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Posts posted by ibraheemc2000



    Eid Mubarak!


    The Day Has Finally arrived! EID! Happy eid and I hope you Had a Wonderful Ramadan and are enjoying this day as I Am! After a whole month of Fasting we made it. How Is everyone Doing On this wonderful day? I hope it's great! Today Everyone should celebrate and have a wonderful day! Give your lotc community something, It can be to a friend or a staff! Just enjoy this day! Spend time with family and friends and smile! In the chat I want to see LOTS of “Happy Eid!” or “Eid Mubarak” and other nice comments to other people in OUR beloved lotc community! This is the time Of Happiness and a Time of joy so give your friends something to smile about! Remember even a nice comment can put a smile on someone's face!




    (to those who have no clue what eid is i'll sum it up, pretty much it's the muslim christmas except it is  twice a year the first one when ramadan ends and the second one when Haji is done, if you wana learn more just google it XD)




  2. 1 hour ago, Imam Faiz Kharadeen said:

    Ashruf Kaneen sharpens his scimitar for no particular reason than to sharpen it because its been quite some time since he's used it and he's probably going to use it against quite soon but not against the empire because the empire is now friends with good Harian folk but against the evil currency manipulators known as the SUTICAN STICKS and will ensure their utter demise through the cold kadarsi steel he possesses due to his people's superior metalworking and great swordsman skills that no one can compete with due to their superior flat feet they use to kill everyone in the sands of sands but the suticans just suck at fighting in general so it'll be an easy one vs one kill against them. Subhan allah.



    Khalid Ibn Mahmoud sharpens his shamshir also in hatred for the Suticans for hill his grand father and praying one day he can avenge his grandfather and avenge his fellow Harians who have died at the hands of the filthy sutican scum

  3. 9 hours ago, Gallidron said:



    [!] Flyers are posted in every city with this message.

    A guard in haria looks at the flyer and chuckles in amusement "What did they do exactly?" he says thinking on it shrugging his shoulders tearing the flyer down "flyer with out a permit." he muses to himself in a joking manner walking off stoping a moment in thought "why is this flyer even in Haria?" he walks off with a smile "thu i have to admit the librarian has guts" he says admiring the bravery of the bookworm(( nice post ))

  4. "SALAAM MY RAFIQI! What fine shirt you desided to wear today, It claims such piety, Mashallah brother, Mashallah." a random qali says to another random qali who so happens to be wearing a white shirt(MALE VERSION)


    "SALAAM MY SISTER! What a wonderful Hijab you are wearing today! It looks Like Allah placed a Oasis of Nur(light) upon your face and your dress holds the beauty of the dessert rose." a random Qali man says to a fellow Qali women who is dressed nicely 

  5. ((OOC))

    MC Name :ibraheemc2000

    Teamspeak (Optional, Say yes for IP):Yes

    Discord (Optional):yes(bit i dislike it)

    Skype (PM if wanted):you have it boss

    Timezone: EST





    Name :Khalid Ibn Mahmoud

    Age: 29

    Gender: male

    Race: farfolk (qali)

    Additional information (Optional): I have served in the Mubarizun sense i was young, I am currently a Janissary, I have fought in many battles with my fellow Mubarizun and I Am a slave to my sultan and his family, I have served long with my twin brother Ashur Ibn Mahmoud, inshallah one day i will have the honur of dieing for the protection of Haria, its people, its royal family and faiths and become a martyr for my country INSHALLAH! Long live haria, Long Live the Kharadeens!

  6. i wish we can sell wool

    and not just wool we can have wool of differnt colors 

    you can also sell lapiz

    you can also sell and forgive me but can we sell dirite for like 0.1 minas?

    also can we sell sandstone

    (these are all ideas so dont flip)

    ((the wool was to suport the local goat/sheep herders) 






    its the 11th day of fasting this Ramadan and i desided i would make another post to see how our wonderful community has been doing! Has anyone been craving a food or a kind of drink? Has your days been easy? Anyone been having a hard time? Have you been going out to help your local community? Who has a Ramadan joke!? My favorite it Ramadan is the only time i get a date(0-0 please leave a Ramadan joke)

    Rember A smile can be a good deed and in Ramadan every deed is multiplied by 70!! so take advantage of this and leave a nice comment to anyone! it can be your friends, a staff, That random person you see once and a while and give them the best comment they will ever see! GO WILD! Happy Ramadan you guys and may your path turn to Nur(Light) where ever you go! 




                                                                                                                                      Ramadan Mubarak 

  8. "SubhanAllah." says a qalisheen in complete white clothing


    "SubhanAllah." says yet another qalisheen in Harian guard Uniform


    "SubhanAllah." says yet another qalisheen in the dessert by a camp fire with his father

    (("SubhanAllah." says Ibraheemc2000 as he hears the news in the harian skype chat))


  9. Saeed Ibn Malek would stand in the back watching with a smile "Inshallah their marriage will be blessed, and their children grown strong and smart." he says looking to the floor in deep thought.


