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Posts posted by Piov

  1. The Markev Maer Election of 1647

    The Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, 13th of the Amber Cold







    “Listen and heed citizens of Markev as an election year for the Maership of the Royal City is at hand!”


    The town crier spoke aloud as he announced the election in the streets of the capital city. Breaking a sealed document from the Chancellery, the town crier stood on a podium at Red Square and bellowed to those who would be present for the information:

    Va Birodeo Herzenav,


        Great citizens and residents of Markev, we hereby declare the Maer election of the year one thousand six-hundred and forty seven duly commenced as prescribed by the term limit of four years expiring by the incumbent, His Excellency, Lord Maer Hademar. In such an occasion, candidates: the incumbent and any challengers must state their declaration of candidacy to the populace within two saint’s days of this decree. We hereby extend our seal and impart godspeed to all aspirants in this most hallowed tradition. May Godan guide your path and best wishes to all!


    The Royal Administration




    OOC Information: Those who intend to run for Maer must nominate themselves below with their name and platform by Wednesday, January 24th.


    From the Office of the Lord Palatine of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska

    11th of Sun’s Smile, 1647


    Issued by His Majesty Otto III and Confirmed by His Highness Prince Robert Sigismund




    Bureaucracies can contradict their reputation and grow to be fluid in its shape. His Highness Robert Sigismund sought the same for his administration: for it to adapt to the increasing needs of its people.


    On the 10th of Sun’s Smile, 1647, he reached out to the descendents of the Constable & Stewards that once served His Majesty the King Marius I. Hearing of their devout admiration of this monarch, and the passed on tradition of administration & trade, he considered them fine candidates for the expansion of his bureaucracy.





    Va Birodeo Herzenav,


    His Highness the Prince Robert Sigismund, your Chancellor, has by decree appointed to the personage of His Excellency Desmond Salisbury as State-Minister, to hone the Haensetic bureaucracy and maintain the standard of quality in the governance of the Realm.


    His mandate given by His Highness the Prince Robert Sigismund, your Chancellor, shall consist of:


    • The establishment of a Civil Law Codex for the realm of Haense.

    • The development of a proper taxation system in the realm of Haense.

    • The assistance in the establishment of formal relations with surrounding nation states and organizations.

    • The betterment of administrative management over internal organizations within the Royal City of Markev.




    Iv Joveo Maan,





    His Highness, Prince Robert Sigismund, Count of Bihar, Great Crown Commandant, Chancellor and Lord Palatine of the Realm


    His Excellency, Desmond Salisbury, State Minister of the Chancellery


  3. The Crime Prevention and Enforcement Act of 1646

    Issued by His Highness Robert Sigismund and Confirmed by His Majesty Otto III


    15th of the Deep Cold, 1646


    An Act

    To prevent crime and empower the Haensetian Royal Army to enforce law within the demesne of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska.





    1. Weapon Searches and Seizures

    2. The “Three Strikes” Clause

    3. Higher Education Annulment

    4. Magic Licensing Provision

    5. Bandit Retribution Statute

    6. Drug Criminalization





    1. Weapon Searches and Seizures


    All citizens and travelers are subject to searches of paraphernalia within the capital city of Markev when declarations of martial law are imposed by the Crown.

    1. All guests attending events within the kingdom are subject to searches and seizures. Weapons are hereby prohibited and will be seized.

    2. The Royal Administration hereby issues a prohibition on all weapons conjured or sustained by magic or supernatural properties without a proper sanctioned exemption.

    3. Patrols shall be conducted at the behest of the Royal Administration to counter crime.


    II.  The “Three Strikes” Clause


    Offenders of the law shall be cited under a “three strikes” provision.

    1. Repeated offenses shall be enumerated until three violations are cited. Once the offender has obtained three strikes, they shall forfeit their rights and privileges in home ownership, titles, access to public facilities, and or be sentenced capital punishment, imprisonment, or exile.


    III. Higher Education Annulment


    Individuals sustained criminal record levied by the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska and or persons warranting criminal notoriety imposed by other nations shall be barred from enrollment to the Haensetian College of Magic.

    1. Persons currently enrolled within the college who are cited and charged with any criminal conduct shall warrant the annulment of their enrollment to the college.

    2. Students practicing and propagating heretical conduct shall warrant the annulment of their enrollment.


    IV. Magic Licensing Provision


    Magic users must petition for permits to utilize their techniques and disciplines issued by Municipal authorities.

    1. Students of the Mage College shall be exempt from the licensing provision under the duration of their studies.

    2. Holders of magical licenses are subject to revocation of their legalized practice under charges of heresy or corruption.


    V. Bandit Retribution Statute


    All bandits apprehended within the vicinity of the Royal City of Markev shall be brought to immediate capital punishment.

    1. Banditry shall be placed as a statute that constitutes capital retribution under law.

    2. All offenders duly arrested by the Royal Army shall be subject to the full enforcement of the law, a citation of disturbing the peace and obstructing free travel.

    3. Bandit offenses shall not be covered under the “three strikes” provision.


    VI. Drug Criminalization


    The sale, importation, and production of drug substances shall be declared a criminal act and subject to the following statutes:

    1. Possession of any drug substances shall constitute immediate confiscation and a fine of fifty minas paid within two saint’s days of citation.

    2. Public use and recreational utilization is barred within the walls of the Royal City of Markev.







    His Highness, Prince Robert Sigismund, Count of Bihar, Great Crown Commandant, Chancellor and Lord Palatine of the Realm


    From the Office of the Lord Palatine of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska


    The 16th of the Grand Harvest, 1645



    Va Birodeo Herzenav.


    The Chancellery reports on several matters regarding the vitality and prosperity of the kingdom.


    With great fanfare and mirth, we impart our graces to the newly coronated monarch, His Majesty Otto III Stephen, King of Hanseti-Ruska! Long may he reign!


    We congratulate Prince Siegmar Otto and his newly wedded wife, Odette Klarisse on their marriage, officiated by His Holiness Clement III himself in the Cathedral of Saints Otto and Karl. May their union be prosperous and merry.


    Our nation inaugurates the Haensetian College of Magic, an institution of academia and research for disciplines of magic available to all prospective students. We wish High Mage Ilkazar, his staff, and all students godspeed in their studies.


    The kingdom has continued to progress in its development, joyously opening a new vineyard along the countryside of the Haensetian capital, entrusted to Alvried Marlowe. We invite all travelers and citizens to enjoy the harvests of our lands in locally grown wines and spirits.


    The Chancellery reports a crowning achievement of the decade, signing a groundbreaking trade deal contracting labor and revitalizing markets to facilitate better access to commodities and trades with the Eadmund Estermont of the Estermont Trade Company. Under this agreement, we endow contingent ownership of the Markev Tavern to the trading company. We believe it to be in the best interest of the Highlander people, also making accessible a variety of goods and services to their utility: fashion, cartography, landscape painting, to name a few.


    With businesses and continuing development on the rise, the Chancellery reports with great optimism in the prowess and stability of the kingdom.


    May GOD bless His Majesty and the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska.







    His Highness, Prince Robert Sigismund, Count of Bihar, Great Crown Commandant, Chancellor and Lord Palatine of the Realm


  5. The Estermont-Haensetian Trade Agreement


    Concurred: 18th of the Snow’s Maiden, 1645

    Signed: 11th of the First Seed, 1645





    The Estermont Trading Company and the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska shall agree to the terms outlined in this agreement, pursuant to a commercial compact duly consented by the aforementioned along the following provisions:


    • A city charter renewed by the Lord Maer of the Royal City of Markev or the Lord Palatine of the Realm to be paid in full every two saint’s weeks at a price of one hundred and fifty mina for contingent ownership of the tavern in the name of the Estermont Trading Company. Failure to pay for the charter shall result in the revocation of the tavern entitlement.

    • The Markev tavern shall be endowed to the Estermont Trading Company as a center of its respective commercial trades and dealings within the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska.

    • The employment of all current tavern bar keepers and employees shall be retained and granted labour compensation at the discretion of the Estermont Trading Company.

    • A reserved shop stall shall be allocated to the tailoring ventures of the Estermont Trading Company to be certified and regulated by the Lord Maer of the Royal City of Markev and His Majesty’s Royal Administration.

    • Contracts of tools and weaponry produced by the Estermont Trading Company shall be brokered as necessitated by the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska at a fixed price and quantity agreed by the two parties.

    • A contract of commodities and supplies shall be brokered between the Estermont Trading Company and the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska at a fixed price and quantity agreed by the two parties.


    Amendments to this contract shall be implemented at the discretion of designated representatives of the Estermont Trading Company and the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska.








    His Highness, Prince Robert Sigismund, Count of Bihar, Great Crown Commandant, Chancellor and Lord Palatine of the Realm


    His Excellency, Eadmund Estermont, Master and Head of the Estermont Trade Company



    From the Office of the Lord Palatine of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska


    The 18th of the Grand Harvest, 1644



    Va Birodeo Herzenav.


        Citizens, I address the kingdom with this annual report filled with great vigor and zeal at the progress of Haense, and yet the sentiments of sorrow that accompany it. With civic activity on the rise, we conclude our Lord Maer elections for the city of Markev. After a rigorous debate, I hereby certify the electorate that Mister Hademar of Markev has duly won this contentious race. On behalf of the Royal Family, I impart to him godspeed and success throughout his tenure of stewardship and civil service. To all other candidates who ran in this race, the Chancellery commends your efforts.


    Concurrent with this occasion, the Chancellery jovially announces the following progressions:

    • The near completion of the Markev hospital to which we entrust integrity and our support as an institution of medicine and healing for our citizens.

    • The near completion for the groundwork of the Haensetian College of Magic, open to the citizenry to shed light on the magic disciplines and also serving as an institution for other pathways of learning open for use in instruction thereof.

    • The growth of infrastructure once more, constructing additional homes for the populace.

    • The extension of pathways and roads on the peripheries of the Royal City have also been implemented to facilitate the movement of people and labor throughout the kingdom’s demesne.

    • The integration of business and commerce is also on the rise as the kingdom continues to encourage and broker accords to facilitate in production and commodity exchanges at home and abroad.


    On another point of order, the Chancellery also reports the unfortunate death of former Holy Orenian Emperor Peter Sigismund who pitifully jumped from the balcony of the Krepost Palace following a meeting between His Majesty, Otto II and His Holiness, Clement III. May GOD be with him as we place our prayers forward to this loss.

    Lastly, with great sorrow, the Chancellery report that His Majesty Otto II has become bedridden and plagued with illness rendering him unable to execute the duties of monarch for some months. In this, it is with great sorrow we announce that His Majesty Otto II, took his last breath on his deathbed at Krepost Palace. The Royal Family is greatly aggrieved at this loss and we compel all Barbanovs and Officers of State and the Royal Army to return to Markev for a period of mourning that shall be arranged. The Office of the Lord Palatine instructs that all businesses and affairs be suspended [for ten saint’s minutes] in observance of this loss.


