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Posts posted by Slayy

  1. The blind woman simply seemed to slowly read over the missive. Turning in the direction towards that of the woods. "Hubris befalls most men until they are deep in the grave... War is grand for the reaper, not the body."

  2. 3 minutes ago, Valaryon said:

    We have two weaknesses we have added in comparison to the current accepted write where we have no weaknesses at all. We have scaled back the strength on our fire abilities as the channeled fire breath was quite over powered. We’re a Creature, not a magic. This CA cannot be dropped and picked up nor stacked with other magics to increase its strength. Orcish strength is not going to matter in an equation unless you’re grappling with them in hand to hand combat. And again, the fire we have is not supernatural. It is mundane fire. The only different fire we have is in our fire breath, as we are draconic beings and it is therefore dragonsfire.

    I feel that there is a very under game idea of having the powers of fire and orc strength. I’ve looked at the weaknesses, there isn’t a common weakness in which you can harm an azdrazi? Their weaknesses for them are that they can not bear a child, can not pick up any magics, can not use their abilities temporally after their death, and being weak against one specific magic. Yet for other creatures and magics, they have certain drawbacks such as fire, gold, fatigue, mana, physical weaknesses. I am simply emphasizing that there isn’t a common weakness in which can balance their powers. Simply comparing the strengths to the weaknesses, there is a huge difference to them. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, Valaryon said:

    In the current accepted write, they do not have a supernatural fire and they already have Orc strength. We are not changing any precedent set by the previous rewrite or the handfuls of rewrites before it. We’ve always had Orc strength and have had fire abilities.


    Refer to the accepted write here to familiarize yourself with it:

    This doesn’t clear away the issue that the creature still has an unchecked prowess in power compared to most creatures on this server. Having the power to contest an Orc in physical prowess and still be able to throw magical fire in 2-3 emotes is something a tier 5 mage can’t do, same with that of any item that is enchanted or an orc. There has to be drawbacks made against the magic to make it fair for others that could possibly interact with them. 

  4. Amazing clarifications and additions to Azdrazi! Happy to see it!

    A few thoughts came across my mind when I read the lore, particularly about the balancing of the Azdrazi. Azdrazi have always had the ability to cast a special fire that's more powerful than both magical, or natural fire. With this rewrite, they also have an increase in natural strength as well. I think they lack a common weakness, or something relative to their buffed strengths. Having both strong fire spells, and the physical power of an orc makes them fairly tough - perhaps, overpowered.

  5. MC Name: Slayology

    Character's Name: Ketsiyah

    Character's Age: 50s


    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:

             Self-Teaching Book Found


    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:

             I shall!


    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:

             I have not!


    Are you aware that if this feat is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the feat? And that if it is apart of the Lore Games, it might drastically change soon?:



  6. MC Name: Slayology

    Character's Name: Aviala Cydweli

    Character's Age: 150s


    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:

             Self-Teaching Book


    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the feat? And that if it is apart of the Lore Games, it might drastically change soon?:

             I am sure!


  7. A elfess begins to step out into the brisk shadow of night, the moonlight barely shining down on her skin. Her red locks slowly flowing down her shoulders as the vines around her started to twist and turn into brambles. “Finally.. Some change.” The druidess starts to walk out, her bare feet beginning to send waves of verdant energy which caused most plant-life to take a wild and carnivorest shape. Her embarkment leading her into the black, grim forests of Areas.

  8. A lone seeress would be slumbering within her chambers, the silk sheets tossed and turned from the dreams and nightmares that plagued her. However, this particular night, her face was contorted with the sights, her hands grasping at bundled fabric to clench and grip. Moments pass before Vritra jolts up from her pillow, her hands gripping around her throat, searching and clawing at whatever restrained her scream. However, she found nothing, allowing a harrowing, banshee-like wail to break free. Her blindfolded gaze searched for someone, for something, yet she found only darkness and a lone candle left lit. The smoke that came from the wick danced and shaped itself in a slithering S. “What else is to come...”

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