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Application Comments posted by Riftblade

  1. Accepted!


    Welcome to LoTC, you'll be whitelisted soon enough. Once you've been whitelisted, I'd highly recommend taking the time to see what's going on in the server by checking various posts on the forums, get an understanding of some of the lore, and then spend some time roleplaying in the Cloud Temple. If you've got questions, feel free to let me or another AT to know!

  2. Just two more things -


    - Your definition for metagaming is incorrect, change it

    - Your definition for powergaming is incorrect as well, change that too

  3. Pending.


    Your application has been placed under pending for the following reasons along with some general suggestions:

    - Please provide a place and realm your character was born in, this refers to the mandatory reference to the lore

    - As seen in the guidelines above, your persona cannot be nobility of some kind

    - Your definition of powergaming is incorrect, please relook at the term and edit the definition you've provided


    You will have 24 hours to make the needed changes, if you need more time do let me know. If you have questions, feel free to contact me or another member of the Application Team via the forums or message us in game. Here is a link to the New Player Discord - https://discord.gg/jXC5SX7 - where you can ask questions and there'll be members of the AT, other Staff Team members, and current players who can help you out.

  4. Accepted!


    Welcome to LoTC, you'll be whitelisted soon enough. Once you've been whitelisted, I'd highly recommend taking the time to see what's going on in the server by checking various posts on the forums, get an understanding of some of the lore, and then spend some time roleplaying in the Cloud Temple. If you've got questions, feel free to let me or another AT to know!

  5. Pending.


    Your application has been placed under pending for the following reasons along with some general suggestions:

    - Halflings cannot have white hair and typically are not born in a place like Fenn

    - If your persona were born in Fenn, more than likely they'd be a Snow Elf


    You will have 24 hours to make the needed changes, if you need more time do let me know. If you have questions, feel free to contact me or another member of the Application Team via the forums or message us in game. Here is a link to the New Player Discord - https://discord.gg/jXC5SX7 - where you can ask questions and there'll be members of the AT, other Staff Team members, and current players who can help you out.

  6. Denied.


    Your application has been denied for the following reasons along with some general suggestions:

    - You need at least one reference to the server lore as stated in the guidelines found above, Nuvaria does not exist in LoTC

    - Humans cannot have white hair, this is typically impossible for them unless they are some sort of High Elven half-breed or are very old

    - Please try and use something other than the abusive household background, this is common cliche and we'd like to see you something a bit more original 


    You may reapply whenever you believe yourself to be ready, though I highly recommend that you take the time that you need to get a better understanding of the server and roleplay in general especially by reading the forums. Also, I highly recommend creating a forum account, as I couldn't place you on pending since you made the application under a guest account. If you have questions, feel free to contact me or another member of the Application Team via the forums or message us in game. Here is a link to the New Player Discord - https://discord.gg/jXC5SX7 - where you can ask questions and there'll be members of the AT, other Staff Team members, and current players who can help you out.

  7. Denied.


    Your application has been denied for the following reasons along with some general suggestions:

    - Please relook at your definition of powergaming and definition for metagaming, they both are incorrect 

    - You need at least one reference to the server lore as stated in the guidelines found above

    - Please be more detailed other than simply providing one sentence

    - You cannot be werewolf, as there is no lore on the server currently for becoming a werewolf nor can you have any special/magical abilities prior to being whitelisted

    - Try and include several more personality traits as this gives both us and you a better idea of what your character is like


    You may reapply whenever you believe yourself to be ready, though I highly recommend that you take the time that you need to get a better understanding of the server and roleplay in general especially by reading the forums. If you have questions, feel free to contact me or another member of the Application Team via the forums or message us in game. Here is a link to the New Player Discord - https://discord.gg/jXC5SX7 - where you can ask questions and there'll be members of the AT, other Staff Team members, and current players who can help you out.



  8. Accepted! Welcome to LoTC.


    You'll be whitelisted soon enough, until then take the time to read through the various roleplay posts on the forums. Once you've been whitelisted, spend some time roleplaying in cloud temple to get a hang of RP and how the chat commands work. Once again if you've got questions, let me know!

  9. Ok, final thing. 


    "my family as first in a country called Edenborough and had lived a descent life style but they wanted more for me my mother Senna and father Grotto worked there tails off to get me across to the country Atlas" - I highly advise you change Edenborough to a location that does exist in LoTC. If you still wish to be from somewhere outside of Atlas, refer to the following found in this https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/forum/910-starting-locations-in-the-mortal-realm/.

  10. Ok just one more thing -


    Farfolk are typically people who aren't what we'd consider Caucasian in the real world. I would recommend that you instead use Highlander or simply Human as your race to fit the skin provided along with the name of the town you provided - Although based upon your persona's age, it would make more sense for them to belong to a city/nation already established upon Atlas.


    Please make the suggested edits however you believe so.

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