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Posts posted by IsaaKc

  1. On 11/21/2020 at 2:04 AM, BonesOfTheEarth said:

    I dropped my inventory. This Admin was present and saw the items, and began to maliciously spread the rumor that I was using all ten in combat; I did not use any but a single personal item to myself, not one of the ten commissioned ones. But what is an Iron VIP's word to an Admin's? I was informed after that a new rule(only carrying 3 magic items at a time in combat) was made because of my actions I did not commit.

    dont lie to us Fury, we know you did the city shooting,,


    Thanks for being apart of the community brother. I never got to know you that well, but my interactions with you, both IRP and OOC have always been positive. Godspeed.

  2. Cool lore goober. However, besides the benefits listed, is there any other reason for Magi to open up a Tear? Is it purposefully left open ended so people can create MArts revolving around it, or is there no other reason besides:


    1) Mage wants to destroy the world go brrrr

    2) Benefits to voidal exhaustion in combat.

  3. On 11/11/2020 at 6:03 PM, Quavinir_Twiceborn said:

    -Magegold ore cannot be sensed, refined, or separated magically, (Mainly to keep people from getting hunks of elemental lithium.) though is susceptible to any other magic stimuli like anything else.

    Don’t really understand this one. It’s already a red-line in tfig that you can’t use fission to get elements otherwise unobtainable. Additionally, forging/refining/craftin processes cannot be accurately replicated with transmutation unless one has prior knowledge.


    Besides that arbitrary red-line, it’s not bad.

  4. Although it's a neat concept, I'm really eh about it. It doesn't seem to have any sort of gimmick to it besides being an improved version of Earth Evocation shields that are more malleable. There's no drawback at all for something so powerful and it makes things a bit worse when it can be used by anyone and controlled by the wearer of the amulet, which leaves a lot of potential for powergaming imo.

  5. 1 hour ago, Mojo said:


    I like how instead of attempting to simply ask around (your character *does* know alchemists) to get the same exact thing, you've decided to write a whole ass mart for this. I don't know if I should hate or respect the stubbornness lmao. 

    It’s moreso that he doesn’t know something like this is possible with alchemy. It’s also pretty pride related, as I he likes to be self sufficient when he can.

  6. Just now, Gallic said:

    okay so this is pretty cool but can't it already be done with alchemy?



    the arcana flow potion


    I mean I guess there's nothing IC'ly stopping a person from creating it, it's just - it seems like for all the effort that goes into it with the RP and the creation of an MArt it should have more to make it a boon, rather than just being an arcana flow lens that also ruins your eye eventually


    Yes you would be the 5th person to bring this up. My character is not aware of 90% of alchemy’s capabilities nor does he really have a major drive to learn it. He simply aims to create a tool to aid his private affairs. I don’t understand the “this can already be done with xyz lore!” argument. Who cares, it was hypothesized and created in roleplay.


    As for the downside, it was just something I added in. I don’t see a lot of downsides to MArts besides pure empowerment, so I like to think that it’s a nice touch.

  7. Name of the Artifact:

             Eye of the Thaumaturgist


    Is this a combat related Artifact? If marked as “no”, it will not be usable in combat situations:



    MC Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artifact:



     RP Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artifact:



    MC Name of the creator(s) of the Artifact (N/A if not applicable, e.g. for event items):

             FireSord, TheMaster2003xxx


    RP Name of the creator(s) of the Artifact (N/A if not applicable):

             Judas, Tavania Dalivous


    Screenshots showcasing the attempted creation of the artifact (use an imgur album or a spoiler please | if an event item just screenshot the item itself | If you're resubmitting an old MArt put N/A:











    MC Item description (the exact description that will be used for the MC item if this MArt is accepted):


    A small gold monocle accompanied with a gold chain. The lens itself does not have a visible prescription, but upon the chain being yanked  in one emote, light will seem to glisten across its surface once. Charging further on the second emote and the Enchantment activating on the third. Glancing through the monocle once activated will reveal most of the world to be slightly less saturated in color, but visible presences of Active and Passive Mana will glow white depending on its intensity. This item will passively recharge off of the user at a near inconsequential rate.



