zone convertor to see what time it will be in your area.

    *I know a lot of you have school tomorrow, and most schools release around 3:00AM, So I set it up to be - At minimum, 4:00 PST; So it will fit in everyones school schedule*




  15. Just now, SuperDuckyGamer said:

    Your event ideas are very general, and don't look too enjoyable. Try to think of more exciting and enjoyable scenarios, things that you would enjoy if you'll experience. (Also, you still seem a tad salty. There's no need to purge somebody with their grammar mistakes if they note yours.)

    I know, But when someone want's to argue on the forums, I'm just not in the mood for it.

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