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Posts posted by aiden0023

  1. And when I thought that all of the citizens of Johannesburg would die in a terrible siege, Pyro blows everyone up.


    Pyro: "If I can't win, I'll just have everyone die in a horrific explosion!"


    Zaor Ianric slow claps after hearing the explosion from afar, "I knew he would do it..."

  2. I could go either way: both updates have their pros and cons. A pro from 1.8 is that it's easy, but a con for that is that it has no strategy or is not relative to real life, where the weapons would be heavy, giving time to create a blow. A pro for 1.9 is that it actually takes work to be good at PvP and it has strategy to it, but a con to this is that it's not easy to learn how to be great at PvP now. Do you understand what I'm saying? I could go either way, but I rather have it stay how it is.

  3. Carrie Fisher's Death 

    I know that Carrie Fisher and Star Wars has nothing to do with LotC, but This is a very important  topic that's I wanted to bring up. So, if you don't know who Carrie Fisher is, she was the actor who played Princess Leia in Star Wars episodes four, five, six, seven, and was going to be eight if she hadn't died at Thebes's age of 60. And if you don't know what Star Wars is, then who are you? Anyways, I wanted to start this topic as a tribute to Carrie Fisher. I don't care what you do, if you watch all the movies again or you make something for her, I just want you to post what you did on this topic. What I am going to do as a tribute is watch all the movies again and change my profile picture on this website to something to do with Star Wars or Carrie Fisher. So, again, I believe that this IS a very important topic to discuss, so I highly recommend to pay tribute to her in any way. Thank you for your time to paying tribute.


  4. I've been seeing a lot of complaints on the snowflakes being added to the forums, so I decided to make a poll on whether we should or not. Please note that I am not part of the staff and do not have control over whether or not the snowflakes are removed. Thins is just so the staff can see how many people want the snowflakes and how many people don't want the snowflakes. 

  5. SS Bug


    I believe I have found a bug in the soul stone system. It looks like the pillar in Johannesburg works for most people, but not for me. Ever since they have moved the pillar, it hasn't been working for me whatsoever. And, yes, I did bind my soul stone to the pillar once they moved it. I even did it today (December 4) again, and it doesn't work. Please help me fix this for myself and anyone else that is having this problem because I keep on having to ask GMs to teleport me to Johannesburg. And also, the soul stone keeps on sending me to my racial pillar, just thought that would help. Again, please help me or fix this bug so I am able to use my soul stone correctly again. And by the way, I wasn't able to post this is the Bug Report section because it didn't let me. Thanks in advance!

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