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Everything posted by TheIchorDruid

  1. TheIchorDruid


    Update: Your other point was fixed grandly. But your elf cannot be born in Linandria as that was a settlement of wood elves two maps ago, your character’s age must either be increased by a hundred years or our current wood elven settlement is Alderyn.
  2. Changed Status to Pending
  3. -Your power-gaming and Meta-gaming definition needs to be fixed as they are currently incorrect. -The sentence structure of your biography needs work, assure that it flows accordingly. And your sentences make sense. -You must include at least one piece of server lore into your character’s backstory, this could mean where they are from mapped on our server, or what faith they are! -You must include at least one weakness for your character’s interesting facts, as no character is ever perfect. You have 24 hours to make the following changes, after the duration your app will be denied but you can re-apply! We encourage new players to join the new-player discord where you can talk to other new people, veterans of the server and other community staff members! Simply click here: https://discord.gg/TZm5fg  When you have made these changes please do message me on the forums, the server (/msg TheIchorDruid) or my discord Rae#3015
  4. Changed Status to Under Review
  5. TheIchorDruid


    Update: In your backstory you still mention clericalism. You cannot write about knowing any form of magic until you get accepted! It’s great that you show keen interest however.
  6. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Pending
  7. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Accepted
  8. TheIchorDruid


    Congratulations on a wonderful application! If you need any further assistance please do let me know!
  9. TheIchorDruid


    -Your character’s interesting facts must contain at least one weakness, more specific than that he is willing to sacrifice himself. -You cannot be a cleric at this level in application stages, if you wish to follow the magic of cleric then you must learn so through roleplay means. -This means that your character biography needs editing, and replaced with something just as well fitting! You have 24 hours to make the following changes, after the duration your app will be denied but you can re-apply! We encourage new players to join the new-player discord where you can talk to other new people, veterans of the server and other community staff members! Simply click here: https://discord.gg/TZm5fg When you have made these changes please do message me on the forums, the server (/msg TheIchorDruid) or my discord Rae#3015
  10. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Under Review
  11. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Pending
  12. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Under Review -Your character’s interesting facts must contain at least one weakness, more specific that her focus lowering. -You must mention at least one piece of server lore, this could be what place on Arcas she is from or what faith she believes in. You can find this information on our wiki here: https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Main_Page . You have 24 hours to make the following changes, after the duration your app will be denied but you can re-apply! We encourage new players to join the new-player discord where you can talk to other new people, veterans of the server and other community staff members! Simply click here: https://discord.gg/TZm5fg Once these changes are made please do let me know, either on the forums, server (/msg TheIchorDruid) or my discord: Rae#3015!
  13. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Pending
  14. TheIchorDruid


    -Your character’s interesting facts must contain at least one weakness, as no one’s character is ever perfect! -Your last interesting fact needs to be changed as a character when applying cannot know anything about magic, though there are many opportunities on the server to find out about it! You have 24 hours to make the following changes, after the duration your app will be denied but you can re-apply! We encourage new players to join the new-player discord where you can talk to other new people, veterans of the server and other community staff members! Simply click here: https://discord.gg/TZm5fg Once these changes are made please do let me know, either on the forums, server (/msg TheIchorDruid) or my discord: Rae#3015!
  15. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Denied
  16. TheIchorDruid


    The given 24 hours has exceeded, if you have any questions about this please do contact me. Either on the forums or discord: Rae#3015.
  17. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Denied
  18. TheIchorDruid


    The given 24 hours has exceeded, if you have any questions about this please do contact me. Either on the forums or discord: Rae#3015.
  19. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Denied
  20. TheIchorDruid


    The given 24 hours has exceeded, if you have any questions about this please do contact me. Either on the forums or discord: Rae#3015.
  21. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Pending
  22. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Under Review -Please make sure you change your character’s eye colour, it is not natural for humans to have black and red eyes. Other biological eye colours can be: Brown, green, blue, grey or hazel! Please make sure these changes are made within 24 hours, once the time is up your application will be denied. If you need any further assistance please feel free to message me on the forums, on the server (/msg TheIchorDruid) or my discord: Rae#3015. We also encourage new-players to join the new player discord where you can chat with other new players, veterans and other community team members. It is a great medium to have your questions answered! Click here: https://discord.gg/TZm5fg
  23. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Accepted
  24. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Under Review Congratulations on a very well written application! We encourage our new-players to join the new-player discord where you can speak to other new people, veterans of the community and other community staff members. In it your questions will be answered as quick as possible! Simply click here: https://discord.gg/TZm5fg Alternatively, if you need any further assistance from me please do feel free to message me on the forums, the server (/msg TheIchorDruid) or my discord: Rae#3015.
  25. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Accepted
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