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Creative Wizard
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Posts posted by Gemini




    Welcome to elLuthien'thill


    Step into the world of ElLuthien'Thill, the mystical silver boutique where enchantments and mischief meet! Our shop is dedicated to providing our customers with unique and magical artifacts that will elevate their spell-casting game to new heights.


    Our custom enchantments are crafted with care and tailored to fit your needs, whether you're a seasoned wizard or a beginner seeking to explore the world of magic. With a wide selection of spell components, powerful amulets, and mysterious talismans, you're sure to find something that speaks to your inner sorcerer.


    Our knowledgeable staff is always on hand to help you find the perfect item, and we pride ourselves on our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. We believe that everyone deserves a little more enchantment and mischief in their lives, and we're here to help make that happen!


    So don't wait, come visit us today and let us help you unlock your full potential! Because let's be real, who doesn't want a little more enchantment and mischief in their life? ElLuthien'Thill, where magic meets mayhem!

    Additional Services


    We are pleased to offer additional magical services upon request, subject to confirmation by our store manager. These services go beyond enchantments and can be tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients. Please feel free to inquire about these services and we will do our best to accommodate your request.


    Are you a future employee? 


    If you're interested in the position, please submit your curriculum vitae to our store manager for consideration. Successful candidates will receive a notification via bird, inviting them to participate in an interview. We appreciate your interest in joining our team and look forward to reviewing your application.





    If you are interested in exploring a potential collaboration agreement with us, please contact the owner, Usamea, directly to discuss further. Our collaboration agreements are based on a commission payment structure, with payment terms determined on a per-collaboration basis. We welcome the opportunity to work together and look forward to hearing from you.



    Commonwealth of the Petra, City of Vallagne

    Clermont Court




    OOC: Our current location is in Petra! You can either send me a bird in-game, forums or leave me a commission note with your IGN name and RP name and whatever you want. There is a chest by the store so just leave it there and I'll get back to you!


  2. 7 minutes ago, monkeypoacher said:

    this is legal boilerplate for web services. Fall Guys uses the same verbiage. It is meant to keep the host/service provider out of legal trouble for distributing copyrightable stuff that users create and post to their service. It does not give any random third party (i.e. lord of the craft) permission to use that stuff, unless Mojang gives them permission (i.e. by making it available to download off their website, or use via realms, mojang texture packs or whatever)


    I don't think this issue will come down to the particulars of minecraft copyright law but it may be good for some of you to know that mojang's EULA does not give you the right to use other people's builds, or skins, or whatever, without their permission

    No of course it does not. However this map has been paid for, money has changed hands in order to use it. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, NotEvilAtAll said:

    It says that MOJANG is allowed to use the creation of any other person and that MOJANG can permit other people to use said creations.

    “Please think carefully before you make any content available, because it may be made public and might even be used by other people in a way you don't like.“

  4. 1 minute ago, Max3 said:

    isnt the minecraft eula mostly you cant have pay to win assets on servers? thats why mineplex had to be shut down? also im sure you have heard of paid maps on java edition by the creators of the minecraft championship group or hell even bedrocks store, so stop boot licking for the staff team

    Ain't nobody licking boot for the staff team. 


    Get your terminology straight here. Just because something isn't morally right does not make it outright illegal. The EULA explicitly states that anything public made with using their services is free to use, that would definitely be including maps. The case is a little different for coding etc, skins, other art forms. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Slorbin said:

    Not necessarily, his other builds have explicit writing saying you can't (ultimate survival world). We don't entirely know what the deal is with this.

    His personal rules as much as I appreciate them do not overrule the Minecraft EULA and Mojang TOS






    [!] Like whispers carried on the wind, the missive fluttered through the remnants of Heliviiryn, passing from hand to hand, a transient messenger of fate.


    As the golden orb of the sun bid its fond farewell to the enchanting land of Almaris, a land fraught with uncertainty, the descendants stood resolute beneath the fading hues of twilight, clinging to their last bastions of hope.


    Venturing forth with trepidation, their weary footsteps echoed through the abandoned depths of a forgotten sewer, a hidden passage crafted by the deft hands of the Mori, whispering secrets of a bygone era. In this serendipitous discovery, a respite awaited, a clandestine refuge where they could exhale the burdens of their trials and find solace, at least for a fleeting moment in time.