    May GOD bless His Majesty and the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska.







    His Highness, Prince Robert Sigismund, Count of Bihar, Great Crown Commandant, Chancellor and Lord Palatine of the Realm



    From the Office of the Lord Palatine of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska


    The 12th of the Grand Harvest, 1643



    Va Birodeo Herzenav.


        Citizens, I address the kingdom with optimism and consternation. Our demesne has continued to grow unprecedented in its endeavors as a center for trade, community, and camaraderie. Our people have worked greatly in promoting their businesses and trades for the collective benefit. I am happy to report that our great military has continued, as it always has been, to provide support and protection for our realm and people. The first year of our settlement on Atlas has been a time of great development for the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska: infrastructural development has continued to rise with the creation of new homesteads, hospitals, and educational institutions, markets and agriculture have stimulated trade and the well-being of the people, and the army recruitment has steadily increased as many great men have come forward to serve.


       However, proud of preeminence, we must remain ever vigilant and stalwart in our station in this new land. It is with great grief that I announce the murder of Lord Maer Jan Kovachev, a diligent official incomparable to most whose work had cultivated the growth and quality of life in the Royal City of Markev. His Majesty and Lord Palatine, as well as all of the Royal Family of House Barbanov expresses our deep sorrow at this loss and will pledge a dutiful investigation and proper period of mourning for the kingdom. As a result of this incident, I have directed our Royal Forces to place the capital under a partial period of martial law to preserve the peace and defense of our kingdom and the safety of our citizens. All persons within the city shall be subject to searches. Patrols will be doubled and routinely conducted until further notice. With the loss of our beloved Maer, His Majesty intends to declare a general election to select the next Lord Maer of Markev.


    May GOD bless His Majesty and the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska.







    His Highness, Prince Robert Sigismund, Count of Bihar, Great Crown Commandant, Chancellor and Lord Palatine of the Realm

  8. The Canonist curate took the ballots from the altar, muttering a prayer:


    "May the Seven Skies in all their blessings and intercession inspire the Church to select a man befitting for the Holy Laurel of the Exalted. Amen."


    The votes have been accounted as follows:


    "...Jack of Mardon"


    "...Jack of Mardon"


    "...Jack of Mardon"


    "...Jack of Mardon"


    Your Excellencies, the ballots appear to be real and authentic wherein Archbishop Jack of Mardon has received the majority of the Synod. Godspeed to His Holiness-Elect!

  9. The Synod of 1643

    The 7th of the First Seed, 1643




    Vice Chancellor Jack of Mardon stands to address an audience of those gathered outside of the Cathedral.


    “Brethren in GOD:


    It is with great grief and mourning we announce the death of His Late Holiness, Everard IV, who by the Grace of GOD, now rests with Him in the Seven Skies. Befitting to our duties, the Church must move forward to replace a man of such grandeur and pursuant to Apostolic succession in order to carry on sacred tradition for the life of the Church. In so doing, I hereby summon the bishops of the Synod to Marna to proceed with the conclave as per usual to select the next beholder of the Laurel of the Exalted and the office of the Vicar of GOD.”


    As the crowd dissipated, the bishops entered the cathedral in procession of chants and supplications to the saints and the Exalted as they prepared to begin the round of voting for the next High Pontiff of the Holy Canonist Church.


    The following electors shall cast their votes:


    -Archbishop Jack of Mardon [Bromadan]

    -Patriarch Vladimir “the Golden Hand” [FitzRoy__]

    -Archbishop Nathanael of Aeston [sandey0000]

    -Archbishop Bernard Solomon [_octofishie_]

    -Bishop Robert Rovin [Uncle_Fatty]


    Only and limiting the aforementioned individuals may post on this thread. Voting shall conclude when all eligible electors have placed their votes.


  10. Spoiler



    The 6th of the First Seed, 1643


    *The funeral procession preceding a requiem mass for High Pontiff Everard IV.





    “Your Holiness, would you care for your daily cup of tea?,” Father Arthur inquired.


    “No, no,” the Pontiff waved his hand, “I will do without it today.”


    “Father Arthur,” he called him again, catching him before the young priest departed. “Do you ever find trouble preaching the very nature of the Seven Skies?”


    “Surely so, Your Holiness.”


    “Hrmph,” he replied succinctly, saying in a low voice, “Oh do we all yearn to gaze at the Throne of the Seventh Sky and all the emanations of glory.”

    He dismissed the priest, sitting in solitude as he gazed out from the balcony of the Marna Cathedral, watching the glistening of the stained glass tease him.


    The elderly priest looked on for some time, the notion of time escaping his mind as the sun set before him. He laid on his bed, staring in complete dark silence at the ceiling, concealing his frail constitution and debilitating ailments and declining any visitors who would seek his audience.





    The elderly priest arrived in Alban in his brown habit and cross suspended on his cinture, taking in the scene of the Hansetic revival. He set foot in the small, creaky chapel of Saints Otto and Karl, peering at the altar for some time in prayer and reflection.


    “Father Josef?”


    “Yes, Your Majesty?,” the elderly priest looked to face the fatigued Stephen of Haense.


    The king looked glum, his face bearing with it the unwanted duties of regnal responsibility. “I seek your sacramental blessing for my marriage.”


    The old priest obliged, going over as he consecrated their union.


    Before then, he bore witness to the baptism and marriage of the sons of Barbanov, preaching from his humble wooden podium in the Alban square, baking bread and announcing the truth of the Scrolls so that all might be saved. It was not before long when His Holiness, Blessed Clement II arrived in Alban resolute in seeking out an Archbishop of Jorenus.


    “I confide in you my concerns of the Church and the spiritual well-being of the faithful.”


    “Your Holiness?,” Josef replied.


    “Yes, I am in need of a new appointment to the Synod and by GOD’s grace, I believe we have found it in you.”


    Josef Baldemar kneeled, kissing the Ring of St Lucien, “Holy Father, I am the least worthy to accept such a task.”


    “Deus Vult,” Clement II responded. “Go then, for the Church springs from the snows of Jorenus.”


    It would not be before long that His Holiness Blessed Clement II would face an untimely death, asphyxiation from a lodged grape. Soon, the bishops from across Axios convened in Ponce at the Chapel of St Everard to select the Vicar of GOD.


    The votes were tallied by Vice Chancellor Boniface, uttering the names enumerated on the altar.


    “...Josef Baldemar of Alban.”


    “...Josef Baldemar of Alban.”


    “...Josef Baldemar of Alban.”


    “...Josef Baldemar of Alban.”


    “...Josef Baldemar of Alban.”


    The elderly priest sat in disbelief as the names were announced.


    “Lord, I am your humble servant,” he said quietly.


    The Vice Chancellor then officiated the votes, walking over to the High Pontiff-Elect, “By what name do you take?”


    The chapel was silenced as the flickering candles lined along the peripheries of the chamber were reduced to stillness.


    “I shall be called, Everard.”





    At sixty-seven, Josef Baldemar, was an unlikely candidate to assume the mantle of the Pontificate, an elderly man in relation to his colleagues who had elected him to the See of the Exalted. He arrived swiftly, roughly two weeks after his enthronement to the Apostolic Palace of Vyfrode. There, he gazed at the walls of the estate and the grave of his esteemed predecessor.


    He witnessed the consecration of the Kingdom of Santegia back to the true Church.


    He lived to see the dissolution of sponsored state heathenry in Norland.


    He saw the conversion of the Daeland.


    He oversaw the re-inauguration of the Order of St Lucien to foster and defend the Church against heresy.


    He bore witness to two Imperial coronations; the rise and fall of Oren.


    He served as Imperial Regent in a time of disunion.


    He united humanity through the call of the Third Crusade.


    Successes and challenges came to the elderly man’s direction, new prospects of a Canonist faith spearheading the unity of humanity through faith and truth and very events that have rocked the core of its foundation.


    Yet, the inevitable phenomenon of death, like so many other great men and women alike, was not overcome.





    As his mind returned to the current, he looked around at the dark room once more.


    “Arthur!” he rang his bedside bell. Beads of sweat and violent coughs emanated from the ailing Pontiff.


    Arthur rushed in changing the towels and refilling his glass with water.


    Everard slowly looked to the priest, “Get the others.”


    With a quiet nod, Arthur left and returned with the members of the Synod and the men from the Order of St Lucien.


    He gazed at them in silence as they slowly percolated into the room.


    In a weak, almost inaudible voice, he looked at them for one final time.


    “You are the future of this Church… GOD’s will shall always prevail. In the many storms that the Church has faced, the bark of the Canon sails unscathed and into the sunrise of tomorrow for the salvation of souls. Restore all things in GOD.”


    As Archbishop Jack stepped forward, he traced the cross over Everard’s forehead, signing him with Last Rites in as solemn manner.


    At that, High Pontiff Everard the Fourth, known as Josef Baldemar, closed his eyes and joined his GOD.






    Josef Baldemar 1555 - 1643

    Pontifex Maximus Everardus Quartus, MDLV - MDCXLIII

    High Pontiff Everard IV (r. 1622 - 1643)



    *The seal of the empty throne of the Pontificate is stamped on a missive announcing Everard's death.

  11. 48 minutes ago, Sultan said:

    "What is this?" Chuckled Aurelius, "Proclaimed Renatus? Supposed heir to something? Hrm, we suppose we are not appreciated. Seems the High Pontiff is going back on his word. Very well, men we shall give the High Pontiff a day to clarify himself." Aurelius a man of action is highly disturbed by the words written. The host of Renatus fighting forces on the front-line seem to be disturbed receiving words from back home where it is safe while they risk their life's for humanity's sake. 


    A letter is stamped with the seal or Renatus and sent back to the High Pontiff.


    "Greetings, it is without a doubt that we of Renatus are sorely disappointed in the writing that we have witnessed today, it is written without proper decorum nor respect. Nor does it give us credit or merit in our fight to rid the faithful of those who oppress them we are on the forefront of war, fighting on the front-lines, and to receive such missives in times of war only breeds disunity and not cooperation. 


    The High Pontiff did crown Aurelius King of Renatus, where he removed himself from the regency of Empire of Oren which was merely ink on paper with no actual reference or jurisdiction or power. For both we had made it clear that the Empire of Oren is disbanded and so did our royal cousin Frederick Pius declare that it is dually dissolved. Furthermore, the claim to the title and name of The Empire of Oren is solely that of the House of Horen, we choose our own heirs. Moreover, we are no co-heir to anything, We are King of Renatus and Prince of All Horens, by the High Pontiff's own mouth. This to us seems to imply that we are sheep being goaded, this proclamation has not been discussed with us at all no diplomatic measures have been taken. Let it be known that the House of Horen are not made up of sheep."


