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Everything posted by Werew0lf

  1. Friend 5: Malik the Freak I was birthed when GOD decided that freaks must exist. For that reason, I am an immortal freak lord who is timeless. I live in my own realm called “da Zu” where Jenny and Qard hail from. I cannot wait to freak on people with you, brother. Inshallah!
  2. it’s time for all the ST to nerd emoji on your post whilst crying in the staff chat btw 🤓 erhm. and im joining in on making fun of you.
  3. d






    1. Traveller


      hey druid! can you grow flowers yet?

    2. FloralHedgehog


      Getting coherent again I see

  4. FFvVvl3yL8NzAXaixFkL3hg65bi6+HYb+U5jn2WmvbTBDS8uHsjiW3+wuPn4bhOMkOi4GaCdCXlxRjgJjHrLl5w9vGOg/zi9cy8zrl0E4h7jwzOtP0HF96IP/lSYzi0I

    1. Traveller


      Druidism. Not even once.

  5. Hey man! Leave her alone! Yo… like.. leave her alone! Dude!
  6. .

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. PhilosopherBear
    3. Traveller


      plant magic rotted his brain 

    4. Child Neglecter

      Child Neglecter

      druidism day 31 has brought his mind to ruin

  7. druidism day 30.



    1. satinkira


      he's flatlining

    2. Turbo_Dog
  8. druidism day 29


    im going to come find you...




  9. druidism day 28


    i should be dead... but im not...


    ive been living in shadows..


    there is only thing left to do now...

    1. satinkira
    2. FloralHedgehog


      Death is only the beginning

    3. Nug


      go into the fae ring?

  10. druidism day 26. 

    something is wrong with me.


    i feel… different… i feel….



    1. Morigung-oog


      One could say you're not faering well...

    2. Zarsies


      he's TREEmbling!

    3. Xarkly


      something has changed within him

      something is not the same

      he's sick of playing by

      the rules of someone else's game

  11. druidism day 24.


    something has changed in me.


    i feel ... - ergh.. *holds his head, larping in status update*


    purple. 👿

    1. Fireheart


      probably just the taco bell

    2. FlemishSupremacy


      fae ring, not even once

    3. Traveller
  12. Raguel raised his angelic carbarum-sword and cleaved down towards the metaphysical title, Duke of Adria, made manifest as a blood-thirsty vampire who drained the life out of all narratives, so that it ceased to exist. Once completed, he returned to guard the gates of heaven.
  13. the man behind the slaughter

  14. Malik the Freak stands on top of the Hexicanum, staring down towards the battlefield. He is covered in flames and looks like a scary silhouette. "Heh,"
  15. "I will hunt you instead." Malik spoke to himself in a ball-pit, a freak of nature.
  16. Thor reads his own missive for some reason.
  17. Never walk away from home ahead of your axe and sword. Always rise to an early meal but eat your fill before a feast. Heill þik, I hope that you have been fair in health, completeness, and live long, die fighting, and make way to the great halls of Valhalla impeded by the draugr-spawn. Although the dreaded tongue-dance is hated by my kindred, this letter serves an important purpose. Upon the night of winter’s wrath, our kin were sent a letter by a fellow comrade. He stated thus, ‘Harken, the venom Jormunharr seats himself within the tavern of Norland, making merry with their people!’ and to this, we said, it could not be so. So, I brought with me Haraldr and Calias, and we rode into the the city of Vjardengrad, the capital of the beautiful kingdom. When we arrived within the tavern, we came across the draugr, sitting around an audience of norlanders. We instantly killed the evilspawn, much to the displeasement of many, including one of your folk-kin, who goes by the name of Io. He told unto us that this was an honourable holmgang. A holmgang is not a contest of drink, but a battle of blood and steel, death to those who were not strong enough to surpass their limits. What foul mockery do your people make of our beloved culture? We cut the hand of a dark-elf, who fraternised with the accursed evilspawn, and to this, your man, Io, called us dishonourable, and damned our name under Thegn-Konan. Let us know if this will be our name now amongst your kin, who seek to befriend the darkspawn, and befoul the Sólgaardian. I also challenge this Io to a holmgang, a battle to the death, for speaking ill of my people, and my Thegn-Konan. Answer this call and challenge to combat, cowardly cur flitting your tail behind your legs. This response I give you a years time to respond. If you will not fight to the death, I do not seek your audience, for you will never make it to the halls of Valhalla. Við sjáumst seinna. Written by Thor, [This post is a public letter].
  18. To Ravenswood, Offer me your souls, and in return, I will support you in this war with my allies of [PVP GOONS]. Signed, Malik the Freak.
  19. freak in question

  20. the freak in disguise. pretending to do a woman for a revenge arc is freaky. malik freaky. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ScreamingDingo


      this is what you get for trying to curse me, voodoo witch

    3. alexmagus


      i think the best part is mordu teaching him mysticism

    4. The King Of The Moon
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