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Posts posted by Shuggie_

  1. Just now, Dewlox™ said:

    I've wanted to have a samurai-styled character for ages, haven't done it simply because of the people's opinion on that topic. Let it be weeb jokes or katanas being edgy jokes.

    We're going to make an active effort to prevent things like that, we can't prevent everything though.

    58 minutes ago, KiausT (The Alpha ****) said:

    In an absolute serious question, would my ghoul be allowed to join

    Hey man, if your ghoul is a cool level headed guy that's not feral, we'll seriously consider it

  2. 9 hours ago, Dewlox™ said:

    While i like this myself... i have a bad feeling that it's going to attract memes, and not the good kind...


    Just keep an open mind, this could end up being really fun and different.


    The Zaodim

    The Zaodim is coalition of races bound by honor, united by a desire to defend their principles, and territories.


    An Image of Zao, namesake of the Zaodim


    The Zaodim initially arose in Athera as a group of mercenaries who undertook bounty missions and adventures for contractors. They were nomadic in nature, moving from town to town, city to city in search of more work. After being contracted by a wealthy individual to explore and chart the relatively unknown Primora Jungle islands, the group ventured into the series of heavily contested jungles. The expedition quickly went awry over time as the group encountered various hostile insects and creatures, which quickly whittled down the size of the small force. The contract was quickly abandoned as the group immediately prioritized their survival over the retrieval of an old artifact.


    After having survived the hellish jungle for four days and four nights, the group managed to carve out a small portion of the jungle on one of the many islands, turning it into an encampment to protect themselves from the hostile denizens of the jungle. Several attempts to backtrack through the dense jungle were unsuccessful, leading to several deaths and the loss of precious, dwindling supplies. The leader of the group at the time, an easterner named Zao, ordered the group to settle down for the time being and patiently bide their time. The encampment grew and the mercenaries learned to hunt and farm for their food, quickly adapting to the harsh life in Primora’s jungles. After several years of accumulating supplies, the group had grown in size, and some new children were born due to the group’s prolonged stay in the encampment. Zao organized the group and prepared once more for an attempted escape from the jungle, fully intending to bring all resources and people with him. The escape was a miraculous success, no fatalities being suffered. The group cut their way through the jungles, returning to the mainland and making their way to a neighboring town for the first time in years.


    The group had undergone a massive change during their stay in the jungles. They were no longer a mercenary group, but moreso a conglomerate of friends and family that had been formed during their stay. Zao realized this and promptly renounced their ties to contractors, causing the group to change professions from sellswords to peaceful settlers. They traveled to a nearby dock and purchased a boat collectively, sailing to the Isles of Axios. They found a peaceful spot to begin constructing their settlement and did so, taking a few months to fully complete. At this, the Zaodim was created under their steadfast leader. As the members of the group came from various backgrounds and races, the Zaodim nurtured the principle of equality, stating that they welcomed all races. As such, their town grew and prospered under the acceptance of laws and rules decreed by the high council, in which council members listened to the word of the emperor, being Zao at the time before his peaceful passing away.


    Recently the Zaodim have landed in the Isles of Axios at the port of Al'Khaleed's Easterner District, seeking potential allies and resources in this new territory. The Zaodim wish to establish a great nation in Axios, where Easterners can peacefully coexist and thrive together.


    The Zaodim are a very kind people, and are often known for their generosity, however the Zaodim can become a cruel vengeful people when trifled with. The clan is very open minded, and is known to recruit any race interested in learning their customs.  They are a very outgoing people, skilled in diplomacy, and combat if necessary. The Zaodim have an elite guard called the Zaoshi, used for special assignments. The clan is also known to give very difficult, seemingly impossible tasks to those brave enough to accept them. The Zaodim's colors are red, various shades of blue, and gray. Their emblem is serpent wreathed around a medallion.


    An Image of a Zaoshi Dwarf.


    The current leaders of the Zaodim are Zao Song (Shuggie_), and his brother Zao Roshi (GortOfGumpus)



    If you wish to join the Zaodim, fill out the application below.