    Effect(s) of the Artifact:


    Once the Enchantment is triggered, looking through the lens allows the user to see Passive and Active Mana (not dormant Mana that exists within all matter, but rather Mana found around the Soul, in Enchantments, Voidal Tears/Hollows/Heaths, and within spells). Visible Mana will appear to give off a white glow, differing in value depending on the intensity. For example, an Enchantment with a Tier 2 spell may only give off a dim light-grey glow in contrast to an Enchantment with a Tier 5 spell, which would be much brighter and visible. 


    That being said, there is a cost using the Eye. With each use of the Eye, the user’s eyes will become ever-so-slightly impaired due to the Voidal energies interfering with sight. After about five uses, slight blurring in the eye will become apparent. Ten uses, the blur becomes worse. At around twenty uses, the vision in the eye becomes blurry and will gradually swirl as if heat distortion had overcome what is seen. Anything after this, the effect gets worse and worse with eventually the vision in the eye becoming a kaleidoscope of undisclosable shapes and colors. The only way to overcome this is either by closing the afflicted eye or constantly wearing the monocle whilst it is active, which will remove the intense blur and swirling—a double edged sword. Prosthetic eyes are not resistant to this effect and will be permanently impaired unless the user replaces the eye.

    (credit to Lhindir_ for the suggestion)


    Red Lines of the Artifact:


    - Although the Eye may be activated in combat, it is incredibly susceptible to damage and has the same durability as any other monocle, thus abiding by all red-lines of Enchanted objects.

    - Dormant Mana existing within all material cannot be seen. Only Active and Passive Mana will appear visible, such as Mana from spells, Souls, Enchantments and magically afflicted land.

    - A Mage of any kind cannot be pointed out with the Eye alone, as there would be no differentiation between the Mana in the Soul of one who casts and one who does not.

    - Mana/energy originating from Dark or Deific Arts, such as Amber, Genus, Astra, etc. will not show up at all when looking through the Eye, as per the red-lines of Voidal Feeling.

    - With each use, vision in the user's eye becomes slightly more impaired, blurry, and swirly. The only way to remove this effect is either by closing the afflicted eye or constantly wearing the monocle to remove the impairment. Prosthetics are affected by this, however, something like a Golem, Atronach, Sorvian or Automaton would be immune to this debuff.

    - The Eye may not be used to disclose the exact details of an Enchanted object, only the fact that it is indeed Enchanted judging by its Mana content.

    - Susceptible to Warding and Abjuration.



    Explanation of the effect(s) (i.e. how it does what it does - slight bending of magic lore is allowed):


    By empowering Voidal Feeling through the use of two proficient Transfigurationists, it may be bound to the lens of the Monocle and present the user with regions of Active and Passive Mana similar to how a Transfigurationist can view the Mana within an Enchanted object. 



    Number of duplicates of this Artifact:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the whereabouts and ownership of this Artifact by using the Magic List Errors?:



     Have you applied for this Artifact before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  8. 2 hours ago, Ducklingator said:

    personally i’d prefer it if the lt could redo the system and, instead of letting one big lore daddy write it, form a diversified team so that it isn’t defined by one person’s view of the void-- because really, that’s where the problem originates. everyone has their own vision for what the void should be like, you can even see it in this thread.


    imo, neither one of these iterations would be decisively better than the other. i don’t like how tox’s rewrite forces this weird headache after connection is severed, and that it doesn’t let you cast with your hands bound, but i also dislike the fact that phil’s practically forces the ‘you’re weak and helpless in melee’ concept because, despite how unpopular the concept seems to be, i enjoy playing a mage who can incorporate their spells into melee combat.


    tldr neither rewrite is perfect, create a new one and dont let one person make it

    Tox’s system is more limiting than Phil’s. Although it highlights weakness, you’re still capable of wearing half-plate armor and casting simultaneously. Tox’s bars off armor as an option entirely while casting. Phil has also clarified several times that Mages were never suppose to be starved children, but just weaker than the average warrior by a noticeable interval. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Jentos said:

    void is based. people just don’t like consequences. 

