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Posts posted by Myleres

  1. 47 minutes ago, WuHanXianShi14 said:

    Been hearing this for 4 years. Means nothing to me now. I'll believe change when I see it.


    If you're going to quote me, try not to only select the things that help make your argument seem defendable.

  2. 9 minutes ago, WuHanXianShi14 said:

    oh **** off you know this is nigh impossible and that the current GM and admin team wont act on any evidence that would require even a smidge of critical thinking or operating beyond the literal wording of the rules



    I'm interested to see how people whose antagonistic nature towards factions transcends over multiple characters and seems to hate them no matter what character their playing will try to defend themselves


    Like I said, feel free to put up a player report on the players in question. Upon that, if you have an issue with the way rules are working out and how they are enforced, we have had this forum thread up for over a week, where you can suggest changes you'd like to be made. We have also opened up a channel in the LOTC discord where you can discuss the rules.

    It's cool that you are showing distaste towards the rules, but if you are only going to tell the GM team to '**** off' and not make any real suggestions, I'm afraid there isn't much I can do. We've been working really hard lately to listen to the community, but needless insults are not going to accomplish much.

  3. If you have justifiable evidence that these players are only raiding at these certain times to kill roleplay and personally target players, then make a player report on them. A lot of time on this server people complain about stuff like this but then do nothing to act on it. 


    Secondly, though, raids are an essential part of what is keeping the server alive. It adds to roleplay and allows for character development. Although this is a roleplay server at it's roots, it is undeniable that we have part of the server who would prefer mechanics combat. We have to ensure that both communities are welcome on the server. Truth is, the roleplay-defaulters need the mechanics-defaulters as much as vice versa.


    I, as well as various other players in my close friend group migrated to LOTC after the previous roleplay server we were on closed down. The problem there was that this server too heavily favoured the roleplay defaulters and left the mechanics players in the dust. Aside from absolutely killing the server's numbers when the PvPers left, it also left the roleplayers with a sour taste in their mouths. Roleplaying wasn't as fun anymore if there was no combat or conflict to help heighten it.


    I wouldn't want this to be a repeat of the server I came from. PvPers have been restricted enough and been thrown several rule amendments that don't really mean anything in the grand scheme of things.

  4. On 8/19/2018 at 4:23 PM, Destroyer_Bravo said:

    is suicide to avoid rp still a mandatory pk because ive had prisoners neck themselves before they check themselves and get restored to good health by admins.


    It should be, yes. Suicide is a mandatory PK. If it wasn't you could use it to get out of situations you didn't want to be in. 

    On 8/19/2018 at 4:34 PM, The Templar said:

    A week is fine for PKs, but unless it's bound by an enforced PK clause (suicide, CA clause), what does it matter? They're going to find a way to bring their character back if they're truly wanting to. See: Recent plugin abuse to go from undead to living. 


    As far as I'm aware, we're going to try to do better with enforcing PK's on our end. If a player signs a PK clause with another player, we won't go out of our way to enforce that, but if it is from an event, lore, or otherwise, it will be enforced.


    On 8/19/2018 at 5:53 PM, Unwillingly said:

    ??? why would we allow RP in a hunting ground area? it seems mostly like a spot for grinding minas. That's what it was added for, right? Minas?


    On 8/19/2018 at 5:56 PM, ZachoSnacko said:

    If you vote yes for rp in hunting areas i have to disagree.


    We had a lot of discussion internally about this rule and couldn't exactly come to a conclusion on this rule, so that's why we opened it up to the community for feedback. 

    Personally, I've dealt with lots of situations in the past where there was valid roleplay taking place at the hunting grounds; and others where the other side was doing rather poor emotes and would attempt to down & kill the other side when they were fending off mobs. It's a rather hard issue to tackle. On one hand, it could be considered a resource farming area (like the mines, or resource island where roleplay usually doesn't take place), but on the other hand it's a potential breeding ground for some very good bandit roleplay to take place. We're still going to gather feedback on this rule, though, and try to come to a conclusion that makes everyone happy.



    On 8/19/2018 at 6:20 PM, LoTC's Next Top Model said:

    if you're allowed to fight back after running during a countdown what's the point of the countdown?


    On 8/20/2018 at 12:28 AM, L0rdT0mas said:

    Lol what the hell is the point of a countdown if players can run and then pvp even if countdown wasn't finished? That's the same as just rushing the enemy side halfway through countdown.


    Those who charge the opposing side before the countdown has concluded will still be breaking the rules. There is no excuse to be blatantly rushing the other side.

    The problem, though, as outlined in the other replies here is that the current countdown system is almost entirely based on honour. Issues with lag and misunderstandings have caused several PvP fights to go downhill. On one players screen the countdown may have concluded, while on the others it could be stuck at three seconds left.

    If we allow players to change their positions and run before the countdown begins we won't run into this issue. In my experience with moderating raids and other small-scale fights, this already happens. One side will run in the opposite direction before the countdown is over and the other side will not complain. That being said, though, we have seen some players express their discontent with rulings like this and that is why we opened it up to the community.