    "The Pontificate does not understand your grievance. In our edict, we recognize the Three kingdoms aforementioned as the co-heirs of humanity, equally maintaining the Peace and Truce of GOD and the welfare of a united humanity in the face of heathenry and disobedience. Moreover, we by no means, commend nor favor one or another kingdom for their efforts in this crusade, but opted to praise all people as parts of the Church in victory and solidarity to GOD for the successes of these truly holy campaigns. Perhaps you misconstrue our words of commendation being that they are separated in form from the first two mentions." Everard states.

  12. Spoiler







    The 9th of the Amber Cold, 1640






    His Holiness EVERARD IV, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Archbishop of Jorenus, Lotharum, Rhodesia, Aleksandria, Visigia and Erochland, Prince-Bishop of St. Thomas, Savoy, Mont St. Humbert, Johannesburg, Esheveurd, Luciensport, Huss, and Dibley, Abbot of Laureh’lin, and Hariam, Bishop of Godfreo, Versace, Mardon, and Carace, Minister-General of the Humbertines, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Missionary to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of God does decree…

















    With the healing of the Mother Church and its dissident child, a flood of new clergymen have come into the ranks of God and taken His robes.


    THE ARCHDIOCESE OF RHODESIA - Encompassing Marna and the Apostolic Kingdom Demesne under its jurisdiction: Administered by HIS EXCELLENCY, JACK OF MARDON


    THE ARCHDIOCESE OF JORENUS - Encompassing the Northern March, the Apostolic Kingdom of Ruska, and its respective lands. Administered by HIS EXCELLENCY, NATHANAEL OF AESTON


    THE ARCHDIOCESE OF LORRAINE - Encompassing Metz, Cleves, Ponce, and All Lotharingia. Administered by HIS EXCELLENCY, PATRIARCH VLADIMIR


     THE DIOCESE OF METZ -  Encompassing the City of Metz. Administered by HIS GRACE, ROBERT ROVIN


    THE ARCHDIOCESE OF RIGA - Encompassing Aleksandria, the ports of Asul, and all settlements on that land. Administered by HIS EXCELLENCY, BERNARD SOLOMON







    As the Church restructures, new appointments to its governance are necessary. To handle day-to-day affairs, miniscule issues, and such there are several new Curia posts which are appointed.




    HUGUEMEN OF THE CANONIST MONASTERIES - The manager of all monasterial affairs, concerning monks and nuns, as well as their abbeys, is given to HIS EXCELLENCY, VLADIMIR


    GRANDMASTER OF THE ORDER OF SAINT LUCIEN- The commander of the Faith Militia branch of the sacred guard, tasked in defending the Church and enforcing her laws, is granted to ROBERT ROVIN, and shall be overseen by EVERARD IV.


    CURATOR OF THE CHAPEL OF ST. EVERARD - The caretaker of the Holy Site located in West

    Lotharingia is granted to HIS EXCELLENCY, VLADIMIR






    The Synod, reformed from its previous Popular Vote system in the earlier part of EVERARD IV’s reign, shall receive the following appointments. It is the intention of the Pontificate to restore the Pentarchy to consolidate the shepherds of the Church with their respective regions and to reconfigure the Synod in accordance to the current state of the Church.













    The Pentarchy is commissioned with the governance of the Church through the will of HIS HOLINESS, EVERARD IV







    Virtutem Gentium

    Solemnly Promulgated by



    The Godhead brings the holy Light to all nations, and because this is so, this Holy Synod convened by the grace of the GOD who illumines the plight of all men, eagerly desires to proclaim the truths of the Holy Canon to every creature with the summit of our intentions to culminate in the advancement of the benevolence, mercy, judgment, and virtue of GOD as a visible repertoire in the lives of the faithful. In communion with the saints by whose intercession we continuously beseech, the Church of the Canon desires to fully manifest the precepts of the Exalted’s revelations to restore all things in GOD.


    The Creator, whoso by His omnipotence, singularity, and abundant benevolence, created the whole world with the plan to uphold men to a participation of the divine life. Fallen in the vices of Iblees whoso accursed his own plight by his very deviance to the Will of GOD, the Lord did not leave man to his own devices, but ceaselessly offers providence by the means of divine Revelation through the Exalted. All the elect, before the Creation, the Creator foreordained them to be conformed to the image of His favored one, Horen, that he and his descendants should be the first among all to receive the gifts of the Seven Skies and ark of salvation.


    The Exalted, came therefore, and were sent by the Father. It was in Him at the foundation of the world, that He alone chose them preordained that they be the witnesses of truth as the cornerstone of the virtue of the nations. To carry out the will of the Creator, the Exalted continued to inaugurate the reign Seven Skies and its precepts to creation and revealed to us the mystery of the Throne of the Seventh Sky. When the work of the Exalted was accomplished and brought to fulfillment in the divine revelation of the four scrolls of the Canon, the holy Light of the Godhead was sent on the day of their completion to sanctify the realm and therefore brought consecration of all things in Him.


    Let it be stated that at the conception of the world and the manifestation of the divine Will through the Exalted’s Testaments, we are brought into a new covenant that by the election of Exalted Horen as the chosen son of the Father, we are called into the union with GOD, who is the light of the world, from whom we go forth, through whom we live, and toward whom our whole life is brought into paradise. The Church is one body of the mystical union with GOD to which we are united as the virtue of the nations, each ordained as cooperators in truth and charity for the betterment of our being. Moreover, the charism of the Church is for the salvation of souls, the mediator of the holy law and the law of men, the voice of morality and truth for those baptized in its sacraments and whoso long for salvation in the summit of the Skies. The apostolate is the very essence of the life of its consecrated ministers who are confided in the anointing and the blessing of the world through their labors.


    The temporal estates of the world are equally tasked as what we deem the collective virtue of the nations to whose governance we confide our earthly journeys in this life to preserve all that GOD had created for our benefit and to foster community for the greater glorification of the Creator and the love to which we share amongst ourselves. Guided by spiritual direction and the conscience of piety, the temporal estates are the stewards of advancing the fruits of morality and civil intercommunion to guarantee that the virtues prescribed by the Canon are upheld among its people so that in unison with GOD, we may be sharers in the abundance of His creation and co-heirs in the benevolence of his heavenly realm in the Seven Skies.


    With the mutual cooperation of the divine institution and the temporal estates to which we are all conformed by GOD, it is the duty for all to serve as cooperators in peace and unity, preserve sacred tradition and the sanctity of life, and protect against the wicked snares of Iblees and his daemonic agents so that we might form and bring to fulfillment the collective virtues of the nations pleasing to GOD in this life and the next.








    His Holiness Everard IV formally yields the Imperial Regency of the now dissolved Holy Orenian Empire. As our final edict, we hereby decree the following:


    1. In order to pursue the unity of humanity as willed by that of GOD of the Seven Skies, the Holy Church of the Canon proclaims our recognition of the newly established order comprising of the Kingdom of Marna and the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, entrusting in her care, the respective sovereigns of each nation as brethren in the human demesne. We the Pontificate, by our Apostolic Authority does grant approbation for the recognition of His Majesty, FREDERICK PIUS of the House of Horen-Marna and subsequently do we impart our blessing in anointing the aforementioned the title of Apostolic King of Marna, et cetera. We duly declare that His Majesty is, by rightful claim and under law, the rightful heir to the throne and jointly do we affirm His Majesty, OTTO II GEORG of the House of Barbanov, a co-heir to the dutiful governance of Horen’s people by the Grace of GOD.


    3. We the Pontificate also extend our hand in peace and unison with GOD’s Truce to Lord Canonius, claimant to the throne of the proclaimed Kingdom of Renatus in fostering dialogue to further advance the interests of his court and with that of the Holy Church of the Canon. We intend for his nation to work in the direction of great cooperation and collegiality with the restructuring of the kingdoms and proclaimed him CANONIUS AURELIUS, King of Renatus and co-heir in Canonist humanity.


    5. We solemnly proclaim that all vassals under the banner of the Holy Orenian Empire, do willingly declare their fealty with GOD as their witness to the legitimate polities of humanity, pledging unconditional reverence and obedience to the Holy Church of the Canon in faith and to the nations consecrated by her edict in service and defense.


    7. May these kingdoms, under the watchful eye of the Seven Skies and in close intercession with the Saints and Exalted, uphold the Peace and Truce of GOD and serve under the discretion and care of conscientious souls for the greater glory of the Creator. May the Holy Church, under the yoke of her sacramental salvation and Apostolic Authority, bring into unison the spiritual welfare of the faithful flock. May GOD grant His assent as we consecrate the unity of Man.


    9. By the Grace of the Seven Skies, we proclaim in great felicity, the dissolution of the Faith of the All-Father, the so-called Red Faith. In doing so, we solemnly propagate the institutionalization of all humanity to embrace the Holy Canon and faith in the GOD of the Seventh Sky as the source of all power and providence for the benefit of the denizens. I call upon all leaders of humanity, by their virtue and spirit in the same faith and creed, to manifest the Will of Exalted  and the welfare of all people in pursuit to the restoration of all things in GOD.


    11. We the whole Church and the faithful rejoice in the reconsecration of the Kingdom of Santegia back to the Canon, offering themselves wholly to GOD and to the mission of a united humanity in restoring Peace and the Truce of GOD to all. Furthermore, let us entrust in the providence of the Seven Skies, to further obtain the fruits of our faith and base our society in the order of the Virtues of Exalted Horen.


    ☩ IN NOMINE PATRIS, et Horenus, et Exaltus Honorem. Amen.






    Miserando atque eligendo

  13. Ordo Pontificem: Pax Dei et Treuga Dei

    The 11th of the Sun’s Smile, 1639



    His Holiness EVERARD IV, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Archbishop of Fernandus, Jorenus, Lotharum, Aleksandria, Visigia and Erochland, Prince-Bishop of St. Thomas, Savoy, Mont St. Humbert, Johannesburg, Esheveurd, Luciensport, Huss, and Dibley, Abbot of Laureh’lin, and Hariam, Bishop of Godfreo, Versace, Mardon, and Carace, Minister-General of the Humbertines, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Missionary to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of God does decree…




    Brethren in GOD:


    The following has been recognized as faithfully true to the Holy Church of the Canon and shall hereby be protected under the Peace and Truce of GOD:


    1. Lady Marie Palaiologina, Regent of the Duchy of Mystra, and her kin.


    We extend the mercy of GOD to those who remain unconditionally reverent and obedience to the Holy Faith of humanity and to that of the Church to whom is entrusted the salvation of souls and the justice of the Seven Skies.


    We, the Pontificate, duly place her region under Apostolic protection and recognition as a safehaven for the Canonist faithful. Let all those who have squandered their faith be damned. May all tranquility and grace remain.




