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Posts posted by Piov

  1. Yoppl is a very deserving man for a spot on the team. His writing is insightful, informative, and pragmatic. He would be a very vital asset to the Lore Team who gives great contributions and invests great effort in his work.

  2. M_1stgJg1_4uQGkhIWcHxh55szNTYbnQaqGhcNZMs13JMsI_ddCClxXFAIVzNTrbSDssSEkAMrNQkNBoduesmC2cQfvUlHbYN7pjWjvyyYVFOdNawfMN5wKhYqmwPdbIr6gBcb9x


    18th of the Amber Cold, 1599

    Va Birodeo Herzenav.


    Pursuant to the necessary provisions of the Royal Administration and in lieu of recent events, Stephen Barbanov is hereby appointed to the Ministry of the Interior of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska. He shall have all rights and privileges delegated to his office and shall serve the Realm faithfully by the Grace of GOD. Stephen Barbanov shall be charged by his office the unequivocal enforcement of the writs of interior ordinance and impart advisory to the Royal Administration in the structural organization of the management of  lands and settlements of the North and under oath in the service on His Majesty’s Privy Council.



    Iv Joveo Ehr, 1599


    Iv Joveo Maan,



    His Majesty the King Marius I of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Prince of the Raev, Duke of Akovia, Krajia, Greymarsh and Alban, Margrave of Vanderfell and Adria, Count of Siegrad, Werdenburg, Kavat, Karovia, Torun, Owynswood and Kaunas, Lord of St. Karlsburg, Protector of the Highlanders.



  3. Cruz is a very reliable and transparent communicator who would serve as a valuable asset to the GM team. I strongly support his bid and fully trust in his abilities to make LoTC a great community! He definitely is a strong suit in any role and putting on the GM would guarantee success. +1

  4. The 13th of the Amber Cold, 1599


    [!] A missive would be sent from the Keep of Ottosgrad in St. Karlsburg to the Royal Court of Courland:


    Your Majesty King Tobias of Courland,

        Acting on the words of dignity and respect for the relationship between us as two nations of humanity, I graciously implore your ear and your earnest attention to this correspondence. I write to you unhindered from the politicking and vices of men to you as an equal ruler and a dignified man of your will. I am appalled by the actions undertaken by my Minister, who forsakenly went against my orders to treat your Lord Emissary with decency and camaraderie at a session of my court. Unbeknownst to me, upon the departure after a seemingly mutual discussion with Lord Meric Staunton, I was informed that His Excellency was slain outside the walls of my city. Hastily, I rushed to the scene myself to see one of the most diplomatic and good-hearted man’s corpse lie in the snow. With disgust, I recall these descriptive events that have developed to inform you of my profound abhorrent sentiments over what has transpired this past saint’s day. I disapprove what rogue and distasteful indecency that has occurred within my borders. Before his death, I did acknowledge a diplomatic effort with your court as a way to repair the decades long bitterness between my ancestors and yours as co-heirs of the human civilization. Heed my words, Your Majesty, for I did not authorize or endorse the death of your kin. Rather, I seek out the culprit responsible for the blood of Lord Meric so that he may see the justice of GOD for himself. I condemn, wholeheartedly, the actions taken upon a man whom I believed was a promising individual from your court. Peace is our objective here, not war. I beseech your reasonable and cooperative hand in the misunderstood dealings that have run amuck and assure you as a man of my word first that justice will be served to the one responsible for unwarranted bloodshed.


    Iv Joveo Maan,

    Iv Joveo Ehr, 1599



    His Majesty the King Marius I of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Prince of the Raev, Duke of Akovia, Krajia, Greymarsh and Alban, Margrave of Vanderfell and Adria, Count of Siegrad, Werdenburg, Kavat, Karovia, Torun, Owynswood and Kaunas, Lord of St. Karlsburg, Protector of the Highlanders.






    The Interior Reform Act of 1599

    Issued and Confirmed by His Majesty the King of Hanseti-Ruska,

    In the City of St. Karlsburg,

    The 13th of the Sun’s Smile, 1599


    Va Birodeo Herzenav.

    An Act

    To impose comprehensive reform on the stipulations and provisions set by the Interior Edict of 1599.


    Section I.

        The Crown shall invoke the prerogative to amend the laws of Hanseti-Ruska with appropriate and necessary intentions for the good of the realm.


    Section II.