    And, across the expanse of an unfamiliar sea, where waves crash against the shores of the unknown, an ethereal veil shrouded a mysterious library, its ancient halls submerged within the obsidian realm. It beckoned like a siren's song, its pages filled with foreign knowledge, waiting to be unraveled and deciphered. Only those with illuminated minds and hearts could dare to unlock its profound mysteries, for it demanded the wisdom of the chosen few.


    And so, in this hour of profound longing, I beseech the children of Silver, the valiant and ever-watchful disciples of Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya, to gather as Larihei intended. Let your steps converge upon the path of destiny, where the shepherd calls to reunite the scattered flock and embark upon the sacred journey towards enlightenment's embrace.


    To all those lost lambs yearning for guidance, whose spirits thirst for the radiance of higher truths, heed the resounding call. Cast away the shackles of doubt and join the ranks of the enlightened, for your presence is more than requested—it is fervently and resolutely awaited.


    Together, let us intertwine our destinies, weaving a tapestry of unity and purpose. May our hearts beat as one, a harmonious symphony resonating with the melodies of awakening souls. In this poetic dance of transcendence, let us honor the legacy of our ancestors, embracing the profound journey that lies ahead. For it is through unity, through the collective pursuit of enlightenment, that we shall illuminate the path and forge a future imbued with wisdom, compassion, and boundless possibilities.

  7. What would you call the next map? If you see a map name you like, upvote it. 

    I’ll make a poll of the most liked names and we can determine the #1 option  




    [!] Fresh parchment, untouched,
    Ink's embrace, newly written,
    Words whisper softly.



    In our relentless pursuit of our lost kin, the forgotten children of Silver, we have been engulfed in profound contemplation. The ancient wisdom of our ancestors has filled our thoughts, illuminating the need for our steadfast fidelity to their teachings. 

    • Forgiveness - the virtue that sings the soul of our society - is our grace to those who have strayed but yearn for redemption. Yet, even as mercy sways our hearts, we recognise the need for a purifying acid to cleanse those whose transgressions threaten our existence. Their redemption lies in penance and enlightenment.


    Our people are as open-armed as they are discerning. Larihei's warm, inviting embrace waits patiently for those whose quest for enlightenment is genuine. But pretenders, those who don’ facades of false sincerity, will find no refuge in our midst. They are destined to face the cold reality of their deceit.

    As a follower of Maehr'sae Hiylun’ehya,we are engulfed in an ocean of responsibilities. We are not merely followers; we are the harbingers of her teachings, the keepers of our ideology, the guardians of our purity. It is an eternal vigil, an everyday duty we undertake with unyielding determination.


    A High Elf's purity or impurity defines their existence. A Mali’thill, a pure elf, transcends worldly desires, steered by reason and logic, tirelessly striving to elevate themselves and our homeland. Our devotion to Maehr'sae Hiylun’ehya is not just fervent, it's consuming. In stark contrast, a Mali’ata, an impure elf, lives for the self, their lives haphazardly tossed around by the waves of transient emotions, seeking fleeting pleasures and accolades to satiate their ego. They reject their kin and their community, choosing selfish desires over collective well-being.

    To be born of Aheral blood is to be bathed in the purest essence. It is a gift of a superior mind and body, a state of supreme cleanliness that sets us high above the rest. This birthright of purity, unsurpassable by any, is at its purest in a newborn, untarnished by the corruptible influences of the world.


    We, the Mali’aheral, are bestowed with the sacred duty to safeguard this purity. Our essence, our greatness, must not be snuffed out by the impure. It is a flame we must protect, a beacon we must keep alight.

    The threat of the impure is sinister. They bear our faces, wear the skins of our kin, friends, and family. They are twisted reflections aiming to extinguish our radiance, driven by a terrible cocktail of malice and envy. A High Elf corrupted is a High Elf lost, for once tainted by impurity, their return to their former purity is nearly impossible.

    Thus, dear diary, our vigilance must never wane. Our purity is not just our heritage, it is our destiny. We must carry it forward with undying passion, and fierce determination.

    Until tomorrow, 






    [!] Through realms it soared, that parchment fair,
    Alive it seemed, though worn with care.
    Freshness and age in tandem danced,
    A tapestry of time, delicately enhanced.