    Miserando atque eligendo

  14. Pontifical Encyclical:

    Fide et Obedientia

    An Apostolic Exhortation

    on Santegian Apostasy


    To the bishops, priests, deacons,

    and all the lay faithful.


    The 11th of the Sun’s Smile, 1639





    His Holiness EVERARD IV, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Archbishop of Fernandus, Jorenus, Lotharum, Aleksandria, Visigia and Erochland, Prince-Bishop of St. Thomas, Savoy, Mont St. Humbert, Johannesburg, Esheveurd, Luciensport, Huss, and Dibley, Abbot of Laureh’lin, and Hariam, Bishop of Godfreo, Versace, Mardon, and Carace, Minister-General of the Humbertines, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Missionary to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of God does decree…




    “Grace to thee and peace from our Lord GOD, the Most Merciful, Singular, and Omnipotent.”

    Owyn 8:2


    Brethren in GOD:


        With profound solemnity, I address the faithful flock concerning the matters of our Church and the need for the manifestation of virtue. Great threats spawned from the gravity of our sins requires both vigilance in mind and body to further secure the soul’s salvation and protection. Common vices continue to enslave humanity to the chains of false pleasures and complicity. Moreover, it is these attributes of our current station that give rise to the exponential increase in the numbers of heresy and heathenous cultists abroad. So proud of our preeminence that we relax ourselves in the comfort of our temporary solace as the looming storms of evil slowly encroach upon the fragile foundations of the aforementioned.


    I. On the issue of Norlandic cultism and Santegian Apostasy


    On yet another point of order, we find that the complacency of our common era is inordinate to the laws of GOD. Our duty, brethren, is to enhance the moral rectitude of our great faith, brandishing the sword of truth and the shield of wisdom to break free the chains of infirmity against our holiness propagated by the silence of our negligence. Too long have we remained idle and lacking in luster; for in this, we are as guilty as the sinners themselves. The spread of the daemonic spawn of lawless creatures threatens the natural order long established the grace of the Creator. In doing so, we accept our plight as condemned men of the fallen divine Plan. However, this is unacceptable. Accompanying the growing eminence of Xionism, the Church and all of Horen’s people face the grave threats of looming dangers that spawn effortless by our insufficient display of reverence and fear of GOD. In such ways, we condemn ourselves, our posterity and the legacy of our time to the darkness that pursues it. Heretical practices, heathenous schemes, complacency to the faith, all contribute equally in aiding Iblees and his daemonic agents to seek the ruin of souls.


    My friends in GOD, a clear example of such urgency that I speak of can evidently be found in the so-called ‘Faith in the All-Father,’ practiced in the dens of snakes that the face of Axios calls Norland. This denotation of complacency allows for such men to establish falsehoods and illegitimate oblations to a false deity. Such we know, such we believe that only the Canon and the One who ordains it may grant the true salvation. In this Norlandic faith, we find among the most uncivilized practices: the rejection of GOD of Horen and most especially, the prominence of consorting with the fallacious tenets. We the Pontificate do find that the cultists of the Norlandic people have condemned themselves an eternity of damnation by virtue of the wrath of Almighty GOD and His Exalted Prophets and saints. We hereby proclaim them anathema and duly extend this severity to those who sympathize with such degeneracy.


    In diminishing the role of faith in a society, it is evident that the consequential implications shall result in the breakdown of all order. To our brethren in faith on the island of Asul, the Pontificate condemns the complacency of whose competence it is to ensure the manifestation of good governance in Santegia. Tolerance for amalgamating immoral creatures and false traditions with the purity of humanity and the faith that the Holy Canonist professes as well as consorting with mixed and unvalidated marriages without regard to the sanctity of life and the institution of marriage is unsuitable for a Canonist nation! The ongoing strife in disputing the sovereignty of GOD through unjust legislation shall cease for it is the universal call to holiness that binds a people together


    Therefore, I, Everard, urged by necessity, with all graces and permission from the Seven Skies and pursuant to prerogatives as Vicar of GOD, in these presence impart to you, the faithful flock, a divine admonition concerning the accounts that have been made known within all of Axios. Rest assured, faithful elect, that your Church has assured the restoration of all things in GOD in due time and earnestness through the charism of Saint Lucien and under the model of our Most Exalted Owyn manifested in the following:


    I. Accordingly, we the Pontificate duly declare that the man who claims to be the King of Santegia, Leoiarizaltu Sabatzaile of the House de Savin and his heirs, illegitimate and henceforth branded anathema thricefold.


    II. We do hereby lift the Peace and Truce of GOD upon his lands, calling for the righteous men of the Holy Canonist Church to restore all things in GOD through the purgation of all infidelity.


    II. We charge Leoiarizaltu Sabatzaile of the House de Savin with the gravest sin of apostasy and injury against the Holy Faith of humanity. We accordingly strip him from all sacraments and privileges by the salvation of GOD’s most Holy Church, barring him from salvation to the Seven Skies.



    Let us recall that when we sin, we must atone. Allow the penance of admonishing the sinner and purifying the lands of GOD be the force of benevolence that unites humanity and all creation back to the Father. May the grace and peace of GOD, His divine and August authority, and the blessings of the Seven Skies through the holy Light illumine and bring you all tranquility. To all those who embark on this HOLY CRUSADE against the wicked snares of paganism and heathenry, may salvation and power from the Seven Skies be yours now and forever.


    With grace and blessings from Almighty GOD, His Most Exalted Prophets, His communion of saints and Aenguls, we pray. Amen.




    Miserando atque eligendo


  15. Pontifical Encyclical:

    Pax Dei et Treuga Dei

    An Apostolic Exhortation

    for the Cause of Martial Cessation


    To the bishops, priests, deacons,

    and all the lay faithful.


    The 8th of the First Seed, 1638





    His Holiness EVERARD IV, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Archbishop of Fernandus, Visigia, Jorenus, Aleksandria, Lotharum, Santegia, and Erochland, Prince-Bishop of Metz, St. Thomas, Savoy, Mont St. Humbert, Johannesburg, Esheveurd, Luciensport, Huss, and Dibley, Abbot of Laureh’lin, and Hariam, Bishop of Godfreo, Versace, Mardon, and Carace, Minister-General of the Humbertines, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Keeper of the Canon, Missionary to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of God does decree…



    Grace to thee and peace from our Lord GOD, the Most Merciful, Singular, and Omnipotent.”

    Owyn 8:2




    Brethren in GOD:


    Your Holy Father profoundly acknowledges the depravity of warfare and civil unrest insinuated by the recent developments that have resulted in the current division of our empire. In so doing, We the Pontificate duly declare a state of holy obligation to the faithful flock, that in pursuing the Will of GOD, we hereby declare the Peace of GOD and the Truce of GOD to be imposed upon humanity as a means of salvation and solace.





    I. PAX DEI


    It has come to the intention of the Most Holy Church of GOD, by virtue of the Canon, that the Holy Father imposes the Peace of GOD upon all humanity, instituting this decree pursuant to the Virtues of Exalted Horen as revealed by the Scroll of Virtue:


    So I am the Most High, and in pursuit of My Virtue, I bid thee, My faithful, this: Thou shalt not raise a hand in wrath, nor in envy, nor in any kind of sin.

    And I am the Lord God without peer, and My cure is the sacred cure, and My trials are the holy trials, and all the reliefs of heaven are open to the virtuous forbearer.

    Horen 5:4-5


    Therefore, the Holy Church of the Canon, under the direction of the Servant of the servants of GOD decrees the following:


    All arms raised against fellow brethren of humanity shall cease. We extend this proclamation to protect the meek, the civilian, the clergy, and their property. All adversity and hostility unwarranted and motivated by impulses of avarice and wrath are hereby condemned under penalty of eternal admonition. To agents of division who sow the seed of malice and destruction that threatens the fabric of social order and the objective Peace of GOD across the demesne of humanity, anathema. The will of GOD for His chosen people is supreme, and those in conscious deviance of this precept shall be subject to merciless damnation in the Void and stripped of all heavenly graces.”






    It has come to the intention of the Most Holy Church of GOD, by virtue of the Canon, that the Holy Father imposes the Truce of GOD upon all humanity, instituting this decree pursuant to the virtues of Exalted Horen as revealed by the Scroll of Virtue:


    For I have given to thee the theatre of virtue, and I have ordered the estates of the beasts of the earth and the men who walketh upon it. And thou shalt be without pretense or conceit, for before the mountain, the ant and the aurochs are equally small.

    So I am the Most High, and in pursuit of My Virtue, I bid thee, My faithful, this: Thou shalt not judge the sufficiency of thy Virtue, be it great or small, for all magnitudes fall short of Me.

    And I am the Lord God without peer, and My greatness is the only greatness, and My eternity is the only eternity, and all the aeons are open to My servants.

    Horen 7:3-5


    Therefore, the Holy Church of the Canon, under the direction of the Servant of the servants of GOD decrees the following:


    By our Apostolic Authority, we hereby institute the Truce of GOD upon all humanity, instituting among men the dutiful precept of pacifying all wrath and bloodshed from further decaying the unity of Horen’s people. Civil infighting among armed levies, no matter the gravity and scope of the fray, shall herein be ceased. May the man who strikes first be rebuked. Moreover, it is not our brothers and sisters in God that we poise ourselves to combat, but the common evil of Iblees’ schemes and all heresy. To those whose conscience rejects the Will of GOD, may damnation and condemnation be theirs. In so doing, We the Pontificate hereby brand agents of violence unworthy of salvation. Belligerents be warned.”




    I exhort peace among all Canonists, for the men of the cloth shall go forth, tasked with the sanctity of faith and the preservation of truth, to uphold what is right and just. Repent and believe for GOD’s wills the restoration of all things in Him. Where disjunction occurs, all are to blame. May the blessings of the Seven Skies be found among the conscience of man, that in adhering to the precepts formally prescribed, may all creation achieve the grace of salvation in union with the Exalted and the Saints.


    With grace and blessings from Almighty GOD, His Most Exalted Prophets, His communion of saints and Aenguls, we pray. Amen.




    Miserando atque eligendo


  16. Spoiler



    Pontifical Encyclical:

    Iustitia Dei in nostra aetate

    An Apostolic Exhortation

    on the axis of heresy and paganism

    in our time


    To the bishops, priests, deacons,

    and all the lay faithful.


    The 8th of the First Seed, 1636



    *Everard IV addresses a gathered assembly of the clergy, Pontifical delegates, and the faith militant of the Order of Saint Lucien in Metz.

    Jakob McDonough II, c. 1635




    His Holiness EVERARD IV, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Archbishop of Fernandus, Visigia, Jorenus, Aleksandria, Lotharum, Santegia, and Erochland, Prince-Bishop of Metz, St. Thomas, Savoy, Mont St. Humbert, Johannesburg, Esheveurd, Luciensport, Huss, and Dibley, Abbot of Laureh’lin, and Hariam, Bishop of Godfreo, Versace, Mardon, and Carace, Minister-General of the Humbertines, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Keeper of the Canon, Missionary to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of God does decree…




    “Grace to thee and peace from our Lord GOD, the Most Merciful, Singular, and Omnipotent.”

