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Posts posted by Drumoldth

  1. Bishop Otho of Valwyck offered a prayer for the new High Pontiff "O God, Shepherd and King of all the faithful, graciously look down upon Thy servant Owyn III whom Thou hast been pleased to appoint pastor over Thy Church: grant, we beseech Thee, that by both word and example he may edify those who over whom he is set, and together with the flock committed to his care, may attain eternal life. Amen." would sign the Lorraine.

  2. Sermon of 10th of Sun's smile

    Year 5 Second Era


    Here i, father Otho of  Karosgrad, publish the sermon of the mass, informing the faithfull that missed it. God Bless.


    "My children, my flock, i have gathered you here today, to take example from the life of St. Everard."

    "I have noticed that our Canonist society is losing faith and neglects to actively promote Virtue. I pray to the Godani, that im wrong." 

    "Though today's attendance proves otherwise."

    "Let St. Everard's life, be an example to you all, who are so eager to forget God."
    "St Everard was born in the late 1200s as a prince of the antique House of Hightower."

    "He actively ressisted and persecuted the Iblees cults and Sheffield regimes."
     "He was a disciple of St. Daniel, establishing various enclaves of his faith in the Oren frontiers and helped standardize the Church in a time of uncertainty."

    "Yet, while the city of St. Daniel, known as Al'Khazar, was corrupted and its King conducting in the black worship. St Everard remained steadfast in his communion,
    performing secret vigils and taking to exile to ensure the faith would survive against the onslaught of the Undead."

    "Tortured, branded, and persecuted, the mythic Hightower never submitted nor faltered in his dogma, refusing to accept Iblees as anything more than a wicked fallen Archdaemon."

    "I quote from the Legenda Sanctorum 'Everard kept his faith and vows despite the world around him crumbling to ash'."

    "Karosgrad might not have fallen in to such a grim situation as Al'Khazar. Though if all of you continue to live with no Virtue and forget God, will invite corruption in to your souls!"

    "You must too, even if your compatriots appear faithless or unvirtuous, maintain your faith and be true to the covenant of which you have been inducted into, through your baptism! Honor God and be as faithfull and true as St Everard was."

    "Lastly, i urge you, the inducted, to freely complain and do anything in your power, to ensure that the church does its job. The clergy isnt the only one to have a duty to God and the faith."

    "If your parish appears inactive and the clergy slothfull, do anything in your power to inform the High Pontiff and the rest of us, so the Holy mother church can act swiftly and properly."

    "There hasnt been a mass in the bassilica for saint weeks. Did anyone complain? What if a priest was missing? Would anyone even notice? ACT and do not remain idle and slothfull!"

    Signed, Father Otho of Karosgrad.


  3. Dear Holy Father,

    I write to you regarding the heretic named Adelio I. As you certainly know, our hyspian flock have been victims of this mans proselytism! Our flock has stated that he is preaching some kind of reformed Canonism. This snake, with a tongue of venom, was seen taking action at Osanora, a barony under Sutica. After saving our flock from his corruption, the heretic might attempt to flee Sutica, considering the charges that will be placed against him. If he does so, this demon, might consider moving to another Canonist community, to continue his work. So i beg you, take all necessary actions to protect the faithfull from herecy and apostasy. I hope that the church of the Canon will have the opportunity to try this man in the future and stop him from doing more harm. God bless us all.


    Yours faithfully,

    Acolyte Otho.

  4. "Our mission, in my eyes was partially successfull. The Hyspians have a great opportunity to live free from tyrany and heresy. However the heretical priest remains free and so does his tongue of corruption. I insisted on having the priest tried by our Holy mother church, because the heretical one attempted to corrupt OUR flock and hes spreading some kind of reformed CANONISM, alas the trade prince refused... As for the honorary titles, i hope that brother Adelric and his family, do NOT take pride in them. To be proud is to NOT be VIRTUOUS. May God have mercy on our poor souls, Amen" said Otho as he did the cross.

  5. ~.`.~.~.`.~.~.`.~.~.`.~.~.`.~.~.`.~.~.`.~.~.`.~.~.`.~.~.`.~.~.`.~.~.`.~.~.`.~.~.`.~.~.`.~.~.`.~

    ~ A thesis on Apostasy ~

    ~ by ~

    ~ Acolyte Otho of Karosgrad ~


    A thesis submited to the Holy mother church

    On the year 2 of the second age



      It is well known, to any faithful member of the church, that when an individual has been baptised, he or she has agreed to the covenant of Horen and God. By being 
    a Canonist, one must embrace the Holy Scrolls of the Exalted and accept the teachings of the church that Exalted Owyn established. A true member of the faith,   
    seeks to honor the God of the Holy Scrolls and obey the guardian of His laws, which  is none other than the Holy church. Devoted believers never worship other Gods    
    than the true Canon God and accept the High Pontiff as their spiritual leader.