    Mc Name:


    Rp Name:







  4. 2 minutes ago, Gump said:

    Habitat: Dogs are found all over the world, and it is one 0f the main domesticated animals, kept as pets. Wild dogs are found in the jungles in different parts of Asia, Africa and Australia. Many dogs are found roaming in the street. These are called unpet or street dogs. Pet as well as unpet dogs love to remain in association with human beings in a locality. Wild dogs are rare in India. However, there is a type of wild dog found in the western part of India, Assam, Himachal Pradesh and Orissa. The house of dog is known as kennel.

    Habit: Dogs vary widely in their sizes, shapes, colors and habits depending on the breed (type). The dog is a quadruped (four footed) carni9vours animal that likes to live in groups. Its body is covered with a coat of hairs. Wild dogs have much structural similarity with foxes and wolves.

    Some Varieties: Sheep-dogs are used to protect the herds of sheep from attack of wolves or jackals. There is another type of dogs found in very cold countries like Greenland, Siberia. These dogs are used for drawing sledge. In general, dogs are very faithful to their masters.

    Birth and life-span: During the breeding season, a female dog gives birth to 3-6 puppies. The mother is very affectionate to her puppies and takes care of them till they are able to live independently. The average lifespan of a dog is about 12-15 years.

    Features of Dog:

    • Dogs are nocturnal by nature. They sleep in day time and become active at night.
    • The dogs bark and make various types of sounds such as snarl, howl, bark and growl to express their different moods.
    • Dogs can run fast. Their long legs help them in running fast. As they walk and run on their toes they are called digitigrades animals.
    • Dogs can swim well in water.
    • Although carnivorous in nature, pet dogs like milk, rice, bread, cooked vegetables, etc.
    • Their canine teeth are well developed, sharp and suitable for eating flesh.
    • The sense of smell and hearing is highly developed in dogs and they are very intelligent. Dogs are employed to detect criminals.
    • Dogs have sharp vision and can run fast. For this reason they are used in hunting.
    • The sweet glands of the dogs are situated in the tongue. For this reason, when the dogs feel hot or get tired they are seen panting with their tongues hanging outside their mouths. By this process of panting they cool themselves. In the winter months, dogs can be seen lying in the form of a coil.

    which means my dog is actually the strongest......... ;}

    this is my dog btw....


    You are a big dummy if you think that's the strongest dog

  5. MC Name: Shuggie_

        RP Name: Edward Blackrook

        Skype: you got it 

        Timezone (EST, GMT, etc.): CMT

    Professions: Masterful Miner, Veteran Enchanter

                 Have you been in the Legion before? If so, when: Nope

        *Note: If you were a Stoneguard in the most recent legion you will keep your rank*

        Do you swear loyalty to the reigning Grand King: Yes grandpapa

  6. MC Name: Shuggie_

    RP Name: Edward Blackrook

    Which guild do you wish to join?: Mining

    What is your level in the aligned profession?: Veteran

    Skype name: rook.segger

    Are you able to use Teamspeak?: Yes

    How long have you been playing LOTC?: Almost a year

    How many hours both week and weekend are you available?: 4-8 hours

    What is your timezone?: CST

  7. What’s your Minecraft account name?: Shuggie_

    How old are you?: 17

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes I am fully aware

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: Easily the rule on Powergaming. It's so frustrating to initiate a conflict with another player, only to have them, "Catch the arrow in mid-air". Then proceed to completely incinerate my character with a god-like fire ball spell.

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? (if so we can help clear it up!): Nope

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: I was recommended to come try the server out by my friend "cornivore". He knew I was into medieval role-play, so he said I should give this server a shot.

    Link(s) to past Whitelist Applications (If applicable): N/A




    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person! Plagiarizing will result in the automatic denial  of your application!


    What is roleplaying?: My definition of roleplaying is assuming the role of a character and immersing yourself in a fictional/non-fictional world/scenario. Your character carries out different actions and slowly crafts their own story. You meet friends and go on wild and fun adventures together making memories all the while.

    What is metagaming?: Metagaming is using OOC knowledge for your own character's personal use. This breaks immersion and generally ruins roleplay for you and everyone involved. For example someone can kill your character in their sleep, and your character could come back knowing that that person is murderer. This is not permitted and I do not endorse it.