    Owyn 8:2


    Brethren in GOD:


    The propagation of heresy and the advancement of heathenry in our time has become far more abundant. Its vile snares that lead the souls of the innocent flock into damnation are tantamount to invoking a resolve to pacify its disconcerting encroachments to the beloved creation of the true GOD Who sits justly in the Seventh Sky. We the Pontificate profoundly believe, however, that the vigilance of the faithful communion of the Holy Canonist Church shall prevail in ensuring the proper adherence and reverence for GOD and His Exalted. Faith and reason, the greatest defenses of the Church manifested by the Flaming Sword of Exalted Owyn shall impose its judgment duly and unyieldingly to the heretics and agents of evil for it is known herein and forever that the LORD shall uphold the just and upright.


    O children of the immaculate GOD, fear not for the Seven Skies are at hand! Be stalwart and steadfast, arming yourselves with the virtues of Exalted Horen, casting away daemons and sinners. Glorious is the one who fights against the wicked heresies of ungodly men. The matter speaks of its own importance; the ruses of these so-called Xionist ambassadors dare in vain to permeate the baseless doctrines of their cult. These perversions shall not go unpunished for it is the Will of GOD that they be purged from His lands. Their greatest injury to faith are their claims of dogmatic collegiality with the precepts of the true GOD, to without whom we cannot move and breath and have our being. Dare they make such audacious heresies to equate the tenets of Xionist blasphemy to the holy scriptures of the Canon, with which derive from divine revelation! We the Pontificate express the urgency of this malignancy to the basis of society. We bemoan the exaltation of depravity, the imprudence of Xionist philosophies, the espousing of unholy beings, and the dissolute nature of their magicks and proselytization. The holiness of the sacred liturgy and its foundations, disregarded. We speak about a cult where sound doctrine is perverted by the unfounded principles of their agents who foster fallacies and loosen the bonds of unity that form life. It is the duty of the Canonist Church to save the souls of those who are oppressed by the monstrous ideologies of these heresies.


    Cults practicing under these premises, and their blasphemous allies, constitute an axis of heresy, instituting false precepts that threaten the fabric of our world. Therefore, urged by necessity, I, Everard, guided by the Will of the true GOD and pursuant to the Apostolic Authority vested within me by the Laurel of Horen and the Scrolls of the Canon, duly declare anathema upon the depravity of Xionism. As supreme prelate and Vicar of the heavens, I exhort all of Horen’s people and all of the elect to fulfill the duties that are pleasing to GOD and His Holy Church. You have seen the disorders of the lands with the crimes of their irreverence and rejection of truth. Let it end, for it is not my will by His be done. Truth shall prevail; divine justice shall reign supreme.


    Those who pledge their lives to the pursuit of holiness and consecration, they shall find immeasurable graces and fulfillment as a man of priestly service or protection of the Canon. For all men who serve or die in the service of this blessed crusade to drive out the heretics, consolation shall be had. Moreover, the holy Church by the yoke of her salvation, shall grant full remission of his sins and rightful entrance to the Seven Skies to rejoice with GOD and His saints in eternal glory. Go then common sinners; the Truce of GOD has been waived for those who take up arms against heresy. Fight for your GOD I compel you men of faith!


    The Holy Church devotes its campaign against heresy in all lands and realms of Axios to the intercession of Saint Lucien, that in their guidance and charism as pious examples of virtue in faith, we shall take on the axis of heresy that impedes the salvation of souls to the Seven Skies. May Exalted Owyn guide our minds and spirits to admonish the sinner and protect the meek. Lastly faithful flock, we shall commit ourselves to the total containment of heathenry and heresy. To those who long for divine justice: it will be had.


    With grace and blessings from Almighty GOD, His Most Exalted Prophets, His communion of saints and Aenguls, we pray. Amen.








    Miserando atque eligendo


  17. Everard IV would have attended the meeting, addressing the gathering with great confidence and optimism for the plight of the Church. "With grace and permission from the Seven Skies, I, Everard, bear witness and in these presence do grant approbation to the inauguration of the order so that the charism of Exalted Owyn and the apostolate of the patronage of Saint Lucien may be brought into fulfillment with a simple message to all the faithful flock: To restore all things in GOD.


  18. Spoiler






    The 8th of the Sun’s Smile, 1633






    His Holiness EVERARD IV, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Archbishop of Fernandus, Jorenus, Lotharum, Aleksandria, Visigia and Erochland, Prince-Bishop of St. Thomas, Savoy, Mont St. Humbert, Johannesburg, Esheveurd, Luciensport, Huss, and Dibley, Abbot of Laureh’lin, and Hariam, Bishop of Godfreo, Versace, Mardon, and Carace, Minister-General of the Humbertines, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Missionary to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of God does decree…

















    With the healing of the Mother Church and its dissident child, a flood of new clergymen have come into the ranks of God and taken His robes. The Diocese of Aleksandria shall henceforth be consolidated with the Archdiocese of RIGA, its overarching entity.


    THE DIOCESE OF FERNANDUS - Encompassing The Rock, the Southern Coast, and the Pirate

    Isles. Administered by HIS HOLINESS, EVERARD IV


    THE ARCHDIOCESE OF JORENUS - Encompassing the Northern March, the Apostolic Kingdom of Ruska, and its respective lands. Administered by HIS EXCELLENCY, NATHANAEL OF AESTON


    THE ARCHDIOCESE OF LORRAINE - Encompassing Metz, Cleves, Ponce, and All Lotharingia. Administered by HIS EXCELLENCY, PATRIARCH VLADIMIR


       THE DIOCESE OF METZ -  Encompassing the City of Metz. Administered



    THE ARCHDIOCESE OF JOHANUS - Encompassing Mardon, the Fifth Crownlands, the Sixth Crownlands, and the Imperial Demesne: Administered by HIS EXCELLENCY, JACK OF MARDON


    THE ARCHDIOCESE OF RIGA - Encompassing Aleksandria, the ports of Asul, and all settlements on that land. Administered by HIS EXCELLENCY, BERNARD SOLOMON







    As the Church restructures, new appointments to its governance are necessary. To handle day-to-day affairs, miniscule issues, and such there are several new Curia posts which are appointed.




    LEGATUS ORENUS - The legate to the Holy Orenian Emperor, represented in the personage of HIS GRACE, ROBERT ROVIN


    HUGUEMEN OF THE CANONIST MONASTERIES - The manager of all monasterial affairs, concerning monks and nuns, as well as their abbeys, is given to HIS EXCELLENCY, VLADIMIR


    COMMANDANT OF THE ORDER OF THE BLACK SEPULCHRE - The administrator and dispenser of justice in defending the Holy law of the Church and its primal institutions is granted to HOLY SER EDWARD BRONISLAV, overseen by EVERARD IV.


    GRANDMASTER OF THE ORDER OF SAINT MALCOLM- The commander of the Faith Militia branch of the sacred guard, tasked in defending the Church and enforcing her laws, is granted to ANGUS GROMACH, residing in the Duchy of Rosgar and under the patronage of Stephen Francis de Anpalais, and shall be overseen by EVERARD IV.


    CURATOR OF THE CHAPEL OF ST. EVERARD - The caretaker of the Holy Site located in West

    Lotharingia is granted to HIS EXCELLENCY, VLADIMIR






    The Synod, reformed from its previous Popular Vote system in the earlier part of CLEMENT II’s reign, shall receive the following appointments. It is the intention of the Pontificate to restore the Pentarchy to consolidate the shepherds of the Church with their respective regions and to reconfigure the Synod in accordance to the current state of the Church.













    The Pentarchy is commissioned with the governance of the Church through the will of HIS HOLINESS, EVERARD IV







    We the Pontificate, by our Apostolic Authority does grant approbation for the following sanctifications to the communion of saints and beatified for their extraordinary models of piety and glory to the Church of the Canon:


    1. Malcolm of Fjordhem shall be styled Saint Malcolm of Fjordhem in recognition for an extraordinary demonstration in the faith. His conversion of heart obedience to the Will of GOD shall henceforth be commemorated according to law by our Apostolic Authority in which the faithful alike may find solace in his patronage as the patron saint of the Daelanders, Storms, and the conversion of heathens.


    Image result for Saint Columba

    Icon of Saint Malcolm


    “Godless heathens and barbaric, bloodthirsty pagans, these Drakkmar. I’ve yet to come across a band of them in my travels, GOD be good for it, but tales of their misdeeds and vile, ungodly acts ring loud from the shores of Nova Horas all the way to Banardia. One popular tale is that bands of Drakkmar drag squealing children from their beds at night whilst their family sleep, sacrificing the poor young souls to their foul patrons in ways that even a dungeonkeep would suffer to hear.” -Bishop Lucius of Redmark remarking upon the nature of the Drakkmar in his personal journal, circa 1300.


    Known as Maèl Col in his native tongue, Malcolm was a man of Drakkmar descent, from one of the southern tribes in Fjordhem in Aeldin. He was the youngest son of a prominent chieftain by the name of Seighin. As a chieftain’s son Malcolm took many concubines and wives when he came of age, most of them were plunder-wives from the Imperial lands. With was his lust for women that led him to finding GOD. As he led a detachment of raiders from his father’s tribe to the Aeldenic Tribe he came across a small monastic community, thinking this was a abbey filled with monks he came about his normal process of pillaging whatever he could find, although when he came face-to-face with women in habits, Malcolm could not resist but to pursue his carnal desires. He had his host of northmen line the nuns within the main cloister, he inspected the women for their age and beauty and when he found the youngest and most beautiful of the nuns in the convent he decided to take her as one of his concubines. The young woman, being a GOD-fearing nun refused his attempts at coaxing her into sexual thralldom, she ran into the inner sanctum of the monastery, the quaint church. Malcolm pursued her, in his wrath breaking many of the saint’s statues within the monastery. When he got in the church he charged forewards, towards the altar as the young woman was against the wall of the tabernacle. He raised his axe to cut the woman down as he approached, but as feet touched the dais in which the altar stood a bolt of lightning stroke Malcolm, sending him flying backwards, yet it did not kill him. This was his first encounter with GOD.


    “When he has arrived at the monastery, many of us were in fear and shock, some even protested; how could this pagan abomination, the unbeliever filth, the sworn enemy of GOD and the Canon be permitted to study here, amongst us men of faith? He had dragged himself to the monastery still looking every bit half the savage, but over time we came to find the Drakkmar’s devotion to learning the ways of our GOD and our religion unparalleled. Some would even question whether or not there were divine, mystical forces at work upon this man’s mind, as though the very hand of GOD itself had reached out to enlighten this man with integrity and true understanding.” -Maximius Morvello, an acolyte of the church who studied in the monastery around the same time as Malcolm, shares his impressions of the canonised, 1365.


