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Posts posted by Werew0lf

  1. 41 minutes ago, RaiderBlue said:

    I now it doesn’t really matter but I’m curious why you added specific kuila counts. Especially since it’s just an open resource that can get spammed.


    No real purpose, to be honest. I just thought they worked as a good conduit to match the druid count and scale. They're pretty useless outside of giving players a way to stop / destroy ritual sites. 


    Personally for me, a lot of lore pieces (a bane of repetition) allow rituals with minimum requirements. I would have usually added more to the ritual requirements if they had a grander affect to the playability of players, but it does not. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Markisstreaming said:

    Respectfully, during the last 1-2 years you've left the server around half a dozen times. I hope whatever you're going through gets better, but people do see this as attention grabbing.

    Wish you all the best fawny.

    Hey man! Leave her alone!


    Yo… like.. leave her alone! Dude!

  3. Raguel raised his angelic carbarum-sword and cleaved down towards the metaphysical title, Duke of Adria, made manifest as a blood-thirsty vampire who drained the life out of all narratives, so that it ceased to exist. Once completed, he returned to guard the gates of heaven. 

  4. 52 minutes ago, Werew0lf said:

    We cut the hand of a dark-elf, who fraternised with the accursed evilspawn


    4 minutes ago, PanicZealot said:

    The Half-Elven Captain shook his head.

    "Conan's men really do bring dishonor to his name."

    The captain remarked having read the letter,

    "Funny that you fail to mention you cut OFF the hand of an innocent Dark-Elf and disrespected our terms of the Holmgang.


    Thor reads his own missive for some reason. 

  5. WZMqY8ROJy1OBQ0zIuejnJbcGhr9WZJ0PagaMO1ryzNJ7gicYCd_MK6dNvm-z39ZmsyERXy12M7oDn-AWe1kSbDd4BhyK00udR5uHZy1Tu6HoF_LdQYCUZd_20pcFjsPWqNVn6HomRI9MowKehu5oEg





    Never walk away from home

    ahead of your axe and sword.




    Always rise to an early meal

    but eat your fill before a feast.



    Heill þik,


    Bróðir, health and completeness to you in these ill-begotten years. I have been out on a small expedition within the purview of nature. There are many beasts laying affront in this continent, scouring at the darkest corners of the world. 


    However, as much as I would like to speak on my adventure through hearty mead surrounded by our kinsmen, there is something more grave at heart. On my journey, I came across the footprints of a large, tyrannical beast. So large were its print upon the dirt, that it seemed culpable enough to hold a large viking! To this, I would say, it seems to be much larger than a mammoth.


    I hope that you would be ready to accompany me in tracking whatever foul beast lay ahead, in honourable hunt, so that we may bring its skull back to our halls. I am of the understanding that you may not know how to write, or even read, so hopefully you can show this to your respected teacher to translate. 


    Outside of this news, I have no shortage of complaints. The strenuous journey to becoming a druid has taken a toll on my mind; to be truthful, the other druii have been lacklustre in gaining any significance of growth. They stand around circles, making merry, gossiping, whilst the world is asunder and wretched by evil forces. Hopefully, they can grow out from their mossy walls. 


    To end this rightly, I have heard that you have succeeded in your attunement. Vælkomin, broedr, let us bathe in the wisdom of the All-Father.


    Við sjáumst seinna.


    Written by Thor,

    [This post is written to @M1919 and others in Sólgaard].


  6. With talons clutched around the autobiography of the man, the owl could do nothing but read, in interest, at the fulfilling life and regaling stories of a descendant. There was a hideous leer present within his eyes, as wide and knowing as they were, filled with certain envy and jealous. "How annoying," 


    Although his wings bristled in rage, the owl could not stop reading, and only dreamt of a life he could have lived instead. If only he was in the boots of Otto Wittenbach. 


  7. 6KBkIRFHCf1Jmnn1wqgrPLNGsQBhwr7oGFxYHb_8fXnLI-koqv4hk6r8geikoivdbF-jIaSR2H-HVQELqpepo2uibeRLX7XrsOTJCa4Pvgl0O_FeOaozKJhDuk-iUVvtXI5VtJGZZqYPNm3_vC9Q4ss




    Time was a bitter constraint. 


    The cosmos were filled with boundless wonder; each star represented a realm with vast knowledge undiscovered by the descendants. In those years, the owl rested. Known once for his keen desire to educate, to learn, and to grow his plethora of knowledge in his realm, he was left with a contempt for descendants.


    What an unruly creation of the most fervid, omnipotent lord GOD,


    There was a lack of desire to return to the mortal world; the spirit of knowledge, lord of wisdom, so comfortable to rest amongst his peerless owls. It had been betrayed by the descendants, who cursed its statues, and forsake its knowledge to use for great conflicts. 


    “Lord Owl! What story do you have to tell today?” 


    Who is that? Who speaks to me? Alkhayin stirred in its rest, wings folding tight around its body, and keeping itself coddled upon a golden branch. It ignored the female voice. 


    “O' Lord of Wisdom. O' Walker 'twixt Twilit Skies. O' Messenger of Fate! I have returned!”


    I’m so tired, let me rest. Begone, voice! The owl unhinged its beak, filled by a row of jagged canines. What were these memories? It did not know.


     “Wise Lord. What has upset you?”


    They have betrayed me. I was betrayed!  With vast wings, besmirched in jewels, its feathers bristled and rose in rage. Yet, still, it did not know the voice. Eventually, a rush of memories spared itself in great revelation. The mind of the Owl became filled with old vestiges of its contractors, and one in particular, that of said voice.


    . . .


    In years of prosaic slumber, Alkhayin opened its eyes. There was a sudden glint; they were wise, knowing, and wide. They did not blink. It remembered something; the one it had abandoned, the one who failed the trial of ascension. The owl descended from its branch, and leapt into the vast cosmos, as its wings flit and flutter across space. It turned towards the world once more.








    [Please do not metagame this post]. 


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