      An apostate is a member of the church that has renounced the true faith and fallen in foul and paganistic ways. People such as these take part in vile rituals and worship false 
    gods. They spread their poison to others, condeming them to the void! They corrupt the canonist societies and dishonor God! This evil damages the soul and it prevents it from being saved,

    but this said evil is a choice, we as beings with free will, choose to be close to warmth or close to cold and emptyness. I was unaware of the age of the dark nikirala, where the people
    decided to NOT repent for their sins, it was a dangerous era for humanity and the Holy mother church. Chaos and destruction followed, law and order were threatened,

    a terrible time indeed. Only through Canonism we can thrive and rebuild! What is the way to prevent such events from repeating in future history? Is it enough to

    speak about faith and charity, to be as the only way to prevent apostasy, or do we need to do more? I urge the rest of the clergy to ponder on this matter.


      To conclude, apostasy is a great evil that condems the soul and its source is none other than the free willed being that posseses said soul. Unfortunately, apostasy is always

    hard to track down, as many hide it. Every true canonist state should root out all apostates and if they do not repent for their sin, they must be punished by death, as they have

    clearly violated humanity's covenant with God! Our current era is a troublesome one, for in my opinion the majority of the baptised apear to be faithless. The church of the Canon 
    must find more ways to maintain the purity of the inducted! May God guide us and save us all.



    Book of the Catechism of the Canonical Church.

    Lessons with his excelency, Bishop Benedict.


  6. 9 hours ago, Shmeepicus said:

    I mean, to be fair and I'm not criticizing anyone or anything.. BUT y'all whining about how it takes away from RP are probably the same people who run in circles jumping off fuckin' blocks and ****. Chill, it won't take away from your RP and you can create RP with the plugin.. do some things need some work? Abso-*******-lutely and hopefully they listen.

    Ikr? Those are definetly most of the people that whine. They log in, stare at the sky and jump blocks for 3 hours, then an event happens or their friends join and they rp. Yet they complain that vortex is too time consuming... Even if u guys dont have alot of time, u dont have to do any crafting, money isnt acquired only through the prof system. There are pure rp jobs too. A guard has a wage, a barkeep sells liquor or has a wage, a lawyer is paid by his customers. See? U dont have to craft all the time(even if u wanted theres energy limitation). Vortex is essential as nexus was for a living economy, something that we lack for 2 years straight. What is the value of minas in the past 2 maps? Oh thats right NONE.

  7.   Greetings, people of lotc. As you all know soon we will be changing to the new map. A refreshing change indeed, but for me and many others, that is the least important thing. For two whole years we had no economy, thus the rp professions of a farmer, fisherminer,  woodcutter, merchant, cookbreeder and many others disappeared or were meaningless. Anyone could mine some iron and forge a sword. Anyone could plow the fields and have food. Anyone could woodwork and make bows. For hundreds of years the races of lotc managed to be masterfull at everything individually. All nations became communist, having public fields. For hundreds of years gold coins (Minas) had no value at all. Many these new communist nations offered free housing too, with NO taxes. Why would they tax? No reason at all. For hundreds of years our economy was nowhere to be seen, yet in the voting sites we had the economy tag, HA! Only vip members had the luxury of selling items in these past maps, items with no value, items with no practical purpose... Nothing is wrong with rp items, nothing at all. As is nothing wrong with them (rp items) so is nothing wrong with practical ones. Alas, those in charge made their decission back then.



      Nexus was very grindy and unbalanced indeeed, so were the racial perks. Instead of reworking or balancing these features, they decided to press the delete button. A mistake, why? Because all of the sudden an olog was as weak as a hafling. Some will begin to say, but rp combat exists. Yes rp combat... but rp combat isnt the only option, as those who have the right to enjoy crp, there are those who must have the right to have a proper pvp experiance. So many times i run in to powergamers, ruining the crp. That problem doesnt exist with pvp. Im not saying that one is superior to the other, but both MUST exist. It should matter when in a warclaim a side brings some ologs... It should matter what gear or supplies(food, potions) a side brings. Not only the skill.



      Theres no need to convince anyone to bring back nexus and balance it, not any more... Vortex is here, a profession system, just like in the good old days. We shall soon see if its worth the wait. Though still, a positive step onwards. To those of the leadership i ask this, consider bringing back racial perks. You all saw and understand what the removal of nexus did to the economy for two whole years. Now i plant the seed for the return of the racial perks. Lets fix the damage that was done. Rework them, plan them better and bring them back. I thank all of those that dedicated their time reading my post. Make sure to post your thoughts! Good day to you all. 

