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Posts posted by SaltAlt

  1. In the end its a game, a Roleplay game that we all go on to act out as a fake character that we thought up. If people have an issue with a man playing a woman or vise versa then that is simply a maturity issue, and a misconnection between understanding that the people you RP with in LOTC aren't the people behind the computer but the character that they created, the person on the other side shouldn't even be an after thought. IRL I'm not an Elf and I sure as hell don't say "Aye", that is Fuze, the person you talk to and the person you see.

  2. 2 hours ago, K33MST4R said:

    I hope you guys are all aware that this post is a joke, none of the tweets or reactions mentioned in this post are legitimate, it is all done in jest and is simply banter parodying the whole dramatic atmosphere enveloping LOTC recently, so please don't take this at face value. (Kinda hard to tbh) *REUPLOADED due to the graphic nature of the original sam pepper confession video used to implicate Narthok*




    Seriously though I hope this becomes an actual thing, funny and somewhat informative.

  3. 6 minutes ago, TheJollyPear said:

    -1 I think you need to get more involved with the server. I'd say further your knowledge, standings, and relationships over LOTC and you'll be golden for another shot at AT. 


    Yeah, I didn't think I'd actually get in with this. It was more of a way to see what I should improve on later, thank you for the feedback Pear.

  4. 20 minutes ago, Moochael said:

    Just the fact that you thought this was a 13+ server kind of turns me off. We have no age limit, and if you were to be in the AT you would have denied applicants from entering the server due to being less than 13. And yeah, I would recommend spend more time on the server before making a staff application.

    When signing up one of the questions are "Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13" 


    but I appreciate the concern.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Wiseacres said:


     There is no place on these forums, regardless what age group, for terrorism jokes.


    Said sorry, changed it, wont do it again. I didn't mean to directly insult anybody nor did I think I was saying anything that was to mature that the people here couldn't handle. I'm sorry if my joke was over the top, but I've changed it and I've moved on. If you'd like to continue discussing it then feel free to pm me. otherwise I've already responded to you about this.  

  6. 32 minutes ago, Wiseacres said:

    Also your joke at the bottom is completely inappropriate, and not what we on the application team look for in staff members.

    Sorry about the joke, figured this was a 13+ server and forum so people wouldn't care as much. obviously I was wrong different jokes for different people I guess, just thought it'd be more creative than the typical "Cybering" joke.

    34 minutes ago, Nolan said:

    You're also relatively knew so I don't think you quite have the grasp on lore that is necessarily in an AT member. These are all areas one could improve on.

    You're all correct that I am relatively new I didn't think that would be to big of an issue when offering to help, I assume my App is going to be declined but I will take all this feedback to heart and hopefully later on make a better app.

    38 minutes ago, Nolan said:

    I never see you in the WS chat and I haven't heard of you before nor seen any example that you would be helpful to new players

    I have actually responded to a few people in WS and Help chat, I understand that these few people don't make much of a difference and don't push my point anymore nor disprove your claim, I just wish to inform you that I do pop into the chats when I think my word may be helpful. (example: the most recent one was with user P1ss_Jug who I talked with many times in WS reassuring him that he would most likely be whitelisted soon for hours until he later was.)

    41 minutes ago, Nolan said:

    I've seen is that you are an emotional individual which doesn't always end well on the AT due to having to deal with applicants who may get angry at you having to deny them.

    The only instance of this that I can remember was when I told someone to F off in looc when they repeatedly insulted both me and many others, was this the right thing to do? no, could it have been handled better? yes, did I look back on it and reflect? yes. as I stated in my app I am only human and I can get very emotional, is this an excuse for my actions? no, I will try to improve on my faults to hopefully later meet your standards for AT.


    Thank you all for responding.


    Ill tone the joke down since most find it harsh.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Shalashask said:


    That forum wasn't me being biased or overly upset, was I upset? A little yes but that forum was intended to discuss a serious problem I was having at the time. I have made good relations with most of the Orcs now, Thank you for bringing this up though.

  8. MC Name: Fuze_Tyler


    Forum Name: Fuze


    Skype Name: Ask and receive


    Timezone: Pacific Standard


    Age: 18


    Do you feel that you have a solid grasp on our lore and an understanding of the standards set forth to be a member of this team?

