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Posts posted by Morigung-oog

  1. "Good luck in killing that which is already dead.."


    Barrowlord Fornotos, Herald of Stride and named of Mordring did sigh, slamming a gauntleted palm to their face... Despite their greatest efforts, the streets were empty and the ranks of the Synod barren. Gashadokuro would likely have more time beating the life out of a corpse.




    They then remarked in surprise as the words on the paper shifted before her very eyes.


  2. 3 hours ago, sam33497 said:


    Az'rekash heard her speak from many miles away.



    "Bahahahahahaha!!" he replied.


    What was originally shared reciprocated laughter gradually transitioned into something far more apprehensive.


    "Bahah- You're joking... Right?"



    Valindra, herself, took one look at the missive and shrugged from the comfort of her own home.


    "... I've officially retired from saving the cosmos. Younger, stupider, goody two-shoes magi, this one's on you."

  3. Valindra sips on a cocktail while relaxed back 'pon a lounger on the beaches of Haelun'or. Briefly did the former blade of the Royarch read over the contents over their glowing sunLIGHTglasses, before pushing them back up the bridge of her nose with the side of her glass. A butler then took the missive and, per the orders of the rogue Nullivari, tossed it into the sea.  Valindra adjusted her Orrar era Haelun'orian Hawaiian shirt, and leaned back, basking under the eclipsed sun in the darkness, illuminated only by torches and lanterns.


    ".. Jee'vess. Where is my moontanning lotion?"

  4. Me on my way to counter eminents by putting by putting random objects in their mouths.


    Evil Grinch GIFs | Tenor



    For people interested here is my top 10 of eminent countering objects.


    10 - A smelly orcish owned sock

    9- Cactus Green Brownies

    8- Krugtucky fried chicken

    7- Cupcakes but exclusively made with out of date ingredients.

    6- Spam

    5- A brick. Just a random brick.

    4- Flour- it doubles as a smokescreen

    3- A cactus for extra damage

    2- A live fish

    1- A copy of the canonist scrolls.


    Checkmate, voidal NERDS. 

  5. "It was almost too good to be true, a retirement without a hitch." Valindra Nullivari, Blade of the Royarch had pondered to herself initially after receiving word of a successor announced but weeks prior. So often had she and the Prince conversed of his reign, and his wishes against rising to the throne, the hopes of living out his days in peace dashed by a prophecy of doom. She had always assured him he would reach retirement and she would be the sword that struck down the Ibarellen's foretelling of his own demise. Even when she herself could not and would not set foot in elcihicelia, she would find a way to ensure his safety, though she often mourned... No matter how safe he was, how much he achieved, he always seemed struck down by some form of sorrow, or a want to simply do more. To him, it was not enough, it would never be enough.


    Valindra felt much like a mentor to Illthrak, though often she found herself being taught by the royarch inversely. It was a humbling experience.


    Word of his death would initially reach Valindra who stood in the depths of a library, a note handed to her by a spectral servant who was promptly and coldly dismissed.  The warped, star-speckled gaze of the 'aheral widened. So often had she walled herself off to emotions, an nigh impenetrable fortress within her mind she'd sought to erect, yet in that moment, it all came crashing down in a moment of uncharacteristic vulnerability. He had been a friend, though all of her shortcomings, failures, attacks and outbursts, he knew of secrets she daren't share with even her family and still, he accepted her, understood her loyalty and what she had initially forsaken to ensure she could support him. Tears laced with fel, ectoplasmic mists rolled down her cheeks, and from them, the likeness of a spectral hand came to clasp over her mouth, forbidding her from sobbing. A discussion shared within the depths of her soul sealed the encounter. The eyes Valindra, glossed over, shifting to that of a hollow, empty stare, even the stars iris within her irises seemed to dim.. For a moment, she appeared as naught but a husk, though that spectral hand previously commanding silence, shifted to rest upon her shoulder before merging with her form anew. 


    "S l e e p, little spellblade.."


    A voice echoed out in her mind, cold, deep and  yet a soothing stoicism amidst the barrage of emotions breaking down her very being. It commanded, and she obeyed. Sleep, she did and in that slumber did she find the peace of absence.





    Minutes later, Barrowlord Fornotos was seen floating around the Synod, deep in thought.. With one of their selves shackled and suppressed, they sought to repair the imbalance they'd self-imposed in the place of experiencing the anguish of loss.