    Perhaps if the rule was worded differently, with something along the lines of;

    If a player runs during a countdown, they shall not be able to fight back until the countdown has concluded. Movement during, and before the countdown is allowed, although no hits may take place until the countdown is over; unless an opposing side seems to be fleeing 


    That being said, thank you for the feedback! It's rules like these that we needed to get another outlook on, and I really appreciate the time you guys took to reply, rather than just voting on the polls. ? 

    On 8/19/2018 at 10:22 PM, Harold said:

    good luck, enjoy the eventual hate


    thank you harold o7


    On 8/20/2018 at 2:03 AM, KiausT (The Alpha ****) said:

    Uhhh from what I know, unless your persona can’t die because CA, suicide is always Pk no matter the circumstances 


    Yup! This is how it should be enforced, at least. Suicide is a mandatory PK as far as I am aware.



    On 8/20/2018 at 4:49 AM, Jondead said:

    PK'ing with surcide is always valid yes. Surcide no matter what is a PK.

    Whilst this is half true it is still a RP situation, passive RP is a must seeing as Roleplay always happens, you are always in Roleplay even in PvP, which means that Roleplay in thse places just make sense. @Unwillingly

    This is correct unless your Lore states other wise you have to PK duing Surcide, like fxs. The Monks cnt bring back people that willed their own death in Lore. @KiausT (The Alpha ****)


    Yeah; some very good points here. Although, there is a bit of a grey area with the hunting grounds. Should they be classified as a resource farming area (like the mines and resource island) where roleplay doesnt usually take place, or not? 



    On 8/20/2018 at 9:32 AM, Trenchist said:

    nice photo L0L



  5.      Hello LOTC! This is a follow up to this post, regarding the poorly written server rules we currently have in place. This is the first draft of an abundant amount of internal discussion. Some of the goals for this project are to make the rules clear and concise. We are hoping to remove the idea of different interpretations of the rules. By extension of doing this, we hope that all players, including both staff and community members, will be on the same page for what is and isn’t allowed on the server.


         Please keep in mind that this is in no way the final draft of the rules; unless for some reason it gains an immense amount of support. We’d like to ask you some things in hope that you, the community, can help us improve the rules. It’s one thing to look at these rules with the eye of a moderator, but it’s another to look at it through the eye of a player.


         Is there any way we could format it better? Is it too long, or too short? Did we miss anything? Furthermore, we have a few questions regarding the specific rules. These will all be listed below, and are generally things that we either couldn’t come to a conclusion about, or figured it would be better if the community responded.


    As such, here are those;


    1. Should using chests be allowed during PvP? Enderchests are strictly not allowed, but should normal chests be allowed? (rule 5.13)


    2. If someone runs during a countdown should they be allowed to fight back? (Rule 6.3)


    3. How many days to reverse a decision to PK? (Rule 3.12)


    4. Should roleplay be allowed in the hunting grounds areas?


    5. How would you like Primary region ownership transfer to happen? Example being someone who is a leader and PRO PKs but doesn’t want to give up PRO to the new rp leader.



    All of the rules, and questions, can be found on this google doc.


    Please keep in mind that this is not the current ruleset that is in effect. We are still operating under the original ruleset written by the Admins; which can be found here. After we receive feedback from the community we will go back and add, tweak, or remove the things that you all comment on.

    You can either leave a comment below with your feedback and ideas or you can head over to the LOTC Discord and leave your feedback in the #community-review-server-rules-update text channel. Hopefully this ruleset can be the best one we’ve had yet!




    Thank you to Youngie, for writing the original draft of this ruleset.

    Thank you to TarreBear, for helping me edit the original draft and providing abundant feedback.

    Thank you to Fireheart, for assisting this project and looking over the rules, as well as providing feedback.

    Thank you to Knox and Flamboyant, for looking over this ruleset with the eyes of administration.

    Thank you to Cosmetology/Britt for looking over the rules and providing feedback regarding new player understanding.

    Thank you to the community for providing feedback on the original post and pushing us in the right direction.



  6. IC information


    Name; Meriel

    Race: Mali'ame

    Nation: Dominion

    Age: 31

    Experience: Medical experience only. Zero combat experience


    OOC information


    Ign: Lumiin

    Timezone: Central

    Discord: Lumii#0001 ?

  7. Mcname(s): Hot_Dip

    Why he/she is blacklisted: Providing poor villainy roleplay. Powergaming.

    Conditions of blacklist (temporary, permanent, until appeal, etc.): Until appeal in three weeks.


    Player has spoken to me in PMs and the blacklist is now lifted.

  8. Was going to post this but Treshure beat me to it.

    Motivation is key to a 'good' bandit/villain persona. If your character doesn't really have a valid reason to be doing it, it will make for rather poor RP.


    Would definitely like to see more villain style characters than just the stereotypical road bandits, but playing a villain isn't exactly fun if the other party is screaming at you in OOC all the time.

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