        In regards to the Interior Edict of 1599, the fourth section of the foregoing document is hereby annulled. The sizes of the several regions of the North shall be appropriated by the conditions of its current titular status and by the consistent population of the residents therein. Furthermore, dimensions of land shall be allocated based upon the ratio of population and the production it yields to the realm.


    Section III.

        The second section of the Interior Edict of 1599 in regards to the first stipulation over the authority of the Minister of the Interior “to establish standards in the size of keeps, castles, and manors” is hereby annulled. The several vassals of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska shall have the clause of self-determination to build their stead as affirmed by the Royal Letters issued by the Crown to their discretion given that it is built under reasonable dimensions and that it is contained within the existing borders of its granted region.


    Section IV.

        The Interior Minister may not move vassals without the expressed permission of the Crown and must present vindication of his reasoning to the Lord Chancellor a fortnight before he intends to take action. Should vassals be relocated elsewhere, they shall be given the same dimensions of their homestead before their reallocation.

    Section V.

        The several vassal settlements shall not be subject to size decreases. Vassals may expand its borders upon obtaining higher titular honorifics from expressed Royal Assent through the imposition of a royal letter or written decree from the foregoing entity. Moreover, the dissolution of a given vassal's holdings shall constitute on the basis of treason, the inadequate succession to the titular responsibilities, or the consolidation of the land to another entity based upon lacking population or geographical inconveniences.


    Section VI.

    The Monarch of the Dual Kingdoms of Haense and Ruska shall have the perpetual and absolute authority of the enforcement and amendment of this act.



                                            Iv Joveo Maan,

    Iv Joveo Ehr, 1599


    His Majesty the King Marius I of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Prince of the Raev, Duke of Akovia, Krajia, Greymarsh and Alban, Margrave of Vanderfell and Adria, Count of Siegrad, Werdenburg, Kavat, Karovia, Torun, Owynswood and Kaunas, Lord of St. Karlsburg, Protector of the Highlanders.




  6. The Interior Edict of 1599
    Issued by Diedrik Barrow and confirmed by His Majesty the King of Hanseti-Ruska,
    In the City of St. Karlsburg,
    The 13th of the First Seed, 1599


    Va Birodeo Herzenav.

                             An Edict
         To ensure that all fiefs under the crown of of Hanseti-Ruska meet the standards set by the Minister of Interior, Diedrik Barrow.

    Section I.
        The Minister of the Interior intends to survey the existing plots within the Kingdom of Haenseti-Ruska and evaluate the size of each fief, after holding meetings with each vassal the Minister of the Interior will then decide whether or not to retract some acres of land which may be deemed surplus for the position held by vassal. Furthermore, fief examinations will soon be underway to ensure that all buildings within a vassal's fief suits their station, anything deemed too large will be subject to destruction.


    Section II.
        The Minister of Interior will from here on out set the standards of the size of a fief granted upon a vassal. All foregoing powers shall derive and be at the consent of the Crown.

    • The Minister of Interior will from here on out establish standards for the size of a castle, keep or manor’s size according to the size of the family and or residents living within the fief.

    • From here forth, the building of houses on a plot containing a castle without the consent of the Minister of Interior and his peers is hereby prohibited.

    • From here forth, the construction of walls around fiefs without the consent of the Minister of Interior is prohibited.


    Section III.
        The beautifying of the Northmarch within the Kingdom of Haenseti-Ruska will begin within the near future in the attempt to bring game back into the land.


    Section IV.

    The Minister of Interior will organize certain vassals into fiefs suiting their position.

    Vassal lands will hereby be changed to the following:

    • 50 acres of land for Baronies (50x50 plot)

    • 120 acres of land for Counties (120x120 plot)

    • 200 acres of land for Duchies (175x175 plot)

    The above acres are subject to change.


    Section V.

    The Monarch of the Dual Kingdoms of Haense and Ruska shall have the perpetual and absolute authority of the enforcement and amendment of this act.



                                            Iv Joveo Maan,

    Iv Joveo Ehr, 1599


    His Majesty the King Marius I of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Prince of the Raev, Duke of Akovia, Krajia, Greymarsh and Alban, Margrave of Vanderfell and Adria, Count of Siegrad, Werdenburg, Kavat, Karovia, Torun, Owynswood and Kaunas, Lord of St. Karlsburg, Protector of the Highlanders.




