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Posts posted by Myleres

  1. Since Murlocs is away for a while, I’ll be taking this appeal!


    To clear things up regarding your punishment, this villainy blacklist was put into before the new ban protocol spreadsheet was created. Upon that, Game Moderators are permitted to issue these blacklists if they see fit in place of bans. If you are ever to receive a second blacklist then it is much harsher than the first. This is why your blacklist is so long. It was extended by Murlocs, too, after you broke the conditions on your blacklist. Your blacklist is still in place, and you can appeal it on January 2nd.


    Looking through your chat logs, I do agree with you! There are definitely occasional times where you are partaking in good, interactive roleplay.
    As for your attitude, I’m afraid I can’t agree with you one bit. I took a look over your chat logs for just the past three days and have found numerous incidents of inexplicably poor behavior. You do not shy away from toxicity at all. On various occasions you escalate situations into OOC, rather than keeping them to roleplay.

    Your attitude out of character is just as important, if not more important, than your attitude in character. 

    I’d recommend taking a read over the community guidelines as I believe they can give you an idea of what we expect out of players on this server.

    With that being said, appeal denied.  Contact me if you have any questions.

  2. In regards to the suicide comments, the players who continued after the warnings were given to immediately cease the comments were given community guidelines violations, and banned for longer than three days. If you have any more evidence of the players continuing after the warnings were given, please send them my way.


    Behaviour like that is unacceptable. It will never be acceptable on LOTC.

  3. Mcname(s):   DPMagnum






    Why he/she is blacklisted:  Repeatedly griefing into a freebuild city to antagonize the players within. In the past, player has shown poor behaviour when partaking in villainy, as present in their previous villainy blacklist. This behaviour has been repeated despite the other punishments.


    Edit: Player has also broken the conditions of the villain blacklist by participating in a raid; villain blacklist has been extended accordingly.



    Conditions of blacklist (temporary, permanent, until appeal, etc.): This blacklist will last until it is appealed. You may appeal January 2nd, 2019. This blacklist will last 62 days from the original duration of 31 days.



  4. This is a known bug! All you need to do is go over to the #support chat in the official LOTC discord, which can be found here.
    When there, ping a Game Moderator to help you out. All we will need to do is teleport your character elsewhere while you’re loading in, and it should fix the issue.

  5. What is your minecraft username?



    What is your discord?

             You've got it.


    How long have you played on LotC?

             I applied in early July of 2017. So over a year now.


    How many hours per day/week are you available?

             I work one night a week (usually) and around 8~ hours on weekends. Other than that, and school, I should be free.


    Have you worked on the Lord of the Craft Wiki, or any wiki before?


    I have not worked on the any wiki; be it LOTC or otherwise. I've spent countless hours browsing wiki's for games and other servers, though, if that is any consolation. I've also familiarized myself with the Wiki back when I was an Application Team member, as it proved infinitely useful with helping new players make their applications. As for physically working on a wiki, I've got no experience. 


    Do you have a solid grasp on the existing lore of our server? Do you believe you'd be able to summarize these pieces in a concise manner?


    Yeah! I feel like I have a solid grasp on at least the basic lore of the server. I wouldn't consider myself a master of any specific lore, but I do tend to read up on the rewrites as they get posted. Although I find the lore of LOTC fascinating, there is no specific lore that I consider myself most adept in. I've never held a magic on LOTC, so I would consider that my weak point. 
    I like to keep up to date on warclaims and other various, large scale battles (like the current clan wars happening in the Orc's society right now). Through my time as a Game Moderator, I have access to the LOTC war discord and am able to keep up to date with the conquests and freebuild takeovers that are happening.

    I do believe I would be able to summarize both lore pieces and the major battles taking place. In school, I have a habit of writing too much and rambling on during assignments. I've gotten into the habit of cutting down my word count to fit into the given requirements; and am able to identify what is needed and what is just 'fluff' which adds to the flavour of the piece. 


    Do you have any creative writing experience?


    Outside of my mandatory writing assignments in my English program at school, I spend a lot of time playing roleplaying games online. I do not consider myself to be one of LOTC's greatest writers, but I do believe I at least have the skill to create interesting roleplay with at least some depth to it. I've experience with writing both short stories and helping contribute to longer pieces as well. I used to write in my off-time before I joined LOTC, but all of that passion has transferred to writing and roleplaying on the server. 

    TLDR: I do have experience, but not nearly as much as some of the other members of our community.



    ps 'lumiin the lore librarian' has a nice ring to it owo

  6. i spent 15 minutes a day grinding (with the energy system) last map and that was all i need to both top the leaderboards and help supply a war effort with the professions i had.


    you cannot genuinely tell me you don't spend at least 15 minutes a day searching for roleplay or sitting and waiting for someone to come along and roleplay with. nexus is not an obligation and you have more stuff to do in your downtime; which is only beneficial. 

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