    Not what I expected to log onto. I almost fried my laptop typing out this reaction but I HAD to. Illthrak was a good friend of V's and they had a number of both silly and serious encounters that honestly made RP somewhat tolerable. A sad end but a fitting one. 


    Fr you've come so far as an rper, from Atheleon to NLing Celia'nor. OOC retirement from it well earned imo. I'm looking forward to your next character.






  6. “Interesting..” Remarked a Lord in her own right, standing vigil over her people’s’ stronghold. A missive sat within their gauntleted grasp, intertwined with fel mists that aged the paper to little more than a pile of dust once it’s contents were properly digested. Barrowlord Fornotos seemed neither happy, nor truly sorrowful. A short life did the Queen of Petra experience yet one with more substance than elves could truly appreciate. The soul of the human had departed in a blaze of glory and ferocity in a manner most pure, and to the Herald of Strife, there was no end quite so beautiful as one with true purpose.



  7. An old friend of the weary prince read the missive not only with solemnity, but relief that the burden thrusted unto Illthrak's shoulders would soon be lifted. A bird found its way into the palace with a note carrying only a simple message, yet no less meaningful in spite of such.





    Perhaps you may finally live that once distant dream you once told me of. I told you you'd survive. You had me to protect your hide, after all. I am your blade even still. Congratulations, I am happy for you; now  your right to rest looms on the horizon; let none stop you from claiming such, if that is what you so wish. 


    You did good. 




  8. Valindra would be a fullblown Molotov cocktail or absinthe


    Aaun would not be its own drink but it would be a drop of rum that goes in a bunch of other drinks,


    Haense would be Vodka or Carrion Black 


    Balian would be orange juice


    Haelun'or would be white wine, though they'd want to be a fullbodied red.


    Celia'nor would be some strange white-wine cocktail that swears it doesn't taste like wine but does..


    Krugmar is Guzzoline. Can and will kill you and your liver.


    The druids would be a bloody mary, I think.


    Halflings would try to replicate the taste of weed in a drink- it wouldn't be strong, but it'd definitely be more than booze.




  9. An ancient mali empathized with the lament of her once enemy turned friend, and with her, she mourned. She once sailed the seas the Py'lrie so loved, but had now taken to voyages of the stars. Even amidst her extra-planar adventures as copious and frequent as they were, Valindra Nullivari found the time to make a show of solidarity. In the dead of night, with only the stars as witness was a note slid between the bars or the Py'lyrie estate.


    "The path of the forlorn can rob you of nigh all but your mind. Fear not; do not lose hope, oem'ii. It is written in the stars, forever fated that we shall meet again. -V"

  10. An ancient Planeswalker and crowned regent of the Scions of Ebrietaes pondered from afar. Her banishment had been instated years ago, yet was  to no detriment of her own. Where once she dwelled among the most insufferable of mortals she now danced with ageless and parlayed with Gods. Her gaze, reminiscent of the deepest clutches of the void, yet twice as harsh still, drifted towards the chalice sat within her grasp, an elven skull fashioned into an object of her own convenience at the expense of one so innocent yet at no true cost of her own. A soft sip was taken from the contents, crimson in hue.. Yet not blood, no... For she had not yet nor would she ever truly cave to the savagery of mindless eternals. Only after a few smacks of those darkened lips and the taste of the full-bodied wine was savoured did she query from atop her throne to her subjects and equals, beings wrought of bone, and flesh, both living and otherwise, and amalgamations of stone and ectoplasm.



    "One can't help but wonder, was it worth it?"




    Several days later, when the regal alter ego of the magus had caught up on some much needed beauty sleep, Valindra Nullivari, not Barrowlord Fornotos looked upon the missive with a bittersweet smile. Such had been expected and had been a long time coming, though no doubt the Starlit State would feel the sting of yet another loyal citizen forced out from inaction.


    "Butter my buttocks and call me a biscuit, we are dropping like flies, no?"


    The Nullivari mused with a faint snort of amusement. Little mind was yet paid to the civilians who had turned her away, yet a shard of worry had embedded deep within the 'aheral for her longtime friend who ruled and was sure to try to shoulder his peoples' burden and the prophet planeswalker who diligently worked as damage control.




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