    Once upon a time, in the heart of the Silver Walls, Larihei's flock stood united. The harmony of our work, the unity of our purpose, was a testament to the strength of our society. But as the inexorable hands of time continue to spin, society too, shifts and evolves. It is a reality we cannot ignore - change is inevitable, and we must keep pace, or risk stagnation.


    As I write this, it is not without a sense of abandonment that I observe the plight of those seeking enlightenment. Our people, who were once open-minded, now shun those who dare to think outside the confines of conformity. A once vibrant society, reduced to a mere echo of its former self, a victim of a corrupt hegemony that has insidiously infiltrated and darkened the minds of the children of Silver. This transgression, this sacrilege against our essence, can only be absolved by Her, the one true shepherd, Larihei.


    I pen these words, not in despair, but with a resounding call to anyone who would listen. The era of Larihei has not passed into the annals of forgotten history. Our shepherd will return, I am certain of it. She will return to guide the lost, to enlighten those who have strayed from the path of wisdom and unity.


    A sense of anticipation fills me as I end today's entry. I am filled with hope for a future where the Silver Walls, both of the Stars and the Mother echo once again with the harmonious work of Larihei's united flock. It is a future we must strive for, a future we owe to the generations that will come after us.

    We must turn a blind eye to the supposed leaders of this world, their minds marred by the corrosive touch of power, an affliction even the mightiest aren't immune to. However, we, the children of Silver, must remember that we are bound by a bond deeper than any traditional kinship. We are brothers and sisters in spirit, bound by the principles of Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya, a bond that roots deeper than any other. 


    In this grand tapestry of existence, we mustn't let our hearts be darkened by the shadows of anger, hate, and grudges. Instead, we ought to embrace the vibrancy of our differences, view them not as dividers but as unique threads that add depth and richness to our collective story.

    Each variation, each nuance, offers a lesson, an opportunity for growth and mutual understanding. We are different pages of the same grand book, unique chapters in the story of Larihei’s children. We must turn these pages with respect and reverence, learning from each other's narratives, for in this lies the path to our collective enlightenment.

    May Larihei guide us all. 


    [!] The aged and weathered piece of paper revealed itself, carrying the remnants of a story that had undoubtedly traveled through countless hands. Its edges were frayed, bearing the marks of time and the touch of numerous souls.



    In the heart of the realm of Almaris, a tale unfolds that whispers of the winds of change. As the tides of time turn, the nations of Haelun'or and Celia'nor are caught in a maelstrom of turmoil, their hearts aflame with hatred, the once united voices of the Mali’thill torn asunder.

    Long have the Mali'aheral of this realm walked the path of their blessed mother, Larihei. They strive for Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya, the philosophy embodying progress and health. Yet, the wisdom of progress, Maehr'sae, and the sanctity of health, Hiylun'ehya, seem lost amidst the clamor of conflict, a fading echo in the deafening silence.


    Progress, the pursuit of constant forward movement in society and personal life, is the lifeblood of our culture. It is the understanding of the past to illuminate the future, the written word that carries wisdom across generations, the discerning eye that separates the chaff from the grain in traditions. It is knowing the balance between betterment and madness, between understanding the cultures of others and the preservation of our own.


    Health, the safeguard of mind and body, is the heart of our culture. We abstain from self-harm, from unnecessary battles of steel, from coupling with lesser races that would dilute our blessings. We protect our minds from corruption, insanity, and degradation. We strive to preserve the health of our state, our community, and our family units. It is from this that the purity of our existence is derived.

    Yet, in this time of strife, as the realm quakes under the onslaught of the Mori'quessir and their insectoid hordes, and as the heart of the Mali'aheral threatens to split in two, a beacon rises. 


    This tale ends not with a conclusion, but with an invitation. An invitation to the Mali'aheral who feel lost in the tumultuous sea of conflict. An invitation to those who seek a guide in these dark times. An invitation to those who yearn for a return to the teachings of Larihei, to the path of progress and health.


    The story of Almaris is not yet written in its entirety. Its end is open, shaped by the actions of those who dare to dream, those who dare to strive, those who dare to unite. It waits in the wings, eager for the pen of history to etch the next chapter. It waits... for you.



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