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Status Updates posted by rosebit

  1. Okay, I've noticed that the only sort of "Fae" magical creature that exists is Sprites. I don't exactly know how this works, but I would like to write up a proper Fairy/Faerie race. Could someone help me out on how I could do this?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. rosebit


      No, this isn't what I want, there still is no proper Fairy creature/race/thing, there's only sprites. And there's nothing on the wiki either besides Sprites. That thread just goes over creatures defined as "Fey" in general.

    3. Gladuos


      Sprites are fairies though. You're just disappointed they're not the typical trope of magical wave of the wand winged wish fulfillers or something?

    4. rosebit


      Sprites are not fairies. Sprites are weird beings of light that live to annoy you.

  2. Instead of calling Vegetarianism "Vege", "Veg", or even "Veggie", I elect to stand at the forefront of a new wave calling him by his rightful, god-given name, "Vegeta, Prince of All Saiyans".

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ski_king3


      Now this is an actually good meme.

    3. Vege


      or emperor Vege i

    4. rosebit


      or "Vegeta, Prince of All Saiyans"

  3. tfw no one will help you find any information about how to make a creature app

    1. Ambduscias


      it's on the same page as the magic app format, just lower down - 


      feel free to harass lt for specific information on individual creatures, but feel free to ask away if there's anything else

    2. rosebit
  4. i need a long nap with a soft cat

  5. Come one, come all, to see the Tradgedians perform on stage for all!

  6. Four plucky red-coated actors dedicated to bringing smiles to your lovely faces!

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