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Everything posted by DarkusRelling

  1. Myrrha got a new cloak, she decided to wear a dress, and she made friends with some unlikely people. (they're orcsss) :D

  2. Myrrha's cloak broke due to water damage. She needs a new one. :3

  3. When you study about things before you're even allowed to use it, it's kinda weird, but also cool that you prepared for the future.

    1. Nekkore


      Advanced studies were never my thing but revision was.

  4. You know that moment when you want to know where your friends' characters came from but you have absolutely no idea how to ask it? 

  5. I really need to remember to check here daily :bored:

    1. Crowbill


      Rather not daily, server is much more pleasing without the ooc part...

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