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Everything posted by Tigergiri

  1. Tigergiri


    On behalf of the server and Community Team members, I’d like to welcome you to LOTC! As soon as this is posted, you should be whitelisted onto the server. Contact me or make an /creq if there’s any issues with whitelisting or similar. Feel free to browse the Wiki, and you can also join our New Player Discord, which is a wonderful place where you can ask questions to our various staff teams, meet other server players, and learn about new roleplay opportunities for all character races! The new player discord is a great help in getting you situated into our server. You can contact me here on the forums, through my discord Tigergiri#0744 or by /msg Wholesomerp in-game for any questions or concerns. Happy roleplaying!
  2. Tigergiri


    Changed Status to Pending
  3. Tigergiri


    ✿You’re On the right track! Your Character Biography needs a bit of a tweak. War Machines are not sufficient enough for a lore reference. There is only one War machine, the trebuchet. I would suggest finding another Lore reference. Use our WIKI for some help! ✿ On that note, Character Biography must be five sentences more. ✿ Your last Interest fact is a repeat of your Biography; Please add something different to make your character truly unique to you! You only have 24 Hours to make the requested changes before this application is denied. You do not need to post a new application to make these fixes; you can simply edit this current application. If you have any questions about how to make these corrections, please contact me on Discord. Discord: Tigergiri#0774 Im always happy to help! The Wiki has lots of important lore information, as well as the metagaming and powergaming definitions; please refer to this when making changes. You can also join our New Player Discord – Where you can ask questions to our Application team, and meet other server players. You can contact me here on the forums, through my discord Tigergiri#0744 or by /msg Wholesomerp in-game for any questions or concerns.
  4. Tigergiri


    Changed Status to Under Review
  5. How does one acquire a wiki page about them XD

    1. Chorale__


      Hey! You can contact any member of the Story Staff or do /sreq in-game and they’ll point you to the right direction.

    2. Tigergiri
  6. After fly has now been given its own tax, this feels like your intentionally trying to break the economy the money goes to who a mod or the city to raid? It’s create a funnel for the already rich and powerful versus the people who don’t have that money to don’t understand how the economy works, especially since they can’t coup out in trade now. Aureils or no change are the best in this matter, cause if your going to raise the price. Raise it in away of something that’s already implemented rather then making a sudden change that screws over the entire economy.
  7. As Wren once said, “Friends are never far, its the journey that takes you to them.” You meant and mean, so much to me and you will always be in my heart! If you ever need anything send me a discord msg, please don't hesitate to do so. On several occasions, and @GenericUwU can atest to this I said “ Kenia ashwood/proteusa is the only one I can trust, Not only is she loyal to a fault she only wants to have fun. The amount of time I offered her RO is unbelievable, and every time she refused. That's what makes me trust her more than any other dark elf.” Im thankful you came and enjoyed the ashwoods with our silliness and protectiveness of others. Trust me you mean more then you think you do, and ill always remember you and Our friendship. I hope you come back, if you do so to happiness. im also pretty sure your in my signature somewhere and now its going to stay there with a few others.
  8. much sick, much burn up. :n:

    1. J33xt101


      I’m sorry to hear that! What happened to you? 

    2. Tigergiri


      Fever, I think is the flu ;n;

  10. Kiwifruit plz pay me 

    1. Kiiwi


      You needa pm me when you’re online!

  11. Blub wholesome rp queen is my new title. No one will stop me

  12. Found a bug, Long messages do not work. on edited items. it says the messages are appended but when finished it goes into ooc. You can clearly see on the item screenshot that the double dash is there. https://imgur.com/jkI0Rn6 https://gyazo.com/51422b8a43ee0c68b673ca40986b032c
  13. Anyone need a child? 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tigergiri


      @J33xt101 I can do that just tell me if you want a boy or girl and what they look like and go about doing it 

      @KiausT lol any character? 

    3. AlphaMoist


      Vas has a soft spot for orphans 

    4. Tigergiri


      Sounds like Xavis


  14. 1 The creation of wren, just a small bean of joy and love for humans and books. 2 Wren the scholar, Wrote three elvish books, two got burn by bandits. People never told her the armband wasn't stupid looking. 3 Wren becoming human, trying to appease them for a little bit and love who she wanted to love. 4 Got kicked out of norengrad and the warhawkes, Went to live with fenn, became honorary fennic. 5 for a spell wren was a drunk all the time. 6 Wedding wren the transfer from vanvir to Ashwood. 7Wrens ball gown for viraker. 8 Vaeyl event guard uniform 9 The dress that even wood elves thought was to scandalous XD, Sometime later this dress was torn to shreds. 10 Ashwood clan robes. which she later was burried in.
  15. Very sauve, much fancy neutral colours 8.65/10
  16. Yes im browsing the forms at 1 am? What you going to do stop my upvo- Oh.. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tigergiri


      Almost son in law? ;n; I cant come back its breaks every rule in my book.  I'm sorry, I give you grief :n: 



    3. AlphaMoist


      I’d tell you to perish but you already did

    4. Tigergiri


      oof ive been getting dead wren jokes all day so you wouldnt be the first 

  17. This is why I love sporadic . CHICKEN TENDIES FTW
  18. *a grand smile adoren wrens face, her old and dearest friends making pacts with eachother.
  19. Hello my name is tiger and im scared of seagulls? 

    roommate: why?

    Because they eat my food, and It makes me want to cry! and I cant have this kind of terror in my life.

