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Status Replies posted by nogchips

  1. Behold, Oren, this is what your government resorts to.. Instead of professional propaganda, (they are incapable of creating this sort of content due to their immature minds), they instead go onto our Ostavarian chat and spam us with nonsensical paragraphs filled with obscene language; some of the language used could easily offend the easily offended, so view this next gyazo link with caution if you fit into this category. Behold: 



    Welp, you win Oren. You have definitely outmatched us. Good for you.


    (see yall sunday!)

  2. the staff rlly need 2 do smthn about pvp tbh instead of waiting until 1.9

    1. nogchips


      hopefully the community backlash is big enough to revert back to 1.8, if not i'm def not logging back on 100%

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  3. Lets go boys

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