    What is power-emoting (powergaming)?: Powergaming is making an action that your "target" cannot respond too. Example: "Fires an arrow landing in (Char. Name)'s chest." This completely destroys the fun medieval atmosphere players are trying to immerse themselves in.


    In-Character Information
    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    Character’s name: Adric Wavecrest

    Character’s sex: Male

    Character’s race: Human/Highlander

    Character’s age: 32

    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add three references to the server lore.): (where does your character come from?; where have they traveled to?; what year were they born in? et cetera.)

    "Adric Wavecrest... Man's a monster, you should see the way he wields that blade of his. He's not a man I'd like to cross..." That's what they say about me, and I honestly can't blame them. I was taken from my biological family of Highlanders at a young age by a group of Uruk bandits. I'd say I was about four or five at the time, they came and burned down my families farm. The chieftain of the bandits name was Grog'Nacc ,an old orc blind in one eye with dark green skin scarred from the countless battles he'd been through. The Uruks murdered my eldest brother and killed my parents as well, but for whatever reason Grog'Nacc couldn't bring himself to kill a weeping child. Instead he threw me in shackles and had me carry his blade all the way back to the Orchish Isles.


    Once I we'd arrived at the Isles, Grog'Nacc brought me to a slavers camp. I could see many children like me, shackled, crying, hopeless. Grog'Nacc brought me to a tent and handed me a short sword. "Take this, you either fight in the pit or die". Obviously I took up the sword, and soon after I was thrown into a pit a forced to fight a series of wild animals. The experience was traumatizing, but it forged me into a veteran fighter. I remained fighting in the camp until my early teens until I had decided to escape. After a day of fighting Grog'Nacc was taking me to my cell. As he was placing the cells keys on his belt, I managed to steal them off them. I waited until the late hours of the night and made my move. I managed to sneak through the the guard's defenses, I then proceeded to sprint into the woods near by and didn't stop running until the sun came out.


    Time went by and I grew tired of living in hiding. I left the woods to try to find my destiny. I found a dirt path and began following it north, I had my slaves clothing and a rusty short sword. As I traversed the path I came across an old man, traveling with a cart being pulled by two oxen. Being the savage I was at the time I proceeded to mug the mans cart. I chased the man off and began to search through the cart. I was disappointed to find that the cart was full of books. This turned out to be my salvation. I taught myself to read and write and slowly accumulated a vast knowledge of the world and swordsmanship. After reading many heroic novels I had decided that the life of a hero wasn't for me. I dedicated my life to being a bandit, hellbent on fortune and fame. Selling my services to anyone with enough coin.


    Personality Traits: Holds a grudge against Uruks for stealing away his childhood. Is generally cheerful despite his past. Is willing to throw away his morals for anyone with fat enough pockets.

    Ambitions: Adric dreams of one day running his own party of bandits, but more than anything wants to be more wealthy than anyone else

    Strengths/Talents: Adric posses a strong body, and excellent swordsmanship to go with it. His knowledge is limited, but he is insightful. He is able to stay calm and collected when faced with danger.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Adric is generally to quick to trust/forgive. Due to the nature of his work he is generally hated by others. Blind to his own ambitions.

    Appearance: Adric is 6'1 with a strong scarred body. Adric has tattoos in his arms and a scar through his left eye. His left eye is also is discolored. His hair is a dark yellow on the verge of being brown. His skin isn't pale but it also isn't dark. Adric generally wears light clothing.


  8. What’s your Minecraft account name?: Shuggie_

    How old are you?: 17

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes I am fully aware

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: Easily the rule on Powergaming. It's so frustrating to initiate a conflict with another player, only to have them, "Catch the arrow in mid-air". Then proceed to completely incinerate my character with a god-like fire ball spell.

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? (if so we can help clear it up!): Nope

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: I was recommended to come try the server out by my friend "cornivore". He knew I was into medieval role-play, so he said I should give this server a shot.

    Link(s) to past Whitelist Applications (If applicable): N/A




    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person! Plagiarizing will result in the automatic denial  of your application!