    His Excellency Diedrik Barrow, Minister of the Interior of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska


  7. An Overdue Departure

    The 5th of the Sun’s Smile, 1598




    [!] High Pontiff Emeritus Sixtus IV receiving his last rites before death.


        It seemed as if another day would pass as the High Pontiff Emeritus peered out his window from the small apartment allotted to him in St. Karlsburg. The sun’s radiance illuminated unhindered by the clouds. He sat pensive yet vigilant, anticipating as if something new would occur before his old eyes. He stood up, pacing the quarters of his chamber before going to his desk to write. He sat for many hours scribbling before expending his candle and leaving earlier than usual for a walk. He stroll outside the streets taking in the new life and the new atmosphere of the bustling city. The streets, he felt, were overwhelming with the business of merchants and the paroxysm of political rhetoric.

        Shortly thereafter, he went into the cathedral to pray and ponder, admiring the silence that contrasted the loudness and compelling arena of the city. He kneeled, breaking the limits of his frail joints to admire the rood  Cross of Lorraine hanging atop the altar. With eyes fixated, he muttered softly his own daily supplications, yet adding onto his own intentions, the intercession of the saints for the good of Canonist Unity that he for so long advocated. The old priest returned to his quarters, looking on at the quiet and empty tables and rooms shortly after walking. With eyes set, he struggled upstairs once more. By nightfall, after his own prayers and daily verses of the Holy Scroll of the Canon, he looked down in silence. The Pontiff Emeritus sat in contemplation as he had always done, pondering his own predicament. However, this night would seem different. As he laid back on his meager bed, he blew out the candle on the nightstand, closing his eyes, he whispered, “Alas, unity with God,” never to open them again…


    Requiescat in pace.

    Pontifiex Maximus Emeritus Xyxtus Quartus, MDLXVII-MDLXXVII

    Benegar Gotthold, 1518-1598

    High Pontiff Emeritus Sixtus the Fourth, 1567-1577

  8. The Interior Ministry Act of 1598

    Issued and confirmed by His Majesty the King of Hanseti-Ruska,

    In the City of St. Karlsburg,

    The 10th of the Grand Harvest, 1598


    Va Birodeo Herzenav.


    An Act

    To provide for appropriate enforcement of the Vassal Ordinance of 1598 and to govern and regulate the land settlements under the Crown of Hanseti-Ruska.


    Section I.

        In the case of the Vassal Ordinance of 1598, the Royal Administration intends to create a new ministry on the Privy Council to effectively enforce the aforesaid act with diligence and attentiveness on the lands of the Kingdom. Furthermore, a Minister of the Interior shall be established and appointed by Royal Assent and shall serve at the discretion of the Crown to execute the policy of organization within the realm.


    Section II.

        The Minister of the Interior shall have the foregoing powers delegated to his office and moderated by the Crown with the following provisions:

    • To inspect the vassals and constituencies under the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska

    • To report on the state and nature of the settlements within the Realm

    • To impose citations on violations of edifices or vassal lands not in compliance with the laws of the Kingdom

    • To impose a fine on land settlements who fail to adhere to the regulations and imposition of edicts fixated toward the governance of vassal structures

    • To authorize the need of demolition or repurposing of settlements within the Kingdom with expressed Royal Assent from the Crown or Lord Regent

    • To grant advice and consent regarding the appropriation of lands for new vassals and constituencies ordained by law

    • To employ civil servants under his authority to execute the powers herein granted

    • To impose writs of ordinance in the regulation and proper usage of the Northmarch and all unorganized territory within the borders of Hanseti-Ruska


    Section III.

        In concurrence with the powers granted to the Minister of the Interior, he shall be mandated to give his report on the condition of the interior of the North to the Crown of Hanseti-Ruska every saint’s year.


    Section IV.

        The Monarch of the Dual Kingdoms of Haense and Ruska shall have the perpetual and absolute authority of the enforcement and amendment of this act.


    Iv Joveo Maan,

    Iv Joveo Ehr, 1598



    His Majesty the King Marius I of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Prince of the Raev, Duke of Akovia, Krajia, Greymarsh and Alban, Margrave of Vanderfell and Adria, Count of Siegrad, Werdenburg, Kavat, Karovia, Torun, Owynswood and Kaunas, Lord of St. Karlsburg, Protector of the Highlanders.



  9. The Vassal Ordinance of 1598

    Issued and confirmed by His Majesty the King of Hanseti-Ruska,

    In the City of St. Karlsburg,

    The 14th of the First Seed, 1598


    Va Birodeo Herzenav.