  8. Holy father, 

      I write to you, regarding a very serious matter. I would like to accuse William Napier for heresy! This individual allows and spreads heresy in to our community. We must deal with him, before more fall in to his treacherous and corrupt influence. I shall describe to you briefly what happened, as I do not wish to take up much from your precious time.

      One day as I was preaching, the accused man interrupted me. He then declared ME a heretic, for spreading false information. By this man’s opinion a matrimony, between a human and an elf, are in fact recognised as legitimate by the church! At the end, the man admitted in front of me that he doesn’t castigate the marriage of an elf and a human.

      I beseech you, your Holiness, to bring this man to trial and deliver a swift justice!


    With utmost respect,


  9. 8 minutes ago, LucaVerheij said:

    Like everyone else said, most of the Dev team resigned and there almost isn't a dev team left, so Nexus would be impossible to create these days. PLUS there is more important stuff going on right now than Nexus. Besides it's just a small group of players that actually wants Nexus back


    We shall see. I think they are many.

  10. 17 minutes ago, jdesarno said:

    More than 90% of the Dev team just resigned,  THE ONES WHO MADE THE DAMN THING and now you want it. Good luck buddy, I’ll see your meme posts in hell!


    Image result for point and laugh spiderman gif

    Now i want it? Take a bit of your time and check my profile. I have been posting about  this for quite a while now. Nexus can be remade, better than before. The idea of past devs  was amazing, yet they sought to remove than improve it. Back to ur corner.

  11. Lies

    2 minutes ago, BrandNewKitten said:

    News Flash: The playerbase weren’t into Nexus and were the ones that pushed for its removal. 


    We just lost most of the dev team too so... gl? 

    Lies about the so called poll

  12. Brothers and sisters of LOTC, I call upon you to rise up and reclaim what has been taken from us!!! Lend me your strength and power towards the progression of my vision. To make LOTC a great server, even greater than the glory days of Vailor and Axios ! Its time to bring balance in the server by ressurecting Nexus (mechanic) and combining it with rp (roleplay). The balance wasnt perfect in the old days , but it was shattered when the traitors of the development team along with the admins decided to  do a great injustice on us and the server.  NEXUS , the beating heart of LOTC that was violently and cruelly ripped out from those who betrayed the very nature of the server, WILL BE BROUGHT BACK! Better than before the server will be reshaped in to a masterpiece of balance! No longer you will have to rp ur own breaths! No longer you will have to deal with stressfull rp! No longer you will have to rp that you make good potions! NO LONGER YOU WILL IMAGINE THAT YOU HOLD A GOOD WEAPON! NO LONGER YOUR STRENGHT AS A GOLEM WILL BE THE SAME WITH A HOBBIT! NO LONGER YOU WILL FEEL THE USELESSNESS OF OUR CURRENT BUILD! NO LONGER YOU WILL FEEL THE ABSCENCE OF TRADE!!!  YOU WILL BRING THE LIFE BACK TO THE SERVER!!! YOU WILL MAKE THE SERVER GREAT!!!





  13. Name of the club:
    LOTC revival!!!
    What type of club is it? (Public, Private):
    What is the theme of this club? (Politics, group, etc.):
    Why should this club be created? What is the purpose of this club? Does it add something not already fulfilled by an existing club?:
    The removal of nexus and racial skills has downgrated the server. Many aspects of rp are now removed because of this. The world is not alive as it was back then. Also makes all races equal which doesnt make sence. Failing of trade is the beggining. I aim to gather those individuals and in a peacefull way show our support of nexus and racial skills. There is a good number of people that share this opinion. Why have a featured club only for one side of the things and not fotr both?
    Who will moderate this club?:
    I will and others i might assign.
    Do you understand that failure to moderate your own club to their respective rules can result in FM interventions?:
    I do
    Are there any exemptions to the rules that you would like, if so why? (N/A if open club or none needed.):


  14. 20 hours ago, NotEvilAtAll said:

    I had to deal with Nexus professions and crafting for over a year, it was not enjoyable. While such things may be fun for the first time, what about the second time? The eighth time? The hundredth time? Nexus turned it all into a slog, and people were always doing things in the OOC and not in RP. It wasn’t very nice, and I would not want to go through the whole Nexus experience again.

    What about when u pk a character that was a mage?Then after sometime you decide to go with another one. Dont you start a similar process?First , second or third?Even when you start a new character you have to learn everything again or most of the things.Also still things happen ooc.Just the other day someone was asking if anyone sells aurum blades.Balance is the key.

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