    After this encounter with the divine Malcolm became a GOD-fearing man, being baptised in a country church near the monastery he had attempted to raid. There he went ‘missing’, his fellow Drakkmar thinking that he had gotten lost in the wilderness in church for the nun he lusted after. Malcolm spent eight years amongst the Imperials, learning flexio and matters of the faith, translating the Holy Scrolls into the Drakkmar language so that, one day, he may return and preach the Good News to his people. Malcolm was tonsured and ordained a priest after those eight years, many of the bishops and priests thought him to be a lawless savage as the Drakkmar were known to be, thus the bishop postponed his ordaining for many years. When he was ordained a minister of the Canon he had a burning feeling within him, his charism was to be a preacher, and he would preach the word of GOD to his countrymen. Malcolm took a wagon to Rhysten, and from there he hired a group of fishermen to take him to the southern reaches of Fjordhem, near Varnhag where his father’s chiefdom was located. When he set his foot upon the cold shores of Fjordhem he trekked for one day and one night before finally locating his tribe. He saw a group of women washing their clothes upon the local river, and amongst them was one of his concubines, Anne which, by Drakkmar custom and tradition, was now a thrall. When he approached her she recognised Malcolm but she still remember the day he had taken her from her home and forced himself upon her. She started to throw rocks upon Malcolm, swearing at him and vexing him, to show that he was pure of heart and repentant he kneeled and touched his heart, his heart then transporting itself out of his chest, rays springing from it and a tongue of flame above it. Anne, being a devout Canonist, recognised that this was a miracle from GOD himself and agreed to help Malcolm in his task to convert the Drakkmar. Anne took him to his brother, Padraig, which was now chieftain after his father’s passing. Padraig was, at first, happy to see Malcolm back, but once he heard that he had left the many gods of the Drakkmar for the singular GOD of the southern folk he went into a rage. The court priests attempted to out perform Malcolm by using magics and vile trickery to deceive the population into thinking that their gods were true. Malcolm simply tapped his walking stick upon the ground, the wooden stick turned into a viper and swallowed both heathen priests whole. The people of Malcolm’s tribe were surprised and many converted. A few weeks later the irminsul was teared down and a church was built in its place as his tribe completely converted.


    “Forgive them, GOD, for they do not know what they do.” -The final words of Saint Malcolm.


    After many months of preaching and converting some nearby tribes the Synod of Ecclesiastes in Nova Horos elevated Malcolm into the ranks of a Bishop. It seemed that all of Fjordhem would convert to the light of GOD, yet the most powerful chieftain, Goedenfryk, thought that Canonism was an effeminate religion of the south, and thus, thinking the minor chieftains weak invaded their land. Malcolm knew this was to happen, as a dove sent from the Skies foretold it. Malcolm called for his flock’s many chieftains and told them that they must go south, for GOD himself commands it. The chieftains mumbled and some roared, cowardice was not their way, many wanted to stand and fight, be martyred and go into the Skies as Saints, yet Malcolm grew ireful with Holy Wrath, and with a south commanded them to do as GOD wished, the chieftains complied and took their longships and fled south. Only Malcolm and a few huscarls remained behind. Goedenfryk’s host came upon the now deserted lands of the Canonist tribes, plundered their goods that were left behind and burnt down their wooden churches. When a band from Goedenfryk’s tribe found Malcolm in his priestly robes and the baptised huscarls they charged them, but the huscarls, filled with holy zeal pushed the small raiding party back, yet more were to come. Soon a bigger party, headed by Goedenfryk himself came to meet Malcolm and his band, the archers shot at them and the tribesmen finished the now dying huscarls, only Malcolm was left. He was captured and led to Tor Lethe where the Drakkmar worshipped their gods and their now-gone witcher king. Goedenfryk decided to blood-eagle Malcolm in order to appease their barbarian gods. Malcolm remained calm, serene, asking GOD to forgive them for they did not know what they did. As Goedenfryk started the blood-eagle it is said that Malcolm didn’t squirm nor shout out in pain, he only smiled and looked upwards at the skies. His blood dripped from his back as his lungs were pulled from his chest to create a blood-eagle, Malcolm silently passed away, his soul being transported into the Skies to dine in milk and honey with the rest of the Saintly host. The heathens would later take Malcolm’s head and keep it in vile and cruel mockery of his martyrdom. Malcolm’s converted tribe, inspired still Malcolm’s many lessons and teachings and still adherent to Canonism and the name of GOD, would flee to the Southern mainland in exile. The tribe would become a nomadic community of travellers, and their descendants would form the first wave of the Daelish.


    Credit to FitzRoy__ and spagbab


    II. Blessed Jude of Cyranium shall henceforth be declared Saint Jude of Cyranium as a prolific doctor of the Church and a faithful servant to the preservation and vitality of the holy doctrines of the Canon. His work as an abbot serves as an example of monastic life and the vigor of one’s vocation to the ministerial welfare of the holy Faith. His shall be the patronage of scholastics, authors, and monasteries.










    His Holiness, High Pontiff Everard IV hereby declares the inauguration of the ordinariate of the Daelish in order to integrate a new faith militia to further revitalize the arm of the Church in combating heresies and injuries against the Holy Faith of the Creator. It shall function in conjunction with the Knights and Ordermen of the Black Sepulchre and shall pledge full and unconditional faith, reverence, and obedience to the occupant of the Immaculate Throne: The High Pontiff. The order shall promote the propagation of the faith’s tenets, secure the safety of its clergy, and furthermore enhance the rectitude of the Church’s mission throughout the realm.









    Miserando atque eligendo


  19. Pontifical Encyclical:

    Quos errores

    An Apostolic Exhortation

     in response to

    the Xionist Issue


    To the bishops, priests, deacons,

    and all the lay faithful.


    The 11th of the First Seed, 1631





    His Holiness EVERARD IV, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Archbishop of Fernandus, Visigia, Jorenus, Aleksandria, Lotharum, Santegia, and Erochland, Prince-Bishop of Metz, St. Thomas, Savoy, Mont St. Humbert, Johannesburg, Esheveurd, Luciensport, Huss, and Dibley, Abbot of Laureh’lin, and Hariam, Bishop of Godfreo, Versace, Mardon, and Carace, Minister-General of the Humbertines, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Keeper of the Canon, Missionary to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of God does decree…




    “Grace to thee and peace from our Lord GOD, the Most Merciful, Singular, and Omnipotent.”

    Owyn 8:2


    Brethren in GOD:


    It irks the Pontificate that such a degeneracy to that of this so-called cult of Xion plagues the spirit of GOD by the propagation of heresies. We the Pontificate, duly declare that the cult of Xion and all allies thereof are henceforth anathema and those who convert or sympathize with such heresies are subject to the wrath of GOD and His Exalted. In order to address the filth of this movement, we so duly declare that their dogma is indubitably heretical and therefore false upon its premises:





    "We are born by the Dark;

    Made Men by the Dark;

    Undone by the Dark;

    We fear the Old Dark."


    I. There exists no such ‘dark’ entity as prescribed by the heretical teachings of Xionism, to which we so duly condemn by these presence. The Word of GOD is law, deriving from Himself through the revelations of the Exalted Prophets through the covenant. Furthermore, this darkness is a false pretense and a distortion of the true conception of the world in which GOD breathed the breath of life and animated our being as His beloved creation. Any implication that substitutes the supernatural primacy of the primordial divinity of GOD who sits justly in the Seven Skies is blasphemous. We the Pontificate henceforth declare this excerpt, heresy.




    “In the beginning, there was only darkness; an endless emptiness where time did not exist, and the abyss was infinite and unshined. This place was known as the Void, where chaos controlled all things: where everything and nothing took place at the same time.

    As said in the accounts of the wizard Availer, there was a great flash of light in the Void, and from a shining breach in its abyss came the nameless Creator.”


    II. All action upon which GOD brought forth the conception of the mortal plane, its dimensions and its nature as prescribed by the cult of Xion shall be duly condemned and branded as erroneous. This cult propagates that the LORD our GOD, supreme Being and Creator of all things does not precede but is preceded by such a darkness aforementioned and professes that chaos controlled space time rather than recognizing the omnipresence of the One, True GOD. We the Pontificate henceforth declare this excerpt, heresy.




    “Thus the Creator recognized this weakness, and fearing that the mortal realms would succumb to chaos and undoing, he granted to these realms the banks of life: massive collections of a pure quintessence of dark, known as lifeforce, of which brought order and balance to each mortal world by the laws of the Cycle of the Banks.”


    III.  We so duly declare this excerpt wrought with heresies that propagate a false rendition of the omnipotence of GOD. The cult of Xion concedes that the LORD of Lords committed an error in the creation of the mortal plane. Furthermore, they profess that GOD granted a “Cycle of the Banks,” a figment of their unsound theology. We hereby reiterate the following as the true tenets of such a  lifeforce that give life and force to the mortal plane:


    “The Holy Light is the light and wellhead of the creator that interacts with the mortal realm. It suffuses all things and is the most essential and timeless aspect of the Creator; also termed the Godhead, it reflects the infinite will of the Creator and his influence over the mortal world. It exists in all creation, though its strength is empowered by one's spiritual proximity to the Allfather. It embodies the concept of unconditional reality, which transcends the limited existence of mortality or even personality; it is a singular, driving force of purity and radiance which acts as the spiritual body of the Creator. The Holy Light is also the progenitor of pre-ordainment, acting as the primary mover behind all things that occur.”

    Et Principia Ecclesiae Dogma (VI)


    The Holy Canonist Church teaches that the spirit of GOD, imparted by the Breath of life is the progenitor of all being and all lifeforce. Driven by His unconditional benevolence and mercy, we enjoy these graces at baptism and live out the call to holiness. We the Pontificate henceforth declare this excerpt, heresy.




    “When the Creator shaped the quintessence of dark, he was uncertain of it’s power; fearing what it would do to his mortal children, the Four Brothers, should he cast it upon both them and all the desolate, lifeless world.”


    IV. The cult of Xion propagates a notion of heresy in the cited text, sponsoring a belief that the Lord our GOD was and is not omniscient, suggesting that He fears His own imperfection when He Himself is without flaw. We the Pontificate henceforth declare this excerpt, heresy.




    “Horen was of a sturdy heart and of the greatest compassion, but was neither tall nor short, nor strong nor weak. Malin was lithe, taller than his other brothers, and with a mind brimming with intellect and kindness. Urguan was stocky and honed, chiseled like a statue, but with kind eyes and an honorable soul. Finally, Krug was like a tower, brutish and huge, but of all Four Brothers he bore the greatest wisdom.”


