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Posts posted by aiden0023

  1. 7 minutes ago, Evocress said:

    Majority if not all the posts here have been memes or posts un-needed on this topic, also wasn't a rule suppose to stop meme'ing on the forums with warning points?



    Anyway to the main post at hand. This is an eye-opener as someone suggested on page 1, that the current Dev's monitoring the forums being, Tythus and Lyonhart things should be updated besides making things pretty (Thank you for the improvements but got to fix the old before the new), though this insight can go into many other things regarding the server which I won't post extensively here but will list some topics. 



    The bug-report plugin page seems to be pushed under the rug as I have not seen some of the plugins reported be looked at or replied to 'complete'. 


    Something not devy but should be addressed:

    The LordOfTheCraft youtube page features outdated videos and things LoTC never had, want an example? 


    This never happened on the server yet updated to the main youtube page. This is among many- you can say this was the media team's job but they're bared. No extensive content has been made in over 3 months to promote the server and the view counts keep lowering also. Should be looked into for advertising. 


    FIX old plugins you advertise on the server, in game the crowns VIP plugins list things we do not have.

    /spooky doesn't work.

    /mypet doesn't work


    All things which you've stated you would fix. 



    And the MyPet plugin was posted on the issue tracker to be "looked at" but never any responds. (Can't get the quote cause it's down atm).




    I can go on and list certain other things, though I believe the server and the dev team need to fix the old rather then create new plugins for the server to enjoy getting rid of old bugs, old videos which post about 'previewing' plugins that didn't even make it to the main server. 


    Keep updating things else you come under the breach of 'false advertising'. Which frankly is annoying. I'm sure I am not the only one who got upset when we saw the /mypet plugin or /spooky plugin being unable to use yet still advertised it works.


    Wow, how long did that take to type for you? *Claps for a couple minutes*

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