    What is roleplaying?: My definition of roleplaying is assuming the role of a character and immersing yourself in a fictional/non-fictional world/scenario. Your character carries out different actions and slowly crafts their own story. You meet friends and go on wild and fun adventures together making memories all the while.

    What is metagaming?: Metagaming is using OOC knowledge for your own character's personal use. This breaks immersion and generally ruins roleplay for you and everyone involved. For example someone can kill your character in their sleep, and your character could come back knowing that that person is murderer. This is not permitted and I do not endorse it.

    What is power-emoting (powergaming)?: Powergaming is making an action that your "target" cannot respond too. Example: "Fires an arrow landing in (Char. Name)'s chest." This completely destroys the fun medieval atmosphere players are trying to immerse themselves in.


    In-Character Information
    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    Character’s name: Adric Wavecrest

    Character’s sex: Male

    Character’s race: Human/Heartlander

    Character’s age: 32

    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add three references to the server lore.): (where does your character come from?; where have they traveled to?; what year were they born in? et cetera.)

    "Adric Wavecrest... Man's a monster, you should see the way he wields that blade of his. He's not a man I'd like to cross..." That's what they say about me, and I honestly can't blame them. I was taken from my biological family of Highlanders at a young age by a group of Uruk bandits. I'd say I was about four or five at the time, they came and burned down my families farm in the outskirts of The Holy Empire of Oren. The chieftain of the bandits name was Grog'Nacc ,an old orc blind in one eye with dark green skin scarred from the countless battles he'd been through. The Uruks murdered my eldest brother and killed my parents as well, but for whatever reason Grog'Nacc couldn't bring himself to kill a weeping child. Instead he threw me in shackles and had me carry his blade all the way back to the Orchish Isles.


    Once we'd arrived at the Isles, Grog'Nacc brought me to a slavers camp. I could see many children like me, shackled, crying, hopeless. Grog'Nacc brought me to a tent and handed me a short sword. "Take this, you either fight in the pit or die". Obviously I took up the sword, and soon after I was thrown into a pit a forced to fight a series of wild animals. The experience was traumatizing, but it forged me into a veteran fighter. I remained fighting in the camp until my early teens until I had decided to escape. After a day of fighting Grog'Nacc was taking me to my cell. As he was placing the cells keys on his belt, I managed to steal them off them. I waited until the late hours of the night and made my move. I managed to sneak through the the guard's defenses, I then proceeded to sprint into the woods near by and didn't stop running until the sun came out.


    Time went by and I grew tired of living in hiding. I left the woods to try to find my destiny. I found a dirt path and began following it north, I had my slaves clothing and a rusty short sword. As I traversed the path I came across an old man, traveling with a cart being pulled by two oxen. Being the savage I was at the time I proceeded to mug the mans cart. I chased the man off and began to search through the cart. I was disappointed to find that the cart was full of books. This turned out to be my salvation. I taught myself to read and write and slowly accumulated a vast knowledge of the world and swordsmanship. After reading many heroic novels I had decided that the life of a hero wasn't for me. I dedicated my life to being a bandit, hellbent on fortune and fame. Selling my services to anyone with enough coin.


    Personality Traits: Holds a grudge against Uruks for stealing away his childhood. Is generally cheerful despite his past. Is willing to throw away his morals for anyone with fat enough pockets.

    Ambitions: Adric dreams of one day running his own party of bandits, but more than anything wants to be more wealthy than anyone else

    Strengths/Talents: Adric posses a strong body, and excellent swordsmanship to go with it. His knowledge is limited, but he is insightful. He is able to stay calm and collected when faced with danger.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Adric is generally to quick to trust/forgive. Due to the nature of his work he is generally hated by others. Blind to his own ambitions.

    Appearance: Adric is 6'1 with a strong scarred body. Adric has tattoos in his arms and a scar through his left eye. His left eye is also is discolored. His hair is a dark yellow on the verge of being brown. His skin isn't pale but it also isn't dark. Adric generally wears light clothing.

    My Skin: http://imgur.com/gallery/o0UQRdy/new

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