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Everything posted by TheIchorDruid

  1. TheIchorDruid


    Congratulations on a fantastic application! Apologies once again for the delay, I was away visiting family. If you need any further assistance on the server do feel free to contact me on the information provided above. I also play a feathery friend called Borris, if you would like to meet him do let me know!
  2. TheIchorDruid


    Hey friend! The points I provided above need correcting! If you are stuck on your meta-gaming and power-gaming definitions, it can be found on our wiki here: https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Main_Page
  3. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Accepted
  4. TheIchorDruid


    Congratulations on a wonderful application! If you need any further assistance please do contact me on the information provided above! I also play a feathery friend called Borris, the parrot – do message me if you want to meet him!
  5. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Pending
  6. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Under Review -Your character’s age does not fit where he is from, Lindandria was from the map of Axios and we are currently on Arcas. This means your character either needs to be made older, or more suitably he would have been born in the lands of the Dominion (which was on the map of Atlas between the two prior mentioned maps). You have 24 hours to make the following changes, once the twenty four hours is up your application will be denied. Do not worry, if you need any help making these fixes, message me on the forums, the server (/msg TheIchorDruid) or my discord: Rae#3015. We also encourage new players to join the new player discord where you can speak to other new players, veterans of the community and other community team members. It’s a place where any questions or concerns will be answered quickly. Click here: https://discord.gg/6jxUyv
  7. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Pending
  8. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Under Review -Your character cannot know any forms of magic at this stage of application, you can learn and develop your knowledge of magic through roleplay interactions upon our server. So please remove any forms of your character understanding/ having magic. -Your interesting facts must also contain at least one physical / mental weakness, having wolves as her weakness is more of an admiration and does not suit our specifications. You have 24 hours to make the following changes, once the twenty four hours is up your application will be denied. Do not worry, if you need any help making these fixes, message me on the forums, the server (/msg TheIchorDruid) or my discord: Rae#3015. We also encourage new players to join the new player discord where you can speak to other new players, veterans of the community and other community team members. It’s a place where any questions or concerns will be answered quickly. Click here: https://discord.gg/6jxUyv
  9. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Accepted
  10. TheIchorDruid


    If you need any help making these fixes, message me on the forums, the server (/msg TheIchorDruid) or my discord: Rae#3015.We also encourage new players to join the new player discord where you can speak to other new players, veterans of the community and other community team members. It’s a place where any questions or concerns will be answered quickly. Click here: https://discord.gg/6jxUyv
  11. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Pending
  12. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Under Review
  13. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Accepted
  14. TheIchorDruid


    Congratulations! I hope you enjoy your time on the server and if you need any further assistance please do let me know. Keep an eye out for a feathered fiend in the cloud-temple, Borris the parrot!
  15. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Pending
  16. TheIchorDruid


    -Your power-gaming and meta-gaming definition needs to be fixed, as they are currently wrong. -There are no such things as ninjas on our server, please adjust your character's profession where it is mentioned in your character biography and character descriptions. -Your character description is something that must physically describe your character, not there personality traits. Please adjust this! -You must also include at least one weakness in your interesting character points, no character is ever perfect! You have 24 hours to make the following changes, once the twenty four hours is up your application will be denied. Do not worry, if you need any help making these fixes, message me on the forums, the server (/msg TheIchorDruid) or my discord: Rae#3015. We also encourage new players to join the new player discord where you can speak to other new players, veterans of the community and other community team members. It’s a place where any questions or concerns will be answered quickly. Click here: https://discord.gg/6jxUyv
  17. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Under Review
  18. TheIchorDruid


    This is because the 24 hours given to make the changes has exceeded. But not to worry! You can re-apply with the same application, with the changes needed added to it! If you have any questions about this, please do message me on discord: Rae#3015
  19. Changed Status to Accepted
  20. Congratulations! I hope you enjoy your time on the server and if you ever get stuck just do /creq <message> and a community team member will be with you!
  21. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Denied
  22. TheIchorDruid


    Your application was denied because the given 24 hours has passed. But worry not! You can use the same application to re-apply with the changes I gave you to make!
  23. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Accepted
  24. TheIchorDruid


    Congratulations! If you seek any further assistance do let me know through the contacts provided above!
  25. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Pending
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