    V. Blasphemous beyond all recognition, we the Holy Church and pursuant to our Apostolic Authority do hereby declare a grave error in the propagation of the Four Brothers as prescribed by Xionism. The cult of Xionism concedes that Krug, of his siblings, was one who bore the greatest wisdom and inherently the favor of GOD. We recall from the divinely inspired scripture that is was Krug the kinslayer, guided by evil and susceptible to the folly of sin, had slain Exalted Horen. The Church shall not tolerate such false claim and a blatant affront to our most revered Exalted Horen, patron of our humanity and father of the covenant of our salvation. It was Horen, not Krug, nor Malin, nor Urguan that GOD favored for his virtue and wisdom. We the Pontificate henceforth declare this excerpt, heresy.




    “It is said, in the first year before history, that the Four Brothers bore flesh of cold stone and blood of brackish water, for their God forged them of the darkest of four souls, the greatest of four Lordsakes, but without the warm aura of life. So the Creator brought forth the quintessence of lifeforce to the mortal worlds and blessed the Four Brothers before their stoney existence was passed on to their unborn sons.”


    VI. The scriptures of heresy scribed and proliferated by the cult of evil represents a false premise to the consolation of the spirit. These cultists of unsound theology profess that the Lord our GOD, Creator of all, conceives His children with blemishes and darkness and without the life of His essence. The light of the Godhead, We so declare that the conception of the Four Brothers as foretold by these heretics is false and is unrepresentative of the perfect image of GOD and His power. We the Pontificate henceforth declare this excerpt, heresy.




    “This is the core of Xionism; vengeance. We few seek vengeance for what hath been stolen. The world was not meant to endure such sorrow, as to witness the end of the First Creation.“


    VII. The heretical cult incites calamity and recklessness as a means of achieving their rendition of virtue. Thus, we believe that this is erroneous and inordinate to the virtue of fidelity, faith, charity, and patience as revealed by GOD to Exalted Horen in the Scrolls of Virtue. It is heretical for one to propagate such violence when in truth, the benevolence of GOD, His providence in imparting divine justice, and the mercy that is invoked in His very Name shall remain the true nature of faith and obedience for all that is holy. We the Pontificate henceforth declare this excerpt, heresy.




    “The way of Xionism is rooted in the older ideology of the way of Dissent, or the Dissentuous Way; a sect of beliefs based on the separation of mortal and immortal worlds. Upon the creation of accursed Xion, the faith of man took new shape, Xionism. Hatred and the desire for vengeance has forged anew the Dissentuous Way, with anger toward the Seven Skies, among all other meddling deities, keeping the ideology anchored and alive. To be one with Xionism is to be one with the mortal worlds - to reject all otherworldly influence and seek the prosperity of remnant Man, and to seek a reshaping of the race of Man at the peak of this success.”


    VIII. The heretical cult suggests that followers of their presuppositions concerning the nature of faith are mandated to sow dissent in order to unite all things in GOD. Such is illogical and inordinate to the principles of the holy Church and the very understanding of GOD, most powerful. The Church teaches that the Mercy of the Creator is the vessel to which the restoration of human dignity is achieved; the ceasing of sin and the renewal of one’s baptismal vows through repentance and worship by virtue of the Principles of Ministry are the means of which the faithful shall achieve their salvation. It is blasphemous, in anyway form or manner, as suggested by the Xionist cult to sow dissent as it is contrary to that of the virtues of GOD as revealed by Himself to Exalted Horen on the nature of fidelity to the divine Will. It is not the vanity and toil of our mortal existence that we sway the will of the divine by our temporal merit but only through sheer faith and prayer are we united with the Seven Skies and the throne of the LORD. They call for anthropocentric reform and focus less on the sovereignty of the divine Way. It is GOD, who has preordain our plight and our path that we remain docile and attentive to His calling. The Xionist people teach that we are to reject all realms but the mortal world and be one with the flesh. This implication is an affront to the universal call of apostolic works, the labors to which we devote ourselves and long for heavenly grace in the realm of the celestial divine. We the Pontificate henceforth declare this excerpt, heresy.




    There resides in the theology of Xionism, an intrinsic disorder that deviates from the objective truth. The Holy Canonist Church shall not tolerate such false pretenses and by virtue of her authority through Apostolic succession and the Principles of Faith, we so vow and solemnly proclaim our unwavering protection of the Scrolls of the Canon and that of the faithful flock to whom she is entrusted salvation under the yoke of her sacraments.


    To those who mock and profane the Holy Name of GOD, and His Scrolls, which the Holy Church received as Blessed Revelations of GOD’s work and those pleasing to Him, to inspire the beholder with piety, and to arouse them to follow the Laws of GOD; to those that say that these are false: ANATHEMA!


    With grace and blessings from Almighty GOD, His Most Exalted Prophets, His communion of saints and Aenguls, we pray. Amen.





    Miserando atque eligendo


  20. Qui Exaltatus, Sanctificamini, et Benedictus

    Those Exalted, Sanctified, and Blessed

    Last promulgated by His Holiness, Lucien V, ~1610


    Codified and Updated by His Holiness, Everard IV

    As of the 7th of the Grand Harvest, 1629






    Among mankind, there are those who have acted with utmost piety and compassion, and the Church has recognized them for their valor. Whilst paragons of virtues have graced the realm since ancient times, it was only under the High Pontiff Marcus I where a canonization process was established, to deliberate those beautified and saintly. However, with the great heathen sack of the Liberian Pontificate, the canon list of the sainthoods had been lost. It was under only High Pontiff Everard where a tradition of universally recognized sainthoods were restored. Above the saints are, the four Exalted are those foretold in the Holy Scrolls, known formerly as the Divine, whom would restore humanity in this life and beyond. Only the Exalted have ever held full dialogue with the Creator, and all have performed countless miracles and acts of greatness, standing aside the Creator in the Seventh Sky.


    All these canonized figures are not to be worshiped, but revered, whether for their fulfillment of the Creator’s prophecies, or for their exceptional degree of holiness. They may be asked to pray for us as they act in intercession, close to the Creator himself.


    Let their names be known, their piety apparent as they who have lived before us have made straight the path of the faithful forward to the way of peace and salvation in the Seven Skies.     






    The Prophets

    The Prophets, or Exalted, are determined by the Canon and are noted for receiving their respective Scrolls from the Aenguls Artifai and Tesion, along with innumerable acts of faith, good works, and miracles.







    Horen I "the Father" - Golden Laurel

    Patron of Humanity, Covenants and Humility


    Owyn I "the Purifier" - Flaming Sword

    Patron of Purity, War, and Fire


    Godfrey I "the Redeemer"- Silver Scepter

    Patron of Dominion, Glory, and Justice


    Siegmund I "the Preserver" - Globus Cruciger

    Patron of Clairvoyance, Wisdom, and Sight







    Those Sanctified

    One is sainted if he or she lives a wholly pious and virtuous life and has proven he or she is in the highest skies by traditionally performing at minimum two miracles posthumously. They are often attributed symbols.







    St. Godwin of Paradisus - Skull

    The Patron Saint of the Deceased, the Afterlife, Ghosts, the Supernatural and Heartlanders


    St. Julia of Paradisus - Golden Rings

    The Patroness Saint of Mothers, Matrimony, and Exorcism


    St. Joren of Paradisus - Iron Shackles

    The Patron Saint of the Mountains, Winter, the Imprisoned, and Highlanders


    St. Lothar of Balian - Lorraine Cross

    The Patron Saint of  the Lorraine Cross, Princes, Courage, and Heraldry


    St. Daniel of Al'Khazar - Wooden Staff

    Patron Saint of Peace, Cities, Pilgrims, and Travel


    High Priest St. Everard I of Al'Khazar - Red Cross

    The Patron Saint of Tradition and Persecution


    St. Amyas of Yore - Wild Herb

    The Patron Saint of Medicine, Healing, Botany, and Wild Herbs


    St. Godwein of Huntshill - Oaken Shield

    The Patron Saint of Honesty, Woodworkers, Fungi, and Skin Afflictions


    St. Tobias of Sarkoz – Silver Comet, Gold Coins

    The Patron Saint of Merchants, Comets, Wealth, and Charity


    High Pontiff St. Lucien I of Ulmsbottom – Kaedreni Cross

    The Patron Saint of Crusaders, Change, and the Family


    St. Adrian of Leuvaarden - Open Book

    The Patron Saint of Statesmen, Lawyers, and Politics


    St. Thomas of Gaekrin -White Rose

    The Patron Saint of Leadership, Discipline, Frontiersmen, and Kaedrin


    St. Peter of Gaekrin - Flaming Rose

    The Patron Saint of Order and Victory


    St. Humbert of Bar - Sun’s Smile

    The Patron Saint of Capitulation


    St. Edmond of Lachsin – Knight on Horseback

    The Patron Saint of Sailing, the Navy, Horses, and the Auvergnian People


    St. Theodosius of Istiam - Gray Pigeon

    The Patron Saint of Messengers, Birds, Translators, and the Raevir People


    St. Wilfriche of Hanseti - Black Mace

    The Patron Saint of Brotherhood, Chancellors, Opposition of Setherin, and Franciscan Martyrs


    High Pontiff St. Daniel I - An Aged Scroll

    Patron of Scholarship, Fate, and Literature


    St. Otto ‘the Bald’ of Vanderfell - Bald Eagle

    Patron of the Schism War,  Fate, Ward Fathers, and Northern Peoples


    St. Charles of Haense - Golden Crow

    Patron of Strength, Fortitude, and Prisoner’s of War.


    St. Michael of Cordobe - White Bull

    Patron of Passion, Exiles, Service and the Eighteen Year's War


    St. Emma of Woldzmir - White Sword

    Patroness of the Schism War, Loyalty, Valour, and Adrians.


    St. Johannes de Rutyer - Gavel and Chains

        Patron of the Wrongfully Punished and the Innocent


    St. Kristoff of Hanseti - The Crosier

           Patron of the Afflicted, Victims of Strife, and of Bishops







    Those Beautified

    One is beautified if he or she lives a wholly pious and virtuous life and is either martyred for his or her faith, or posthumously performed a miracle upon a High Pontiff's prayer.







    Blessed Patrick Denims

    Blessed High Pontiff Adeodatus

    Blessed Hunwald

    Blessed Francis Karovic

    Blessed Lorethos Basileus

    Blessed Damon Kovacevic

    Blessed Vladislav

    Blessed Zacarias Mosquera

    Blessed Father Stephen

    Blessed Frederick Royce

    Blessed Dmitri of the Dreadfort

    Blessed Jon of the Whirlwind

    Blessed Peter

    Blessed Lendus

    Blessed Jan Jeremi

    Blessed William the Beggar

    Blessed High Pontiff Daniel I

    Blessed Thomas Denims

    Blessed Richard de Bar

    Blessed Radovid of Blaviken.