    An Act

    To impose regulations and stipulations for land ownership in the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska; to centralize and organize the populace of the North in its endeavors.


    Section I.

        With the integration of the new constituencies in the North, the Royal Administration intends to mandate that all edifices, ordained by law, be regulated and governed.


    Section II.

        All vassals of current and future constituencies shall be subject to this ordinance, its conditions and stipulations adhered to. The lands under the jurisdiction of the Crown shall compose of a Keep or Estate where the head of the peerage in a given area shall establish status of primary residence for himself and his posterity. He shall enjoy the prerogatives entrusted to him by Royal Assent; rights to farmland appropriate to his allotment, the natural foliage of the landscape, roads and pathways concurrent to the realm, and the rights to supporting edifices which are deemed necessary and proper to his homestead shall be herein granted.


    Section III.

        All vassals shall be prohibited from constructing towns or cities or other edifices deemed in their likeness that may supercede or exceed the purpose of the homestead for the peerage. Any edifices deemed in violation of this article shall be subject to alteration or demolition.


    Section IV.

        The Monarch of the Dual Kingdoms of Haense and Ruska shall have the perpetual and absolute authority of the enforcement and amendment of this act.



    Iv Joveo Maan,

    Iv Joveo Ehr, 1598



    His Majesty the King Marius I of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Prince of the Raev, Duke of Akovia, Krajia, Greymarsh and Alban, Margrave of Vanderfell and Adria, Count of Siegrad, Werdenburg, Kavat, Karovia, Torun, Owynswood and Kaunas, Lord of St. Karlsburg, Protector of the Highlanders.






  10. The Resolute Realm

    In the City of St. Karlsburg,

    14th of Malin’s Welcome, 1598




    [!] King Marius addresses the peerage and the citizens of the North.


    Va Birodeo Herzenav.


    My lords and the loyal citizenry of the kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska.


    It is with great admiration that I address the land as a whole, in the spirit of sacred trust and earnest zeal of our Highlander people, that I proclaim to you the intentions that I have for so long envisioned for all the subjects of our kingdom. We must understand that it is the laws of GOD that impel our own minds and hearts for the good of our prosperity. Today, we find ourselves a product of a post bellum era with the full potential and absolute capacity to strengthen ourselves, our lands, and our determination for a Resolute Realm. For these things to take place, it is not only my own stewardship and hand that will impose the proper and necessary means to enable Haense forward; it is the camaraderie and fellowship as a union of vassals coalesced into subservience under the Crown of the Dual Monarchy. The Highlander people have only known strength and courage as the pillars of our commitment and unmatched devotion to the overall revitalization of the North.


    Furthermore, I resolve to devote the saints years to come to promote the fruition of untapped potential and development for our great kingdom. By the grace of GOD, we understand the need to pursue a Resolute Realm for our heirs and their heirs. We must put into our own minds the needs of our families and the betterment of our society. On this pledge, the Resolute Realm shall embrace three great virtues: unity, honor, and respect. To achieve these goals so that they may manifest themselves in our lands, our minds, and our hearts, we must be diligent and vigilant to the laws and times. On my part as the chosen successor to the Crown of Hanseti and Ruska, I cannot but guide the direction for all Highlanders in the pursuance thereof. In doing so, I shall impose a series of new edicts and proclamations that shall be cemented into law as a way of communal integration for the cause of our greatness as my mandate for the just execution of the foregoing powers entrusted to me in the spirit of our solemn traditions.


    Let us not forget the mandate of the predecessors of this great Kingdom, for the cause of the destiny of our people to manifest themselves in a land bountiful and fruitful. To come short and invest a lack of faith in this cause would be abhorrent otherwise to the great ideals that our fathers envisioned. In the same spirit, let us share in the mission of our ancestors, the fathers of our fathers, in the solidification of our sovereignty and the strength that our potential places us. With earnest sentiment and profound intentions for the prosperity of our Kingdom, I commend all who ought to hear for the goal of the upcoming century.


    Iv Joveo Maan,

    Iv Joveo Ehr, 1598



    His Majesty the King Marius I of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Prince of the Raev, Duke of Akovia, Krajia, Greymarsh and Alban, Margrave of Vanderfell and Adria, Count of Siegrad, Werdenburg, Kavat, Karovia, Torun, Owynswood and Kaunas, Lord of St. Karlsburg, Protector of the Highlanders.



