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Everything posted by Tigergiri

  1. Tigergiri


    Changed Status to Pending
  2. Tigergiri


    ✿ Your Metagaming and Powergaming definition is not up to LOTC standards; please read over our wiki --->Here with our definitions. ✿Your Character Biography must be at least 5 sentences long, it also must include at least Two lore references Use our WIKI for some help! ✿Your interesting facts are a bit off, You still need a Negative and a positive fact about your character. To balance out and create a unique character to roleplay with! You only have 24 Hours to make the requested changes before this application is denied. You do not need to post a new application to make these fixes, you can simply edit this current application. If you have any questions about how to make these corrections, please contact me on Discord. Discord:Tigergiri#0774 Im always happy to help! The Wiki has lots of important lore information, as well as the metagaming and powergaming definitions, please refer to this when making changes. You can also join our New Player Discord – Where you can ask questions to our Application team, and meet other server players.
  3. Tigergiri


    Changed Status to Under Review
  4. Tigergiri


    ✿ Your Metagaming and Powergaming definition is not up to LOTC standards; please read over our wiki --->Here with our definitions. ✿Your Character Biography must include at least two direct references to LotC lore. For help with this, consult the wiki, found here, or the implemented lore section of the forums found here. ✿Your Skin is not lore friendly; please look throughout the skin archive made by lovely community skinners. https://sites.google.com/view/skinarchive/home ✿ Your Character Biography implies you know magic; this is against our policy on applications your character may not know magic from the get-go. You only have 24 Hours to make the requested changes before this application is denied. You do not need to post a new application to make these fixes, you can simply edit this current application. If you have any questions about how to make these corrections, please contact me on Discord. Discord:Tigergiri#0774 Im always happy to help! The Wiki has lots of important lore information, as well as the metagaming and powergaming definitions, please refer to this when making changes. You can also join our New Player Discord – Where you can ask questions to our Application team, and meet other server players.
  5. Tigergiri


    Changed Status to Under Review
  6. Tigergiri


    Changed Status to Denied
  7. Tigergiri


    ✿ You have not made the required changes in the required 24 hour time frame. You may reapply in 24 hours however please make the above changes before you do so You can contact me with any questions or concerns through discord (Tigergiri#0744), my forum account, or on the server (Tigergiri). You are also encouraged to join our New Player discord, a great place in which you can ask questions toward our staff, and mix with the general LOTC community.
  8. Tigergiri


    Changed Status to Accepted
  9. Tigergiri


    On behalf of the server and Community Team members, I’d like to welcome you to LOTC! As soon as this is posted, you should be whitelisted onto the server. Contact me or make an /creq if there’s any issues with whitelisting or similar. Feel free to browse the Wiki, and you can also join our New Player Discord, which is a wonderful place where you can ask questions to our various staff teams, meet other server players, and learn about new roleplay opportunities for all character races! The new player discord is a great help in getting you situated into our server. I hope you enjoy your time on the server, and if you ever have any questions or need help please feel free to contact me here on the forums, through my discord (Tigergiri#0744), or by /msg Wholesomerp in-game. Upon your arrival to Arcas, the monks from Cloud Temple will be there to guide you towards your desired destiny. Examples form a chat for later evidence: https://gyazo.com/8adc53f9a59b4a3d4f7faeaac1ad12d8 https://gyazo.com/31cf842b0044e6e08d1496c5897bfc1d
  10. Tigergiri


    Changed Status to Pending
  11. Tigergiri


    ✿Your Powergaming definition is off; I STRONGLY RECOMMEND you review our wiki at this link (https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Power-emoting) ✿ Your Metagaming definition needs a bit of a revision I would suggest removing this (whether it is: Board Games, Video Games, or Role Playing Games in general) and reviewing our wiki for metagaming for its not only rules you have to look out for . (https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Metagaming) You only have 24 Hours to make the requested changes before this application is denied. You do not need to post a new application to make these fixes, you can simply edit this current application. If you have any questions about how to make these corrections, please contact me on Discord. Discord:Tigergiri#0774 Im always happy to help! The Wiki has lots of important lore information, as well as the metagaming and powergaming definitions, please refer to this when making changes. You can also join our New Player Discord – Where you can ask questions to our Application team, and meet other server players.
  12. Tigergiri