    Blessed Marius Baruch

    Blessed Vytenis of Visiga

    Blessed Leon of Amaury

    Blessed Baldwin de Bar

    Blessed Wilhelm of Hermann

    Blessed Stephan Himmel

    Blessed High Pontiff Daniel II

    Blessed Jude of Cyranium

    Blessed Rafael de Cordobe

    Blessed High Pontiff Everard II

    Blessed Adrian of Kaedrin

    Blessed Foltest of Aeldin

    Blessed High Pontiff Sixtus III

    Blessed High Pontiff Lucien III

    Blessed Publius Bracchus

    Blessed Andrik Vydra

    Blessed Jack Rovin

    Blessed Polycarp of Aeldin

    Blessed Noah Wheezer

    Blessed High Pontiff Pius II

    Blessed Adelran Coulthard

    Blessed Sigismund of Couentre

    Blessed Jon Renault de Savoie

    Blessed George de Bar

    Blessed Ari of Abresi

    Blessed High Pontiff Owyn II

    Blessed Enoch

    Blessed High Pontiff Sixtus IV

    Blessed High Pontiff Clement II

    Blessed Henry Otto



  21. Pontifical Encyclical:

    Virtutem Magnum


    To the bishops, priests, deacons,

    and all the lay faithful.


    The 5th of the Grand Harvest, 1629






    His Holiness EVERARD IV, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Archbishop of Fernandus, Jorenus, Lotharum, Aleksandria, Visigia and Erochland, Prince-Bishop of St. Thomas, Savoy, Mont St. Humbert, Johannesburg, Esheveurd, Luciensport, Huss, and Dibley, Abbot of Laureh’lin, and Hariam, Bishop of Godfreo, Versace, Mardon, and Carace, Minister-General of the Humbertines, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Missionary to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of God does decree…





    “Grace to thee and peace from our Lord GOD, the Most Merciful, Singular, and Omnipotent.”


    It is herein granted, by the Grace of GOD and the fellowship of His saints who have so faithfully adhered to the words of the Canon and have lived out the call to holiness in their lifetime, that the Church teaches and professes the seven holy virtues of the Canon.


    “The youngest was Horen, who was neither tall nor short, not frail nor fierce, and he acted with wisdom and restraint. And thus he was quite humble and did not share his brother’s ambitions, except to praise GOD.”

    Godfrey 13:1-2


    Fide (Faith)

    The most fundamental and crucial element to an individual is to keep sacred the divinity of GOD in one’s own conscience. The simple profession of belief in the Singular Creator is the bedrock of the Church to which it binds itself to the Seven Skies. The Scroll of Virtue introduces this principle as the primordial component to the spiritual vessel. Thus it is faith that was first instituted within us at the moment of creation in the breath of life emanated from GOD. We are introduced to his omnipotent mastery over all things and as the ordinator of existence in all, visible and invisible.


    Caritas (Charity)

    The virtue of charity is defined as the active pursuit to the principle of faith. It is the exercising of one’s moral principles in the faith of GOD and His Church. We are called as brethren in the Godhead to be cooperators in charity, the continual pursuit of to the betterment of the lowly and those less endowed in the grace of spirit and material wealth. In this way, we are fulfilling the reason of our faith and of the things created for our use by implementing the benevolence of GOD to those who have yet to receive it.


    Castitate (Temperance)

    As the created children of the perfect Creator, it is logical to understand that our mortality is imperfect and flawed. This is not to say that GOD is imperfect and flawed. Yet, it is to orient our faith to understand that the Father of all life is the progenitor of all things whereas we are simple products of this omnipotence. Moreover, we are prone to enthrall ourselves in the toils of temporal artifice rather than on the piety of our better nature. The virtue of temperance is a reminder of our flawed existence, the need to be careful adherents to the wisdom of GOD, and to be ever vigilant in our behavior.


    Diligentia (Diligence)

    Exalted Horen reveals the words of GOD and the warning against idle speech and slothful labor. Our existence is to pursue the glorification of the Lord and the institution of charity, praise, and camaraderie among our brothers and sisters. We, as faithful flock of Canonist virtue, are charged with devoting our labors and vocations to the fulfillment of the divine Plan, the continual effort to promote the truth and to work for others rather than to succumb to temptation.


    Patientia (Patience)

    The virtue prescribed by patience is an invitation of introspection on our part concerning the life that we experience has a time and order understood and controlled at the whim of the Godhead. Therefore, we are to remain ever faithful to the time and place GOD has destined us to be stationed, to deny oneself and our obligations to our own toils in favor of the common good and of the law revealed to us by the Testaments of the Exalted. We are given pain, sickness, health, cure, life, and death all because of the One who wills it. They were instituted to remind us of our humanity and of the salvation we aspire to partake in when the time and order of GOD has been met.


    Fidelitas (Fidelity)

    Forasmuch as GOD sees fit, we are charged with the preservation of loyalty and fidelity to the order of nature and to the estates of men that He has instituted to our existence. Resignation to the laws of the divine and to those whom GOD has anointed to oversee the betterment of His people are crucial aspects in the maintenance of peace, unity, and order in the fabric of society. However, we are reminded that it is not our rank or status in this life that determines our plight in the afterlife, it is rather than actions and steadfast virtue we choose to uphold in that station of life.


    Humilitas (Humility)

    The virtue of humility can be juxtaposed much akin to that of the principle of fidelity and patience. We are reminded that we are not to be the judges of men’s behavior nor are we the infallible ordinators for our laws shall pass away. Look to the Canon, the Testament of GOD to which was divinely inspired by His chosen Prophets to foster the faithful. We must be humble and perceive ourselves as such so that our actions shall be beacons of light to those who long to see the face of GOD.


     These great virtues are the principles of our covenant with GOD, the guidelines to which we must closely adhere for our own salvation. Thus as it has been duly ordained by the Creator, we are called to acknowledge these principles as the law in which we conduct ourselves, to orient ourselves in the likeness of these virtues so that we might find life and truth in our worldly journeys.


    With these virtues now primal in our pursuit to unify all things through faith, We the Pontificate rejoice with great mirth at the one year conversion and baptism of His Majesty, King Abdes de Savin of Santegia to the true Church! Let all sinners and heretics find solace in conversion and the power of the Creator, GOD our Lord and Sovereign of the Skies and of the mortal plane. With good tidings and blessings, we celebrate.


    With grace and blessings from Almighty GOD, His Most Exalted Prophets, His communion of saints and Aenguls, we pray. Amen.






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  22. Pontifical Encyclical:

    Aeterna Sapientia

    An Apostolic Exhortation

    On the Sovereignty of God in

    the Human Conscience


    To the bishops, priests, deacons,

    and all the lay faithful.


    The 13th of the Sun's Smile, 1626






    His Holiness EVERARD IV, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Archbishop of Fernandus, Visigia, Jorenus, Aleksandria, Lotharum, and Erochland, Prince-Bishop of Metz, St. Thomas, Savoy, Mont St. Humbert, Johannesburg, Esheveurd, Luciensport, Huss, and Dibley, Abbot of Laureh’lin, and Hariam, Bishop of Godfreo, Versace, Mardon, and Carace, Minister-General of the Humbertines, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Keeper of the Canon, Missionary to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of God does decree…




    “Grace to thee and peace from our Lord GOD, the Most Merciful, Singular, and Omnipotent.”

    Owyn 8:2



    Eternal wisdom, inspired by the radiance of the holy Light of the Godhead to the most Exalted Prophets whose words have endured the uncertainty of the ages as the infallible and consistent truth of the Seven Skies, is the greatest gift instituted to creation. Without the eternal wisdom as prescribed by GOD to His children and dominions, we find an inanimate society, plagued by uncertainty and saturated in falsehoods. Let it be known that GOD, our sovereign to the highest law in all the realm, endowed His eternal wisdom to His prophets for us to be made known to His divinity and mercy.


    “So the Lord made two bodies of earth, and gave them blood and breath, and the light of wisdom.”

    Godfrey 8:2


    For if a man who sows seed among weeds, woe to him for his lack of preparation and insight. Moreover, it is the eternal wisdom that GOD reveals to us that truly fulfills our being as the Sons of Horen and the children of creation. Let the Exalted Prophets who diligently transcribed the words of the Creator illuminate our common conscience and dispel the darkness of division and interpersonal confusion. It is the eternal wisdom of GOD that unites all things back to the Creator so that they might have life.


    As an oath of affirmation to the Seven Skies and pursuant to the communion of the saints, we must continually renew ourselves by the flaming sword of Exalted Owyn and guide ourselves in the mutual path to holiness and sanctity through the virtues of Exalted Horen. As brethren in the faith, it is imperative we preserve our state of being to the divine rather than to toil in mortality to which all things pass. Our mission is to embrace the eternal wisdom of GOD to advance our faith and life and work towards a better polity, to use the eternal wisdom to distinguish the just nature of piety rather than to be fooled by the ruse of Iblees and his daemonic agents.


    Since the moment of conception, GOD breathed the breath of life and in the dust were we, the creatures of his perfect confection, were molded into animation. Thus it is logical, therefore, to be ever mindful of the eternal wisdom of GOD for it was this omniscience that life and harmony came into being. The eternal wisdom is the momentum of the realm serving as the derivative of all existence and all things good. This wisdom did not stop with the Exalted as it continues to magnetize in the minds of our own lives to which we are prompted to heed its binding force. Conscious adherence to the words of the Divine and the vigilant defense of the doctrine that this wisdom fosters is the temporal responsibility of the layman and spiritual duty of the clergy.


    Too many times have we seen the consequences of a society without regard for the Eternal Wisdom of GOD or even the very essence of GOD Himself. These civilizations, though formed in vain, have been characterized by their propensity of barbaric violence, the disregard for the rule of law, obstruction of atonement, and the propagation of false teachings that condemn an innocent flock to subscribe to a plight in the Void. The Eternal Wisdom of GOD proposes that the twin pillars comprising that of the State, embodied in the Holy Empire, and the Church, manifested in the Canonist Faith, are both mutual cooperators in the Eternal Wisdom of GOD to the betterment of its people.


    Let us be reminded that the eternal wisdom of GOD is the core of the nations, the culmination of all thought, the Law of men, and the ark of deliverance from all ignorance and heresy. Blessed be the Imperial Crown anointed by the Faith whose favorability is reflected in the eyes of the Seven Skies, the Holy Church and its clergy who have vowed ceaselessly to protect and preach all that is holy and true to safeguard the flock, and the entire people who are baptized in the salvation of souls and live in the fruits of GOD's Grace.


    Let the final message be here herein stated: All things are futile, but with the Eternal Wisdom of the Godhead, the spirit of the human conscience knows no bounds.


    With grace and blessings from Almighty GOD, His Most Exalted Prophets, His communion of saints and Aenguls, we pray. Amen.







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