  11. Royal Letters for the Barony of Godansk

    Issued and confirmed by His Majesty the King of Hanseti-Ruska, In the City of St. Karlsburg, 17th of The Snow’s Maiden, 1598


    Va Birodeo Herzenav.

    Upon recognition of the King, in agreement with the Baron of Godansk, Ostromir of House Ivanovic, the foregoing individual has proven himself to be a man of great merit and promising presence for the revitalized Raevir peoples of the Northern realm. It is herein granted that the Crown issues land for the Baron of Godansk to further serve as a subservient mutual polity. As head of this barony, Ostromir  is thus charged with keeping the King’s peace and dispensing justice in his constituency, maintaining for himself a levy at his disposal in the service of his barony and of the Crown. As progenitor of his settlements, titles and so forth, Ostromir shall be charged with the maintenance of the foregoing entities and the building of his stead for all those who shall dwell within. Furthermore, the Crown owes its gratitude and imposes its writ of approval for the chartering of this land without reservation and thus declares that the Head of House Ivanovic is granted the rightful privileges of a Baron of Haense, which include but are not limited to, the right tax those residing within their Barony, and the right to build upon their land wherever they deem fit.




    Iv Joveo Maan,

    Iv Joveo Ehr, 1598



    His Majesty the King Marius I of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Prince of the Raev, Duke of Akovia, Krajia, Greymarsh and Alban, Margrave of Vanderfell and Adria, Count of Siegrad, Werdenburg, Kavat, Karovia, Torun, Owynswood and Kaunas, Lord of St. Karlsburg, Protector of the Highlanders.



  12. Please answer the following questions with as much information as you possibly can. If your charter is accepted or denied, you will be notified and we will move to the next stage of the process.


    1. What is the name of your nation / group? What kind of culture do they have? How long have they existed (in real-life time)?  

    The Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska (also known as the Kingdom of Haense) centralizes on a Northern culture of humanity, most notably those of the Highlander race and its various branches. Haense as a kingdom (within the former Orenian Empire) has existed since September of 2016. It gained its independence from Oren in January 2017, following the Empire’s defeat at the battle of Goldhands. However, the general player-base that comprises the majority of this nation’s population has been together for about a year and a half (approximately 78 weeks).

    2. Do you already have land? If so, where is it? Please provide the names of any tiles or regions that you own.

    The Kingdom is geographically based on the northern region of the Isle of Tahn. The capital region is named Orensettlement2. The titles that the Kingdom currently occupies are a24, a26, and a27.

    3. Please link any of your groups accepted charters below:

    The tiles that the Kingdom owns were bought by cruzazul8 during his tenure as Holy Orenian Emperor. They were then given to the Kingdom through RP. As such, there are no land charters that pertain to the Kingdom.

    4. What are your goals for nation status? This can be anything- remember, this is a hidden sub-forum. Your intentions and goals will not be publicly known.

    The goal as a nation is to remain an isolationist polity, in that its goal is to protect its sovereignty. Haense also aims to be the home to all Highlander people, as was the plan of its founders. The kingdom shall also be ever fixated on the notion of expansion northward to continue fostering the constituencies it harbors and focus on the internal development of its roads, settlements, and landscape. In terms of its foreign policy agenda, Haense does not intend for war or conflict; it aims for the preservation of peace with its neighbors and mutual partnership on intercontinental issues, though will not shy away from defense of its borders and colonization of untouched lands.


    5. Approximately how many members are in your group? How many of them are actively playing? Be honest! If I were to visit your capital city on any given day and at any given time, how many people could I expect to see? How about during peak hours? And what about during the "dead" hours?

    In terms of activity, the capital itself has a range of people of 10 to 20 people on its peak days. During the slow days, the capital tends to have around 3 to 5. During weekends, we aim to hold events to bring our player-base together such as mayoral elections, convening court of all the citizens with the Head of State. There are events that occur within the various areas where the vassalage settle. Population wise, we have a good 40-50 people total within the actual Kingdom, many of whom play their own part with their own Houses and groups in the Kingdom.

    6. Who will be leading your nation as nation lead / king / etc.?

    OOC: Piov

    IC: -His Majesty the King Marius I of Hanseti and Ruska Grand Prince of the Raev, Duke of Akovia, Krajia, Greymarsh and Alban, Margrave of Vanderfell and Adria, Count of Siegrad, Werdenburg, Kavat, Karovia, Torun, Owynswood and Kaunas, Lord of St. Karlsburg, Protector of the Highlanders.