    (if a Kharadeen is at the wedding then this would happen)

    Khalid Ibn Mahmoud and Ashur Ibn Mahmoud would stand in the back watching with warm smiles as they came to protect the Kharadeens at the wedding.

  10. Its the fourth day of fasting! Ramadan Kareem to you all, I wanted to see how everyone has been these four wonderful days. Have you been doing your best to do good deeds at any chance you got? Have you had any Ramadan problems? My Ramadan problem is now i can be starving alllllll day but right when i can eat, im not hungry at all.

    Does anyone have a Ramadan joke? if so share it in the comments! So far i almost got surah Ash-Sharh down! its such a short surah i am surprised i did not learn it long ago! Which reminds me! to all my fellow Muslim brother and sisters I challenge you to completly memorize Surah Ash Sharh by the end of this Ramadan if you already know it then I challenge you to go out this Ramadan and find some one who is less fortunate(poor,hungry,homless extra) and give them 10$ and a bag of datefruit with some pita bread and tell them Ramadan Kareem. Have you been listening to any lectures? I have been listening to my favorite person named "nouman ali khan" he has much that helps me learn and compare with and explains things is such a way that us teens and young Adults (Im assuming the majority sorry XD) can understand, My favorite ones are gana be put in a hidden thing so if you want you can go ahead and look xP. Please Leave a nice comment to any of your friends,Shout them out, say something nice about anyone or anything in our wonderful community! Remeber!!! Even a smile can be a good DEED so  imagine just giving a heartfelt nice comment to some one and then on top of that its multiplied by 70 cuz its Ramadan!!!  I wana shout out @Imam Faiz Kharadeen for always being there for me and adam, When we first joined lotc and enterd haria EVERYONE hated us but you and James, You guys are the most amazing people ive known, you showed me and adam a kindness that we never seen in our lives, you teached us the basics of rp, lotc, and helped us even when others you knew longer then us wanted you to kick us out and for that We will stick to you like bricks. @Si Dynasty Words can not begin my thankfulness to you, you always encouraged me and adam to have fun with lotc and even taught me many things on how to handle trolls, and even real life things, You and faiz are the definition of good people, me and adam always looked up to you guys as father figures o7. I want to thank so much more people but if i did the entire lotc Community, and harian would be in one post and then the theme of Ramadan would be out Numberd by the thanks and appreciation of you all <3

    Have a happy Ramadan to you all!



    v(My favorite Lectures so far! its not needed to look at if you dont feel like it.)





    A Pure Heart




    A proud Qali Man Off duty From His Guard work in Haria Decides to take some goods and go off and sell some goods, He Packs some bags with his goods and takes his Shamshir and hooks it on his belt and heads off, As he Nears closer to courland He Hears some shouts of help and begging for mercy to a forest near by, he drops his Goods and runs as fast he could Unsheathing His Shamshir, Running jumping over fallen logs coming closer and closer to the shouts of help, the fire on the ground, the corpses on the ground and the people running past him did not deter him He flashes his glance around looking if he can help. It was a caravan that seemed to have gotten lost in the forest and was ambushed by a Large number of undead, The Mercenary guards ran dropping their stuff to save their own skins leaving the defenseless women and children and merchants alone. He quickly Gave out orders to a nearby man to help a woman who was hurt badly in the leg, Everyone ran but him ran, A few people stood a distance watch and shouting to the man to run but he ignored them his gaze was fixed on the undead, He knew he couldn't win but he had to buy them some time to escape, He griped his Shamshir’s hilt tighter and closed his eyes and Quietly told himself the words of his faith “Inna Lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un(We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return).”....”He Just stood there...we told him to run but he just stood there and held them off as long as he could.” he Merchant said as he was in the courland tavern His eyes widen still with shock “If it wasn't for him we would all be dead…” he shutters, A man listening to the story in the tavern gave a rude grin “A fool he was, Some people think they can take on armies.” but was Quickly punched in the jaw by another merchant who witnessed it “I don't know about you, But if those Farfolks are fighting this undead like how that man stood bravely to Save us…” he says with a determined look in his eye “Then i'm going to fight with them Harians, They understand What's at stake and I am not going to wait around as they go and and fight for Every living thing.” he says dropping a few coin on the table for the coffee and heads off to Haria to join the army...The Qali Man laid dead around 13 Undead corpse lay around him and a dark figure walks slowly to his body glancing around looking at his undead men who laid motionless on the ground “this is not going to be easy.” says Akagani the undead leader that arising in Haria his eyes filled with fear as he thinks on his attempted siege on Al-Khaleed and the shouts of victory of the mubarizun


    Join the Mubarizun today!



    side not i did this pretty fast cuz i was bored)) 

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