    1. AlphaMoist


      You know what, me too

  20. Blub blub blub= I love you all

  21. Tenders have more dipping potential come on easy
  22. Ill miss you toffee! You were always so kind and helpful towards me and I wish everyone else shows you teh same kindness and regard you have shown myself. I wish you the best in life and where ever it takes you. If you ever just want to chat im always here. ❤️
  23. This was fun to read, it gave some really nice tips that easy to read and arent hard to understand. I have to keep in mind the bold tactic. Especially where there is alot of emotes going on its hard to to find the person you were comabating agasint! +1
  24. +1 For someone who is still trying to learn the basics, instead of watching the occasinal bandit crp. Its good to know the basics.
  25. Renewal of wings It’s Nor ;about beauty. As much as it is about strength. How the world can suffer from the knowledge that it can keep. A single thought or theory can cause ruin. Wren thought her days were numbered, as she looked upon the world dark, as it had begun. The sounds of the world had gone quiet, left alone with her thoughts. In her final moments, nothing made sense, the flowers weren’t as pretty. The men weren’t as kind. She felt as if her years on the earth had meant nothing. For she had learned nothing. She knew the sky grew dark, she knew the world grew cold. But why had she suffered and not know anything? Had she done something wrong? Wren knew not how to comprehend her end. For she knew her end was here and it was nought for long before death would sweep her away. But as her eyes fluttered closed for one last time, the peaks of sun flashed. A white light swept all that was within its grasp and the dew and renewal of the day caused a feeling she couldn’t describe. Was this death? This light that cleansed all that it touched. The light gracing the trees in which she lay bleeding out, the flowers that were once asleep from the cold rustled out their slumbers. As they turned towards her and the light. Wren couldn’t see the flowers she knew they were there jostled and perked against her body. The blades of grass that held her body up grew wet as if crying for her. But what did the grass, know of death? Or the trees? the flowers? They knew nothing from what she comprehended, tricks of her imagination. Sparking for one last final image finding anything that could soothe her pain.The light didn’t pause for her continuing its duty without a fault, waking the birds. Their song so sweet, she felt if her eyes weren’t so heavy Wren would watch the birds awaken their wings.The whisper of the wind blew and tangled her hair into branches that had fallen, but she didn’t care. At peace with the nature that surrounded her. She could feel the warmth of the light, then, nothing. Her body fell limp within the grass that held her and the ants, birds, and squirrels chatter fell into silence. She was left in the dark with nothing to hear or ignore. Why did they grow silent? did her death mean all her sense cut off never to be able to touch the soft grass? never to be able to hear the birds? The rustling? not to smell the dew of the morning?Where she thought death would come and judge her deeds, she knew she wasn’t worthy. Worthy of what was what she didn’t know. The dark bleakness of the afterlife didn’t go on for long. She heard it, ‘thump, thump ‘ a timed rhythm that would oblivious to ignore. Her body felt warm to warm, she was enclosed in a space that was unfamiliar it was warm, wet and cramped. She felt like she couldn’t move much less, breathe but she couldn’t see. It’s been suffocating was this her punishment for all eternity-? Dawn still came her light, bright as she walked through the world. One step at the time rising higher with each step. Her hands twinkled as she woke up all the baby animals, watching as the light glistened off the melting snow, the water rippling and melting down like a slip of garments. As Dawn reached the birds she felt the powers of Brahmin at work, a creature reborn again to learn, the cycle that never ends for most. Her eyes gazed at all the places that covered in shadows had she missed a spot beneath the leaves and bushes that her light didn’t hit? Was there someone that need her guidance and light? Dawn spread her arms wide as the shining light bursted high and sifting through the cold to help out all that seeked her light. The land shone with a bright dims of blues, soft yellows, and pinks as it danced off the water and leaves waking up everything in sight. With a nod her graceful present grew tired the last of her light dimmed into the shining sun of agni. He would stay in the sky while she slept to awake once more and awaken the rest. it was for herself to sleep with her family and vishnu. As she rose high once more into the sky before settling down to drift a new again. Streaks of Light bursts through her confinement, shimmering off the walls Patterns of pink and rose across her walls so beautiful she could not tear her eyes away from the sight. Hope filled her body, determination ran through her veins. Wren Would not be stuck in this small space. The light made the walls feel thin and not as hard. If light can shine through the walls could not be that thick right? Bashing her weak arms against it, she needed to break free. To whatever means, but she needed to be let free. The need filled her body as the light continue to dazzle and encourage her. In a desperate attempt her head came in contact with the wall as it started to crack, again and again. The crack grew bigger till a chip in the armour fell away. The once white wall cracking and a tiny hole forming as it crumbled to her feet. The hole showed a beautiful sky alit with a colour of blue and gold. Leaves hid her view from direct sunlight but the sight in front her was one she would never replace. Her head peaked out she didn’t know what she could say, but she wanted to feel the rest of her body in this warmth.A gentle divine like presence, a warmth of love? Stretching her arms out, they felt different for a few seconds. In the brief flash of warmth, her mind felt cleansed. Her memories of her mother vanishing. All her sorrow, anger and emotional distress swept away as if a painful dream. Her mouth opened a cry a mournful sound came from the little brown bird knows as a wren. What she calls out for is hunger. Our of hunger for knowledge or food then only Vishnu can know. Her pink wings flapping not quite yet ready to fly. But the journey seems endless when your young. to start a new again in a world as old as time. The sound of flapping as a larger brown bird appeared, as the mother bird who once was a teacher a guide of spiritual ways that was lost. Maybe she can hopefully teach her in ways others could not. The sound of whistling as a young boy gazed at the tree a knowing smile, before his whistles turned to wind willowing and he was gone.
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