  13. Royal Letters for the Barony of Sovetsky

    Issued and confirmed by His Majesty the King of Hanseti-Ruska, In the City of St. Karlsburg, 16th of Malin’s Welcome, 1596


    Va Birodeo Herzenav.

    Upon recognition of the King, in agreement with the Baron of Sovetsky, Boris Strablaski, the foregoing individual has proven himself to be a man of great merit and promising presence for the Raevir peoples of the Northern realm. It is herein granted that the Crown issues land for the Baron of Sovetsky to further serve as a subservient mutual polity. As head of this barony, Boris Strablaski is thus charged with keeping the King’s peace and dispensing justice in his constituency, maintaining for himself a levy at his disposal in the service of his barony and of the Crown. As progenitor of his settlements, titles and so forth, Baron Strablaski shall be charged with the maintenance of the foregoing entities and the building of his stead for all those who shall dwell within. Furthermore, the Crown owes its gratitude and imposes its writ of approval for the chartering of this land without reservation and thus declares that the Head of House Strablaski is granted the rightful privileges of a Baron of Haense, which include but are not limited to, the right tax those residing within their Barony, and the right to build upon their land wherever they deem fit.




    Iv Joveo Maan,

    Iv Joveo Ehr, 1596



    His Majesty the King Marius I of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Prince of the Raev, Duke of Akovia, Krajia, Greymarsh and Alban, Margrave of Vanderfell and Adria, Count of Siegrad, Werdenburg, Kavat, Karovia, Torun, Owynswood and Kaunas, Lord of St. Karlsburg, Protector of the Highlanders.


  14. Pureimp is a very diligent and focused individual who has shown only his best efforts in writing and updating the wiki. He would make a great team member and valuable asset as a whole. My support all in full for Kevin! +1

  15. Royal Letters for the Barony of Laurenstadt

    Issued and confirmed by His Majesty the King of Hanseti-Ruska, In the City of St. Karlsburg, 14th of the Deep Cold, 1595


    Va Birodeo Herzenav.

    Upon recognition of the King, in agreement with the Baron of Laurenstadt, Laurens van Loden, the foregoing individual has proven himself to be a man of great merit and promising presence for the governance and the dispensing of law for the Northern realm. It is herein granted that the Crown issues land for the Baron of Laurenstadt to further serve as a subservient mutual polity. As head of this barony, Laurens van Loden is thus charged with keeping the King’s peace and dispensing justice in his constituency, maintaining for himself a levy at his disposal in the service of his barony and of the Crown. As progenitor of his settlements, titles and so forth, Baron van Loden shall be charged with the maintenance of the foregoing entities and the building of his stead for all those who shall dwell within. Further, the Crown owes its gratitude and declares its writ of approval for the chartering of this land without reservation and thus declares that the Head of House van Loden is granted the rightful privileges of a Baron of Haense, which include but are not limited to, the right tax those residing within their Barony, and the right to build upon their land wherever they deem fit.




    Iv Joveo Maan,

    Iv Joveo Ehr, 1595



    His Majesty the King Marius I of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Prince of the Raev, Duke of Akovia, Krajia, Greymarsh and Alban, Margrave of Vanderfell and Adria, Count of Siegrad, Werdenburg, Kavat, Karovia, Torun, Owynswood and Kaunas, Lord of St. Karlsburg, Protector of the Highlanders.


  16. Eddywilson is an intuitive and diligent character in both his ability to create scenarios and invest his creativity to make sure those events are of the highest standard. He is committed to promoting role-play in any given community and will most definitely serve as a valuable component to the event team, indubitably. 

  17. Yoppl is a very knowledgeable and comprehensive archivist in all the dimensions of human lore. From family trees to his multitude of articles on the events that have spanned the ages, he is a diligent individual who is absolutely qualified for the Wiki Team given his adequate experience in his many prolific works to bring about an updated and more complete record of information. Yoppl would make a great asset and a wonderful man overall. He truly is a vital necessity to the team. +1

  18. *A frail High Pontiff Emeritus Sixtus IV holds a copy of the Pontifical Bull, shaking his head with much disapproval and dismay at the decision of the current Pontificate to denounce the canonization of such exemplary saints and beautified that have served the as the Church's holy men and women for some time. "How impulsive these people that call themselves the men of GOD. Such erroneous acts."

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