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Status Replies posted by Sindi06

  1. (hello! this is my first daily poems, It will be random poems I will inform you if I made this poem if it says "-Not myn but i recite it in lotc." then you get the point ANYWAYS!!! here is the first one) The Earth
    The earth spreads out a green carpet
     the daisies open up and the world blossoms:
     speak of the white lily and praise its beauty,
     and forget not the Magnificence of the rose,
     And place the narcissus of the left.
     and mention nhot the jasmine , until it blooms. -Not myn but i recite it in lotc 

    1. Sindi06


      ew gross ew boooo booo 

  2. mind helping me? I was wondering if i should post new poetry in status updates each day cuz why not and i feel like i dont comment much on the forums any thoughts?

  3. damn the hype broke the server

  4. pick a number between 1 and 100, steam game for the winner

  5. pick a number between 1 and 100, steam game for the winner

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