    Changed Status to Under Review
  13. I had this debate in game, i now have a storm in the dark elf community. we may be the punching bag, but ill gladly take the hit for you. ❤️
  14. Tigergiri


    Changed Status to Denied
  15. Tigergiri


    ✿ Your Metagaming definition is copied directly from Wikipedia. Please DO NOT plagiarise. Please use this link for the metagaming definition and this one for powergaming. Use these sources to rewrite your definitions, using your own words. ✿ You may not create a noble character, please change this in your character biography. ✿ You need at least one more Lore Reference For help with this, consult the wiki, found Here You may reapply immediately, however, please make the above changes before you do so. if you ever have any questions or need help please feel free to contact me here on the forums or through my discord (Tigergiri#0744), You are also encouraged to join our New Player discord, a great place in which you can ask questions toward our staff, and mix with the general LOTC community. https://discord.gg/eySYjqw
  16. Tigergiri


    Changed Status to Under Review
  17. After much big debate in the game and after a lore req, it is stated that Dark elves do not blush, as it is impossible. BUT IF THEY COULD what colour would they blush?
  18. Changed Status to Accepted
  19. ✿ Your lore is actually well made but Since you mentioned it ill slip you some of the good links<3 Arcas wiki:https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Arcas Human highlanders is such a broad term but ill leave each big settlement so that you can check out, and find your perfect fit! Highlander wiki :https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Highlanders Haense fourms: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/forum/703-kingdom-of-haense/ haense wiki:https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Kingdom_of_Hanseti-Ruska Norland forums : https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/forum/1131-kingdom-of-norland/ Norland wiki https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Kingdom_of_Norland *If you have any more questions Please message me <3* On behalf of the server and Community Team members, I’d like to welcome you to LOTC! As soon as this is posted, you should be whitelisted onto the server. Contact me or make an /creq if there’s any issues with whitelisting or similar. Feel free to browse the Wiki, and you can also join our New Player Discord, which is a wonderful place where you can ask questions to our various staff teams, meet other server players, and learn about new roleplay opportunities for all character races! The new player discord is a great help in getting you situated into our server. I hope you enjoy your time on the server, and if you ever have any questions or need help please feel free to contact me here on the forums, through my discord (Tigergiri#0744), or by /msg Wholesomerp in-game. Upon your arrival to Arcas, the Pink named monks from Cloud Temple will be there to guide you towards your desired destiny. Happy roleplaying!
  20. Changed Status to Under Review
  21. Tigergiri


    Changed Status to Accepted
  22. Tigergiri


    ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  Yay! You did it!  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ On behalf of the server and Community Team members, I’d like to welcome you to LOTC! As soon as this is posted, you should be whitelisted onto the server. Contact me or make an /creq if there are any issues with whitelisting or similar. Feel free to browse the Wiki, and you can also join our New Player Discord, which is a beautiful place where you can ask questions to our various staff teams, meet other server players, and learn about new roleplay opportunities for all character races! The new player discord is a great help in getting you situated into our server. I hope you enjoy your time on the server, and if you ever have any questions or need help, please feel free to contact me here on the forums, through my discord (Tigergiri#0744), or by /msg Wholesomerp in-game. Upon your arrival to Arcas, the monks from Cloud Temple will be there to guide you towards your desired destiny. Happy Roleplaying!
  23. Tigergiri


    Changed Status to Under Review
  24. Players/Group Requesting: Irrnoir, 4+ What kind of Event are you looking for?: A hunt for a boar, bunnies anything really. Approximately, what time/date you want the Event to take place?: 8pm Gmt June 23rd Organizer's Discord: You may contact either myself Tigergiri#0744 or Peachlova#6617 ❤️
  25. Tigergiri


    Changed Status to Accepted
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