    I have a good understanding about most of the lore; the only thing I don't really know about is Dwarves as I've had no interaction with them, and some of the older lore. Besides that I feel like I could be a good member of the AT, I will admit that I can get upset and become personally biased as I am human, but this is rare for me and in these cases I tend to step away from my computer. I also understand that I will be held at a higher standard then the average player that I know I will be able to uphold.


    Why do you want to be an AT member and do you have the ability to work and collaborate with others?

    I want to be an AT member so I can help others to enjoy their experience in Lotc, and to help new players with their applications so that they can join in on the fun as quickly as possible. I've seen people wait days for their App to be responded to and I personally had to wait hours for my second one to be processed. I understand that the app team can become very busy and these long waits are in no way their fault and if accepted I hope to work alongside the whole of the AT to better the experience for new and old players. I can work very well in small and large groups, many times I've been used as a middle ground in conversations and arguments to find a common ground or compromise.   


    Do you recognize that you will be given extra responsibilities such as working on the LoTC Wiki, assisting the AT in creating guides and helping new players with their questions upon logging into LoTC?

    I understand these responsibilities, and I hope to be of use in aiding the AT and Wiki team in such cases.


    Is there anything else you would like to add or that we should know about you?

    I know I'm a fairly newer player, but I hope you take this into consideration.  


    Tell me a joke (Better be good!)



    Whiteboards are remarkable...                          more of a one liner now...



  9. 2 hours ago, DPM said:




    You guys have broken skirmish rules TIME and TIME AGAIN. One little error that was not communicated to the orcish side and you guys go ******* bonkers. I mean have some self-respect, you guys are the biggest hypocrites. It actually baffles me you have the confidence to say this stuff on the forums with the clear hypocrisy.


    Deal with it for real. You cant say it was dirty in the slightest when we are FORCED a player cap to under HALF your numbers.

    It wasn't an error of communication to the orcs, the orcs told US no cav...

  10. 1 hour ago, Smaw said:

    Elves should have a debuff where they can't log in if they have missing eyes, or red eyes, or eye-patches, red hair, ninja outfits, katanas, hoods, are "incredibly handsome", "incredibly built but still as agile as a normal Elf", have dead parents that were killed by Orcs, or more than one child.


    That should help them RP the curse properly.

    I agree with this

  11. I'm going to keep this simple and brief, this is only an idea but I think it would help balance some things out. I think that the Ologs should be a little slower than the average movement speed, they're big and clumsy so their movements should show it. This would balance pvp out greatly since they have higher health and the pvp buff. I'm not asking for a huge slow down but maybe have them only move 90%-80% to the average speed. I don't really know how this would be done but I figure it would be as easy as the jump boost for Kah. Thank you for your time and I hope you consider this.




  12. RP

    Name: Fuze Yaander

    Skills: Archery, Woodworking, Building

    Do you require equipment?: A little bit but not much



    Skype: Dinoronic (I think) may have to double check

    Can you use TS?: not atm I could download it tho

    Time Zone: Pacific Standard (U.S)

  13. 2016-01-15_16.01.09.thumb.png.e980998a03What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: Fuze_Tyler

    How old are you?: 17

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: When you die you “Forget” what happened up to that point

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules): Nope, they’re pretty clear and easy to get back to If needed.

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: Old server had some trouble when all the admins became corrupt when owner left for a moth, so I started looking for a new rp server


    What is roleplaying?: Roleplaying is when you act as a character as to “become” that character.


    What is metagaming?: Metagaming is when someone uses out of game information to use in game.

    What is powergaming?: when a player does something in game that they normally wouldn't be able to do in real life. 

    In-Character Information

    Character’s name: Fuze Tyler (Formerly Fuze Yaandr)

    Character’s sex: Female               

    Character’s race: Half Elf (Half Human-Half Wood Elf)

    Character’s age:  21

    Biography: Fuze Yaander was born in 1521 then sold to a man who she would work for as a slave in a small camp along with 30+ other children from the age of 4 to 12 when she and 2 other children grouped together to escape the camp in the middle of the night. Fuze stuck with the 2 children Arber a young female Orc, and Elric a young human boy wandering the wilds. A day later the 3 stumbled into a small merchant village called Sutica where they were cared for by a man named Oonuma Pyuuna.