    This. Voidal Magic has gradually declined into being a mostly entry level Magic that just serves to give players an introduction to how Magic and non-mundane feats work on LotC. As a result, the theme of Voidal Magic being a detrimental force to the user and wellbeing of the world has faded away and become unbeknownst to newer Mages who entered the community anywhere past the release of the Lore Games Void Project.

  10. 10 minutes ago, Norgeth said:

    Coming from a person who plays a fire evocation mage, I honestly feel that Tox’s rules make more sense over all

    It doesn’t though.


    The reasoning behind Tox’s lore literally states that casting is interrupted because Mana interacts poorly with iron when we literally have the ability to enchant Magical effects into swords of the same material. It goes against the pre-established underlying truth that Voidal Magic is corruptive in a sense and that it’s Mages really aren’t good for the world.


  11. Phil’s by a long shot. Mages should not be clad in full plate. The point of the Void prior to lore games reforms was that it was a more dark-leaning corruptive force even though Magi wouldn’t necessarily employ it or see it as such. By going with Tox’s Weakness lore, there has been a huge inconsistency in the lore which makes zero sense. I literally don’t care if it’s just for balancing, you’re creating a contradictory line that deems iron to disrupt casting and neutering Voidal Magic of it’s already minimally present theme of really not being good for you. It’s corruptive. It’s suppose to be corruptive. You’re tapping into a metaphysical outer presence transcendent to mortal understanding, it’s not gonna leave you unscathed.


    That being said, I think Phil’s lore should be reimplemented and adjusted. State that Voidal Mages cannot swing weapons while CASTING to shave off the old days of spellsword abuse (unless specifically stated otherwise in lore) and give Magi the ability to wear amounts of plate armor, such as half plate, chain mail, etc. It’s very box-buildy to retcon it into draining stamina when the entire point was that the Void granted you power based on the depletion of your physical form. Don’t make Mages starving children, but don’t make them capable of wearing gear on par with a seasoned warrior.

  12. What the title says. I hear this thrown around quite often: should quantified mana/power systems be implemented in Magics and nonmundane lore applications? This isn’t a post that shills for either side, but rather a place to discuss the pros and cons of such an idea. Consider the following questions:


    - Does the implementation of quantified Mana/power system limit creativity?


    - Would the implementation of a quantified Mana/power system reduce powergaming?


    - Is the implementation of something akin to this not worth the hassle/work?


    Please keep the thread civil, I don’t wanna have it locked B^)

    edit: grammar in title

  13. Warding and Abjuration




    In D&D 5e, what are some good ways to play an Abjurer Wizard? Since they  are so tanky (for a wizard), do you just roll in there and cast at short  range? -


    The following red-lines will be adjusted:


    - You cannot Ward and Abjure magic that you, or someone accompanying, do not have an MA in.

    - You must master a magic (Be tier 3 at least) in order to ward/abjure it. You cannot pick up an MA and drop it a week later and be capable of warding/abjuring it.


    New red-line(s):


    - You cannot Ward and Abjure magic that you have not possessed an MA in.

    - You must master a magic (be Tier 5) in order to ward/abjure it. You cannot pick up an MA and drop it a week later and be capable of warding/abjuring it.

    - You may only enchant Ward Shields onto objects that you possess an active MA in.



    In the original Transfiguration lore, it was stated that a Transfigurationist could Abjure or Ward a Voidal Magic so long that they had an MA in it, active or inactive. This was removed in the currently accepted lore. Although a minor detail, it allowed for a sense of power-scaling to be created that differentiated Mages from one another. A spellcaster who’s delved into their art and has a history of various Magics versus someone who just got 3 MAs thrown to him by his friend with a TA. Abjuration/Warding on its own as a Magic is not formidable in combat  and the branch itself is extremely situational due to the slim chances of running into and fighting a Mage who share an active MA with you. The implementation of this change would recreate that differentiation among Mages and would shift the presence of Abjuration as a near useless cantrip that could be utilized once in a blue moon to a competent spell that old and new Mage characters alike can put to use.



    Phil’s original lore:



    Currently accepted lore:



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