    Years later Fuze changed her name to Fuze Tyler in hopes to distance herself from her traumatic past, then leaving the small village of Sutica to see the world. Fuze returns to Sutica every so often after spending weeks or months on the trail. Fuze hopes to one day reach The Holy Oren Empire and spends most of her time hunting to make enough money for the supplys that the journey would require.  

    Personality Traits: Care free, Charismatic, Level Minded, Adventurous, Quick to act.

    Ambitions: Leave her past behind and make a new life for herself, See the World

    Strengths/Talents: Stealth, Intelligent, Compassionate, Deception.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Quick to act (Can sometimes end badly), not good in prolonged combat, Afraid of fire, weak to heavy attacks, not good at defending ranged attacks, socially awkward.

    Appearance (List the extra details of your characters appearance, IE; height & weight): Dark caramel skin, Purple eyes, half shaved head ( short black hairs & medium-long White wild hair), 5’10”, 132lbs.

    Wears a beige long sleeved shirt (sleeves rolled up), light leather and metal armor, duel Sickles, a necklace, blackish brown pants, high leather boots.

  14. What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: Fuze_Tyler

    How old are you?: 17

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: When you die you “Forget” what happened up to that point

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules): Nope, they’re pretty clear and easy to get back to If needed.

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: Old server had some trouble when all the admins became corrupt when owner left for a moth, so I started looking for a new rp server


    What is roleplaying?: “the acting out or performance of a particular role”

    What is metagaming?: “Metagaming is any strategy, action or method used in a game which transcends a prescribed ruleset

    What is powergaming?: “Powergaming is forcing actions against another player. As so if in real life you would not instantly kill someone.. take their money and walk away”

    In-Character Information

    Character’s name: Fuze Tyler (Formerly Fuze Yaandr)

    Character’s sex: Female               

    Character’s race: Dark Elf

    Character’s age:  21

    Biography: (I couldn’t find the Lore anywhere, I’d love to read it though, if you could give a link that’d be great. But ill still try to make this work) Fuze Yaander was born in the faraway Nation Fiyre where she worked as a slave in the “Under Dark”. When she was 12 she led her fellow slaves in a rebellion, killing and escaping captivity. Years later the Nation came into control by a corrupt man by the name of Oonuma Pyuuna, days after claiming the throne Oonuma called for war against all Non-Humans. The Capitols were conflicted by this order and when a compromise wasn’t agreed on the Nation fell into Civil war. Fuze (Now Fuze Tyler in hopes of forgetting her past) fled the Capitol of FreeHold after being attacked by a mob going around killing all non-human inhabitants where she joined with a female Half orc by the name of Arber Roark. Fuze and Arber started a rebellion group called the “Ravens” and where later joined by a “Zepher” (Half Demon) Named Elric Xephos, a Man named Simon Freed, his Son Zora, and a girl named Sieko Emiya.

    Fuze and the Ravens Joined with the “KFAR” (Kingdom For All Races) where they were made into an elite operations force to do what the main army couldn’t. After years of Civil War Oonuma was defeated, And Fuze was the last Raven. Hopping to leave her past behind one last time she snuck aboard a trading ship heading to a far away land she had never heard about.  

    Personality Traits: Care free, Charismatic, Level Minded, Seeker of Justice & Balance, Quick to act.

    Ambitions: Leave her past behind and make a new life for herself

    Strengths/Talents: Speed, Stealth, Intelligent, Compassionate, above average strength, deception.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Quick to act (Can sometimes end badly), not good in prolonged combat.

    Appearance (List the extra details of your characters appearance, IE; height & weight): Dark caramel skin, Purple eyes, half shaved head ( short black hairs & medium-long White wild hair), 5’10”, 132lbs.

    Wears a beige long sleeved shirt (sleeves rolled up), light leather and metal armor, duel Sickles, a necklace with the ravens Symbol, blackish brown pants, high leather boots.


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